898 resultados para Sartre, Jean-Paul


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CAPITULO PRIMERO: EL DEPORTE EN LA SOCIEDAD (SU EVOLUCIÓN) - El primer Estadio dentro de la evolución histórica del deporte corresponde sin lugar a dudas a Grecia. - La Iglesia y el deporte. (Los Doctores de la Iglesia). - La sociedad: Definición - Concepto de deporte. (Su importancia social). - Visión sociológica del deporte. Conclusión. CAPITULO SEGUNDO: EL ABANDONO INTELECTUAL DEL DEPORTE. - La educación fisica ante el humanismo - Los intelectuales ante el deporte - El papel del intelectual. Lo que es y lo que significa, reflejado en las palabras del gran filósofo JEAN-PAUL SARTRE. CAPITULO TERCERO: DEPORTE, REFLEJO DE LAS CATEGORÍAS DEL SISTEMA CAPITALISTA . - Introducción: El capitalismo; conclusiones. - El Modelo del Estado socialista, - Visión comunista. ¿Cual es la actitud del Estado comunista ante el fenómeno deportivo? - El deporte Soviético: Preguntas y respuestas. - JEAN-PAUL SARTRE opina sobre uno de sus viajes a la Unión Soviética - Visión de un intelectual soviético en contraposición a las opiniones de un intelectual francés, acerca del pueblo ruso - Conclusiones - Marco gubernamental de la politica deportiva en nuestro país. CAPITULO CUARTO: "EL OLIMPISMO" "SU SIGNIFICADO POLITICO" - El movimiento de restauración del Olimpismo. - El gran exibicionismo político. - Historia de los juegos olimpicos. De Atenas a Moscú. Cada cuatro años la maldición olimpica


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Bd. 1. 1780-1794.--Bd. 2. 1794-1797.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This study comes to reflect on the place of truth in everyday human experience. The notion of truth, expressed in different ways, in different systems of thought, cultural and historical, reveals the non-uniformity of their meaning and the arbitrary grouping under one name, truth. Given this fact, of so many beliefs taken as absolute, we ask with the historian Jean Marie Paul Veyne, if the truth is only one, or many called by a word namesake. If, through their ideas, men cannot access a definitely solid knowledge, unchanging and jaunty interference of the human condition (as their interests and affections), then in what sense it can claim a greater and exclusivist truth? Assuming the impossibility of apprehension of the reality of this type, Paul Veyne develops the notion of truth programs, referential beliefs assumed as cartographies that direct action and thought. He defends thus the idea of heterogeneity and plurality, as irreducible elements of human truths. On the one hand there is in society a plurality of truth programs, on the other there is a plurality of beliefs that is inside man. That is, in the way they believe the men also shows plural, because they believe in more than one program and counter programs. The thought of Paul Veyne is nonetheless a form of skepticism directed at all supposedly absolute and universal anthropological truths, because depending on the belief system studied and the specific moment in its history, a set of rules is established to distinguish the true from the false.


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This article focuses on the theme of illness in Albert Camus. Special emphasis is placed on his last published novel, La Chute. The issue of disease is usually focused in relation to death and finitude both in literature and philosophy. This article focuses on the relation between the existential experience of illness and the decay of the plenitude of life. The case of Albert Camus is especially significant for his chronical illness and because disease has a prominent place in his literary works. Here La Chute is chosen because it offers a great richness of interpretative levels unparalleled in other camusian works. Two different reading levels are proposed. The distinction and the analysis of these two levels will allow for more nuanced view of the relationship of the author to his work and of the controversy about the social role of the intellectual. The conclusion of this article differs both from the critics who only consider the novel in relation to the polemic with Jean-Paul Sartre, and those who interpret it as a disguised confession.


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The horrors and suffering of World War II directly affected Simone de Beauvoir. Exposed to destruction and pervasive death, and haunted by the separation from her beloved, she is bound to conclude that an individual—especially an intellectual—is powerless when confronted with extreme violence. In this context, the writer becomes increasingly aware that action must be taken to defend both the common good and those whose lives are under threat. The restrained existentialist—an independent woman focused on her personal development and happiness—thus undergoes a kind of evolution, and becomes an author sincerely concerned with other people and their basic needs— especially with those suffering harm or afflicted by violence. The drama of war enables Beauvoir to adopt a broader view of the misery of human existence and to deal with subjects hitherto unbeknownst to her.


