971 resultados para Si-MCM-41


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O objectivo principal deste trabalho de mestrado consistiu em avaliar a potencial utilização de materiais adsorventes, nomeadamente, de carvões activados (AC) preparados por activação química com KOH, a partir de PET reciclado, e de materiais com estrutura mesoporosa ordenada, do tipo MCM-41 e SBA-15, na remoção de ácido 4 - cloro - 2 - metilfenoxiacético (MCPA) e de azul de metileno (MB), presentes nas águas. Nesta tese apresentam-se estudos de preparação e caracterização de materiais micro e mesoporosos e também estudos de avaliação da capacidade adsortiva em fase líquida. Prepararam-se três materiais microporosos, nomeadamente, PET-2-700, PET-2-700ox (AC oxidado) e PET-2-700red (AC reduzido), dois materiais constituídos exclusivamente por mesoporos, Si-MCM-41 e Ti-MCM-41-50 e dois materiais contendo maioritariamente mesoporos, mas que também possuem alguma microporosidade, tais corno, Si-SBA-15 e Ti-SBA-15-50. A caracterização textural dos adsorventes foi inferida por adsorção de azoto a 77K e por de difracção de raios X. Recorreu-se a três métodos de análise das isotérmicas, nomeadamente, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Brunauer-Ernrnett-Teller e alfa-s (as). A caracterização química dos AC foi realizada recorrendo-se a técnicas de análise elementar (AE) e espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier (FTIR) e à determinação do ponto de carga zero. Os três carvões activados possuem valores de área superficial externa idênticos, o PET-2-700 possui o maior volume microporoso e o PET-2-700ox exibe o maior diâmetro de poros. Por outro lado, o PET-2-700ox possui um carácter fortemente ácido, o PET-2-700 exibe carácter ligeiramente ácido e o PET-2-700red apresenta propriedades ligeiramente alcalinas. Com base na AE, todas as amostras possuem percentagens de carbono elevadas, sendo que o PET-2-700red apresenta o valor mais elevado. Os resultados obtidos para a caracterização estrutural dos revelaram a obtenção de materiais mesoporosos de alta qualidade, definida pela elevada regularidade e uniformidade da estrutura porosa. A análise dos parâmetros de caracterização textura! permitiu inferir que os quatro materiais mesoporosos possuem valores de área superficial elevados, e que os materiais SBA-15 apresentam valores de volume poroso total e de tamanho de poros superiores aos manifestados pelos MCM-41. A incorporação de titânio não conduziu a uma perda significativa de qualidade dos materiais substituídos em relação às correspondentes amostras de sílica. Efectuaram-se estudos de adsorção em fase líquida de forma a avaliar a possível aplicação dos vários adsorventes na remoção de MCPA e de MB de efluentes líquidos. concluiu-se que o tempo de equilíbrio de 72 horas seria adequado e que a capacidade de adsorção dos vários AC era superior em meio ácido. Com base nas isotérmicas de adsorção do MCPA e do MB e na aplicação da representação de Langmuir e de Freundlich, foi possível concluir que o PET-2-700 possui a maior capacidade de adsorção do MCPA, 1.42 mmol/g, enquanto que o PET-2-700ox revelou a maior capacidade de adsorção do MB, 1.43 mmol/g. Na realidade, os materiais microporosos estudados apresentaram percentagens de remoção elevadas, tanto do MCPA como do MB. Relativamente aos materiais mesoporosos ordenados preparados neste trabalho, a percentagem de remoção de para os poluentes em estudo foi relativamente baixa, constatando-se que nesta fase dos estudos não constituem uma alternativa viável à utilização dos AC. No entanto, uma funcionalização criteriosa dos mesmos pode eventualmente proporcionar um aumento da capacidade adsortiva. ABSTRACT: The work presented in this master thesis, consisted of evaluating the potential use of different adsorbents materials, like activated carbon (AC) prepared by chemical activation with KOH, from recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and materials with ordered mesoporous structure such as MCM-41 and SBA-15, for removing acid 4-chlorine-2-metilfenoxiacétic and methylene blue from aqueous phase. We had prepared three microporous materials, PET-200-700, PET-2-700ox (AC oxidized) and PET-2-700red (reduced AC), two materials consisting exclusively of mesopores, Si-MCM-41 and Ti-MCM-41-50 and two materials containing mainly mesopores, but also having some microporosity, such as Si-SBA-15 and Ti-SBA-15-50. The textural characterization of the adsorbents was inferred by nitrogen adsorption at 77K and X-ray diffraction. Three methods were used to analyse the isotherms, namely, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and alpha-s (as). The chemical characterization of AC was performed using the elementary analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and determination of the point of zero charge. Concerning the AC, the three present almost the same externa! surface area, PET-2-700 has a high micropore volume and PET-2-700ox shows the largest pore size diameter. On the other hand, PET-2-700ox had a strong acid character, PET-2-700 exhibits just a slightly acid character and PET-2-700red presents alkaline properties. The AE analysis allows confirming the high carbon content of theses AC, with PET-2-700red exhibiting the highest carbon proportion. The results from the structural characterization of the mesoporous materials, had disclosed the attainment of materials with high quality, defined by the raised regularity and uniformity of the porous structure. The analysis of the textural parameters allowed inferring that the four studied mesoporous materials possess high superficial area. The SBA-15 type materials present higher values of total porous volume and pores size diameter as the MCM-41. Also, the titanium incorporation did not lead to a significant loss of quality of the materials substituted in relation to the corresponding silica samples. The adsorption studies in liquid phase allow evaluating the possibility of using the different adsorbents for the MCPA and the MB removal. The kinetic studies had allowed to state the equilibrium time as 72 hours and a higher adsorption capacity was achieved in an acid medium. The influence of the pH of the medium, on the MCPA adsorption was evaluated. The MCPA and MB isotherms were analysed based on the Langmuir and Freundlich equation, the representations presented an excellent linearity, indicating the applicability of these equations to these systems. Also, it allows concluded that PET-2-700 had a higher adsorption capacity for MCPA, 1.42 mmol/g, and PET-2-700ox had a higher adsorption capacity for MB, 1.43 mmol/g. The AC used presented high removal percentages for MCPA and MB. Concerning the mesoporous materials prepared in this work, the percentage removal for the pollutants in study was relatively low, and evidencing that at the moment these mesoporous materials do not constitute a viable alternative to the AC. However, an astute funcionalisation of the same ones can, eventually provide an increase of the adsorption capacity.


