966 resultados para Silver oxide thin films
As time advances, man has been able to control technology in finer and finer detail. The microelectronics era is an example of this, with control down to the micrometer. Experts agree that we may be entering a new era, controlling technology down to the nanometer. One aspect of such control is making materials in the nanometer range, i.e. nanoparticles. For this purpose, a new magnetron-sputtering gun, inert gas condensation, nanoparticle source has been designed, built, and tested. ^ Films made from cobalt, nickel, tantalum, molybdenum, chromium, and aluminum have been investigated. Transmission Electron Microscope measurements done at the University of Illinois confirm the thin films are nanostructured. This was also confirmed by Atomic Force Microscope measurements made at the F.I.U. Thin Film Laboratory. ^ Composition, optical and magnetic properties have been measured. In most cases, unique properties have been found that differ significantly from bulk properties. Rutherford Backscattering measurements done at the University of Illinois determined significant percentages of oxygen and carbon in the samples, possibly due to interactions with air. Because of this, optical properties are a composite of oxide, metal, and void properties. Magnetic materials were determined to have spin-glass properties below the irreversibility temperature and superparamagnetic properties above it. Indications of possible future uses for these nanostructured materials are discussed. ^
The deposition by atomic vapor deposition of highly c-axis-oriented Aurivillius phase Bi 5Ti 3FeO 15 (BTFO) thin films on (100) Si substrates is reported. Partially crystallized BTFO films with c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface were first deposited at 610°C (8 excess Bi), and subsequently annealed at 820°C to get stoichiometric composition. After annealing, the films were highly c-axis-oriented, showing only (00l) peaks in x-ray diffraction (XRD), up to (0024). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirms the BTFO film has a clear layered structure, and the bismuth oxide layer interleaves the four-block pseudoperovskite layer, indicating the n 4 Aurivillius phase structure. Piezoresponse force microscopy measurements indicate strong in-plane piezoelectric response, consistent with the c-axis layered structure, shown by XRD and TEM.
Single-phase multiferroic materials are of considerable interest for future memory and sensing applications. Thin films of Aurivillius phase Bi 7Ti3Fe3O21 and Bi6Ti 2.8Fe1.52Mn0.68O18 (possessing six and five perovskite units per half-cell, respectively) have been prepared by chemical solution deposition on c-plane sapphire. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry reveal Bi7Ti3Fe 3O21 to be antiferromagnetic (TN = 190 K) and weakly ferromagnetic below 35 K, however, Bi6Ti2.8Fe 1.52Mn0.68O18 gives a distinct room-temperature in-plane ferromagnetic signature (Ms = 0.74 emu/g, μ0Hc =7 mT). Microstructural analysis, coupled with the use of a statistical analysis of the data, allows us to conclude that ferromagnetism does not originate from second phase inclusions, with a confidence level of 99.5%. Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) demonstrates room-temperature ferroelectricity in both films, whereas PFM observations on Bi6Ti2.8Fe1.52Mn0.68O18 show Aurivillius grains undergo ferroelectric domain polarization switching induced by an applied magnetic field. Here, we show for the first time that Bi6Ti2.8Fe1.52Mn0.68O18 thin films are both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic and, demonstrate magnetic field-induced switching of ferroelectric polarization in individual Aurivillius phase grains at room temperature.
Nano-scale touch screen thin film have not been thoroughly investigated in terms of dynamic impact analysis under various strain rates. This research is focused on two different thin films, Zinc Oxide (ZnO) film and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) film, deposited on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) substrate for the standard touch screen panels. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was performed on the ZnO film coated PET substrates. Nano-impact (fatigue) testing was performed on ITO film coated PET substrates. Other analysis includes hardness and the elastic modulus measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the film surface.
Ten delta of DMA is described as the ratio of loss modulus (viscous properties) and storage modulus (elastic properties) of the material and its peak against time identifies the glass transition temperature (Tg). Thus, in essence the Tg recognizes changes from glassy to rubber state of the material and for our sample ZnO film, Tg was found as 388.3 K. The DMA results also showed that the Ten delta curve for Tg increases monotonically in the viscoelastic state (before Tg) and decreases sharply in the rubber state (after Tg) until recrystallization of ZnO takes place. This led to an interpretation that enhanced ductility can be achieved by negating the strength of the material.
For the nano-impact testing using the ITO coated PET, the damage started with the crack initiation and propagation. The interpretation of the nano-impact results depended on the characteristics of the loading history. Under the nano-impact loading, the surface structure of ITO film suffered from several forms of failure damages that range from deformation to catastrophic failures. It is concluded that in such type of application, the films should have low residual stress to prevent deformation, good adhesive strength, durable and good resistance to wear.
