982 resultados para Risteli, Leila
It is well known that reactions are commonplace occurrences during the course of leprosy disease. Stigmatization may even be attributable to reactions which are also responsible for the worsening of neural lesions. A cohort of 162 newly-diagnosed baciloscopically positive patients from the Leprosy Care Outpatient Clinic of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) was selected for this study. While 46% of the multibacillary (MB) patients submitted to the 24 fixed-dose multidrug therapy (MDT) regimen suffered reactions during treatment, it was found that all MBs were susceptible and that constant attention and care were required at all times. Fourteen per cent were classified as BB, 52% as BL, and 33% as LL. None of the variables under study, such as, sex, age, clinical form, length of illness, length of dermatological lesions, baciloscopic index (BI), or degree of disability proved to be associate with reaction among the patients studied. Reversal Reaction (RR) occurred in 45%, and Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL) occurred in 55%. Among BB patients who developed reactions (15 patients), 93% presented RR; while among the LL patients who developed reactions (34 patients), 91% presented ENL. Likewise, ENL was very frequent among those with disseminate lesions, while RR was most often observed in patients with segmentary lesions. RR was also most likely to occur during the initial months of treatment. It was demonstrated that the recurrence rate of ENL was significantly higher than that of RR. Neither grade of disability nor BI was shown to be associated with RR and ENL reaction. However, the RR rate was significantly higher among patients showing BI < 3, while ENL predominated among those patients with BI > 3.
In order to assess the potential risk of anti-HBc-positive blood donors for post-transfusional hepatitis and to investigate whether other HBV serological markers are capable of identifying the presence of the virus, 1000 first-time blood donors were enrolled between June and July 1997. These donors were screened using routine Brazilian blood center tests (HIV 1 and 2, HTLV 1 and 2, Chagas disease, Syphilis, HCV, HBsAg, anti-HBc and ALT ). The 120 (12%) found to be anti-HBc-positive underwent further tests: HBe, anti-HBe, anti-HBs and HBV-DNA by PCR. Ten cases were HBsAg positive and all were HBV-DNA positive by PCR. Three HBsAg-negative donors were HBV-DNA-positive. Two HBV-DNA-positive donors were also anti-HBs-positive. All the HBV-positive donors had at least one HBV marker other than anti-HBc. Anti-HBc is an important cause of blood rejection. Testing for HBsAg alone is not fully protective and anti-HBc remains necessary as a screening test. The presence of anti-HBs is not always indicative of absence of the virus. The addition of other HBV serological markers could represent an alternative in predicting the presence of the virus when compared with PCR. It is recommended that other studies should be carried out to confirm this finding.
This investigation aimed to design a strategy for echinococcosis control in Santana do Livramento county, an endemic area in state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Fecal samples from 65 dogs were obtained from urban, suburban and rural areas. Purging with Arecoline Bromhidrate (AB) was done to visualize Echinococcus granulosus, and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was performed to detect parasite coproantigen. Samples were obtained at the beginning and at the end of treatment with Praziquantel. A third fecal sampling was also done in rural areas four months after the end of treatment. Each dog was treated immediately after the first purging and every 30 days for eight months. In urban and suburban areas no infected dogs were found. In rural areas, first evaluation showed 11.36% and 27.69% of infected dogs by AB and ELISA, respectively. No infected dogs were diagnosed in the second evaluation and in the third evaluation 36.84% and 47.37% infected dogs were identified by AB and ELISA, respectively. Medication program to combat dog infection resulted in successful interruption of parasite transmission, but the project failed to create awareness of the need for dog prophylaxis among rural populations as well as to establish a permanent control program in this municipality.
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity usefulness in the diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis (TP), comparing its value with pericardial effusions (PE) caused by other pericardial diseases. A retrospective case-control study was conducted with nine cases of TP and 39 other than TP diseases (12 neoplastic, 11 septic and 16 unknown origin). Every patient included in this study had PE samples submitted to ADA activity measures and microbiological analysis, and then had pericardial tissue samples submitted to microbiological and histopathological examination. Considering the value of 40 U/L as the cut-off for the diagnosis of TP, the specificity and sensitivity were respectively of 72% and 89%. The specificity of ADA activity for the TP was best applied in the differential diagnosis from PE of unknown origin. The present study demonstrates the clinical value of the measurement of ADA activity in PE in the diagnosis of TP.