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Os materiais microporosos e mesoporosos são potenciais catalisadores heterogéneos. Os zeólitos e outros materiais microporosos do tipo zeolítico tradicionais, têm átomos tetracoordenados no esqueleto. Nos últimos anos, um vasto número de titanossilicatos contendo Ti(IV) hexacoordenado e Si(IV) tetracoordenado, com estruturas tridimensionais, têm sido alvo de grande interesse. Um dos objectivos desta tese foi preparar silicatos microporosos, contendo átomos metálicos com número de coordenação superior a quatro, e possuindo quer novas estruturas quer propriedades físicas e químicas interessantes. Neste contexto, foi preparado um novo ítriossilicato de sódio, AV-1, análogo do raro mineral montregianite, Na4K2Y2Si16O38·10H2O. Este material é o primeiro sólido microporoso que contem quantidades estequiométricas de sódio (e ítrio) no esqueleto. Foi, também, sintetizado um silicato de cério, AV-5, análogo estrutural do mineral montregianite com potencial aplicação em optoelectrónica. Nesta tese é, ainda, descrita a síntese e caracterização estrutural de um silicato de cálcio hidratado, AV-2, análogo do raro mineral rhodesite (K2Ca4Na2Si16O38.12H2O). Na continuação do trabalho desenvolvido em Aveiro na síntese de novos titanossilicatos surgiu o interesse de preparar novos zirconossilicatos microporosos por síntese hidrotérmica. Foram preparados dois novos materiais análogos dos minerais petarasite Na5Zr2Si3O18(Cl,OH)·2H2O (AV-3) e kostylevite, K2Si3O9·H2O (AV-8). Foram, também, obtidos análogos sintéticos dos minerais parakeldyshite e wadeite, por calcinação a alta temperatura de AV-3 e de umbite sintética. A heterogeneização de complexos organometálicos na superfície de materiais mesoporosos do tipo M41S permite associar a grande actividade catalítica e a presença de sítios activos localizados típicos dos complexos organometálicos, com a robustez e fácil separação, características dos materiais mesoporosos siliciosos. Nesta dissertação relata-se a derivatização dos materiais MCM-41 e MCM-48 através da reacção de [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]Fe e [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]TiCl2 com os grupos silanol das superfícies mesoporosas. Os materiais MCMs derivatizados com ansa-titanoceno foram testados na epoxidação de cicloocteno a 323 K na presença de hidrogenoperóxido de t-butilo. Estudou-se a heterogeneização dos sais de complexos com ligação metal-metal [Mo2(MeCN)10][BF4]4, [Mo2(m-O2CMe)2(MeCN)6][BF4]2 e [Mo2(m- O2CMe)2(dppa)2(MeCN)2][BF4]2 via imobilização nos canais do MCM-41. A imobilização dos catalisadores homogéneos na superfície do MCM-41 envolve a saída dos ligandos nitrilo lábeis, preferencialmente em posição axial, através da reacção com os grupos Si-OH da sílica. Verificou-se que a ligação Mo-Mo se mantém intacta nos produtos finais. É provável que estes materiais sejam eficientes catalisadores heterogéneos em reacções de polimerização. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas nesta tese foram a difracção de raios-X de pós, a microscopia electrónica de varrimento, a espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear do estado sólido (núcleos 13C, 23Na e 29Si), as espectroscopias de Raman e infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier, as análises termogravimétricas e as análises de adsorção de água e azoto.


