999 resultados para Scaling dental


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This paper studies the long-time behavior of the empirical distribution of age and normalized position of an age-dependent supercritical branching Markov process. The motion of each individual during its life is a random function of its age. It is shown that the empirical distribution of the age and the normalized position of all individuals alive at time t converges as t -> infinity to a deterministic product measure.


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Atomic vibration in the Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) gives rise to non-local interactions. In this paper, an expression for the non-local scaling parameter is derived as a function of the geometric and electronic properties of the rolled graphene sheet in single-walled CNTs. A self-consistent method is developed for the linearization of the problem of ultrasonic wave propagation in CNTs. We show that (i) the general three-dimensional elastic problem leads to a single non-local scaling parameter (e(0)), (ii) e(0) is almost constant irrespective of chirality of CNT in the case of longitudinal wave propagation, (iii) e(0) is a linear function of diameter of CNT for the case of torsional mode of wave propagation, (iv) e(0) in the case of coupled longitudinal-torsional modes of wave propagation, is a function which exponentially converges to that of axial mode at large diameters and to torsional mode at smaller diameters. These results are valid in the long-wavelength limit. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A 1.2 V/1.5 Ah positive-limited nickel/metal hydride cell has been studied to determine its charge-discharge characteristics at different rates in conjunction with its AC impedance data. The faradaic efficiency of the cell is found to be maximum at similar to 70% charge input. The cell has been scaled to a 6 V/1.5 Ah battery. The cycle-life data on the battery suggest that it can sustain a prolonged charge-discharge schedule with little deterioration in its performance.


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The leading order "temperature" of a dense two-dimensional granular material fluidized by external vibrations is determined. The grain interactions are characterized by inelastic collisions, but the coefficient of restitution is considered to be close to 1, so that the dissipation of energy during a collision is small compared to the average energy of a particle. An asymptotic solution is obtained where the particles are considered to be elastic in the leading approximation. The velocity distribution is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in the leading approximation,. The density profile is determined by solving the momentum balance equation in the vertical direction, where the relation between the pressure and density is provided by the virial equation of state. The temperature is determined by relating the source of energy due to the vibrating surface and the energy dissipation due to inelastic collisions. The predictions of the present analysis show good agreement with simulation results at higher densities where theories for a dilute vibrated granular material, with the pressure-density relation provided by the ideal gas law, sire in error. [:S1063-651X(99)04408-6].


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An in-situ power monitoring technique for Dynamic Voltage and Threshold scaling (DVTS) systems is proposed which measures total power consumed by load circuit using sleep transistor acting as power sensor. Design details of power monitor are examined using simulation framework in UMC 90nm CMOS process. Experimental results of test chip fabricated in AMS 0.35µm CMOS process are presented. The test chip has variable activity between 0.05 and 0.5 and has PMOS VTH control through nWell contact. Maximum resolution obtained from power monitor is 0.25mV. Overhead of power monitor in terms of its power consumption is 0.244 mW (2.2% of total power of load circuit). Lastly, power monitor is used to demonstrate closed loop DVTS system. DVTS algorithm shows 46.3% power savings using in-situ power monitor.


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A systematic procedure is outlined for scaling analysis of momentum and heat transfer in gas tungsten arc weld pools. With suitable selections of non-dimentionalised parameters, the governing equations coupled with appropriate boundary conditions are first scaled, and the relative significance of various terms appearing in them is analysed accordingly. The analysis is then used to predict the orders of magnitude of some important quantities, such as the velocity scene lit the top surface, velocity boundary layer thickness, maximum temperature increase in the pool, and time required for initiation of melting. Some of the quantities predicted from the scaling analysis can also be used for optimised selection of appropriate grid size and time steps for full numerical simulation of the process. The scaling predictions are finally assessed by comparison with numerical results quoted in the literature, and a good qualitative agreement is observed.


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A systematic approach is developed for scaling analysis of momentum, heat and species conservation equations pertaining to the case of solidification of a binary mixture. The problem formulation and description of boundary conditions are kept fairly general, so that a large class of problems can be addressed. Analysis of the momentum equations coupled with phase change considerations leads to the establishment of an advection velocity scale. Analysis of the energy equation leads to an estimation of the solid layer thickness. Different regimes corresponding to different dominant modes of transport are simultaneously identified. A comparative study involving several cases of possible thermal boundary conditions is also performed. Finally, a scaling analysis of the species conservation equation is carried out, revealing the effect of a non-equilibrium solidification model on solute segregation and species distribution. It is shown that non-equilibrium effects result in an enhanced macrosegregation compared with the case of an equilibrium model. For the sake of assessment of the scaling analysis, the predictions are validated against corresponding computational results.


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In this paper, we outline a systematic procedure for scaling analysis of momentum and heat transfer in laser melted pools. With suitable choices of non-dimensionalising parameters, the governing equations coupled with appropriate boundary conditions are first scaled, and the relative significance of various terms appearing in them are accordingly analysed. The analysis is then utilised to predict the orders of magnitude of some important quantities, such as the velocity scale at the top surface, velocity boundary layer thickness, maximum temperature rise in the pool, fully developed pool-depth, and time required for initiation of melting. Using the scaling predictions, the influence of various processing parameters on the system variables can be well recognised, which enables us to develop a deeper insight into the physical problem of interest. Moreover, some of the quantities predicted from the scaling analysis can be utilised for optimised selection of appropriate grid-size and time-steps for full numerical simulation of the process. The scaling predictions are finally assessed by comparison with experimental and numerical results quoted in the literature, and an excellent qualitative agreement is observed.


