518 resultados para Rumble strips.


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High resolution electron microscopic studies show that bismuth forms intergrowth tungsten bronzes containing varying widths of the WO3 slab and one-tunnel wide HTB strips.


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Elephants use vocalizations for both long and short distance communication. Whereas the acoustic repertoire of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) has been extensively studied in its savannah habitat, very little is known about the structure and social context of the vocalizations of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), which is mostly found in forests. In this study, the vocal repertoire of wild Asian elephants in southern India was examined. The calls could be classified into four mutually exclusive categories, namely, trumpets, chirps, roars, and rumbles, based on quantitative analyses of their spectral and temporal features. One of the call types, the rumble, exhibited high structural diversity, particularly in the direction and extent of frequency modulation of calls. Juveniles produced three of the four call types, including trumpets, roars, and rumbles, in the context of play and distress. Adults produced trumpets and roars in the context of disturbance, aggression, and play. Chirps were typically produced in situations of confusion and alarm. Rumbles were used for contact calling within and among herds, by matriarchs to assemble the herd, in close-range social interactions, and during disturbance and aggression. Spectral and temporal features of the four call types were similar between Asian and African elephants.


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Active Fiber Composites (AFC) possess desirable characteristics over a wide range of smart structure applications, such as vibration, shape and flow control as well as structural health monitoring. This type of material, capable of collocated actuation and sensing, call be used in smart structures with self-sensing circuits. This paper proposes four novel applications of AFC structures undergoing torsion: sensors and actuators shaped as strips and tubes; and concludes with a preliminary failure analysis. To enable this, a powerful mathematical technique, the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) was used to perform cross-sectional analyses of thin generally anisotropic AFC beams. The resulting closed form expressions have been utilized in the applications presented herein.


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The TOTEM collaboration has developed and tested the first prototype of its Roman Pots to be operated in the LHC. TOTEM Roman Pots contain stacks of 10 silicon detectors with strips oriented in two orthogonal directions. To measure proton scattering angles of a few microradians, the detectors will approach the beam centre to a distance of 10 sigma + 0.5 mm (= 1.3 mm). Dead space near the detector edge is minimised by using two novel "edgeless" detector technologies. The silicon detectors are used both for precise track reconstruction and for triggering. The first full-sized prototypes of both detector technologies as well as their read-out electronics have been developed, built and operated. The tests took place first in a fixed-target muon beam at CERN's SPS, and then in the proton beam-line of the SPS accelerator ring. We present the test beam results demonstrating the successful functionality of the system despite slight technical shortcomings to be improved in the near future.


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Copper strips of 2.5 mm thickness resting on stainless steel anvils were normally indented by wedges under nominal plane strain conditions. Inflections in the hardness-penetration characteristics were identified. Inflections separate stages where each stage has typical mechanics of deformation. These are arrived at by studying the distortion of 0.125 mm spaced grids inscribed on the deformation plane of the strip. The sensitivity of hardness and deformation mechanics to wedge angle and the interfacial friction between strip and anvil were investigated within the framework of existing slip line field models of indentation of semi-infinite and finite blocks.


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A simple, non-iterative method for component wave delineation from the electrocardiogram (ECG) is derived by modelling its discrete cosine transform (DCT) as a sum of damped cosinusoids. Amplitude, phase, damping factor and frequency parameters of each of the cosinusoids are estimated by the extended Prony method. Different component waves are represented by non-overlapping clusters of model poles in the z plane and thus a component wave is derived by the addition of the inverse transformed (IDCT) impulse responses of the poles in the cluster. Akaike's information criterion (AIC) is used to determine the model order. The method performed satisfactory even in the presence of artifacts. The efficacy of the method is illustrated by analysis of continuous strips of ECG data.


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Recently, composite reinforcements in which combinations of materials and material forms such as strips, grids, and strips and anchors, depending on requirements have proven to be effective in various ground improvement applications. Composite geogrids studied in this paper belong to the category of composite reinforcements and are useful for bearing capacity improvement. The paper presents evaluation of results of bearing capacity tests conducted oil a composite geogrid, made of composite reinforcement consisting of steel and cement mortar. The study shows that the behavior of composite reinforcements follows the general trends observed in the case of conventional geogrids, with reference to the depth of first layer below the footing, number of layers of reinforcement, and vertical spacing of the reinforcement. Results show that the performance is comparable to that of a conventional polymer geogrid.