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The AlMCM-41 material with Si/Al=50 was synthesized by hydrothermal method, using cethyltrimethylammonium as template. The protonic H-AlMCM-41 acid form was obtained by ion exchange with ammonium chloride solution and subsequent calcination. The characterization of the material by several techniques showed that a good-quality MCM-41 material was obtained. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) has been submitted to thermal degradation alone, and in presence of the exchanged H-AlMCM-41 catalyst at a concentration of 1: 1 in mass (H-AlMCM-41/HDPE). The reactor was connected on line to a gas chromatograph connected to a mass spectrometer. This process was evaluated by thermogravimetry (TG), from 350 to 600degreesC, under helium dynamic atmosphere, with heating rates of 5.0; 10.0 and 20.0 degreesC/min. From TG curves, the activation energy, calculated using a multiple heating rate integral kinetic method, decreased from 225.5 KJ.mol(-1), for the pure polymer (HDPE), to 184.7 KJ.mol(-1), in the presence of the catalyst (H-AlMCM-41/HDPE).


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Transition metal oxide (TiO2, Pe(2)O(3), CoO) loaded MCM-41 and MCM-48 were synthesized by a two-step surfactant-based process. Nanoporous, high surface area compounds were obtained after calcination of the compounds. The catalysts were characterized by SEM, XRD, XPS, UV-vis and BET surface area analysis. The catalysts showed high activity for the photocatalytic degradation of both anionic and cationic dyes. The degradation of the dyes was described using Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics and the associated rate parameters were determined.


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Transition metal oxide (TiO2, Pe(2)O(3), CoO) loaded MCM-41 and MCM-48 were synthesized by a two-step surfactant-based process. Nanoporous, high surface area compounds were obtained after calcination of the compounds. The catalysts were characterized by SEM, XRD, XPS, UV-vis and BET surface area analysis. The catalysts showed high activity for the photocatalytic degradation of both anionic and cationic dyes. The degradation of the dyes was described using Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics and the associated rate parameters were determined.


