983 resultados para Service-dominant Logic
Managing a variable demand scenario is particularly challenging on services organizations because services companies usually have a major part of fixed costs. The article studies how a services organization manages its demand variability and its relation with the organization`s profitability. Moreover, the study searched for alternatives used to reduce the demand variability`s impact on the profitability of the company. The research was based on a case study with a Brazilian services provider on information technology business. The study suggests that alternatives like using outsourced employees to cover demand peaks may bring benefits only on short term, reducing the profitability of the company on long term: Some options are revealed, like the internationalization of employees and the investment on developing its own workforce.
Objective: To compare rates of self-reported use of health services between rural, remote and urban South Australians. Methods: Secondary data analysis from a population-based survey to assess health and well-being, conducted in South Australia in 2000. In all, 2,454 adults were randomly selected and interviewed using the computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) system. We analysed health service use by Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) category. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the median number of uses of the four types of health services studied across ARIA categories. Significantly fewer residents of highly accessible areas reported never using primary care services (14.4% vs. 22.2% in very remote areas), and significantly more reported high use ( greater than or equal to6 visits, 29.3% vs. 21.5%). Fewer residents of remote areas reported never attending hospital (65.6% vs. 73.8% in highly accessible areas). Frequency of use of mental health services was not statistically significantly different across ARIA categories. Very remote residents were more likely to spend at least one night in a public hospital (15.8%) than were residents of other areas (e.g. 5.9% for highly accessible areas). Conclusion: The self-reported frequency of use of a range of health services in South Australia was broadly similar across ARIA categories. However, use of primary care services was higher among residents of highly accessible areas and public hospital use increased with increasing remoteness. There is no evidence for systematic rural disadvantage in terms of self-reported health service utilisation in this State.
Little attention has been given to the contextual politics of service delivery reforms. By focusing on cases of reform in the healthcare sector and, to a lesser extent, in the main policies in the social service sector in India, Mexico and Brazil, this article explores two dimensions of analysis which have enormous relevance in understanding the reach and effectiveness of service delivery reforms: (1) the historical timing of reforms and sectorial baselines, and (2) the degree and institutional locus of local discretion in policy. Findings show that depending on both dimensions, there is an extraordinary variation as to the degree, interests involved and meaning of changes which, in theory, correspond to these countries` commitment to the service delivery reforms, However, consideration of the contextual politics is relevant not for the sake of diversity but for the similarities that this diversity reveals, pointing to underlying analytic dimensions that receive attention in this article.
In seeking to increase the flexibility of their use of employee time, employers can pursue strategies based on the employment of casual and part-time workers (numerical flexibility) or strategies based on ad hoc variation of the working hours of permanent employees (working time flexibility). Patterns of flexibility strategies and their implications are examined in the context of a highly feminised sector of work-clerical and administrative employment in law and accounting firms. We consider whether, as is often assumed, working time flexibility strategies are generally better for employees because they avoid the substitution of core, high quality jobs with the peripheral, relatively insecure employment often associated with casualisation. Analysing data drawn from a survey of law and accounting firms, we argue that there are three distinct flexibility strategies adopted by employers, and that the choice of strategy is influenced by the size of the firm and the extent of feminisation. The quality of employment conditions associated with each strategy is investigated through an analysis of the determinants of training provision for clerical and administrative workers. Rather than an expected simple linear relationship between increasing casualisation and decreasing training provision, we find that firm size and feminisation are implicated. Larger firms that tend to employ at least some men and use a combination of working time and numerical flexibility strategies tend to provide more training than the small, more fully feminised firms that tend to opt for either casualisation or working time flexibility strategies. This suggests that, from an employee perspective, working time flexibility may not be as benevolent as is often thought.
The refinement calculus provides a framework for the stepwise development of imperative programs from specifications. In this paper we study a refinement calculus for deriving logic programs. Dealing with logic programs rather than imperative programs has the dual advantages that, due to the expressive power of logic programs, the final program is closer to the original specification, and each refinement step can achieve more. Together these reduce the overall number of derivation steps. We present a logic programming language extended with specification constructs (including general predicates, assertions, and types and invariants) to form a wide-spectrum language. General predicates allow non-executable properties to be included in specifications. Assertions, types and invariants make assumptions about the intended inputs of a procedure explicit, and can be used during refinement to optimize the constructed logic program. We provide a semantics for the extended logic programming language and derive a set of refinement laws. Finally we apply these to an example derivation.