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We report development of gas microstrip detectors using thin film and lithography techniques. The detectors were tested for their performance for X-rays (5.9 keV) and a maximum gas gain of similar to 13,000 and best resolution of similar to 12% was obtained. Factors affecting gain and resolution were investigated. The detectors were tested for their one-dimensional position sensitivity. Meandering resistive strips were used for charge division method. A position resolution of 0.48 mm was obtained.


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An external pipe-crawling device presented in this paper aids the inspection of pipes in hazardous environments and areas inaccessible to humans. The principal component of our design, which uses inchworm type motion, is a compliant ring mechanism actuated using shape memory alloy (SMA) wire. It was fabricated and tested and was reported in our earlier work. But this device had a drawback of low crawling speed (about 1 mm/min) owing to the delay in heating and cooling of the SMA strips in the linear actuation. Additionally, that design also had the difficulties of mounting on pipes with closed ends, large radial span, and the need for housing for electrical insulation and guiding of the SMA wire. In this paper we present a compact design that overcomes the difficulties of the earlier design. In particular, we present a compact compliant mechanism with two halves so as to enable mounting and un-mounting on any closed or open pipe. Another feature is the presence of insulation and guiding of the SMA wire without housing. This design results in a reduction of the radial span of the ring from 22 mm to 12 mm, and the stiffness of the mechanism and the SMA wire are matched. An SMA helical spring is to used in the place of an SMA strip to increase the crawling speed of the device. A microcontroller-based circuitry is also fitted to cyclically.activate the SMA wires and springs.


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Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a complex, multifactorial, immune-associated disorder of the tear and ocular surface. DES with a high prevalence world over needs identification of potential biomarkers so as to understand not only the disease mechanism but also to identify drug targets. In this study we looked for differentially expressed proteins in tear samples of DES to arrive at characteristic biomarkers. As part of a prospective case-control study, tear specimen were collected using Schirmer strips from 129 dry eye cases and 73 age matched controls. 2D electrophoresis (2DE) and Differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) was done to identify differentially expressed proteins. One of the differentially expressed protein in DES is lacrimal proline rich 4 protein (LPRR4). LPRR4 protein expression was quantified by enzyme immune sorbent assay (ELISA). LPRR4 was down regulated significantly in all types of dry eye cases, correlating with the disease severity as measured by clinical investigations. Further characterization of the protein is required to assess its therapeutic potential in DES.


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Single-layer graphene (SLG), the 3.4 angstrom thick two-dimensional sheet of sp(2) carbon atoms, was first prepared in 2004 by mechanical exfoliation of graphite crystals using the scotch tape technique. Since then, SLG has been prepared by other physical methods such as laser irradiation or ultrasonication of graphite in liquid media. Chemical methods of synthesis of SLG are more commonly used; the most popular involves preparation of single-layer graphene oxide followed by reduction with a stable reagent, often assisted by microwave heating. This method yields single-layer reduced graphene oxide. Other methods for preparing SLG include chemical vapour deposition over surfaces of transition metals such as Ni and Cu. Large-area SLG has also been prepared by epitaxial growth over SIC. Few-layer graphene (FLG) is prepared by several methods; arc discharge of graphite in hydrogen atmosphere being the most convenient. Several other methods for preparing FLG include exfoliation of graphite oxide by rapid heating, ultrasonication or laser irradiation of graphite in liquid media, reduction of few-layer graphene oxide, alkali metal intercalation followed by exfoliation. Graphene nanoribbons, which are rectangular strips of graphene, are best prepared by the unzipping of carbon nanotubes by chemical oxidation or laser irradiation. Many graphene analogues of inorganic materials such as MoS2, MoSe2 and BN have been prepared by mechanical exfoliation, ultrasonication and by chemical methods involving high-temperature or hydrothermal reactions and intercalation of alkali metals followed by exfoliation. Scrolls of graphene are prepared by potassium intercalation in graphite or by microwave irradiation of graphite immersed in liquid nitrogen.


