871 resultados para Social practices


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer o processo de formação de um sujeito comum: José Luiz da Silva, ararunense (PB), nascido em 1929, oriundo de família de classe popular. Para isso, combinou duas fontes possíveis em estudos envolvendo os protagonistas anônimos da História: seus relatos orais de vida construídos em situação de entrevista e suas escritas ordinárias, buscando identificar marcas de escolarização nesses materiais e suas possíveis ausências , produzidas pelos modelos praticados em contextos escolares, assim como dificuldades enfrentadas por quem foi privado do direito à educação escolar, e que aprendeu a ler e a escrever em outros espaços. Por meio desses fundamentos indispensáveis para o desenvolvimento de aprendizagens, aventurou-se à construção de conhecimentos de forma pessoal, sobretudo, pela leitura. O estudo (auto)biográfico revelou parte das interdições sofridas, em um Estado republicano, destacando períodos cruciais que atravessaram a trajetória do colaborador, percebidos a contrapelo. As narrativas construídas durante os encontros dialógicos permitiram entrar em contato com memórias e subjetividades inerentes ao processo identitário do sujeito, bem como aproximar-me da complexidade que envolveu seu processo de construção de conhecimento nas práticas sociais, à medida que durante as construções narrativas apoderou-se de seus territórios de passagem. A proposta indiciária contribuiu na percepção e apreensão de detalhes reveladores do processo de formação do sujeito e dos usos que fez de táticas, na condição de subalternidade imposta pelos modelos hegemônicos. A pesquisa favoreceu-se, apesar da falta de objetos-monumentos das passagens escolares, do transbordamento da memória de um cidadão octogenário. As experiências (re)construídas pelo Sr. José Luiz revelaram aspectos que se assemelham a histórias de vida de outros sujeitos adultos: no momento em que o direito à educação na infância lhes é negado, (re)inventam outras formas de aprender e de participar da sociedade da cultura escrita


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A pesquisa de doutorado que apresento teve como objeto de estudo cartas escritas por diferentes sujeitos, enviando ideias para a Constituição brasileira promulgada em outubro de 1988. As cartas selecionadas são todas documentos manuscritos por diferentes sujeitos, componentes de um largo acervo documental, que apresenta indícios de que seus autores não concluíram o ensino fundamental, do tempo e do espaço em que foram escritas, hoje parte do fundo patrimonial do Museu da República. Esta pesquisa inseriu-se na temática sobre pluralidade de conhecimentos/saberes que circulam socialmente, especialmente os traduzidos por expressões escritas de sujeitos jovens e adultos. Entendi essa produção como um processo de participação política, ou seja, minha hipótese central pode ser assim resumida: sujeitos, em seus processos de produção de cidadania, ao escreverem cartas à elaboração da Constituição, em exercício de participação política, se autoproduzem como cidadãos, pela escrita. Mais do que exercício de cidadania, a abordagem e interpretação que fiz das escritas epistolares mostraram também que os sujeitos tinham conhecimentos que talvez ignorassem, e que independiam de conhecimentos formais para expressaram outros sentidos de cidadania, afirmando direitos tantas vezes negados. Esse reconhecimento levou-me à certeza de que estava diante de práticas sociais em que a noção de justiça cognitiva podia ser identificada, pelo fato de as pessoas, fora do espaço do conhecimento formal, revelarem outros conhecimentos indispensáveis ao exercício da cidadania, demonstrando a condição de iguais a pessoas escolarizadas em espaços formais. Assim sendo, devo admitir que o conhecimento formal não é condição para o exercício da cidadania, e que a presença de outros conhecimentos para além dos formais da cultura escrita, constituídos em redes, porque forjados na vida, no cotidiano em que os sujeitos vivem, e enredados em suas mais diferentes histórias que os constituem, e assim representados no modo como escreviam, permitiu reconhecer politicamente esses sujeitos de direito, fora do espaço da chamada educação formal. Esse reconhecimento levou-me à certeza (sempre provisória) de uma prática social em que a justiça cognitiva podia ser identificada, pelo fato de as pessoas, fora do espaço do conhecimento formal, revelarem outros conhecimentos indispensáveis ao exercício da cidadania, porque se reconheciam em patamar de igualdade com pessoas escolarizadas.


