952 resultados para Single-gene
Photoperiodic flowering has been extensively studied in the annual short-day and long-day plants rice and Arabidopsis while less is known about the control of flowering in perennials. In the perennial wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca L. (Rosaceae), short-day and perpetual flowering long-day accessions occur. Genetic analyses showed that differences in their flowering responses are caused by a single gene, the SEASONAL FLOWERING LOCUS which may encode the F. vesca homolog of TERMINAL FLOWER1 (FvTFL1). We show through high-resolution mapping and transgenic approaches that FvTFL1 is the basis of this change in flowering behavior and demonstrate that FvTFL1 acts as a photoperiodically regulated repressor. In short-day F. vesca, long photoperiods activate FvTFL1 mRNA expression and short days suppress it, promoting flower induction. These seasonal cycles in FvTFL1 mRNA level confer seasonal cycling of vegetative and reproductive development. Mutations in FvTFL1 prevent LD suppression of flowering, and the early flowering that then occurs under LD is dependent on the F. vesca homolog of FLOWERING LOCUS T. This photoperiodic response mechanism differs from those described in model annual plants. We suggest that this mechanism controls flowering within the perennial growth cycle in F. vesca, and demonstrate that a change in a single gene reverses the photoperiodic requirements for flowering.
BACKGROUND Methyl benzimidazole carbamate (MBC) fungicides are used to control the oilseed rape pathogen Pyrenopeziza brassicae. Resistance to MBCs has been reported in P. brassicae, but the molecular mechanism(s) associated with reductions in sensitivity have not been verified in this species. Elucidation of the genetic changes responsible for resistance, hypothesised to be target-site mutations in β-tubulin, will enable resistance diagnostics and thereby inform resistance management strategies. RESULTS P. brassicae isolates were classified as sensitive, moderately resistant or resistant to MBCs. Crossing P. brassicae isolates of different MBC sensitivities indicated that resistance was conferred by a single gene. The MBC-target encoding gene β-tubulin was cloned and sequenced. Reduced MBC sensitivity of field isolates correlated with β-tubulin amino acid substitutions L240F and E198A. The highest level of MBC resistance was measured for isolates carrying E198A. Negative cross-resistance between MBCs and the fungicides diethofencarb and zoxamide was only measured in E198A isolates. PCR-RFLP was used to screen isolates for the presence of L240F and E198A. The substitutions E198G and F200Y were also detected in DNA samples from P. brassicae populations after cloning and sequencing of PCR products. The frequencies of L240F and E198A in different P. brassicae populations were quantified by pyrosequencing. There were no differences in the frequencies of these alleles between P. brassicae populations sampled from different locations or after fungicide treatment regimes. CONCLUSIONS The molecular mechanisms affecting sensitivity to MBCs in P. brassicae have been identified. Pyrosequencing assays are a powerful tool for quantifying fungicide-resistant alleles in pathogen populations.
Genes play an important role in the development of diabetes mellitus. Putative susceptibility genes could be the key to the development of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. A combination of genetic and environmental factors is most likely the cause of Type 1 diabetes. The pathogenetic sequence leading to the selective autoimmune destruction of islet beta-cells and development of Type 1 diabetes involves genetic factors, environmental factors, immune regulation and chemical mediators. Unlike Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Type 2 diabetes is often considered a polygenic disorder with multiple genes located on different chromosomes being associated with this condition. This is further complicated by numerous environmental factors which also contribute to the clinical manifestation of the disorder in genetically predisposed persons. Only a minority of cases of type 2 diabetes are caused by single gene defects such as maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY), syndrome of insulin resistance (insulin receptor defect) and maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (mitochondrial gene defect). Although Type 2 diabetes mellitus appears in almost epidemic proportions our knowledge of the mechanism of this disease is limited. More information about insulin secretion and action and the genetic variability of the various factors involved will contribute to better understanding and classification of this group of diseases. This article discusses the results of various genetic studies on diabetes with special reference to Indian population.