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Il s’agit ici d’explorer le plaisir pris à la lecture des romans policiers, lecture qui implique la participation du lecteur à des représentations violentes et cruelles. Dans son récit autobiographique Les Mots, Jean-Paul Sartre déclare en conclusion d’un passage consacré à ce qu’il appelle les «vraies lectures de son enfance» – ces lectures lui sont données par les livres d’aventures et les magazines pour enfants, il les oppose aux lectures savantes –: «Cette double vie n’a jamais cessé: aujourd’hui encore, je lis plus volontiers les “Série Noire” que Wittgenstein».


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Jean-Paul Sartre and Social Responsibility by Fredrick F. Ritsch The Last Campaign of Major Patrick Ferguson by Robert D. Bass Costly Delusion: Inland Navigation in the South Carolina Piedmont by Daniel W, Hollis Did Jackson Disobey Orders by Hewitt D. Adams Clio and the Columnists by D. H. Gilpatrick


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Queensland’s legal labour disputes history does not exhibit the current trend seen in Canada and Switzerland (Gravel & Delpech, 2008) where cases citing International Labour Standards (ILS) are often successful (which is not presently the case in Queensland either). The two Queensland cases (Kuhler v. Inghams Enterprises P/L & Anor, 1997 and Bale v. Seltsam Pty Ltd, 1996) that have used ILSs were lost. Australia is a member state of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and a signatory of many ILSs. Yet, ILSs are not used in their legal capacity when compared to other international standards in other areas of law. It is important to recognize that ILSs are uniquely underutilized in labour law. Australian environmental, criminal, and industrial disputes consistently draw on international standards. Why not for the plight of workers? ILSs draw their power from supranational influence in that when a case cites an ILS the barrister or solicitor is going beyond legal precedence and into international peer pressure. An ILS can be appropriately used to highlight that Australian or Queensland legislation does not conform to a Convention or Recommendation. However, should the case deal with a breach of existing law based or modified by an ILS, citing the ILS is a good way to remind the court of its origin. It’s a new legal paradigm critically lacking in Queensland’s labour law practice. The following discusses the research methodology used in this paper. It is followed by a comparative discussion of results between the prevalence of ILSs and other international standards in Queensland case history. Finally, evidence showing the international trend of labour disputes using ILSs for victory is discussed.


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The MDG deadline is fast approaching and the climate within the United Nations remains positive but skeptical. A common feeling is that a great deal of work and headway has been made, but the MDG goals will not be achieved in full by 2015. The largest problem facing the success of the MDGs is, and unless mitigated may remain, mismanaged governance. This argument is confirmed by a strong line of publications stemming from the United Nations and targeting methods (depending on a region or country context) such as improving governance via combating corruption, instituting accountability, peace and stability, as well as transparency. Furthermore, a logical assessment of the framework which MDGs operate in (i.e. international pressure and local civil socio-economic and/or political initiatives pushing governments to progress with MDGs) identifies the State's governing apparatus as the key to the success of MDGs. It is argued that a new analytic framework and grounded theory of democracy (the Element of Democracy) is needed in order to improve governance and enhance democracy. By looking beyond the confines of the MDGs and focusing on properly rectifying poor governance, the progress of MDGs can be accelerated as societies and their governments will be - at minimum - held more accountable to the success of programs in their respective countries. The paper demonstrates the logic of this argument - especially highlighting a new way of viewing democracy - and certain early practices which can accelerate MDGs in the short to medium term.


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Violence is detrimental to the stability of any democracy. If people are too scared to vote, or if they lack confidence in their government to bring peace, how will their voices be heard? By discussing how accountability, transparency, and ethics dissuade social confusion, improve democracy, and lessen occurrences of violence, perhaps one can increase the success in the instance of stabilizing a new democracy or reinvigorating an old one. Theoretically resulting in more peaceful governmental transitions; accountability, transparency, and ethics in democracy are a must to build social trust, improve democracy, and reduce violence.


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This book details the early political philosophy of Jean-Paul Gagnon. It deals with the ideas of democracy as something endemic to human nature; with practical methods for the improvement of democracy; and a mix of other political concepts. The book also has a response to the Russian Federation's development of the 'mother of all bombs' which leads Gagnon to question reason itself in humanity's progress.


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A collection of four progressive ideas targeted for the improvement of the human condition has been compiled in this book. They were derived from the first attempted MEDP Australian Summit. Although the Summit itself did not meet expectations for a variety of reasons, the four ideas contained herein are gems derived from the Summit processes.