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We study the statistical properties of spatially averaged global injected power fluctuations for Taylor-Couette flow of a wormlike micellar gel formed by surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium tosylate. At sufficiently high Weissenberg numbers the shear rate, and hence the injected power p(t), at a constant applied stress shows large irregular fluctuations in time. The nature of the probability distribution function (PDF) of p(t) and the power-law decay of its power spectrum are very similar to that observed in recent studies of elastic turbulence for polymer solutions. Remarkably, these non-Gaussian PDFs can be well described by a universal, large deviation functional form given by the generalized Gumbel distribution observed in the context of spatially averaged global measures in diverse classes of highly correlated systems. We show by in situ rheology and polarized light scattering experiments that in the elastic turbulent regime the flow is spatially smooth but random in time, in agreement with a recent hypothesis for elastic turbulence.


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Multiple Clock Domain processors provide an attractive solution to the increasingly challenging problems of clock distribution and power dissipation. They allow their chips to be partitioned into different clock domains, and each domain’s frequency (voltage) to be independently configured. This flexibility adds new dimensions to the Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling problem, while providing better scope for saving energy and meeting performance demands. In this paper, we propose a compiler directed approach for MCD-DVFS. We build a formal petri net based program performance model, parameterized by settings of microarchitectural components and resource configurations, and integrate it with our compiler passes for frequency selection.Our model estimates the performance impact of a frequency setting, unlike the existing best techniques which rely on weaker indicators of domain performance such as queue occupancies(used by online methods) and slack manifestation for a particular frequency setting (software based methods).We evaluate our method with subsets of SPECFP2000,Mediabench and Mibench benchmarks. Our mean energy savings is 60.39% (versus 33.91% of the best software technique)in a memory constrained system for cache miss dominated benchmarks, and we meet the performance demands.Our ED2 improves by 22.11% (versus 18.34%) for other benchmarks. For a CPU with restricted frequency settings, our energy consumption is within 4.69% of the optimal.


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Energy consumption has become a major constraint in providing increased functionality for devices with small form factors. Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling has been identified as an effective approach for reducing the energy consumption of embedded systems. Earlier works on dynamic voltage scaling focused mainly on performing voltage scaling when the CPU is waiting for memory subsystem or concentrated chiefly on loop nests and/or subroutine calls having sufficient number of dynamic instructions. This paper concentrates on coarser program regions and for the first time uses program phase behavior for performing dynamic voltage scaling. Program phases are annotated at compile time with mode switch instructions. Further, we relate the Dynamic Voltage Scaling Problem to the Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem, and use well known heuristics to solve it efficiently. Also, we develop a simple integer linear program formulation for this problem. Experimental evaluation on a set of media applications reveal that our heuristic method obtains a 38% reduction in energy consumption on an average, with a performance degradation of 1% and upto 45% reduction in energy with a performance degradation of 5%. Further, the energy consumed by the heuristic solution is within 1% of the optimal solution obtained from the ILP approach.


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In this study, we analyse simultaneous measurements (at 50 Hz) of velocity at several heights and shear stress at the surface made during the Utah field campaign for the presence of ranges of scales, where distinct scale-to-scale interactions between velocity and shear stress can be identified. We find that our results are similar to those obtained in a previous study [Venugopal et al., 2003] (contrary to the claim in V2003, that the scaling relations might be dependent on Reynolds number) where wind tunnel measurements of velocity and shear stress were analysed. We use a wavelet-based scale-to-scale cross-correlation to detect three ranges of scales of interaction between velocity and shear stress, namely, (a) inertial subrange, where the correlation is negligible; (b) energy production range, where the correlation follows a logarithmic law; and (c) for scales larger than the boundary layer height, the correlation reaches a plateau.


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A generalized power tracking algorithm that minimizes power consumption of digital circuits by dynamic control of supply voltage and the body bias is proposed. A direct power monitoring scheme is proposed that does not need any replica and hence can sense total power consumed by load circuit across process, voltage, and temperature corners. Design details and performance of power monitor and tracking algorithm are examined by a simulation framework developed using UMC 90-nm CMOS triple well process. The proposed algorithm with direct power monitor achieves a power savings of 42.2% for activity of 0.02 and 22.4% for activity of 0.04. Experimental results from test chip fabricated in AMS 350 nm process shows power savings of 46.3% and 65% for load circuit operating in super threshold and near sub-threshold region, respectively. Measured resolution of power monitor is around 0.25 mV and it has a power overhead of 2.2% of die power. Issues with loop convergence and design tradeoff for power monitor are also discussed in this paper.


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The effect of scaling (1 μm to 0.09 μm) on the non-quasi-static (NQS) behaviour of the MOSFET has been studied using process and device simulation. It is shown that under fixed gate (Vgs) and drain (Vds) bias voltages, the NQS transition frequency (fNQS) scales as 1/Leff rather than 1/L2eff due to the velocity saturation effect. However, under the practical scaling guidelines, considering the scaling of supply voltage as well, fNQS shows a turn around effect at the sub 100 nm regime. The relation between unity gain frequency (ft) and fNQS is also evaluated and it is shown that ft and fNQS have similar trends with scaling.