998 resultados para Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula
Foram tratados com oxamniquine (dose oral única de 12,5 a 15 mg e 15 a 20 mg/kg de peso, para maiores e menores de 15 anos respectivamente) 180 indivíduos com esquistossomose mansoni, matriculados na Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. As idades variaram de 5 a 65 anos e as formas clínico-evolutivas prevalentes foram a intestinal e hepatointestinal. Os principais efeitos colaterais neuropsiquiátricos foram: sonolência (50,6%), tontura (41,1%), cefaléia (16,1%), amnésia transitória (2,2%), alterações de comportamento (1,7%), tremores (1,1%) e convulsão (1,1%). Em 20 indivíduos foi avaliada a neurotoxicidade da droga através de eletroencefalografia, antes e após o tratamento. Em 3 (15%), foram detectados alterações no traçado, sem contudo apresentarem manifestações clínicas neuropsiquiátricas. Os resultados demonstram ser o oxamniquine determinante de efeitos tóxico-colaterais na esfera neuropsiquiátrica.
The present investigation was carried out on a sample of 840 children (5 to 16 years old) from ten small towns of the State of Bahia in northeastern Brazil. The objetive was to study, by using a cross sectional methodology, the evolution of schistosomiasis morbidity (hepatic and splenic enlargement) in children, and the role of the intensity of S. mansoni infection in this process. The children were analised in three age groups (5 to 8, to 12 and 13 to 16 years old) and classified as uninfected, mildly infected, moderately infected and heavily infected according to the number of eggs in the stool. In children aged 5 to 8 years, increasing egg counts were not associated with increasing frequencies of hepatic or splenic enlargement. In the 9 to 12 years old group and association was observed with the prevalence of hepatic enlargement, but not with the prevalence of spleen enlargement. In the oldest group, 13 to 16 years old, an association was observed with the prevalence of enlargement of both organs. It was evident that in this population schistosomiasis morbidity develops in the early period of life as a gradual process starting with liver enlargement and followed by spleen enlargement some years later. It was found that the intensity of infection has a fundamental role in this process, although there is a latent period of some years before clinical splenomegaly appears in moderate-heavily infected children. The Authors suggest that the prevalence of splenomegaly in the 13 to 16 years old group is a good measure of the community level of schistosomiasis morbidity and could be used to measure the impact of control programs.
The susceptibility of the MAP Brazilian strain (F1 to F5 progenies) of S. mansoni to four antischistosomal drugs has been reported in a previous study. In the present investigation, progeny F14 of the same strain, was tested for stability to the same 4 drugs. A new medication, Oltipraz (35,972 RP), was added to the study. Five groups of 12 mice infected with cercariae by tail immersion were treated with hycanthone, oxamniquine, niridazole, praziquantel and Oltipraz. An untreated group was used as control. Schistosomal activity was assessed by the localization of worms in the portal vein system, by oogram changes, and percentage of parasite reduction. The stability of the susceptibility of progeny F14 did not change in relation to generations F1 to F5; the progeny was resistant to hycanthone and oxamniquine; but sensitive to niridazole, praziquantel and Oltipraz. We emphasize the importance of the phenomenon of resistance of the worm in view of the fact that oxamniquine has been widely used in Brazilian areas where mansonic schistosomiasis is endemic.
Treatment of mouse tail skins with hexachlorophene (1.25% w/v) in absolute methanol or 70% isopropanol suppressed Schistosoma mansoni infections by more than 95% even when the application was performed up to three days prior to exposure to cercarial suspensions by tail immersion. Treatment with concentrations of 0.313% or higher one day prior to exposure provided at least 98% protection when the treated surface was not subjected to water washes of greater duration than 1/2 hour. Tail immersion application of 1.25% hexachlorophene one day prior to exposure still provided 87-92% protection after 3 hours water wash. Wipe application of 1.25% hexachlorophene three days prior to exposure still provided 93% protection following 3 hours water wash. High cercarial recoveries from exposure tubes at the end of exposure periods indicated high antipenetrant activity for hexachlorophene. Sufficient hexachlorophene leached from treated tail skins into the surrounding water to affect subsequently added cercariae so that they were no longer infective to untreated mice.