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目前,国内外对于铕和铽等稀土配合物的可见区发光和应用都有大量研究,但对具有近红外发光(800-1700 nm)性能的稀土配合物的研究还处于起步阶段。由于稀土的近红外发光在光纤通讯、激光系统及诊断学等方面应用具有特殊的优点,越来越引起人们的兴趣和重视。 稀土近红外发光配合物的致命弱点是其光、热和化学稳定性较差,从而限制了其在很多领域的实际应用。而溶胶-凝胶材料和介孔材料具有良好的光、热和化学稳定性,能改善客体分子的结构环境和化学微环境,从而能有效提高客体分子的发光性能。因此,本论文将具有优良近红外发光性能的稀土配合物分别与上述两种基质复合,从实验和理论研究稀土近红外发光杂化材料的性能和应用价值,制备出具有良好稳定性的高效稀土近红外发光杂化材料,以期为光纤通讯、激光等领域提供潜在的候选材料。围绕这一宗旨,开展了如下工作: 通过原位技术分别得到了掺杂和嫁接[Ln(dbm)3phen]化合物(Ln = Er, Nd, Yb)的杂化凝胶材料,Ln-D-P gel和Xerogel-Ln。通过对其近红外发光性能的研究,表明材料中配体能很好的保护稀土离子,并将能量有效的传递给稀土离子。采用Judd-Ofelt理论对所得部分材料进行了光谱分析,基于实验数据和理论分析表明其具有潜在的光放大和激光应用价值。 选择了两种含全氟化烷基链的β-二酮配体Hhfth和Htfnb,通过功能化的phen-Si配体,将三元配合物[Ln(hfth)3phen] (Ln = Er, Nd, Yb, Sm)和[Pr(tfnb)3phen]成功共价嫁接到介孔MCM-41和SBA-15杂化材料中,得到的衍生材料Ln(hfth)3phen–MCM-41、Pr(tfnb)3phen–MCM-41和Ln(hfth)3phen–SBA-15、Pr(tfnb)3phen–SBA-15都保持了高度有序的介孔p6mm结构,并展现出稀土离子特征的近红外发射。所得稀土配合物功能化的材料的发射光谱能完全覆盖对光通讯极具应用价值的1300-1600nm区域。 通过对Er(dbm)3phen–M41(X, Y) (X = 1~14, Y = 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 h)材料系统的比较研究,选择了X = 12, Y = 6作为合成目标材料的优化参数,通过功能化的phen-Si配体将[Ln(dbm)3phen]配合物共价嫁接于有序介孔MCM-41和SBA-15中(Ln = Er, Nd, Yb),所得两类材料Ln(dbm)3phenM41和Ln(dbm)3phenS15都保持了很好的介孔有序性,并具有良好的近红外发光性能。通过对Ln(dbm)3phenM41和Ln(dbm)3phenS15两类材料发光行为的比较,以及两类材料中稀土离子的含量及孔结构的分析,推出以SBA-15为载体得到的材料在相对发光强度和荧光寿命上,均比以MCM-41为载体的材料有所提高。 通过对8-羟基喹啉配体进行改性,合成了具有双功能的配体Q-Si,继而合成了共价嫁接8-羟基喹啉衍生物的介孔杂化材料Q–SBA-15,其形貌均一,并具有高度有序的介孔p6mm结构。通过配体交换反应,得到了嫁接稀土喹啉配合物的具有近红外发光性能的介孔杂化材料LnQ3–SBA-15 (Ln = Er, Nd, Yb),其仍然保持高度有序的介孔结构,且外形呈现与母体材料Q–SBA-15相似的弯曲圆柱状。激发配体的吸收,LnQ3–SBA-15材料都分别展现出相应稀土离子特征的近红外发射,并详细分析和讨论了所得介孔杂化材料的近红外发光性能。


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报导了可用于光网络系统终端OADM和OXC的Si基长波长量子阱窄带响应光电接收器,MOEMS和F-P TO宽频域光学滤波器,M—Z型TO光开关和MMI多路分束器以及可变光强衰减器.用应变层SiGe/Si MQW研制的RCE光电接收器响应谱半宽FWHM<6mm,外量子效率η>4.2%;采用表面微机械加工的桥式光学滤波器,当外加电压0→50V,连续可调谐范围达90nm;采用全平面工艺研制的F-P腔TO滤波器,当外加电流0→57mA时,连续可调谐范围达23nm,FWHM<0.5nm.在SOI Si基片上研制的M—ZTO波导光开关,开关时间<30μs,功耗~100mW.开关消光比-13dB和-10dB,1×4MMI多路分束器输出光场的不均衡性<0.36dB,总插入损耗6.9dB.用背向对接的MMI构成的M-Z干涉仪实现了光强的可变调最大衰减量26dB,响应时间100μs,插入损耗4.8~7dB.


