480 resultados para SKEWNESS


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In this paper we have discussed inference aspects of the skew-normal nonlinear regression models following both, a classical and Bayesian approach, extending the usual normal nonlinear regression models. The univariate skew-normal distribution that will be used in this work was introduced by Sahu et al. (Can J Stat 29:129-150, 2003), which is attractive because estimation of the skewness parameter does not present the same degree of difficulty as in the case with Azzalini (Scand J Stat 12:171-178, 1985) one and, moreover, it allows easy implementation of the EM-algorithm. As illustration of the proposed methodology, we consider a data set previously analyzed in the literature under normality.


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Skew-normal distribution is a class of distributions that includes the normal distributions as a special case. In this paper, we explore the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to develop a Bayesian analysis in a multivariate, null intercept, measurement error model [R. Aoki, H. Bolfarine, J.A. Achcar, and D. Leao Pinto Jr, Bayesian analysis of a multivariate null intercept error-in -variables regression model, J. Biopharm. Stat. 13(4) (2003b), pp. 763-771] where the unobserved value of the covariate (latent variable) follows a skew-normal distribution. The results and methods are applied to a real dental clinical trial presented in [A. Hadgu and G. Koch, Application of generalized estimating equations to a dental randomized clinical trial, J. Biopharm. Stat. 9 (1999), pp. 161-178].


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In this article, we discuss inferential aspects of the measurement error regression models with null intercepts when the unknown quantity x (latent variable) follows a skew normal distribution. We examine first the maximum-likelihood approach to estimation via the EM algorithm by exploring statistical properties of the model considered. Then, the marginal likelihood, the score function and the observed information matrix of the observed quantities are presented allowing direct inference implementation. In order to discuss some diagnostics techniques in this type of models, we derive the appropriate matrices to assessing the local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes. The results and methods developed in this paper are illustrated considering part of a real data set used by Hadgu and Koch [1999, Application of generalized estimating equations to a dental randomized clinical trial. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 9, 161-178].


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In this article, we study further properties of a skew normal distribution, called the skew-normal-Cauchy (SNC) distribution by Nadarajah and Kotz (2003). A stochastic representation is obtained which allows alternative derivations for moments, moments generating function, and skewness and kurtosis coefficients. Issues related to singularity of the Fisher information matrix are investigated.


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In this paper, we discuss inferential aspects for the Grubbs model when the unknown quantity x (latent response) follows a skew-normal distribution, extending early results given in Arellano-Valle et al. (J Multivar Anal 96:265-281, 2005b). Maximum likelihood parameter estimates are computed via the EM-algorithm. Wald and likelihood ratio type statistics are used for hypothesis testing and we explain the apparent failure of the Wald statistics in detecting skewness via the profile likelihood function. The results and methods developed in this paper are illustrated with a numerical example.


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In this article, we study some results related to a specific class of distributions, called skew-curved-symmetric family of distributions that depends on a parameter controlling the skewness and kurtosis at the same time. Special elements of this family which are studied include symmetric and well-known asymmetric distributions. General results are given for the score function and the observed information matrix. It is shown that the observed information matrix is always singular for some special cases. We illustrate the flexibility of this class of distributions with an application to a real dataset on characteristics of Australian athletes.


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In this article, we present the EM-algorithm for performing maximum likelihood estimation of an asymmetric linear calibration model with the assumption of skew-normally distributed error. A simulation study is conducted for evaluating the performance of the calibration estimator with interpolation and extrapolation situations. As one application in a real data set, we fitted the model studied in a dimensional measurement method used for calculating the testicular volume through a caliper and its calibration by using ultrasonography as the standard method. By applying this methodology, we do not need to transform the variables to have symmetrical errors. Another interesting aspect of the approach is that the developed transformation to make the information matrix nonsingular, when the skewness parameter is near zero, leaves the parameter of interest unchanged. Model fitting is implemented and the best choice between the usual calibration model and the model proposed in this article was evaluated by developing the Akaike information criterion, Schwarz`s Bayesian information criterion and Hannan-Quinn criterion.