In the western part of the State of Bahia Biomphalaria straminea and B. glabrata both occur, but in the majority of cases they do not share the same habitat. In the State of Ceará, however, B. straminea is the sole snail host of Schistosoma mansoni. In this survey, no naturally infected B. straminea was found among snails collected from Bahia and Ceará, evidently because of the very low infection rates. The susceptibility of laboratory-reared specimens to infection with a Puerto Rican strain of S. mansoni was then tested experimentally. In general, the snails showed very low susceptibility. The infection rates were 1.1% among snails from Redenção (Ceará); 2.3% in those from Pentecoste (Ceará); 2.9% in snails from São Desidério (Bahia), while they were very high among an albino strain (NIH) of B. glabrata used as control. Another group of B. straminea from São Desidério was exposed to a Bahian strain of S. mansoni and the infection rate was still very low (3.6%) Apparently, the very low susceptibility of B. straminea, despite high snail density, is correlated with moderate infection rates with S. mansoni among humans, as shown by the results of stool examinations conducted by SUCAM in the municipalities of Redenção and Pentecoste, in Ceará.
Los resultados de este trabajo muestran que el hamster (Cricetus auratus) puede ser utilizado como un modelo experimental para estudios inmunológicos en la infección por Schistosoma mansoni. Los datos obtenidos, relativos a inmunidad concomitante, producción de anticuerpo letal e inmunosupresión se asemejan a los conseguidos en otros modelos experimentales ya establecidos. Estas observaciones indican que el hámster, además de ser un hospedero satisfactorio para el mantenimiento del parásito en el laboratorio, puede ser considerado como un modelo experimental alterno cuyo crecimiento y mantenimiento son relativamente simples y además es un animal de fácil manejo.
Mice experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni were injected with sodium thiopental or sodium antimonyl gluconate (Triostib R), or submitted to halothane inhalation, with or without a previous injection of thiopental. Data obtained showed that halothane and thiopental induce worm shift to the liver (99 and 76%, respectively). Sodium gluconate and antimonium (Triostib R) shifted 52% of worms towards the liver. These results seem to indicate that the use of antimonium would be unnecessary, when surgical removal of schistosomules is carried out through the extracorporeal filtration technique, in patients with portal hypertension.
No presente estudo, realizou-se uma tentativa de indução de resistência a 3 drogas esquistossomicidas em uma cepa brasileira de S. mansoni, segundo o esquema de indução de resistência tipo II preconizado por JANSMA et al. em 1977. Houve insucesso nas 3 tentativas realizadas. A geração parental tratada com a droga durante o estágio imaturo do verme mostrou-se menos suscetível aos quimioterápicos do que as gerações F1 e F2 do verme. Uma hipótese é levantada para a explicação do fato.
No presente trabalho, desenvolveu-se método de infecção de camundongos através da orelha e de recuperação de esquistossômulos resultantes dessas infecções. Cerca de 80% das cercarías postas em contacto com orelhas de camundongos penetraram. Destas, 30% foram recuperadas. como vermes adultos, do sistema porta. Da pele (das orelhas) as maiores recuperações de esquistossômulos ocorreram nos dois primeiros dias após a infecção. Os parasitas permaneceram nesse sítio por dois dias. No terceiro dia, os parasitas foram recuperados tanto da pele como dos pulmões. A partir do 4.° dia, foi predominante a recuperação de esquistossômulos ao nível dos pulmões. Do total de parasitas que potencialmente atingiriam o sistema porta, proporção elevada (73-80%) pode ser recuperada da pele, no segundo dia após a infecção, como esquistossômulos. Revelando-se apropriadas ao acesso, à migração no hospedeiro e às técnicas de recuperação de parasitas, sugere-se que orelhas de camundongos podem ser utilizadas como sítio de infecção para estudos que visem a análise parasitológica dos eventos iniciais da infecção em animais normais ou imunes.
A cross: sectional survey on schistosomiasis was done in Comercinho (Minas Gerais State, Brazil), a town with 1474 inhabitants. Stool (Kato-Katz method) and physical examinations were done on 90% of the population and on 84% of the individuals over 2 years of age, respectively. The ecological and individual (case-control) analysis were used to investigate the relation between splenomegaly and S. mansoni egg counts in different age groups. In the ecological analysis there was a clearly correspondence between higher geometric mean of eggs and higher percentage of splenomegaly in the age groups 5-9 and 10-12 years. In the individual analysis it was found that only in the youngest individuals (5-8 or 5-9 years old) the splenomegaly was related with higher mean egg counts in the feces, having been a tendency to the decrease of excretion of eggs in patients with splenomegaly as the age increased. These results strongly suggest that the ecological data are' better indicator of the severity of schistosomiasis in endemic areas, as the decrease of the egg excretion in patients with splenomegaly may be a confounding variable for the individual analysis.