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The paper discusses social practices of creating as well as producing authentic objects and space. My deliberations are based on the thesis of the authors of the books The tourist gaze (John Urry), The tourist. A new theory of the leisure class (Dean MacCannell); Contested natures (Phil Macnaghten and John Urry), but also on my own research concerning attitudes towards wolfs in western and eastern Poland. The point of the article is that at the age of the new visual media, postmodernism and posttourism, when it is difficult to recognize whether an object is the original or a copy, man still wants to stand on the firm ground of genuine values. The sociologists mentioned above claim that this is why in the modern world there is a demand for authentic objects and so in an answer to this need such attractions like w i l d n e s s and r u s t i c i t y are produced. In the first part of the article I present an example of a visual product – an English cottage. Secondly, basing on the results of some research concerning attitudes towards wolves, I attempt to show that in Poland there are also some practices the idea of which is to create an authentic space - wild nature. Finally I emphasize that constructed authentic space, scenes, and landscapes are examples of myths – wildness, rusticity – the consequence of nostalgia for lost authentic world.


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A día de hoy son muchos los jóvenes que acuden al parque de Yamaguchi situado en la ciudad de Pamplona. Allí realizan diferentes actividades sociales en solitario o en compañía de familiares y amigos. La presente investigación pretende estudiar la distribución, usos y prácticas sociales que los jóvenes llevan a acabo en este parque. Para ello, se utilizan dos instrumentos para la recogida de datos. Por un lado, entrevistas realizadas a jóvenes que se encuentran en el mismo parque y, por otro lado, el análisis de la distribución de la juventud en el parque por medio de un trabajo de campo.


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This dissertation sets out to provide immanent critique and deconstruction of ecological modernisation or ecomodernism.It does so, from a critical social theory approach, in order to correctly address the essential issues at the heart of the environmental crisis that ecomodernism purports to address. This critical approach argues that the solution to the environmental crisis can only be concretely achieved by recognising its root cause as being foremost the issue of material interaction between classes in society, and not simply between society and nature in any structurally meaningful way. Based on a metaphysic of false dualism, ecological modernisation attributes a materiality of exchange value relations to issues of society, while simultaneously offering a non- material ontology to issues of nature. Thus ecomodernism serves asymmetrical relations of power whereby, as a polysemic policy discourse, it serves the material interests of those who have the power to impose abstract interpretations on the materiality of actual phenomena. The research of this dissertation is conducted by the critical evaluation of the empirical data from two exemplary Irish case studies. Discovery of the causal processes of the various public issues in the case studies and thereafter the revelation of the meaning structures under- pinning such causal processes, is a theoretically- driven task requiring analysis of those social practices found in the cognitive, cultural and structural constitutions respectively of actors, mediations and systems.Therefore, the imminent critique of the case study paradigms serves as a research strategy for comprehending Ireland’s nature- society relations as influenced essentially by a systems (techno- corporatist) ecomodernist discourse. Moreover, the deconstruction of this systems ideological discourse serves not only to demonstrate how weak ecomodernism practically undermines its declared ecological objectives, but also indicates how such objectives intervene as systemic contradictions at the cultural heart of Ireland’s late modernisation.


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Changes in land use, land cover, and land management present some of the greatest potential global environmental challenges of the 21st century. Urbanization, one of the principal drivers of these transformations, is commonly thought to be generating land changes that are increasingly similar. An implication of this multiscale homogenization hypothesis is that the ecosystem structure and function and human behaviors associated with urbanization should be more similar in certain kinds of urbanized locations across biogeophysical gradients than across urbanization gradients in places with similar biogeophysical characteristics. This paper introduces an analytical framework for testing this hypothesis, and applies the framework to the case of residential lawn care. This set of land management behaviors are often assumed--not demonstrated--to exhibit homogeneity. Multivariate analyses are conducted on telephone survey responses from a geographically stratified random sample of homeowners (n = 9,480), equally distributed across six US metropolitan areas. Two behaviors are examined: lawn fertilizing and irrigating. Limited support for strong homogenization is found at two scales (i.e., multi- and single-city; 2 of 36 cases), but significant support is found for homogenization at only one scale (22 cases) or at neither scale (12 cases). These results suggest that US lawn care behaviors are more differentiated in practice than in theory. Thus, even if the biophysical outcomes of urbanization are homogenizing, managing the associated sustainability implications may require a multiscale, differentiated approach because the underlying social practices appear relatively varied. The analytical approach introduced here should also be productive for other facets of urban-ecological homogenization.