Twelve strains of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from wild reservoirs, triatomines, and chronic chagasic patients in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil, and classified as T. cruzi I and II, were used to test the correlation between genetic and biological diversity. The Phagocytic Index (PI) and nitric-oxide (NO) production in vitro were used as biological parameters. The PI of the T. cruzi I and II strains did not differ significantly, nor did the PI of the T. cruzi strains isolated from humans, triatomines, or wild reservoirs. There was a statistical difference in the inhibition of NO production between T. cruzi I and II and between parasites isolated from humans and the strains isolated from triatomines and wild reservoirs, but there was no correlation between genetics and biology when the strains were analyzed independently of the lineages or hosts from which the strains were isolated. There were significant correlations for Randomly Amplified Polymorphic Deoxyribonucleic acid (RAPD) and biological parameters for T. cruzi I and II, and for humans or wild reservoirs when the lineages or hosts were considered individually.
Introduction: Cart horses are a re-emerging population employed to carry recyclable material in cities. Methods: Sixty-two horses were sampled in an endemic area of human leptospirosis. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were performed. Results: A seropositivity of 75.8% with serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae in 80.8% of the horses was observed. Blood and urine were qPCR negative. MAT showed positive correlations with rainfall (p = 0.02) and flooding (p = 0.03). Conclusions: Although horses may be constantly exposed to Leptospira spp. in the environment mostly because of rainfall and flooding, no leptospiremia or leptospiruria were observed in this study.
Os autores estudaram a existência de hemosiderose pulmonar em 60 casou de autopsia, 20 dos quais chagásicos crônicos com cardiopatia, 20 pacientes com cardiopatia não chagásica e 20 casos sem nenhuma manifestação de doença cardíaca. A incidência de hemossiderose pulmonar foi de 75% entre os chagásicos e de 80% entre os pacientes de cardiopatia não chagásica. Nos casos controle sem cardiopatia a incidência foi relativamente baixa (45%) e, guando presente, o grau de intensidade era mínimo. Com esses achados, conclui-se que a hemossiderose pulmonar na Doença de Chagas é uma conseqüência da congestão crônica passiva, resultante da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, do mesmo modo que ocorre em outras condições mórbidas tais como Estenose mitral e Cor-pulmonar crônico, não havendo evidências de uma pneumopatia peculiar em chagásicos.
Estudou-se a ação do suco gástrico artificial e suco duodenal humano sobre a vacina BCG, bem como a absorção e destino desta após administração intragástrica em camundongos. O contato de 2 horas do bacilo com o suco gástrico provocou uma diminuição significante do consumo de oxigênio e uma moderada perda da viabilidade. O suco duodenal induziu marcante decréscimo da respiração bacilar egrande redução da viabilidade. O BCG foi marcado com carbono-14 usando-se 14C-glicerol como precursor dos lipidios micobacterianos. Níveis similares de radioatividade foram obtidos nos órgãos dos animais, 24 horas após administração intragástrica de 14C- BCG, 14C-BCG rompido por ultra-som e 14C-glicerol. Os níveis de 14C-BCG permaneceram estáveis do 6º ao 24º dia, enquanto o sonicado de 14C-BCG e 14C-glicerol definiram um processo de decaimento biológico. As curvas de biodecaimento no intestino delgado e no fígado indicaram que o processo de absorção foi desencadeado rapidamente e alcançou seu nível máximo às 24 horas, decaindo em seguida de acordo com a complexidade química do material dado aos camundongos. Não foram isolados bacilos viáveis dos órgãos dos animais que receberam BCG não marcado. Pode-se concluir, portanto, que a maioria dos bacilos foram absorvidos intactos mas não viáveis.
O sistema nervoso é freqüentemente comprometido em pacientes com a síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida. As lesões observadas podem decorrer da ação direta do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), de agentes oportunistas, do aparecimento de neoplasias e de eventuais fatores inespecíficos como alterações circulatórias, metabólicas ou degenerativas. Dentre as alterações diretamente relacionadas à ação do HIV estão a encefalite e a leucoencefalopatia do HIV, a poliodistrofia difusa e a mielopatia vacuolar. A patogenia destas lesões ainda não está plenamente elucidada, sendo que os macrófagos são as principais células infectadas pelo HIV, parecendo que os efeitos citotóxicos sobre as células do sistema nervoso sejam indiretos, talvez a partir de substâncias liberadas pelos macrófagos infectados. Dentre as infecções oportunistas, a mais freqüente é a toxoplasmose, seguida da criptococose e da infecção pelo citomegalovírus, com algumas diferenças nas séries dos vários países. Vários outros agentes já foram observados no sistema nervoso de pacientes com AIDS. Dentre as neoplasias, o linfoma primário de células B é o mais freqüentemente encontrado. E comum o achado de mais de uma infecção ou a associação de infecções e neoplasia no sistema nervoso de pacientes com AIDS.