The delay produced by drug, in the process of cercaria-schistosomulum transformation, was used to verify the sensibility of different larval stages to the host cell immune responses, in vivo. The peritoneal cavity of mice, a model used for in vivo observations, was choiced for the experiments. As well characterized schistosomules, cercariae and larvae in the process of transformation were coated and arrested by host cells, and could not be recovered by simple saline washings. After 10-²M EDTA saline washings, they were released alive, with good vitality and movements. Thus, different kind of larvae in the process of adaptation of the cercaria to the host are strongly coated by immune cells, but these fail to kill the invading organisms, at least during a few hours after invasion.
We evaluated the influence of water-related human activities, contaminative behaviour, house location, education and socio-economic status on endemic Schistosoma mansoni infection. The study was conducted in a hilry non-irrigated area of rural northeast Brazil amongst a defined population of subsistence farmers, of whom 93% were infected by age 20. The area was mapped, water bodies were surveyed, and a detailed questionnaire was performed on each household. Infection was assessed by duplicate stool examinations using the sensitive Bell technique to quantify egg excretion. For each household, and index of intensity of infection was computed by grouping individual log-transformed egg counts as an age-sex adjusted Z score. Few households had a sanitary installation or a domestic water supply. However, neither water-contact nor contaminative behavior were indiscriminate. The people made considerable effort to defaecate far from a water source, to obtain household drinking water from the cleanest source, and to bathe only at certain sites where privacy is assured. Land ownership and literacy correlated poorly with the household index of intensity of infection. The key influence on infection status was the relative location of the house and snail-free or snail colonized water sources. In this area, a safe domestic water supply is the critical input needed to achieve definitive control of endemic Schistosomiasis.
No presente trabalho avaliou-se a resistência cutânea de camundongos ao Schistosoma mansoni, usándose a orelha como sítio de infecção e de recuperação de esquistossômulos através da incubação de seus fragmentos em recipiente posto em contacto com Elac tamponado com Hepes. Essa técnica mostrou-se eficiente na discriminação do número de esquistossômulos recuperados de camundongos normais e de camundongos previamente infectados (camundongos imunes), quando comparada à técnica de recuperação de parasitas através da digestão da pele em meio contendo colagenase. Através dessa técnica, verificou-se que camundongos imunes reduzem o parasitismo do primeiro ao sétimo dia após a reinfecção (42 a 46%). Essa resistência foi observada em portadores de infecção bissexuada (6.* a 15.ª semanas) e unissexuada (33.* e 34.ª semanas) e em linhagens isogênicas (C57 BL/10, CBA e Fj do cruzamento CBA x DBA/2) e não isogênica (Swiss). Revelándose apropriadas ao estudo da resistência anti-esquistossomótica que se manifesta ao nível da pele, sugere-se que orelhas possam ser utilizadas como via de infecção em experimentos que visem analisar os fatores que participam da imunidade de camundongos ao S. mansoni.
Em condições experimentais foi estudada a suscetibilidade de Biomphalaria glabrata, B. straminea e B. tenagophila a quatro linhagens humanas (MAP, PTH, UPH, e OuH) e duas de roedores silvestres (PTR e VPR) do Schistosoma mansoni. Grupos de 50 moluscos foram expostos individualmente a 10 miracídios e observados durante 70 dias. Avaliou-se a suscetibilidade dos moluscos ao parasito por meio da % de animais com esporocistos, % de moluscos que eliminavam cercárias e mortalidade conjunta dos animais expostos e infectados. Exemplares de B. glabrata mineira infectaram-se com cepa simpátrica (MAP) e com 5 alopátricas do Estado de São Paulo (PTH, VPH, OuH, PTR e VPR). B. glabrata paulista mostrou altas taxas de infecção com as cepas MAP, VPR e OuH do trematódeo. Quatro % dos exemplares B. straminea de São Paulo eliminavam cercárias de cepas simpátricas; com cepa mineira apenas 4% apresentaram esporocistos na vigência de 20 miracídios por molusco; as menores taxas de mortalidade foram registradas com essa espécie de molusco, não sendo maior do que 20%. B. tenagophila paulista foi suscetível apenas às linhagens simpáticas sendo 6% a maior taxa de moluscos que eliminaram cercárias. Os resultados indicam que os movimentos populacionais humanos dentro do território paulista e para fora dele são importantes na disseminação da esquistossomose mansônica.
Tentou-se obter imunoproteção contra infecção cercariana pela inoculação de vermes vivos na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos. Embora os vermes sobrevivessem bem nestas condições e não ocorresse postura de ovos, não foi possível obter imunoproteção, Também a inoculação de ovos viáveis por via sangüínea e peritoneal não propiciou o aparecimento de imunoproteção nos camundongos com vermes na cavidade peritoneal.