923 resultados para Run-Time Code Generation, Programming Languages, Object-Oriented Programming


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Neu-Model, an ongoing project aimed at developing a neural simulation environment that is extremely computationally powerful and flexible, is described. It is shown that the use of good Software Engineering techniques in Neu-Model’s design and implementation is resulting in a high performance system that is powerful and flexible enough to allow rigorous exploration of brain function at a variety of conceptual levels.


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This work is a MATLAB/Simulink model of a controller for a three-phase, four-wire, grid-interactive inverter. The model provides capacity for simulating the performance of power electroinic hardware, as well as code generation for an embedded controller. The implemented hardware topology is a three-leg bridge with a neutral connection to the centre-tap of the DC bus. An LQR-based current controller and MAF-based phase detector are implemented. The model is configured for code generation for a Texas Instruments TMS320F28335 Digital Signal Processor (DSP).


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Tutkielma käsittelee nykyisiä kognitiotieteen teorioita käsitteistä ja niiden mallintamista oliokeskeisillä tietämyksen esittämisen menetelmillä. Käsiteteorioista käsitellään klassinen, määritelmäteoria, prototyyppiteoria, duaaliteoriat, uusklassinen teoria, teoria-teoria ja atomistinen teoria. Oliokeskeiset menetelmät ovat viime aikoina jakautuneet kahden tyyppisiin kieliin: oliopohjaisiin ja luokkapohjaisiin. Uudet olio-pohjaiset olio-ohjelmointikielet antavat käsitteiden representointiin mahdollisuuksia, jotka puuttuvat aikaisemmista luokka-pohjaisista kielistä ja myös kehysmenetelmistä. Tutkielma osoittaa, että oliopohjaisten kielten uudet piirteet tarjoavat keinoja, joilla käsitteitä voidaan esittää symbolisessa muodossa paremmin kuin perinteisillä menetelmillä. Niillä pystytään simuloimaan kaikkea mitä luokkapohjaisilla kielillä voidaan, mutta ne pystyvät lisäksi simuloimaan perheyhtäläisyyskäsitteitä ja mahdollistavat olioiden dynaamisen muuttamisen ilman, että siinä rikotaan psykologisen essentialismin periaatetta. Tutkielma osoittaa lisäksi vakavia puutteitta, jotka koskevat koko oliokeskeistä menetelmää. Avainsanat: käsitteet, käsiteteoriat, tekoäly, komputationaalinen psykologia, olio-ohjelmointi, tiedon esittäminen


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Several researchers are of the opinion that there are many benefits in using the object-oriented paradigm in information systems development. If the object-oriented paradigm is used, the development of information systems may, for example, be faster and more efficient. On the other hand, there are also several problems with the paradigm. For example, it is often considered complex, it is often difficult to make use of the reuse concept and it is still immature in some areas. Although there are several interesting features in the object-oriented paradigm, there is still little comprehensive knowledge of the benefits and problems associated with it. The objective of the following study was to investigate and to gain more understanding of the benefits and problems of the object-oriented paradigm. A review of previous studies was made and twelve benefits and twelve problems were established. These benefits and problems were then analysed, studied and discussed. Further a survey and some case studies were made in order to get some knowledge on what benefits and problems with the object-oriented paradigm Finnish software companies had experienced. One hundred and four companies answered the survey that was sent to all Finnish software companies with five or more employees. The case studies were made with six large Finnish software companies. The major finding was that Finnish software companies were exceptionally positive towards the object-oriented information systems development and had experienced very few of the proposed problems. Finally two models for further research were developed. The first model presents connections between benefits and the second between problems.


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Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) techniques, by far, had been applied to LAN problems by many investigators, An analytical study of well known algorithms for generation of Orthogonal codes used in FO-CDMA systems like those for prime, quasi-Prime, Optical Orthogonal and Matrix codes has been presented, Algorithms for OOCs like Greedy/Modified Greedy/Accelerated Greedy algorithms are implemented. Many speed-up enhancements. for these algorithms are suggested. A novel Synthetic Algorithm based on Difference Sets (SADS) is also proposed. Investigations are made to vectorise/parallelise SADS to implement the source code on parallel machines. A new matrix for code families of OOCs with different seed code-words but having the same (n,w,lambda) set is formulated.


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This paper looks at the complexity of four different incremental problems. The following are the problems considered: (1) Interval partitioning of a flow graph (2) Breadth first search (BFS) of a directed graph (3) Lexicographic depth first search (DFS) of a directed graph (4) Constructing the postorder listing of the nodes of a binary tree. The last problem arises out of the need for incrementally computing the Sethi-Ullman (SU) ordering [1] of the subtrees of a tree after it has undergone changes of a given type. These problems are among those that claimed our attention in the process of our designing algorithmic techniques for incremental code generation. BFS and DFS have certainly numerous other applications, but as far as our work is concerned, incremental code generation is the common thread linking these problems. The study of the complexity of these problems is done from two different perspectives. In [2] is given the theory of incremental relative lower bounds (IRLB). We use this theory to derive the IRLBs of the first three problems. Then we use the notion of a bounded incremental algorithm [4] to prove the unboundedness of the fourth problem with respect to the locally persistent model of computation. Possibly, the lower bound result for lexicographic DFS is the most interesting. In [5] the author considers lexicographic DFS to be a problem for which the incremental version may require the recomputation of the entire solution from scratch. In that sense, our IRLB result provides further evidence for this possibility with the proviso that the incremental DFS algorithms considered be ones that do not require too much of preprocessing.


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Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA) kernels are at the heart of all computational problems. These kernels require hardware acceleration for increased throughput. NLA Solvers for dense and sparse matrices differ in the way the matrices are stored and operated upon although they exhibit similar computational properties. While ASIC solutions for NLA Solvers can deliver high performance, they are not scalable, and hence are not commercially viable. In this paper, we show how NLA kernels can be accelerated on REDEFINE, a scalable runtime reconfigurable hardware platform. Compared to a software implementation, Direct Solver (Modified Faddeev's algorithm) on REDEFINE shows a 29X improvement on an average and Iterative Solver (Conjugate Gradient algorithm) shows a 15-20% improvement. We further show that solution on REDEFINE is scalable over larger problem sizes without any notable degradation in performance.


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A major challenge in wireless communications is overcoming the deleterious effects of fading, a phenomenon largely responsible for the seemingly inevitable dropped call. Multiple-antennas communication systems, commonly referred to as MIMO systems, employ multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver, thereby creating a multitude of signalling pathways between transmitter and receiver. These multiple pathways give the signal a diversity advantage with which to combat fading. Apart from helping overcome the effects of fading, MIMO systems can also be shown to provide a manyfold increase in the amount of information that can be transmitted from transmitter to receiver. Not surprisingly,MIMO has played, and continues to play, a key role in the advancement of wireless communication.Space-time codes are a reference to a signalling format in which information about the message is dispersed across both the spatial (or antenna) and time dimension. Algebraic techniques drawing from algebraic structures such as rings, fields and algebras, have been extensively employed in the construction of optimal space-time codes that enable the potential of MIMO communication to be realized, some of which have found their way into the IEEE wireless communication standards. In this tutorial article, reflecting the authors’interests in this area, we survey some of these techniques.