The thesis aims to exploit properties of thin films for applications such as spintronics, UV detection and gas sensing. Nanoscale thin films devices have myriad advantages and compatibility with Si-based integrated circuits processes. Two distinct classes of material systems are investigated, namely ferromagnetic thin films and semiconductor oxides. To aid the designing of devices, the surface properties of the thin films were investigated by using electron and photon characterization techniques including Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). These are complemented by nanometer resolved local proximal probes such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force microscopy (MFM), electric force microscopy (EFM), and scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the interplay between stoichiometry, morphology, chemical states, crystallization, magnetism, optical transparency, and electronic properties. Specifically, I studied the effect of annealing on the surface stoichiometry of the CoFeB/Cu system by in-situ AES and discovered that magnetic nanoparticles with controllable areal density can be produced. This is a good alternative for producing nanoparticles using a maskless process. Additionally, I studied the behavior of magnetic domain walls of the low coercivity alloy CoFeB patterned nanowires. MFM measurement with the in-plane magnetic field showed that, compared to their permalloy counterparts, CoFeB nanowires require a much smaller magnetization switching field , making them promising for low-power-consumption domain wall motion based devices. With oxides, I studied CuO nanoparticles on SnO2 based UV photodetectors (PDs), and discovered that they promote the responsivity by facilitating charge transfer with the formed nanoheterojunctions. I also demonstrated UV PDs with spectrally tunable photoresponse with the bandgap engineered ZnMgO. The bandgap of the alloyed ZnMgO thin films was tailored by varying the Mg contents and AES was demonstrated as a surface scientific approach to assess the alloying of ZnMgO. With gas sensors, I discovered the rf-sputtered anatase-TiO2 thin films for a selective and sensitive NO2 detection at room temperature, under UV illumination. The implementation of UV enhances the responsivity, response and recovery rate of the TiO2 sensor towards NO2 significantly. Evident from the high resolution XPS and AFM studies, the surface contamination and morphology of the thin films degrade the gas sensing response. I also demonstrated that surface additive metal nanoparticles on thin films can improve the response and the selectivity of oxide based sensors. I employed nanometer-scale scanning probe microscopy to study a novel gas senor scheme consisting of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowires with functionalizing oxides layer. The results suggested that AFM together with EFM is capable of discriminating low-conductive materials at the nanoscale, providing a nondestructive method to quantitatively relate sensing response to the surface morphology.
Transparent thin films can now be site-selectively patterned and positioned on surface using mask-defined electrodeposition of one oxide and overcoating with a different solution-processed oxide, followed by thermal annealing. Annealing allows an interdiffusion process to create a new oxide that is entirely transparent. A primary electrodeposited oxide can be patterned and the secondary oxide coated over the entire substrate to form high color contrast coplanar thin film tertiary oxide. The authors also detail the phase formation and chemical state of the oxide and how the nature of the electrodeposited layer and the overlayer influence the optical clearing of the patterned oxide film.
We have investigated the structure of disordered gold-polymer thin films using small angle x-ray scattering and compared the results with the predictions of a theoretical model based on two approaches-a structure form factor approach and the generalized Porod law. The films are formed of polymer-embedded gold nanoclusters and were fabricated by very low energy gold ion implantation into polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). The composite films span (with dose variation) the transition from electrically insulating to electrically conducting regimes, a range of interest fundamentally and technologically. We find excellent agreement with theory and show that the PMMA-Au films have monodispersive or polydispersive characteristics depending on the implanted ion dose. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3493241]
A method of using X-ray absorption spectroscopy together with resolved grazing-incidence geometry for depth profiling of atomic, electronic or chemical local structures in thin films is presented. The quantitative deconvolution of thickness-dependent spectral features is performed by fully considering both scattering and absorption formalisms. Surface oxidation and local structural depth profiles in nanometric FePt films are determined, exemplifying the application of the method.