Nonsyndromic autosomal recessive deafness accounts for 80% of hereditary deafness. To date, 52 loci responsible for autosomal recessive deafness have been mapped and 24 genes identified. Here, we report a large inbred Brazilian pedigree with 26 subjects affected by prelingual deafness. Given the extensive consanguinity found in this pedigree, the most probable pattern of inheritance is autosomal recessive. However, our linkage and mutational analysis revealed, instead of an expected homozygous mutation in a single gene, two different mutant alleles and a possible third undetected mutant allele in the MYO15A gene (DFNB3 locus), as well as evidence for other causes for deafness in the same pedigree. Among the 26 affected subjects, 15 were homozygous for the novel c.10573delA mutation in the MYO15A gene, 5 were compound heterozygous for the mutation c.10573delA and the novel deletion c.9957_9960delTGAC and one inherited only a single c.10573delA mutant allele, while the other one could not be identified. Given the extensive consanguinity of the pedigree, there might be at least one more deafness locus segregating to explain the condition in some of the subjects whose deafness is not clearly associated with MYO15A mutations, although overlooked environmental causes could not be ruled out. Our findings illustrate a high level of etiological heterogeneity for deafness in the family and highlight some of the pitfalls of genetic analysis of large genes in extended pedigrees, when homozygosity for a single mutant allele is expected.
Há vários tipos de hemoglobinopatias que são caracterizados por variantes das hemoglobinas anormais (ex: Hb S, Hb C, Hb Instáveis,etc) e por talassemias (ex: tal. alfa, tal. beta, tal.beta/delta,etc) As hemoglobinopatias são consideradas como uma das doenças genéticas mais comuns em todo o mundo, com prevalência de portadores heterozigotos de seus principais tipos em aproximadamente 5% da população mundial. Devido à heterogenidade clínica e genética dessas alterações genéticas é fundamental estabelecer a investigação laboratorial das diferentes formas de hemoglobinas variantes e de talassemias. Este artigo apresenta as principais dificuldades laboratoriais que envolvem a complexidade molecular das hemoglobinopatias.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Coleoptera order is the richest group among Metazoa, but its phylogenetics remains incompletely understood. Among Coleoptera, bioluminescence is found within the Elateroidea, but the evolution of this character remains a mystery. Mitochondrial DNA has been used extensively to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships, however, the evolution of a single gene does not always correspond to the species evolutionary history and the molecular marker choice is a key step in this type of analysis. To create a solid basis to better understand the evolutionary history of Coleoptera and its bioluminescence, we sequenced and comparatively analyzed the mitochondrial genome of the Brazilian luminescent click beetle Pyrophorus divergens (Coleoptera: Elateridae). © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background Split-hand/foot malformation (SHFM)-also known as ectrodactyly-is a congenital disorder characterised by severe malformations of the distal limbs affecting the central rays of hands and/or feet. A distinct entity termed SHFLD presents with SHFM and long bone deficiency. Mouse models suggest that a defect of the central apical ectodermal ridge leads to the phenotype. Although six different loci/mutations (SHFM1-6) have been associated with SHFM, the underlying cause in a large number of cases is still unresolved. Methods High resolution array comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) was performed in patients with SHFLD to detect copy number changes. Candidate genes were further evaluated for expression and function during limb development by whole mount in situ hybridisation and morpholino knock-down experiments. Results Array CGH showed microduplications on chromosome 17p13.3, a locus previously associated with SHFLD. Detailed analysis of 17 families revealed that this copy number variation serves as a susceptibility factor for a highly variable phenotype with reduced penetrance, particularly in females. Compared to other known causes for SHFLD 17p duplications appear to be the most frequent cause of SHFLD. A similar to 11.8 kb minimal critical region was identified encompassing a single gene, BHLHA9, a putative basic loop helix transcription factor. Whole mount in situ hybridisation showed expression restricted to the limb bud mesenchyme underlying the apical ectodermal ridge in mouse and zebrafish embryos. Knock down of bhlha9 in zebrafish resulted in shortening of the pectoral fins. Conclusions Genomic duplications encompassing BHLHA9 are associated with SHFLD and non-Mendelian inheritance characterised by a high degree of non-penetrance with sex bias. Knock-down of bhlha9 in zebrafish causes severe reduction defects of the pectoral fin, indicating a role for this gene in limb development.
