962 resultados para Social imaginary


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Ao se falar de língua, fala-se da classe social que se imagina associada a essa mesma língua. Fundamentada na Análise do Discurso Franco-Brasileira (iniciada na França pelo grupo de Michel Pêcheux e retrabalhada no Brasil a partir de formulações de Eni Orlandi) e analisando corpòra diversos, que se encontram em gramáticas, dicionários, manuais de redação jornalística e o jornal carioca Meia Hora de Notícias, esta dissertação busca entender como os sentidos sobre língua e classe social vão sendo constituídos ao mesmo tempo. A Análise do Discurso com que este estudo vai trabalhar se apresenta como um campo inserido no entremeio das ciências humanas e sociais. Entre as principais questões levantadas por este campo, estão as crenças ilusórias em que as palavras emanam sentidos próprios, apropriados, e em que o sujeito é o dono de seu dizer e de suas intenções. Entende-se, na Análise do Discurso, que os sentidos são irrecorrivelmente formados ideologicamente, e que o sujeito se constitui analogamente, por processos inconscientes que não deixam de fora também a historicidade das relações sociais. Dessa forma, para se compreender como se dão as relações entre as formações de sentido entre língua e classe social, importará a depreensão do funcionamento discursivo do tratamento que os instrumentos de gramatização dão à variedade linguística. No Meia Hora, também se procura analisar de que modo um jornal vai significando, inscrito numa prática jornalística determinada, língua e classe social concomitantemente, através do uso de uma língua imaginária


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, ramo de Marketing e Publicidade


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In September 2014, a historic referendum on the issue of Scottish independence was held, with the potential to dissolve the political union between Scotland and the other constituent nations of the United Kingdom which had survived intact since the 1707 Act of Union. On a significantly high electoral turnout of 84.6%, the Scottish electorate opted to reject the proposals of the governing party in the devolved Scottish Parliament, the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP), to create an independent Scottish state, with 55.3% of the electorate voting ‘No’ to Scottish independence against a 44.7% ‘Yes’ vote. In the grand scheme of the Scottish independence referendum campaigns, sports policy remained a somewhat peripheral issue within the arguments forwarded by the Yes Scotland and Better Together campaigns. Nonetheless, developments such as the formation of the 'Sport for Yes' campaign sub-group, the inclusion of sport within the Scottish Government’s White Paper on Scottish independence and the establishment of the Working Group on Scottish Sport demonstrated that the potential implications of independence were still deemed significant enough to merit a degree of policy planning by the Scottish Government (Lafferty, 2014; Scottish Government, 2013; Working Group on Scottish Sport, 2013, 2014). This paper will critically consider the implications of the 'No' vote in the Scottish independence referendum for the latter of these developments, the policy proposals of the Working Group for Scottish Sport. Drawing upon the principles of critical discourse analysis, specifically the analytical framework proposed by Fairclough and Fairclough (2012), the content of this group's proposal will be examined in order to critically explore the policy for Scottish sport it envisaged for an independent Scottish state. The paper will then conclude by reflecting upon the extent to which elements of this political 'imaginary' (Fairclough and Fairclough, 2012) of Scottish sport remain a possibility for future sports policy in Scotland following the eventual 'No' vote in the referendum.