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La redacción de las directrices y los procedimientos administrativos que hacen virtualmente posible la inmigración, contribuye a construir no sólo los itinerarios sino también el imaginario social sobre la alteridad. El principal objetivo del artículo es poner de relieve –mediante el análisis discursivo de las Hojas informativas publicadas en la WEB del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social- cómo la construcción social del emigrante/inmigrante y el proyecto migratorio topan con unas representaciones y envites, instituidos y refrendados  en y por la propia formulación de la reglamentación, pero no del todo explícitos. Entendiendo el texto como una acción que genera otras acciones, se examinan las consecuencias que tiene sobre la practica social de los inmigrantes. En suma, se trata  de vislumbrar los elementos (terminología, fórmulas, esquemas y prácticas inducidas) que van constituyendo al inmigrante como agente social subordinado a micro-procesos y relaciones que se le escapan en gran parte (en contra de las apariencias que parecieran sugerir lo contrario) y van marcando su propia capacidad de acción. En conclusión y retomando la distinción entre principio de diferencia y principio de indiferencia sugerida por Foucault, se muestra que mientras el primero rige las clausulas generales, el segundo articula las específicas.


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Sociological assertions of religious vitality in Euro-American societies have developed a paradigm of spirituality in which, following earlier studies of the New Age, a distinction is drawn between external authority and self-authority. Methodologically and theoretically problematic, this paradigm diverts attention from people’s social practices and interactions, especially in relation to multiple religious authorities. Drawing upon ethnographic fieldwork with an English religious network, and building upon the work of Pierre Bourdieu, this paper considers situations in which multiple authorities tend to relativize each other. Conceptualizing this in terms of nonformativeness - the lack of authorities’ abilities formatively to shape religious identity, habitus, and competition over religious capital - a new understanding of individual secularization emerges that questions assertions of vitality.


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‘Rural stress’ and ‘farming stress’ are terms that have become commonly appropriated by British health-based academic disciplines, the medical profession and social support networks, especially since the agricultural ‘crises’ of B.S.E. and Foot and Mouth Disease. Looking beyond the media headlines, it is apparent that the terms in fact are colloquial catch-alls for visible psychological and physiological outcomes shown by individuals. Seldom have the underlying causes and origins of presentable medical outcomes been probed, particularly within the context of the patriarchal and traditionally patrilineal way of life which family forms of farming business activity in Britain encapsulate. Thus, this paper argues that insufficient attention has been paid to the conceptualization of the terms. They have become both over-used and ill-defined in their application to British family farm individuals and their life situations. A conceptual framework is outlined that attempts to shift the stress research agenda into the unilluminated spaces of the family farming ‘way of life’ and focus instead on ‘distress’. Drawing upon theorization from agricultural and feminist geography together with cultural approaches from rural geography, four distinct clusters of distress originate from the thoughts of individuals and the social practices now required to enact patriarchal family farming gender identities. These are explored using case study evidence from ethnographic repeated life history interviews with members of seven farming families in Powys, Mid Wales, an area dominated by family forms of farming business. Future research agendas need to be based firmly on the distressing reality of patriarchal family farming and also be inclusive of those who, having rejected the associated way of life, now lie beyond the farm gate.


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The hawari (local communities) of Old Cairo resemble a unique societal context whose history is actively involved in the contemporary everyday production of local habits, traditions and social practice. By the virtue of its durability and ability to survive, Architecture brings events and traditions of the past alive into the present through the spatial transformation, social practice and the value of the historical-fabric. The presence of buildings and houses from different historical periods has helped the local community’s memory to carry social practices over from one generation to another. This article explores the relationship between architecture, memory and everyday social practices through determining the way architecture moderates community experiences and communicates narratives among generations in haret al-Darb al-Asfar in old Cairo. Architecture emerges as a moderator of cross-time communication and as physical elements that help visualize history, situate values and materialize local traditions in old Cairo. Architecture, as process and product this article reports, works as agent of continuity, which in conjunction with the narrators, brings the full experience of the past alive in the present and helps guide future generations.


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According to Deleuze and Guattari (1987) ‘de-territorialization’ is followed by a moment of re-territorialization. This moment, however, has to be regarded as a continuing educational process that becomes a different spatial site of social practices. It is argued in this chapter that regional, local as well as global identification override national and mono-ethno cultural identities, while shaping particular notions of gendered belonging and creating specific diasporic practices. Based on a sample of interviews with professional and academic South Asian British citizens in London, in Leicester, and in a number of Northern English cities gendered and generational patterns in terms of local diasporic identities are explored. Apart from multiple cultural belonging, foremost, territorial bonds and notions of group loyalty collapse at a point where temporary migration and settlement alternate in individual biographies.


