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Analysis and modeling of X-ray and neutron Bragg and total diffraction data show that the compounds referred to in the literature as “Pd(CN)2”and“Pt(CN)2” are nanocrystalline materials containing of small sheets of vertex-sharing square-planar M(CN)4 units, layered in a disordered manner with an intersheet separation of 3.44 A at 300 K. The small size of the crystallites means that the sheets’ edges form a significant fraction of each material. The Pd(CN)2 nanocrystallites studied using total neutron diffraction are terminated by water and the Pt(CN)2 nanocrystallites by ammonia, in place of half of the terminal cyanide groups, thus maintaining charge neutrality. The neutron samples contain sheets of approximate dimensions 30 A x 30 A. For sheets of the size we describe, our structural models predict compositions of Pd(CN)2-xH2O and Pt(CN)2-yNH3 (x = y = 0.29). These values are in good agreement with those obtained from total neutron diffraction and thermal analysis, and are also supported by infrared and Raman spectroscopy measurements. It is also possible to prepare related compounds Pd(CN)2-pNH3 and Pt(CN)2-qH2O, in which the terminating groups are exchanged. Additional samples showing sheet sizes in the range 10 A x 10 A (y = 0.67) to 80 A x 80 A (p = q = 0.12), as determined by X-ray diffraction, have been prepared. The related mixed-metal phase, Pd1/2Pt1/2(CN)2-qH2O(q = 0.50), is also nanocrystalline (sheet size 15 A x 15 A). In all cases, the interiors of the sheets are isostructural with those found in Ni(CN)2. Removal of the final traces of water or ammonia by heating results in decomposition of the compounds to Pd and Pt metal, or in the case of the mixed-metal cyanide, the alloy, Pd1/2Pt1/2, making it impossible to prepare the simple cyanides, Pd(CN)2, Pt(CN)2 or Pd1/2Pt1/2(CN)2, by this method.


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Zn(CN)2 and Ni(CN)2 are known for exhibiting anomalous thermal expansion over a wide temperature range. The volume thermal expansion coefficient for the cubic, three dimensionally connected material, Zn(CN)2, is negative (alpha(V) = −51  10(-6) K-1) while for Ni(CN)2, a tetragonal material, the thermal expansion coefficient is negative in the two dimensionally connected sheets (alpha(a) = −7  10(-6) K-1), but the overall thermal expansion coefficient is positive (alpha(V) = 48  10(-6) K-1). We have measured the temperature dependence of phonon spectra in these compounds and analyzed them using ab initio calculations. The spectra of the two compounds show large differences that cannot be explained by simple mass renormalization of the modes involving Zn (65.38 amu) and Ni (58.69 amu) atoms. This reflects the fact that the structure and bonding are quite different in the two compounds. The calculated pressure dependence of the phonon modes and of the thermal expansion coefficient, alpha(V), are used to understand the anomalous behavior in these compounds. Our ab initio calculations indicate that phonon modes of energy approx. 2 meV are major contributors to negative thermal expansion (NTE) in both the compounds. The low-energy modes of approx.8 and 13 meV in Zn(CN)2 also contribute significantly to the NTE in Zn(CN)2 and Ni(CN)2, respectively. The measured temperature dependence of the phonon spectra has been used to estimate the total anharmonicity of both compounds. For Zn(CN)2, the temperature-dependent measurements (total anharmonicity), along with our previously reported pressure dependence of the phonon spectra (quasiharmonic), is used to separate the explicit temperature effect at constant volume (intrinsic anharmonicity).


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Binary mixed-metal variants of the one-dimensional MCN compounds (M = Cu, Ag, and Au) have been prepared and characterized using powder X-ray diffraction, vibrational spectroscopy, and total neutron diffraction. A solid solution with the AgCN structure exists in the (CuxAg1–x)CN system over the range (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). Line phases with compositions (Cu1/2Au1/2)CN, (Cu7/12Au5/12)CN, (Cu2/3Au1/3)CN, and (Ag1/2Au1/2)CN, all of which have the AuCN structure, are found in the gold-containing systems. Infrared and Raman spectroscopies show that complete ordering of the type [M–C≡N–M′–N≡C−]n occurs only in (Cu1/2Au1/2)CN and (Ag1/2Au1/2)CN. The sense of the cyanide bonding was determined by total neutron diffraction to be [Ag–NC–Au–CN−]n in (Ag1/2Au1/2)CN and [Cu–NC–Au–CN−]n in (Cu1/2Au1/2)CN. In contrast, in (Cu0.50Ag0.50)CN, metal ordering is incomplete, and strict alternation of metals does not occur. However, there is a distinct preference (85%) for the N end of the cyanide ligand to be bonded to copper and for Ag–CN–Cu links to predominate. Contrary to expectation, aurophilic bonding does not appear to be the controlling factor which leads to (Cu1/2Au1/2)CN and (Ag1/2Au1/2)CN adopting the AuCN structure. The diffuse reflectance, photoluminescence, and 1-D negative thermal expansion (NTE) behaviors of all three systems are reported and compared with those of the parent cyanide compounds. The photophysical properties are strongly influenced both by the composition of the individual chains and by how such chains pack together. The NTE behavior is also controlled by structure type: the gold-containing mixed-metal cyanides with the AuCN structure show the smallest contraction along the chain length on heating.