Charakterisierung synapsenassoziierter Proteine des Haushuhns(Gallus gallus domesticus) Die Familie der synapsenassoziierten Proteine (SAP) umfaßt bei Säugern vier Proteine: SAP90 (=PSD-95), SAP97, SAP102 (=PSD-93) und Chapsyn110. Die Proteine enthalten charakteristischerweise drei PDZ-Domänen, eine SH3-Domäne und eine GK-Domäne über die sie mit anderen Proteinen interagieren können. SAP können so Verbindungen zwischen Neurotransmitterrezeptoren und Signaltransduktionsmolekülen sowie dem Zytoskelett herstellen.In dieser Arbeit wurden die synapsenassoziierten Proteine des Huhns charakterisiert. Die cDNAs von SAP90, SAP97 und Chapsyn110 wurden sequenziert. Die cDNA von SAP102 wurde teilweise sequenziert. Die Analyse genomischer DNA durch PCR ergab, daß die SAP90- und SAP97-mRNA von einem Gen transkribiert werden. Die mRNA-Verteilung von SAP90, SAP97 und Chapsyn110 im Gehirn einen Tag alter Küken wurde mit in situ Hybridisierung untersucht. Die Verteilung der SAP90-mRNA und von NMDA-Rezeptoren im Gehirn des Huhns ist sehr ähnlich. Weiterhin wurde bei Küken untersucht, inwieweit SAP bei der Prägung eine Rolle spielen. Der relative mRNA-Gehalt von SAP90, SAP97 und Chapsyn110 wurde 30 Minuten, 5 Stunden und 10 Stunden nach einer akustische Prägung der Küken gemessen. Fünf Stunden nach akustischer Prägung war der Gehalt der SAP90-mRNA, im anterioren lateralen Hyperstriatum ventrale um 13% erhöht. Der mRNA-Gehalt in anderen Regionen und der anderen SAP-Gene war unverändert.
AD is the most common age related neurodegenerative disease in the industrialized world. Clinically AD is defined as a progressing decline of cognitive functions. Neuropathologically, AD is characterized by the aggregation of b-amyloid (Ab) peptide in the form of extracellular senile plaques, and hyperphosphorlylated tau protein in the form of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. These neuropathological hallmarks are often accompanied by abundant microvascular damage and pronounced inflammation of the affected brain regions. In this thesis we investigated several aspects of AD focusing on the genetic aspect. We confirmed that Alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (ACT), an acute phase protein, was associated to AD subjects, being plasma levels higher in AD cases than controls. In addition, in a GWA study we demonstrated that two different gene, Clusterin and CR1 were strongly associated to AD. A single gene association not explain such a complex disease like AD. The goal should be to created a network of genetic, phenotypic and clinical data associated to AD. We used a new algorithm, the ANNs, aimed to map variables and search for connectivity among variables. We found specific variables associated to AD like cholesterol levels, the presence of variation in HMGCR enzyme and the age. Other factors such as the BMI, the amount of HDL and blood folate levels were also associated with AD. Pathogen infections, above all viral infections, have been previously associated to AD. The hypothesis suggests that virus and in particular herpes virus could enter the brain when an individual becomes older, perhaps because of a decline in the immune system. Our new hypothesis is that the presence of SNPs in our GWA gene study results in a genetic signature that might affect individual brain susceptibility to infection by herpes virus family during aging.