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We have considered a Bayesian approach for the nonlinear regression model by replacing the normal distribution on the error term by some skewed distributions, which account for both skewness and heavy tails or skewness alone. The type of data considered in this paper concerns repeated measurements taken in time on a set of individuals. Such multiple observations on the same individual generally produce serially correlated outcomes. Thus, additionally, our model does allow for a correlation between observations made from the same individual. We have illustrated the procedure using a data set to study the growth curves of a clinic measurement of a group of pregnant women from an obstetrics clinic in Santiago, Chile. Parameter estimation and prediction were carried out using appropriate posterior simulation schemes based in Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. Besides the deviance information criterion (DIC) and the conditional predictive ordinate (CPO), we suggest the use of proper scoring rules based on the posterior predictive distribution for comparing models. For our data set, all these criteria chose the skew-t model as the best model for the errors. These DIC and CPO criteria are also validated, for the model proposed here, through a simulation study. As a conclusion of this study, the DIC criterion is not trustful for this kind of complex model.


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In this paper a new approach is considered for studying the triangular distribution using the theoretical development behind Skew distributions. Triangular distribution are obtained by a reparametrization of usual triangular distribution. Main probabilistic properties of the distribution are studied, including moments, asymmetry and kurtosis coefficients, and an stochastic representation, which provides a simple and efficient method for generating random variables. Moments estimation is also implemented. Finally, a simulation study is conducted to illustrate the behavior of the estimation approach proposed.


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In this article, we consider local influence analysis for the skew-normal linear mixed model (SN-LMM). As the observed data log-likelihood associated with the SN-LMM is intractable, Cook`s well-known approach cannot be applied to obtain measures of local influence. Instead, we develop local influence measures following the approach of Zhu and Lee (2001). This approach is based on the use of an EM-type algorithm and is measurement invariant under reparametrizations. Four specific perturbation schemes are discussed. Results obtained for a simulated data set and a real data set are reported, illustrating the usefulness of the proposed methodology.


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In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach for estimation in the skew-normal calibration model, as well as the conditional posterior distributions which are useful for implementing the Gibbs sampler. Data transformation is thus avoided by using the methodology proposed. Model fitting is implemented by proposing the asymmetric deviance information criterion, ADIC, a modification of the ordinary DIC. We also report an application of the model studied by using a real data set, related to the relationship between the resistance and the elasticity of a sample of concrete beams. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The generalized Birnbaum-Saunders (GBS) distribution is a new class of positively skewed models with lighter and heavier tails than the traditional Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution, which is largely applied to study lifetimes. However, the theoretical argument and the interesting properties of the GBS model have made its application possible beyond the lifetime analysis. The aim of this paper is to present the GBS distribution as a useful model for describing pollution data and deriving its positive and negative moments. Based on these moments, we develop estimation and goodness-of-fit methods. Also, some properties of the proposed estimators useful for developing asymptotic inference are presented. Finally, an application with real data from Environmental Sciences is given to illustrate the methodology developed. This example shows that the empirical fit of the GBS distribution to the data is very good. Thus, the GBS model is appropriate for describing air pollutant concentration data, which produces better results than the lognormal model when the administrative target is determined for abating air pollution. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper studies the effect of the normal distribution assumption on the power and size of the sign test, Wilcoxon's signed rank test and the t-test when used in one-sample location problems. Power functions for these tests under various skewness and kurtosis conditions are produced for several sample sizes from simulated data using the g-and-k distribution of MacGillivray and Cannon.


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The latent structure of a 16-item mentoring function instrument was analyzed with the responses of 568 full-time employees. Features of the analyses included (a) assessment of the items' distributional properties (i.e., skewness and kurtosis); (b) assessment of the factor structure using the Satorra-Bentler scaled test statistic; and (c) evaluation of the instrument's invariance across sex. Confirmatory factor analyses using the scaled chi-square supported a two-factor oblique model that consisted of psychosocial and career-related mentoring functions. The invariance tests suggested that the structure was invariant across sex groups.