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La société québécoise a, comme toutes les sociétés, ses crimes et criminels légendaires. Or, si ces faits divers célèbres ont fait l’objet, dans les dernières décennies, de quelques reconstitutions historiographiques, on connaît beaucoup moins, en revanche, le mécanisme de leur légendarisation, le processus historique et culturel par lequel ils passent du « fait divers » au fait mémorable. C’est d’abord ce processus que s’attache à étudier cette thèse de doctorat, qui porte sur quatre crimes célèbres des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (le meurtre du seigneur de Kamouraska [1839] ainsi que les crimes commis par « la Corriveau » [1763], par le « docteur l’Indienne » [1829] et par les « brigands du Cap-Rouge » [1834-1835]) : pour chacun de ces cas particuliers, l’analyse reconstitue la généalogie des représentations du crime et du criminel de manière à retracer la fabrication et l’évolution d’une mémoire collective. Celles-ci font chaque fois intervenir un système complexe de discours : au croisement entre les textes de presse, les récits issus de la tradition orale et les textes littéraires, l’imaginaire social fabrique, à partir de faits criminels ordinaires, de grandes figures antagoniques, incarnations du mal ou avatars du diable. Ce vaste processus d’antagonisation est en fait largement tributaire d’une époque (le XIXe siècle) où, dans les sociétés occidentales, le « crime » se trouve soudainement placé au cœur de toutes les préoccupations sociales et politiques : l’époque invente un véritable engouement littéraire pour le crime de même que tout un arsenal de savoirs spécialisés, d’idées nouvelles et de technologies destinées à connaître, mesurer et enrayer la criminalité. Dès les premières décennies du XIXe siècle, le phénomène se propage de ce côté-ci de l’Atlantique. Dans la foulée, les grands criminels qui marquent la mémoire collective sont appelés à devenir des ennemis imaginaires particulièrement rassembleurs : figures d’une altérité radicale, ils en viennent à constituer le repoussoir contre lequel, à partir du XIXe siècle, s’est en partie instituée la société québécoise.


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En la actualidad, el patrimonio cultural se encuentra inmerso en un entorno dinámico y cambiante, caracterizado por la globalización y la diversidad, que planeta nuevos retos a su gestión. En el plano internacional dos modelos de marketing han dado algunas respuestas a esto, el economicista o tradicional y el específico de las artes y la cultura. Ambos modelos se basan en una noción materialista del patrimonio cultural, concebido como producto o como recurso patrimonial, y la existencia de cuatro elementos comunes de contexto: El mercado, la organización, el sistema de información y el marketing mix. Sin embargo, estos enfoques no le son aplicables al patrimonio urbano colombiano, porque su contexto es diferente, caracterizado por una dinámica nula o de mercado inexistente, sin fuerzas de mercado que atiendan por su valoración, conservación y preservación o garanticen su sostenibilidad, que está referido a bienes de carácter público, por cuyo consumo nadie está dispuesto a pagar de manera directa, cuya tutela está atribuida al Estado y frente al cual coexiste una pluralidad de actores. Por lo anterior, un modelo de marketing aplicable a dicho patrimonio cultural, debe construirse sobre lineamientos conceptuales de mayor complejidad e hibridación, que permitan una concepción integral de aquel y de su gestión.


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From modernity to the contemporary world, museums have been acknowledged for their power to produce metamorphoses of meanings and functions, for their ability to adapt historic and social determination, and for their calling for cultural mediation. They derive from creating gestures which bind the symbolic and the material, which bind what is sensitive and what is intelligible. For this very reason the bridge metaphor fits them well, a bridge cast between different times, spaces, individuals, social groups and cultures, a bridge that is built with images and which holds a special place in the imaginary.


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This paper describes the recent development of identity and community among gay men in China. It focuses both on the ways emerging forms of gay identity relate to larger ideological and discursive shifts within society, and on the ways these new forms of identity and community affect situated social interaction among gay men themselves. In particular, it addresses the question of how these emerging forms of gay identity and gay community affect the ways gay men in China understand the threat of HIV and make concrete decisions about sexual risk and safety. Among the chief tactics used by gay men in China to forge identity and community involves appropriating and adapting elements from dominant discourses of the Party-State and the mass media. This strategy has opened up spaces within which gay men can claim “cultural citizenship” in a society in which they have been heretofore marginalized. At the same time, this strategy also implicated in the formation of attitudes and social practices that potentially increase the vunerability of Chinese gay men to HIV infection.


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What is the role of the human figure in the drawing of the uomo universale? Interlocked with the “master architect” as a constituent component of the canonical bodies of architecture, is the idea of the uomo universale, the universal man, an idea that was especially compelling to Renaissance masters. In contemporary social theory the uomo universale is read for its generic sense as the “universal subject”. Critical to this is a dialectical sense in which “man” confronts its non-neutral association with a gender specificity, either man or woman. This paper looks at the drawing and image of the uomo universale and explores the distinction between presence and representation, between the visibility of the image, its content and detail and the symbolic role of the image as constitutive of a canon of architecture. Though we are not meant to “see” the human figure as corporeal presence and rather focus our attention on the image as a geometric schema, my argument is that only through the figure is the uomo universale engendered as an image of the highest form of nature.