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Solid-solid collapse transition in open framework structures is ubiquitous in nature. The real difficulty in understanding detailed microscopic aspects of such transitions in molecular systems arises from the interplay between different energy and length scales involved in molecular systems, often mediated through a solvent. In this work we employ Monte-Carlo simulation to study the collapse transition in a model molecular system interacting via both isotropic as well as anisotropic interactions having different length and energy scales. The model we use is known as Mercedes-Benz (MB), which, for a specific set of parameters, sustains two solid phases: honeycomb and oblique. In order to study the temperature induced collapse transition, we start with a metastable honeycomb solid and induce transition by increasing temperature. High density oblique solid so formed has two characteristic length scales corresponding to isotropic and anisotropic parts of interaction potential. Contrary to the common belief and classical nucleation theory, interestingly, we find linear strip-like nucleating clusters having significantly different order and average coordination number than the bulk stable phase. In the early stage of growth, the cluster grows as a linear strip, followed by branched and ring-like strips. The geometry of growing cluster is a consequence of the delicate balance between two types of interactions, which enables the dominance of stabilizing energy over destabilizing surface energy. The nucleus of stable oblique phase is wetted by intermediate order particles, which minimizes the surface free energy. In the case of pressure induced transition at low temperature the collapsed state is a disordered solid. The disordered solid phase has diverse local quasi-stable structures along with oblique-solid like domains. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Sensory receptors determine the type and the quantity of information available for perception. Here, we quantified and characterized the information transferred by primary afferents in the rat whisker system using neural system identification. Quantification of ``how much'' information is conveyed by primary afferents, using the direct method (DM), a classical information theoretic tool, revealed that primary afferents transfer huge amounts of information (up to 529 bits/s). Information theoretic analysis of instantaneous spike-triggered kinematic stimulus features was used to gain functional insight on ``what'' is coded by primary afferents. Amongst the kinematic variables tested-position, velocity, and acceleration-primary afferent spikes encoded velocity best. The other two variables contributed to information transfer, but only if combined with velocity. We further revealed three additional characteristics that play a role in information transfer by primary afferents. Firstly, primary afferent spikes show preference for well separated multiple stimuli (i.e., well separated sets of combinations of the three instantaneous kinematic variables). Secondly, neurons are sensitive to short strips of the stimulus trajectory (up to 10 ms pre-spike time), and thirdly, they show spike patterns (precise doublet and triplet spiking). In order to deal with these complexities, we used a flexible probabilistic neuron model fitting mixtures of Gaussians to the spike triggered stimulus distributions, which quantitatively captured the contribution of the mentioned features and allowed us to achieve a full functional analysis of the total information rate indicated by the DM. We found that instantaneous position, velocity, and acceleration explained about 50% of the total information rate. Adding a 10 ms pre-spike interval of stimulus trajectory achieved 80-90%. The final 10-20% were found to be due to non-linear coding by spike bursts.


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Cation sensing properties of the three positional isomers of rhodamine based sensors (1-3) are studied in water. The sensors differ only in the position of pyridine's nitrogen. The chemosensor 1, with pyridine nitrogen at ortho-position, showed a selective colorimetric detection of Cu(II) ions in water, at physiological pH 7.4 and also in medium containing BSA (bovine serum albumin) and blood serum. Notably the compound 2 and 3, with pyridine end located at meta-and para-positions did not show any color change with Cu(II) ions, although both the compounds showed turn-on change both in color and fluorescence with Hg(II) ions specifically. All the probes showed ratiometric changes with the specific metal ions. The changing position of nitrogen also changed the complexation pattern of the sensors with the metal ions. Probe 1 showed 2 : 1 complexation with Cu(II), whereas 2 and 3 showed 1 : 1 complexation with Hg(II) ions. The mechanism investigation showed that the change in color upon addition of metal ions is due to the ring-opening of the spirolactam ring of the probes. Cu(II) interacted with ligand 1 through a three-point interaction mode comprising carbonyl oxygen, amido nitrogen and pyridine nitrogen end. But in case of 2 and 3, Hg2+ only interacted through pyridine nitrogen ends. Quantitative estimation of Cu2+ and Hg2+ in complex biological media such as bovine albumin protein (BSA) and human blood serum were performed using these sensors. Rapid on-site detection as well as discrimination of these toxic ions was demonstrated using easily prepared portable test-strips.


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Selective detection of nitro-aromatic compounds (NACs) at nanomolar concentration is achieved for the first time in multiple media including water, micelles or in organogels as well as using test strips. Mechanism of interaction of NACs with highly fluorescent p-phenylenevinylene-based molecules has been described as the electron transfer phenomenon from the electron-rich chromophoric probe to the electron deficient NACs. The selectivity in sensing is guided by the pK(a) of the probes as well as the NACs under consideration. TNP-induced selective gel-to-sol transition in THF medium is also observed through the reorganization of molecular self-assembly and the portable test trips are made successfully for rapid on-site detection purpose.