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Layered copper–nickel cyanide, CuNi(CN)4, a 2-D negative thermal expansion material, is one of a series of copper(II)-containing cyanides derived from Ni(CN)2. In CuNi(CN)4, unlike in Ni(CN)2, the cyanide groups are ordered generating square-planar Ni(CN)4 and Cu(NC)4 units. The adoption of square-planar geometry by Cu(II) in an extended solid is very unusual.


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Nickel cyanide is a layered material showing markedly anisotropic behaviour. High-pressure neutron diffraction measurements show that at pressures up to 20.1 kbar, compressibility is much higher in the direction perpendicular to the layers, c, than in the plane of the strongly chemically bonded metal-cyanide sheets. Detailed examination of the behaviour of the tetragonal lattice parameters, a and c, as a function of pressure reveal regions in which large changes in slope occur, for example, in c(P) at 1 kbar. The experimental pressure dependence of the volume data is fitted to a bulk modulus, B0, of 1050 (20) kbar over the pressure range 0–1 kbar, and to 124 (2) kbar over the range 1–20.1 kbar. Raman spectroscopy measurements yield additional information on how the structure and bonding in the Ni(CN)2 layers change with pressure and show that a phase change occurs at about 1 kbar. The new high-pressure phase, (Phase PII), has ordered cyanide groups with sheets of D4h symmetry containing Ni(CN)4 and Ni(NC)4 groups. The Raman spectrum of phase PII closely resembles that of the related layered compound, Cu1/2Ni1/2(CN)2, which has previously been shown to contain ordered C≡N groups. The phase change, PI to PII, is also observed in inelastic neutron scattering studies which show significant changes occurring in the phonon spectra as the pressure is raised from 0.3 to 1.5 kbar. These changes reflect the large reduction in the interlayer spacing which occurs as Phase PI transforms to Phase PII and the consequent increase in difficulty for out-of-plane atomic motions. Unlike other cyanide materials e.g. Zn(CN)2 and Ag3Co(CN)6, which show an amorphization and/or a decomposition at much lower pressures (~100 kbar), Ni(CN)2 can be recovered after pressurising to 200 kbar, albeit in a more ordered form.


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Today the tool industry on a worldwide basis uses hard, wear-resistant, and low-friction coatings produced by different processes such as electrochemical or electroless methods, spray technologies, thermochemical, chemical-vapor deposition (CVD), and physical vapor deposition (PVD). In the current work, two different coatings, nitrocarburized (CN) and titanium carbonitride (TiCN) on M2-grade tool steel, were prepared by commercial diffusion and PVD techniques, respectively. Properties such as thickness, roughness, and hardness were characterized using a variety of techniques, including glow-discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A crossed-cylinders wear-testing machine was used to investigate the performances of both coatings under lubrication. The effect of coatings on the performance of lubricants under a range of wear-test conditions was also examined. Degradation of lubricants during tribological testing was explored by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.


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Boron carbide nanowires with uniform carbon nitride coating layers were synthesized on a silicon substrate using a simple thermal process. The structure and morphology of the as-synthesized nanowires were characterized using x-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. A correlation between the surface smoothness of the nanowire sidewalls and their lateral sizes has been observed and it is a consequence of the anisotropic formation of the coating layers. A growth mechanism is also proposed for these growth phenomena.


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The risk factors for chronic disease, smoking, poor nutrition, hazardous alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and weight (SNAPW) are common in primary health care (PHC) affording opportunity for preventive interventions. Community nurses are an important component of PHC in Australia. However there has been little research evaluating the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in routine community nursing practice. This study aimed to address this gap in our knowledge.