Die phylogenetische Position der Mollusken innerhalb der Trochozoa sowie die interne Evolution der Klassen der Mollusca sind weitgehend unbekannt und wurden in meiner Arbeit anhand molekularer Merkmale untersucht. Phylogenomische Analysen zeigten in der Vergangenheit eine gute Auflösung für ursprüngliche Speziationsereignisse. Daher wurden hier drei neue EST Datensätze generiert: für Sipunculus nudus (Sipuncula), Barentsia elongata (Kamptozoa) und Lepidochitona cinerea, (Polyplacophora, Mollusca). Zusätzlich wurden gezielt Gene verschiedener Mollusken mittels RT-PCR amplifiziert. rnSowohl Kamptozoen als auch Sipunculiden wurden aufgrund morphologischer Kriterien bisher als mögliche Schwestergruppe der Mollusken gehandelt, aber die hier erzielten Ergebnisse zur Evolution der Hämerythrine, Gen-Anordnungen der mitochondrialen Genome und phylogenetische Analysen der ribosomalen und der mitochondriellen Proteine stützen diese Hypothese nicht. Die Position der Kamptozoa erwies sich hier generell als unbeständig; phylogenomische Analysen deuten eine Nähe zu den Bryozoen an, aber diese Position wird stark durch die Auswahl der Taxa beeinflusst. Dagegen weisen meine Analysen klar auf eine nähere Beziehung zwischen Annelida und Sipuncula hin. Die ribosomalen Proteine zeigen Sipuncula (und Echiura) sogar als Subtaxa der Anneliden. Wie den Mollusken fehlt den Sipunculiden jegliche Segmentierung und meine Ergebnisse legen hier die Möglichkeit des Verlusts dieses Merkmals innerhalb der Anneliden bei den Sipunculiden nahe. Innerhalb der Mollusken wurden die Solenogastren bereits als Schwestergruppe aller rezenten Mollusken vorgeschlagen. Im Rahmen meiner Arbeit wurden von drei verschiedenen Solenogastren-Arten die ersten zuverlässigen 18S rRNA-Sequenzen ermittelt, und es zeigte sich, dass alle bisher veröffentlichten 18S-Sequenzen dieser Molluskenklasse höchst unvollständig oder fehlerhaft sind. rnRibosomale Proteine sind gute phylogenetische Marker und hier wurden die Auswahl und Anzahl dieser Gene für phylogenetische Analysen optimiert. Über Sonden-basierte Detektion wurde eine sampling-Strategie getestet, die im Vergleich mit standard-phylogenomischen Ansätzen zukünftige molekulare Stammbaumrekonstruktionen mit größerem Taxonsampling ermöglicht.rn
Das Chemokin CXCL12 (auch bekannt als SDF-1) ist ein kleines Protein (8-14) KDa, das in sechs Isoformen exprimiert wird (SDF-1α, SDF-1β, SDF-1γ, SDF- 1δ, SDF-1ε und SDF-1θ) von einem einzigen Gen, dass die Leukozyten-Wanderung regelt und variabel in einer Reihe von normalen und Krebsgeweben exprimiert wird.rnCXCL12 spielt verschiedene Rollen in der Tumorpathogenese. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass CXCL12 das Tumorwachstum und die Malignität fördert, die Tumorangiogenese stärkt, sich an der Metastasierung beteiligt und zu immunsuppressiven Netzwerken innerhalb des Tumormikromilieus beiträgt. Daher liegt es nahe, dass der CXCL12/CXCR4-Signalweg ein wichtiges Ziel ist für die Entwicklung von neuartigen Krebstherapien.rnUm Licht auf die Rolle der Chemokin CXCL12 Splicevarianten in der Entwicklung von Krebs zu werfen und die mögliche physiologische Relevanz und ihre möglichen funktionellen Unterschiede bei Darmkrebs zu verstehen, haben wir alle CXCL12 Splicevarianten (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon und theta) in die kolorektalen Zelllinie SW480 und die Melanomzellinie D05 transfiziert und exprimiert.rnrnDiese Arbeit wurde erstellt, um die folgenden Ziele zu erreichen. Untersuchung der Rolle von CXCL12 Splicevarianten bei der Vermittlung von Tumorprogression, Adhäsion, Migration, Invasion und Metastasierung von Darmkrebs. Untersuchung, ob die CXCL12 Variantenwege ein wichtiges Ziel für die Entwicklung von Krebstherapien darstellen.rn• Um eine in vivo Mausmodell zu entwickeln, um die Rolle der CXCL12 Varianten im Rahmen des Tumorwachstums zu verstehen.rnrnUnsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass:Der CXCL12 G801A Polymorphismus ist ein Low-Penetranz Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung von Darmkrebs. Der CXCL12-Gen-Polymorphismus rs1801157 ist mit dem T-Status (Tumor-node-Metastasen) assoziiert. Es gab keine Beziehung zwischen CXCL12-Gen-Polymorphismus rs1801157 und Fernmetastisen oder LN metastasen. Alle sechs CXCL12 Splicevarianten werden im Darmkrebs und in gesunder Kolon mucosa exprimiert. Die höchste Expression wird bei SDF-1alpha, dann SDF-1 beta gefunden. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten zeigen erhöhte Tumorzellproliferation in vitro. SDF-1beta, gefolgt von SDF-1alpha zeigte die größte Aktivität im Proliferationsassay.rn• Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten induzieren die Tumorzelladhäsion.SDF-1beta dann SDF-1alpha zeigte die größte Aktivität im Rahmen des Adhäsionsassay. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten erhöhten die Zellmigration und Invasion von Tumorzellen in vitro. SDF-1theta und SDF-1epsilon 1theta zeigten die größte Aktivität, während die schwächste Aktivität mit SDF-1alpha und SDF-1beta beobachtet wurde. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten aktivieren Akt und (MAPK) Mitogen- acktivatedierte Protein kinase Wege und damit die Regulierung viele essentieller Prozesse in Tumorzellen, wie Proliferation, Migration, Invasion und Adhäsion. Es ist interessant festzustellen, dass AMD3100 die CXCL12 Splicevarianten inhibriert, die AKT-MEK-1/2-Phosphorylierung induzieren.rnDer Inhibitor AMD3100 unterdrückt stark die CXCL12 Varianten -delta, -epsilon und theta-und unterdrückt schwach CXCL12-gamma. während es keine signifikante Wirkung auf CXCL12-alpha und beta hatte. Es hat möglicherweise Auswirkungen auf mehrere große Signalwage in Bezug auf Proliferation, Migration und Invasions.rn• Es ist wichtig anzumerken, dass die Hemmung von CXCL12-Varianten durch AMD3100 einen der möglichen Ansaätze in der Krebstherapie darstellen kann.Wir schlagen vor, dass weitere Studien erwogen werden, die wir brauchen, um die biologische Aktivität dieser neuen CXCL12 Varianten bei verschiedenen Arten von Krebs klar zu verstehen.
Developmental Brain Dysfunction: Revival and Expansion of Old Concepts Based on New Genetic Evidence
Neurodevelopmental disorders can be caused by many different genetic abnormalities that are individually rare but collectively common. Specific genetic causes, including certain copy number variants and single-gene mutations, are shared among disorders that are thought to be clinically distinct. This evidence of variability in the clinical manifestations of individual genetic variants and sharing of genetic causes among clinically distinct brain disorders is consistent with the concept of developmental brain dysfunction, a term we use to describe the abnormal brain function underlying a group of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders and to encompass a subset of various clinical diagnoses. Although many pathogenic genetic variants are currently thought to be variably penetrant, we hypothesise that when disorders encompassed by developmental brain dysfunction are considered as a group, the penetrance will approach 100%. The penetrance is also predicted to approach 100% when the phenotype being considered is a specific trait, such as intelligence or autistic-like social impairment, and the trait could be assessed using a continuous, quantitative measure to compare probands with non-carrier family members rather than a qualitative, dichotomous trait and comparing probands with the healthy population. Copyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arterial hypertension in childhood is less frequent as compared to adulthood but is more likely to be secondary to an underlying disorder. After ruling out more obvious causes, some patients still present with strongly suspected secondary hypertension of yet unknown etiology. A number of these children have hypertension due to single gene mutations inherited in an autosomal dominant or recessive fashion. The finding of abnormal potassium levels (low or high) in the presence of suppressed renin secretion, and metabolic alkalosis or acidosis should prompt consideration of these familial diseases. However, mild hypertension and the absence of electrolyte abnormalities do not exclude hereditary conditions. In monogenic hypertensive disorders, three distinct mechanisms leading to the common final pathway of increased sodium reabsorption, volume expansion, and low plasma renin activity are documented. The first mechanism relates to gain-of-function mutations with a subsequent hyperactivity of renal sodium and chloride reabsorption leading to plasma volume expansion (e.g., Liddle's syndrome, Gordon's syndrome). The second mechanism involves deficiencies of enzymes that regulate adrenal steroid hormone synthesis and deactivation (e.g., subtypes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME)). The third mechanism is characterized by excessive aldosterone synthesis that escapes normal regulatory mechanisms and leading to volume-dependent hypertension in the presence of suppressed renin release (glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism). Hormonal studies coupled with genetic testing can help in the early diagnosis of these disorders.