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The oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane (ODE) with CO2 to C2H4 has been studied over a series of Cr-based catalysts using SiO2, Al2O3, (MCM-41 zeolite) MCM-41, MgO and Silicate-2 (Si-2) as the supports. TPR, NH3-TPD, and EPR characterizations of catalysts were carried out to investigate the reduction property of Cr species on different supports, the acidities of catalysts and Cr species of 6Cr/SiO2 catalysts, respectively.


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By using the bifunctional ligand, 8-hydroxyquinoline-functionalized organosilane (Q-Si), the new mesoporous material Q-MCM-41 covalently bonded with 8-hydroxyquinoline was synthesized. Through the ligand exchange reaction, the new near-infrared (NIR) luminescent mesoporous LnQ(3)-MCM-41 (Ln = Er, Nd, Yb) materials were prepared by linking the lanthanide quinolinate complexes to the ordered mesoporous Q-MCM-41 material. The LnQ(3)-MCM-41 materials were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and N-2 adsorption/desorption, and they all show the characteristic mesoporous structure of MCM-41 with highly uniform pore size distributions.


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Urea bridged organic-inorganic hybrid mesoporous SiO2 materials (U-BSQMs) were synthesized through a sol-gel procedure by co-condensation of bis(triethoxysilyl propyl) urea (BSPU) under basic conditions using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as organic template. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed the mesoporous structure of the sample. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), solid state CP-MAS NMR spectroscopy of Si-29 (Si-29, CP-MAS NMR) and C-13 (C-13 CP NMR) indicated that most of the Si-C bonds are unbroken during the synthesis process.


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Ordered hexagonal mesoporous silica material (JLU-30) has been successfully synthesized in alkaline media at high temperature (> 160 degreesC, using cationic (1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidin-2-ylidene)hexadecylmethyl-ammonium bromide (DIHAB) as a template, and characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms, differential thermal analysis (DTA), and thermogravimetric analysis (TG), as well as Al-27 and Si-29 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Mesoporous JLU-30 shows much higher hydrothermal stability than MCM-41. Si-29 NMR spectra indicate that the pore walls of JLU-30 samples synthesized at high temperature (160 degreesC) are fully condensed, giving a Q(4)/Q(3) ratio as high as 6.2. In contrast, MCM-41 synthesized at relatively low temperature (100 degreesC) shows the Q(4)/Q(3) + Q(2) ratio at 1.1. Such unique structural feature might be responsible for the observed highly hydrothermal stability of the mesoporous silica materials (JLU-30).


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Rare earth complex Eu(DBM)(3)phen (DBM: dibenzoylmethane, phen: 1.10-phenanthroline) hits been incorporated into unmodified MCM-41 and modified MCM-41s by aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) or N-[(3-triethoxysilyl)propyl]ethylenediamine(TEPED). Thus, the assemblies of unmodified or modified MCM-41s with rare earth (RE) complex have been obtained. XRD spectra. NMR spectra. diffuse reflectance spectra. and the luminescence spectra were used to characterize the pure RE complex and the corresponding assemblies. The assemblies have better luminescence properties under UV irradiation. and their fluorescence lifetimes on the excited state are longer than that of the corresponding pure complex. The possible mechanisms are also discussed in the context.


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Ta2O5-SiO2 catalysts were prepared by a sol-gel method using tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and tantalum (V) ethoxide as the sources of silicon and tantalum, and two families of quaternary ammonium salts, [CnH(2n+1)(CH3)(3)N]Br (n = 14, 16, 18) and [(CnH(2n+1))(4)N]Br (n = 10, 12, 16, 18) as surfactants. The catalysts were compared for the selective suffoxidation of 4,6-dimethyl-2-thiomethylpyrimidine using peroxide as an oxidising agent in a range of ionic liquids and organic solvents. The sol-gel catalysts were also compared with tantalum on MCM-41 prepared by grafting. The catalysts were characterized from adsorption-desorption isotherms of N-2, XRD patterns, small-angle X-ray scattering, IR spectra from adsorbed pyridine and CDCl3, XPS spectra, and Si-29 magic angle spinning (MAS) NNIR experiments. The effect of recycling on the catalyst leaching and selectivity/activity was also studied. High activities and selectivities were found in [NTf2](-) based ionic liquids and organic solvents with good recyclability of the catalyst. Tantalum was found in the solution after reaction; however, this was determined to be due to entrapment of catalyst particulates, as opposed to leaching of the active metal. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.