985 resultados para SALT-MARSH SOILS
We measured the abundance of Cladium jamaicense (Crantz) seeds and three biomarkers in freshwater marsh soils in Shark River Slough (SRS), Everglades National Park (ENP) to determine the degree to which these paleoecological proxies reflect spatial and temporal variation in vegetation. We found that C. jamaicense seeds and the biomarkers Paq, total lignin phenols (TLP) and kaurenes analyzed from surface soils were all significantly correlated with extant aboveground C. jamaicense biomass quantified along a vegetation gradient from a C. jamaicense to a wet prairie/slough (WPS) community. Our results also suggest that these individual proxies may reflect vegetation over different spatial scales: Paq and kaurenes correlated most strongly (R 2 = 0.88 and 0.99, respectively) with vegetation within 1 m of a soil sample, while seeds and TLP reflected vegetation 0–20 m upstream of soil samples. These differences in the spatial scale depicted by the different proxies may be complementary in understanding aspects of historic landscape patterning. Soil profiles of short (25 cm) cores showed that downcore variation in C. jamaicense seeds was highly correlated with two of the three biomarkers (Paq, R 2 = 0.84, p<0.005; TLP, R 2 = 0.97, p<0.0001), and all four of the proxies indicated a recent increase in C. jamaicense biomass at the site. Using a preliminary depth-to-age relationship based on matching charcoal peaks with available ENP fire records (1980-present) specific to our coring site, we found that peak-depths in C. jamaicense seed concentration appeared to correspond to recent minimum water levels (e.g., 1989 and 2001), and low seed abundance corresponded to high water levels (e.g., 1995), consistent with the known autecology of C. jamaicense. In summary, the combination of C. jamaicense seeds and biomarkers may be useful for paleoecological reconstruction of vegetation change and ultimately in guaging the success of ongoing efforts to restore historic hydrologic conditions in the South Florida Everglades.
This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.
Date of Acceptance: 08/05/2014 Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to Julia Römer for assisting with editing several hundred references. Helmut Haberl gratefully acknowledges funding by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Global Change Programme), the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF, proVision programme) as well as by the EU-FP7 project VOLANTE. Carmenza Robledo-Abad received financial support from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.
Date of Acceptance: 08/05/2014 Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to Julia Römer for assisting with editing several hundred references. Helmut Haberl gratefully acknowledges funding by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Global Change Programme), the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF, proVision programme) as well as by the EU-FP7 project VOLANTE. Carmenza Robledo-Abad received financial support from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a complex mixture of organic compounds and represents the largest reservoirs of carbon (C) on earth. Particulate organic matter (POM) is another important carbon component in C cycling and controls a variety of biogeochemical processes. Estuaries, as important interfaces between land and ocean, play important roles in retaining and transforming such organic matter (OM) and serve as both sources and sinks of DOM and POM. There is a diverse array of both autochthonous and allochthonous OM sources in wetland/estuarine ecosystems. A comprehensive study on the sources, transformation and fate of OM in such ecosystems is essential in advancing our understanding of C cycling and better constraining the global C budget. In this work, DOM characteristics were investigated in different estuaries. Dissolved organic matter source strengths and dynamics were assessed in a seagrass-dominated subtropical estuarine lagoon. DOM dynamics controlled by hydrology and seagrass primary productivity were confirmed, and the primary source of DOM was quantified using the combination of excitation emission matrix fluorescence with parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC) and stable C isotope analysis. Seagrass can contribute up to 72% of the DOM in the study area. The spatial and temporal variation of DOM dynamics was also studied in a freshwated dominated estuary fringed with extensive salt marshes. The data showed that DOM was primarily derived from freshwater marshes and controlled by hydrology while salt marsh plants play a significant role in structuring the distribution patterns of DOM quality and quantity. The OM dynamics was also investigated in a mangrove-dominate estuary and a comparative study was conducted between the DOM and POM pools. The results revealed both similarity and dissimilarity in DOM and POM composition. The dynamics of both OM pools are largely uncoupled as a result of source differences. Fringe mangrove swamps are suggested to export similar amounts of DOM and POM and should be considered as an important source in coastal C budgets. Lastly, chemical characterizations were conducted on the featured fluorescence component in OM in an attempt to better understand the composition and origins of the specific PARAFAC component. The traditionally defined ‘protein-like’ fluorescence was found to contain both proteinaceous and phenolic compounds, suggesting that the application of this parameter as a proxy for amino acid content and bioavailability may be limited.