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Mills’s idea of the sociological imagination has captured many generations of scholars interested in the difficult social issues that people grapple with in their lives. Yet, sociology has traditionally had a poor record of linking disabled people’s ‘private’ accounts of their difficulties to ‘public’ issues. We contend that disability is still marginal to the sociological imaginary, despite attempts by disability studies and subdisciplines within sociology to make the concept relevant to the larger discipline. There is a range of conceptual tensions in sociology such as public/private and normal/abnormal that can be better illuminated by focusing on disability. We argue that critical disability studies, with its reimagining of disability within late modernity, may be better positioned to make more effectively the case for disability’s significance to the sociological imaginary. Facilitating dialogue with sociology on the concept of disability, however, may require disability scholars to develop more explicit strategies of engagement.


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Currently, we attend a reverence of concepts ahead as health, life, youth and body. In we widen amount the ideals concerned to the healthful life, to the quality of life, the longevity and joviality and the extremities of the body represented by the illness, for the virus infection, the physical deficiency and the aging. Of the historical shades of the plague, of the hunger and the war that gagged the defenseless individual and its body, in the current days we increase the search for a full and powerful life, independent of a religious imaginary to predict the epidemic curse, the threat represented for the sick people and the incarnate divine anger in the death; or of medical science presented in the spaces of the technology and the physiology, being left fragile the social and psychological dimensions of the human confined to the patient issue and, finally, the commanded urban health politics in quantitative goals of hygienic cleaning, of the medical techniques and the education citizen. For beyond these instances, emerges in our days a plural, close and biographical agreement well of the body and welfare. On the other hand, an understanding of the healthful life and well-being that more certifies the presence of something the one that clear landmarks amongst normality and the irregularity, the esteem and the destructive vice: it has a projection of healthful life measures without conceptual models of body and health under the doctor-scientific standard occidental. This thematic one will confide in way to the enclosure for spaces to the muscles and fitness exercises and the bars from the city of Natal, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, while comprehensive interchange concerning as the individual comes dealing with the notion the body and health and, mainly, if perceiving inside of its body and its health. Amongst these two spaces of typical leisure of the modern urban phenomenon, the hedonism bodily with its muscles and salience and one another form of hedonism in the fruition of allowed drugs will be across itself in a dialogue about which social s relationships are really in game in an imaginary construction amongst an doctor-aesthetic ideal of health and the social and subjective experience in the option for a healthful life


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Revolução popular, com profundas implicações políticas, históricas e sociais no Pará, a Cabanagem desdobrou-se em lutas protagonizadas por legalistas e cabanos de 1835 a 1840. Neste período, segundo historiadores, o número de mortos chegou a 30 mil. Vista pelos olhos dos vencedores como uma simplória revolta de camadas menos favorecidas do extrato social, ao longo do tempo a Cabanagem teve sua memória recuperada por intelectuais e estudiosos da História do Pará, até alcançar o status de Revolução Popular. Este trabalho tem como base teórica estudos sobre textos históricos e de teoria literária, com ênfase à inter-relação entre a memória histórica, o imaginário amazônico e o papel do poeta nas questões sociais de seu tempo, mais especificamente, na poética de José Ildone e o entrecruzamento deste poeta com o olhar do contista João Marques de Carvalho, para mostrar visões diferenciadas sobre a Cabanagem, através de textos ficcionais de escritores de expressão amazônica. A principal proposta da pesquisa é mostrar até que ponto uma produção literária local se projeta em um contexto mais global e o quanto estes textos podem contribuir para analisar e compreender um fenômeno histórico, social e político como foi a revolta cabana, em um período de dissidências, motins, protestos militares e revoluções que eclodiram no Brasil nos nove anos de desorganização política e social do Período Regencial (1831/1840).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)