This work reports on the magnetic properties of Ge(100-x)Mn(x) (x=0-24 at. %) films prepared by cosputtering a Ge+Mn target and submitted to cumulative thermal annealing treatments up to 500 degrees C. Both as-deposited and annealed films were investigated by means of compositional analysis, Raman scattering spectroscopy, magnetic force microscopy, superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry, and electrical resistivity measurements. All as-deposited films (either pure or containing Mn) exhibit an amorphous structure, which changes to crystalline as the annealing treatments are performed at increasing temperatures. In fact, the magnetic properties of the present Ge(100-x)Mn(x) films are very sensitive to the Mn content and whether their atomic structure is amorphous or crystalline. More specifically: whereas the amorphous Ge(100-x)Mn(x) films (with high x) present a characteristic spin glass behavior at low temperature; after crystallization, the films (with moderate Mn contents) are ferromagnetic at room temperature. Moreover, the magnetic behavior of the films scales with their Mn concentration and tends to be more pronounced after crystallization. Finally, the semiconducting behavior of the films, experienced by previous optical studies, was confirmed through electrical measurements, which also indicate the dependence of the resistivity with the atomic composition of the films. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3520661]
The reverse engineering problem addressed in the present research consists of estimating the thicknesses and the optical constants of two thin films deposited on a transparent substrate using only transmittance data through the whole stack. No functional dispersion relation assumptions are made on the complex refractive index. Instead, minimal physical constraints are employed, as in previous works of some of the authors where only one film was considered in the retrieval algorithm. To our knowledge this is the first report on the retrieval of the optical constants and the thickness of multiple film structures using only transmittance data that does not make use of dispersion relations. The same methodology may be used if the available data correspond to normal reflectance. The software used in this work is freely available through the PUMA Project web page (http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/puma/). (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
Dielectric and Raman scattering experiments were performed on polycrystalline Pb(1-x)Ba(x)TiO(3) thin films (x=0.40 and 0.60) as a function of temperature. The dielectric study on single phase compositions revealed that a diffuse-type phase transition occurred upon transformation of the cubic paraelectric to the tetragonal ferroelectric phase in all thin films, which showed a broadening of the dielectric peak. Diffusivity was found to increase with increasing barium contents in the composition range under study. In addition, the temperature dependence of Raman scattering spectra was investigated through the ferroelectric phase transition. The temperature dependence of the phonon frequencies was used to characterize the phase transitions. Raman modes persisted above the tetragonal to cubic phase transition temperature, although all optical modes should be Raman inactive. The origin of these modes was interpreted as a breakdown of the local cubic symmetry by chemical disorder. The lack of a well-defined transition temperature and the presence of broadbands in some temperature intervals above the paraferroelectric phase transition temperature suggest a diffuse-type phase transition. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
This work presents the fabrication of two-dimensional diffraction gratings in diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films, with applications in computer-generated holography and micro optics. In order to achieve high diffraction efficiency and to have a very simple manufacturing process, the device is designed to modulate only the phase of an incoming coherent monochromatic laser beam (632.8 nm, HeNe laser). This modulation is obtained by implementing a binary microrelief in the DLC film, responsible for generating a localized optical path difference of half a wavelength. This microrelief is obtained by anisotropic reactive ion etching of the DLC surface in an oxygen based plasma. The DLC layer was grown by reactive magnetron sputtering, using a methane-based plasma chemistry. AFM measurements show a low-level surface roughness of less than 1% of the operation wavelength, and optical characterization shows a good quality of the reconstructed diffraction patterns. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work, the applicability of a new algorithm for the estimation of mechanical properties from instrumented indentation data was studied for thin films. The applicability was analyzed with the aid of both three-dimensional finite element simulations and experimental indentation tests. The numerical approach allowed studying the effect of the substrate on the estimation of mechanical properties of the film, which was conducted based on the ratio h(max)/l between maximum indentation depth and film thickness. For the experimental analysis, indentation tests were conducted on AISI H13 tool steel specimens, plasma nitrated and coated with TiN thin films. Results have indicated that, for the conditions analyzed in this work, the elastic deformation of the substrate limited the extraction of mechanical properties of the film/substrate system. This limitation occurred even at low h(max)/l ratios and especially for the estimation of the values of yield strength and strain hardening exponent. At indentation depths lower than 4% of the film thickness, the proposed algorithm estimated the mechanical properties of the film with accuracy. Particularly for hardness, precise values were estimated at h(max)/l lower than 0.1, i.e. 10% of film thickness. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
In this work, a series of depositions of titanium nitride (TiN) films on M2 and D2 steel substrates were conducted in a Triode Magnetron Sputtering chamber. The temperature; gas flow and pressure were kept constant during each run. The substrate bias was either decreased or increased in a sequence of steps. Residual stress measurements were later conducted through the grazing X-ray diffraction method. Different incident angles were used in order to change the penetration depth and to obtain values of residual stress at different film depths. A model described by Dolle was adapted as an attempt to calculate the values of residual stress at each incident angle as a function of the value from each individual layer. Stress results indicated that the decrease in bias voltage during the deposition has produced compressive residual stress gradients through the film thickness. On the other hand, much less pronounced gradients were found in one of the films deposited with increasing bias voltage. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To explain the magnetic behavior of plastic deformation of thin magnetic films (Fe and permalloy) on an elastic substrate (nitinol), it is noted that unlike in the bulk, the dislocation density does not increase dramatically because of the dimensional constraint. As a result, the resulting residual stress, even though strain hardening is limited, dominates the observed magnetic behavior. Thus, with the field parallel to the stress axis, the compressive residual stress resulting from plastic deformation causes a decrease in remanence and an increase in coercivity; and with the field perpendicular to the stress axis, the resulting compressive residual stress causes an increase in remanence and a decrease in coercivity. These elements have been inserted into the model previously developed for plastic deformation in the bulk, producing the aforementioned behavior, which has been observed experimentally in the films.