Beach and salt marsh vegetation of the Uummannaq District, northern West Greenland (c. 70°15' N - 72° N, 49° W - 54° W) was studied 1998 according to the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological approach. Habitat analyses included soil chemistry. Such vegetation locally occurs and is not developed over extensive areas. On gravely stony beaches a Mertensia maritima ssp. maritima community occurs, while a Honckenya peploides var. diffusa community is confined to sandy beaches. The association Honckenyo diffusae-Elymetum mollis Thannh. 1975 is confined to sandy shore walls and low dunes. All vegetation types are assigned to the alliance Honckenyo- Elymion arenariae Tx. 1966, which again is a unit of the order Honckenyo- Elymetalia arenariae Tx. 1966, which is sub ordered to the class Honckenyo-Elymetea arenariae Tx. 1966. On fine sediments along sheltered coasts salt marsh vegetation is locally developed mainly on fiord deltas and outwash plains of small rivers and streams. A distinct zonation pattern in vegetation can be observed from the lower to upper salt marsh: Puccinellietum phryganodis Hadac 1946 association, Caricetum subspathaceae Hadac 1946 association, Caricetum ursinae Hadac 1946 association (all assigned to the alliance Puccinellion phryganodis Hadac 1946) and Festuco-Caricetum glareosae Nordh. 1954 association (assigned to the alliance Armerion maritimae Br.-Bl. et de Leeuw 1936). Both alliances are units of the order Glauco- Puccinellietalia Beeftink et Westhoff in Beeftink 1965, which is assigned to the class Asteretea tripolii Westhoff et Beeftink in Beeftink 1962. TWINSPAN and CCA support the vegetation classification and the CCA with soil chemistry parameters shows that salinity (related to position above MHW) and Ncontent are strongly correlated with the floristical differentiation of the vegetation of the Honckenyo-Elymetea class. In the Asteretea tripolii class, position above MHW (negatively correlated with pH, conductivity and Clcontent) and fresh water supply are likely the main factors, which affect vegetation differentiation. A synoptic survey of vegetation types from Greenland based on published phytosociological tables is presented and distribution of the vegetation types is addressed, just as their position in a circumpolar context. Moreover a Cochlearia groenlandica-Melandrium triflorum community is described as a new vegetation type, occurring on shallow soil on cliffs influenced by salt spray.
Today the Ria de Aveiro of northern Portugal has a hydromorphological regime in which river influence is limited to periods of flood. For most of the annual cycle, tidal currents and wind waves are the major forcing agents in this complex coastal lagoon–estuarine system. The system has evolved over two centuries from one that was naturally fluvially dominant to one that is today tidally dominant. Human influence was a trigger for these changes, starting in 1808 when its natural evolution was halted by the construction of a new inlet/outlet channel through the mobile sand spit that isolates it from the Atlantic Ocean. In consequence, tidal ranges in the lagoon increased rapidly from ~0.1 m to >1 m and continued to increase, as a result of continued engineering works and dredging, today reaching ~3 m on spring tides. Hydromorphological adjustments that have taken place include the deepening of channels, an increase in the area of inter-tidal flats, regression of salt marsh, increased tidal propagation and increased saline intrusion. Loss of once abundant submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), due to increased tidal flows, exacerbated by increased recreational activities, has been accompanied by a change from fine cohesive sediments to coarser, mobile sediments with reduced biological activity.