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Over the past decade the concept of ‘resilience’ has been mobilised across an increasingly wide range of policy arenas. For example, it has featured prominently within recent discussions on the nature of warfare, the purpose of urban and regional planning, the effectiveness of development policies, the intent of welfare reform and the stability of the international financial system. The term’s origins can be traced back to the work of the ecologist Crawford S. Holling and his formulation of a science of complexity. This paper reflects on the origins of these ideas and their travels from the field of natural resource management, which it now dominates, to contemporary social practices and policy arenas. It reflects on the ways in which a lexicon of complex adaptive systems, grounded in an epistemology of limited knowledge and uncertain futures, seeks to displace ongoing ‘dependence’ on professionals by valorising self-reliance and responsibility as techniques to be applied by subjects in the making of the resilient self. In so doing, resilience is being mobilised to govern a wide range of threats and sources of uncertainty, from climate change, financial crises and terrorism, to the sustainability of development, the financing of welfare and providing for an aging population. As such, ‘resilience’ risks becoming a measure of its subjects’ ‘fitness’ to survive in what are pre-figured as natural, turbulent orders of things.


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de conhecer as representações sociais de enfarte agudo do miocárdio, junto de três grupos sociais: doentes com enfarte agudo do miocárdio; respectivas famílias; e profissionais de saúde que cuidam desses doentes. A base conceptual do estudo foi a teoria das representações sociais. Como metodologia optámos por uma abordagem multi-método, com etapas complementares de recolha de dados: questionário e entrevista. Obtivemos uma amostra de 210 participantes, aplicá-mos o questionário a todos e realizámos 120 entrevistas. Analisámos os dados com re-curso à análise de conteúdo auxiliada por quatro softwares: Evoc, Simi, Trideux Alces-te. Encontrámos na interpretação das ancoragens e objectivação uma teia de sentidos compartilhados nas práticas sociais, nos diferentes grupos. Emergiram sentidos maiori-tariamente ancorados no biológico/físico e psicológico, com especial relevância na di-mensão emocional. O grupo dos profissionais de saúde fica detentor de um conjunto de representações que constituem um importante instrumento de trabalho; ### SUMMARY: Social representations of Myocardial Infarction, built by patient, family and health professionals This study was developed with the purpose of knowing the social representations of acute myocardial infarction considering three social groups: patients with acute myo-cardial infarction, respective families and health professionals who care for these pa-tients. The conceptual basis of this study was the theory of social representations. We have chosen a multi faceted method as methodology with additional gather of data col-lection through questionnaire and interviews. We obtained a sample of 210 participants applying the questionnaire to all and executing 120 interviews. The data was analyzed using content analysis supported by four software: Evoc, Simi, Trideux and Alceste. The interpretation of anchoring and objectification showed a set of shared meanings in social practices in the different groups. The biological / physical and psychological meanings emerged largely anchored with particular emphasis on the emotional dimen-sion. The group of health professionals held a set of representations that were an im-portant instrument of work.


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Recentemente assistimos a uma evolução da relação do Homem com a tecnologia, em larga medida acompanhada por novos modelos de interacção que modificam a forma de conceber os artefactos e constroem novos contextos de uso. Procuramos investigar, na presente tese, uma das abordagens emergentes, o universo dos media tangíveis, articulando a perspectiva do design da tecnologia orientada para a Human-Computer Interation (HCI), com a dimensão social, cultural e estética no uso da tecnologia. Os media tangíveis, ao contrário do que sucede com os conteúdos digitais convencionais, têm espessura e expressão física e, porque são dotados de um corpo que habita o espaço das disposições físicas, estão sujeitos à acção do mundo cultural e das práticas sociais que regem os demais objectos físicos que podemos encontrar no nosso quotidiano. Esta nova relação com a tecnologia digital obrigará as disciplinas que se encontram mais próximas do desenvolvimento tecnológico, tais como o Design de Interacção e a HCI, a abrirem-se aos contributos e abordagens das ciências humanas. Admitindo que a natureza subjacente ao processo da adaptabilidade no ambiente doméstico altera o equilíbrio da relação entre o design e o uso da tecnologia, julgamos ser essencial o desenvolvimento de uma fenomenologia da interação. Por outro lado, a adaptabilidade dos media tangíveis apresenta um conjunto de dificuldades, não apenas de ordem técnica, mas também de natureza conceptual, que têm dificultado o desenvolvimento e a implementação no terreno de tecnologias personalizáveis. Um dos objectivos da presente tese consiste em investigar um quadro conceptual capaz de enquadrar o fenómeno da adaptabilidade dos media tangíveis, e desenvolver uma tecnologia que possa servir de objecto a um estudo empírico com base numa abordagem etnográfica.