The study was a quasi-experimental trial involving four generalist community nursing (CN) services in New South Wales, Australia. Two services were randomly allocated to an ‘early intervention’ and two to a ‘late intervention’ group. Nurses in the early intervention group received training and support in identifying risk factors and offering brief lifestyle intervention for clients. Those in the late intervention group provided usual care for the first 6 months and then received training. Clients aged 30–80 years who were referred to the services between September 2009 and September 2010 were recruited prior to being seen by the nurse and baseline self-reported data collected. Data on their SNAPW risk factors, readiness to change these behaviours and advice and referral received about their risk factors in the previous 3 months were collected at baseline, 3 and 6 months. Analysis compared changes using univariate and multilevel regression techniques.

804 participants were recruited from 2361 (34.1%) eligible clients. The proportion of clients who recalled receiving dietary or physical activity advice increased between baseline and 3 months in the early intervention group (from 12.9 to 23.3% and 12.3 to 19.1% respectively) as did the proportion who recalled being referred for dietary or physical activity interventions (from 9.5 to 15.6% and 5.8 to 21.0% respectively). There was no change in the late intervention group. There a shift towards greater readiness to change in those who were physically inactive in the early but not the comparison group. Clients in both groups reported being more physically active and eating more fruit and vegetables but there were no significant differences between groups at 6 months.

The study demonstrated that although the intervention was associated with increases in advice and referral for diet or physical activity and readiness for change in physical activity, this did not translate into significant changes in lifestyle behaviours or weight. This suggests a need to facilitate referral to more intensive long-term interventions for clients with risk factors identified by primary health care nurses.


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Lifestyle risk factors, in particular smoking, nutrition, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity (SNAP) are the main behavioural risk factors for chronic disease. Primary health care (PHC) has been shown to be an effective setting to address lifestyle risk factors at the individual level. However much of the focus of research to date has been in general practice. Relatively little attention has been paid to the role of nurses working in the PHC setting. Community health nurses are well placed to provide lifestyle intervention as they often see clients in their own homes over an extended period of time, providing the opportunity to offer intervention and enhance motivation through repeated contacts. The overall aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a brief lifestyle intervention delivered by community nurses in routine practice on changes in clients' SNAP risk factors.


The trial uses a quasi-experimental design involving four generalist community nursing services in NSW Australia. Services have been randomly allocated to an 'early intervention' group or 'late intervention' (comparison) group. 'Early intervention' sites are provided with training and support for nurses in identifying and offering brief lifestyle intervention for clients during routine consultations. 'Late intervention site' provide usual care and will be offered the study intervention following the final data collection point. A total of 720 generalist community nursing clients will be recruited at the time of referral from participating sites. Data collection consists of 1) telephone surveys with clients at baseline, three months and six months to examine change in SNAP risk factors and readiness to change 2) nurse survey at baseline, six and 12 months to examine changes in nurse confidence, attitudes and practices in the assessment and management of SNAP risk factors 3) semi-structured interviews/focus with nurses, managers and clients in 'early intervention' sites to explore the feasibility, acceptability and sustainability of the intervention.


The study will provide evidence about the effectiveness and feasibility of brief lifestyle interventions delivered by generalist community nurses as part of routine practice. This will inform future community nursing practice and PHC policy.


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Rate coefficients for direct radiative association of carbon and nitrogen atoms to form CN, and of carbon ions and nitrogen atoms to form CN+ ions, are calculated for temperatures in the range of 300 to 14,700 K. For the CN molecule, the rate coefficients can be represented by the standard expression, k(CN)(T) = 7.87 x 10(-19)(T/300)(0.056) exp (-96.0/T) cm(3) s(-1) for temperatures between 300 and 2700 K and k(CN)(T) = 1.37 x 10(-18)(T/300)-0.128 exp (-520.1/T) cm(-3) s(-1) at T > 2700 K. For the CN+ ion, the corresponding expression is k(CN+)(T) = 1.08 x 10(-18)(T/300)(0.071) exp (-57.5/T) cm(-3) s(-1) for the temperature range studied. Calculated rate coefficients k(CN) are about 2 orders of magnitude lower than the canonical value used in the modeling of the chemistry of various astrophysical environments.


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This paper develops a framework for the interpretation of ionic insertion/deinsertion reactions in an aqueous environment taking place in transition-metal hexacyanoferrates of the general formula KhFek3+ [Fe2+ (CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O, also called Prussian Blue. Three different processes were fully separated in the electrochemistry of these films. It was clearly identified that one of these electrochemical processes involves the insertion/deinsertion of H3O+ (hydrated protons) through the channels of the KhFek3+ [Fe2+ (CN)(6)](l) center dot mH(2)O structure to reach the film electroneutrality during the electron transfer between Everitt's Salt and Prussian Blue. The other electrochemical processes involve K+ or H+ (proton) exchange through the water crystalline structure existing in the channels of the KhFek3+ [Fe2+(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O structure.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)