Serviços dos ecossistemas prestados pelos estuários : especiação e capacidade de retenção do fósforo
O fator nutricional presente nos sapais não é só importante para os organismos que nele habitam como também apresenta uma importância ecológica a uma maior escala. Exemplifica-se este fato com a capacidade de retenção do Fósforo (P) por parte das plantas podendo estas competir como produto químicos para sua imobilização através da incorporação da sua fração biodisponível para cumprimento dos mecanismos básicos de sobrevivência. O rizosedimento dessas plantas é uma importante fonte de nutrientes necessários para garantia básica da perpetuação de todos os serviços (regulação, provisão, cultural) gerados pelo ambiente. A perda de áreas de sapal foi o motivo principal para a elaboração desta tese visto a preocupação em relação aos impactes que a perda de serviços associados à área de estudo escolhida, o sistema lagunar da Ria de Aveiro, poderá vir sofrer caso aconteçam alterações hídricas (naturais ou antrópicas) mais acentuadas no futuro. Essa tese assume como compromisso chamar a atenção para essa questão como também investigar os mecanismos do ciclo do P este importante nutriente considerado essencial para a manutenção da vida em nosso planeta. Para este estudo foram escolhidas 3 espécies de plantas halófitas representantes do sapal amostral, são elas: Bolbochenous maritimus, Spartina maritima e de Juncus maritimus. As questões levantadas buscam compreender o papel do P nas transformações que ocorrem no rizosedimento das halófitas em 3 diferentes contextos: (i) quando comparados os valores da biomassa de P associado às halófitas estudadas (estudo realizado nos sapais povoados por Spartina maritima e Juncus maritimus) em toda extensão da Ria de Aveiro (ii) quando da disponibilidade de P perante a presença de poluentes inorgânicos no Largo do Laranjo, que corresponde a uma zona historicamente contaminada por metais (estudo realizado no rizosedimento das espécies Bolbochenous maritimus e Juncus maritimus) e (iii) quanto à intrusão superficial da água salgada da laguna (estudo focado na avaliação da perda do P próximo às raízes das halófitas que habitam a zona externa do dique do Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) que corresponde à zona de confluência do Rio Vouga com a Ria de Aveiro). Por meio da análise do rizosedimento e da biomassa das diferentes halófitas predominantes do sapal foi possível verificar que, em relação à carga nutritiva fosfática, de Norte (Canal de São Jacinto/Ovar) a Sul (Canal de Mira) da Ria de Aveiro, a cota do sapal é mais importante do que a natureza espacial do sistema. Esta informação é primordial para a assertividade de futuras medidas de criação e reabilitação das áreas de sapal na Ria de Aveiro. Os estudos realizados nas áreas impactadas (Largo do Laranjo e BVL) incidiram na análise do perfil vertical rizosedimentar das halófitas pertencentes ao sapal médio-alto. Estes estudos revelaram que o rizosedimento dessas halófitas possui características peculiares que definem a dinâmica do ciclo do P de forma bastante característica. O rizosedimento das halófitas presentes no Largo do Laranjo apresentaram teores biodisponíveis de P equivalentes àqueles presentes no rizosedimento de área mais afastada da fonte pontual de contaminação para as mesmas espécies. Numa visão otimista, os resultados revelam que ambos sapais, Largo de Laranjo e Cais do Bico, apresentam condições equiparável para perpetuação dos serviços por eles gerados, que nesse caso se tornam ainda mais valiosos devido a garantia da fitoestabilização dos contaminantes (prevenção da entrada de contaminantes na coluna d’água e na cadeia alimentar). No Baixo Vouga Lagunar a análise espacial do sapal na zona exterior ao dique revelou a perda da diversidade das espécies bem como o aumento da área de vasa e consequentemente a perda dos teores de P associados ao rizosedimento das halófitas mais expostas aos efeitos da compressão costeira intensificados pelas ações naturais e antrópicas a que a Ria está sujeita. Em geral, a degradação dessa área de sapal devido aos fenômenos de assoreamento ou de erosão não pode ser separada dos processos sedimentares na área envolvente, principalmente no caso da Ria de Aveiro que tem sofrido constantes mudanças para atender às necessidades das atividades humanas. Essa tendência provavelmente não mudará no futuro próximo. Consequentemente, a evolução da laguna será principalmente dependente do resultado direto das ações humanas que deverão sempre encontrar formas de compensar os danos causados no âmbito de intervenções de reabilitação do sistema hídrico. A recriação de áreas de sapal pode ter lugar como medida mitigadora no âmbito de intervenções de reabilitação de áreas degradadas e ainda poderá servir como forma de captura de P para programas de utilização de fertilizantes naturais (componente desejável para a agricultura moderna o que é particularmente importante para as regiões altamente dependentes do mercado de importação). Deste modo, recomenda-se que a recuperação das áreas de sapal seja enquadrada no âmbito de intervenções mais amplas de valorização dos sistemas estuarinos e lagunares.
Dissertação de mest. em Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros Ramo Gestão Costeira, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2002