Evaluation of oral-motor movements and speech in patients with tetanus of a public service in Brazil
The characterisation of oral-motor movements and speech of patients with tetanus were investigated to determine the existence of possible signs that are characteristic of this pathology. Thirteen patients clinically diagnosed with tetanus (10 with severe tetanus and three with very severe tetanus) and admitted to an intensive care unit underwent clinical evaluation of oral-motor movements and speech. Statistical analysis indicated significant between-group differences for speech motor functions, suggesting that individuals with very severe tetanus present rigidity as a characteristic interfering in articulatory precision (P = 0 035) and movement rate (P = 0 038). For lip closure, tongue movement, palatal elevation, gag reflex and voice quality, no between-group differences were identified for the specific abnormal characteristics. The observed abnormal results indicate that muscle strength and functional status of the oral-motor system presented by most of the participants of the study did not ensure the necessary integrity for satisfactory performance. The characterisation of the oral myofunctional aspects of patients with tetanus provides medical teams, patients and families with a wider and better description of the clinical situation, giving support to the diagnosis, prognostics and treatment.
Empowering front-line staff to deal with service failures has been proposed as a method of recovering from service breakdown and ensuring greater customer satisfaction. However, no empirical study has investigated consumer responses to empowerment strategies. This research investigates the effect on customer satisfaction and service quality of two employee characteristics: the degree to which the employee is empowered (full, limited, and none), and the employee's communication style (accommodative - informal and personal, and underaccommodative-formal and impersonal). These employee characteristics are studied within the context of service failures. Subjects were shown videotaped service scenarios, and asked to complete satisfaction and service quality ratings. Results revealed that the fully empowered employee produced more customer satisfaction than the other conditions, but only when the service provider used an accommodating style of communication. Fully empowered and nonempowered employees were not judged differently when an underaccommodating style of communication was adopted. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Nursing diagnoses associated with alterations of urinary elimination require different interventions, Nurses, who are not specialists, require support to diagnose and manage patients with disturbances of urine elimination. The aim of this study was to present a model based on fuzzy logic for differential diagnosis of alterations in urinary elimination, considering nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, 2001-2002. Fuzzy relations and the maximum-minimum composition approach were used to develop the system. The model performance was evaluated with 195 cases from the database of a previous study, resulting in 79.0% of total concordance and 19.5% of partial concordance, when compared with the panel of experts. Total discordance was observed in only three cases (1.5%). The agreement between model and experts was excellent (kappa = 0.98, P < .0001) or substantial (kappa = 0.69, P < .0001) when considering the overestimative accordance (accordance was considered when at least one diagnosis was equal) and the underestimative discordance (discordance was considered when at least one diagnosis was different), respectively. The model herein presented showed good performance and a simple theoretical structure, therefore demanding few computational resources.
Objective: To evaluate nutritional recovery patterns in 106 undernourished children assisted by the Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education (CREN, in Portuguese) between January 1995 and December 1999. Design: CREN assists undernourished children aged 0 to 72 months living in the southern regions of Sao Paulo, in an outpatient setting. Nutritional status was assessed by Z-scores of weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height. Nutritional recovery evaluation considered Z-score gains in weight-for-age and height-for-age, grouping into four categories (Z-score increment of 0.50 between groups). Children with birth weight less than 2500 g were classified as low birth weight (LBW), while those born at term and with LBW were classified as small for gestational age. Setting: CREN (Center of Nutritional Recovery and Education in Portuguese), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Subjects: One hundred and six children from CREN. Results: Among the 106 evaluated children, ninety-eight (92.5%)recovered their weight or height and seventy-two (67.9%) recovered both. Nearly half of studied children presented a nutritional recovery (increase in Z-score) of more than 0.50 in height-for-age (46.2%) and about 40% in weight-for-age (38.7%). Multivariate analysis showed that treatment duration and initial weight-for-age contributed to weight-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 25% of the variation; and treatment duration, initial height-for-age and weight-for-age Z-score increment contributed to height-for-age Z-score increment, explaining 62% of the variation. Conclusions: Our findings show that nutritional recovery among children who attended CREN was influenced primarily by the degree of nutritional deficit at admission. It has also been shown that biological variables are more important than socio-economic status in determining the rate of nutritional recovery.