This study sought for etndence of previous CMV infection in patients of a general hospital serving the low income population of Rio de Janeiro. An enzyme immunoassay was used to detect anti-CMV antibodies in 713 typical hospital patients classified into eight different groups. Positive tests were found in 87% of pregnant women, 85% of newborns, 61% of pediatric patients, 77% of adolescent patients, 81% of adult patients, 87% of dialysed transplant candidates, 89% of kidney donors, and 92% of patients after transplantation. Depending of the subgroup studied these results carry different meanings and necessitate different clinical approaches. The risk of congenital disease is probably low in view of the reduced number of pregnant women still susceptible to primary infection. The number of primary infections will also be low in transplant recipients. However, those still susceptible will almost certainly acquire the infection from, their donor. Prophylactic CMV matching in kidney transplantation is not a realistic approach due to the low probability of finding pairs of seronegative donors and recipients.
Durante o curso da hanseníase, o edema comumente descrito como um sintoma de estados reacionais, pode ocorrer. Tanto o diagnóstico como a terapêutica adequada são, freqüentemente, difíceis de conseguir e assim podem acarretar permanente dano aos membros inferiores. Em um ano de acompanhamento, pacientes hansenianos - 10 multibacilares e 1 paucibacilar -, que foram submetidos a um protocolo clínico para o diagnóstico e classificação histopatológica, apresentaram clinicamente edema, localizado ou sistêmico. Entre estes pacientes, cinco apresentaram simultaneamente outros sintomas de reação, 4 foram classificados como reação Tipo I e um como reação tipo II. Por outro lado, três pacientes não apresentaram reação no momento do diagnóstico, mas desenvolveram alguns aspectos de reação posteriormente (2 tiveram neurite e um teve reação tipo I). Os edemas observados precedendo ou associados a quadros reacionais apresentaram ótima resposta clínica às drogas de ação anti-inflamatória (corticóide, talidomida e pentoxifilina) utilizadas para o tratamento dos estados reacionais, na ausência de qualquer outro tratamento normalmente usado para edema. Embora necessitem ser confirmados por estudos controlados, estes dados sugerem fortemente que mecanismos imunológicos estejam envolvidos na fisiopatologia dos edemas na hanseníase.
A infecção pelo VHB e VHD são importantes problemas de saúde na Amazônia. Este estudo avalia a prevalência da infecção por esses agentes em sete grupos indígenas do Estado do Amazonas. A taxa de infecção passada pelo VHB encontrada foi de 54,5% e a de portadores do AgHBs de 9,7%. Observa-se variação importante destes marcadores entre as aldeias, inclusive da mesma etnia. Não evidenciamos marcador de infecção aguda, os quatro AgHBe reativos eram todos Apurinã, da mesma aldeia, e três da mesma família. O VHD foi encontrado em 13,4% dos AgHBs reativos. O padrão de infecção pelo VHB e VHD encontrado possui as seguintes características: endemicidade elevada, baixo potencial de infectividade, transmissão marcada em idade precoce, provável transmissão familiar, e pouca importância da transmissão vertical. Entretanto, também sugere que esses vírus não tenham sido ainda introduzidos efetivamente em algumas das etnias estudadas.
Foram estudadas 48 crianças de 0 a 13 anos através da realização do ensaio imunoenzimático ligado a enzima (ELISA) para pesquisa de anticorpos da classe IgG antiPPD, visando estabelecer correlação entre a resposta imune humoral medida pela sorologia e a gravidade da tuberculose, segundo formas radiológicas (leve, moderada e grave). A amostra foi composta de 29 crianças com tuberculose e 19 sem tuberculose comunicantes de tuberculose). Os valores médios (medianas) da densidade óptica do teste ELISA foram, respectivamente: 0,098 na forma gânglio-pulmonar (leve), 0,092 na forma pneumônica (moderada) e 0,134 na tuberculose miliar (grave). Nas crianças não tuberculosas com radiografia de tórax normal, o ELISA foi igual a 0,020. Os achados evidenciam valores mais elevados do teste sorológico relacionados à maior gravidade da doença (p= 0,0007).