833 resultados para Richards, Lyn: Handling qualitative data
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Resumo - A presente tese explora o contributo de uma abordagem de Promoção da Saúde para o desenvolvimento de uma política integrada relativa ao envelhecimento e às pessoas idosas. Propôs-se, em particular, reunir elementos de apoio à fundamentação de medidas e políticas nacionais promotoras da saúde e bem-estar das pessoas de 65 e mais anos em Portugal. ● Delineia-se o enquadramento conceptual - referencial PromS - que clarifica a perspectiva de Promoção de Saúde adoptada. Um entendimento abrangente, positivo e multideterminado da saúde, a par do ênfase nos valores de equidade e de empowerment são alguns dos traços centrais desta abordagem. ● Conjugam-se dados empíricos quantitativos e qualitativos, concorrendo para o diagnóstico da situação de saúde da população de 65+ anos em Portugal: estudo qualitativo explorando as concepções leigas de saúde de pessoas idosas, discutidas em termos de literacia de saúde e de dimensões, determinantes e modos de acção sobre a saúde valorizados; perfil de saúde da população portuguesa de 65+ anos, caracterizando o seu estado de saúde/ bem-estar e factores (individuais e sociais/ambientais) que o influenciam; recorre a indicadores de diversas fontes, incluindo, quando possível, uma dimensão comparativa com outros grupos etários e outros países europeus; análise do padrão e magnitude de desigualdades sociais em resultados e determinantes de saúde das pessoas idosas em Portugal (dados do ESS3); breve análise de medidas/políticas nacionais relevantes para a saúde deste grupo populacional. ● Sugerem-se objectivos e áreas prioritárias para a actuação, bem como algumas estratégias e aspectos do dispositivo de intervenção a contemplar na formulação e implementação de uma política nacional de saúde dos idosos.----------------------------Abstract - The thesis explores contributions of a health promotion approach to the development of an integrated ageing policy. More specifically, it offers several elements in support of policies/measures promoting the health and well-being of people aged 65+ in Portugal. ● A conceptual framework - PromS - clarifies the health promotion approach adopted, stressing a comprehensive and positive understanding of health and its multiple determinants and emphasising the values of equity and empowerment. ● Quantitative and qualitative data are combined to render an assessment of the health situation of the over-65 population in Portugal, comprising: a qualitative study exploring older people’s lay views on health, discussed in terms of health literacy and favoured health dimensions, determinants and actions; a health profile of the Portuguese population aged 65 and over, covering health status and well-being and several determining factors (individual and social /environmental); it uses indicators from several sources, including, whenever possible, a comparison with other age groups and other European countries; an analysis of pattern and magnitude of social inequalities in health outcomes and in the distribution of some of it’s determinants among elderly people in Portugal (ESS3 data); a brief review of some national policies/measures pertinent to this group’s health. ● Objectives and priority areas for action are suggested, along with possible strategies and guidelines on infrastructure and processes regarding the formulation and implementation of a national health policy for older people.
Proceedings of the 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992
In Portugal, feminine activity rate of working mother is high but remains structural asymmetries of responsibilities between women and men in familiar spheres. Based on quantitative and qualitative data results are presented that show that, in spite of a global feminization rate of 58,6%, women workers in State Administration remains with major responsibilities in familiar/private lives than men. Women in technical and leadership functions have the same patterns of familiar and domestic responsibilities but different patterns of work-time. Women in technical functions tend to have a strategy of work-family time balance, despite less career opportunities, while women in leadership functions adopt a supremacy of wok-time, just as men. Nevertheless, both women, in technical and leadership functions, feel a permanent conflict between career and family responsibilities, which is not felt by men. Gender roles define dominant models of work and family organisation which conduct to different professional strategies and career opportunities.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de: Amélia Ferreira da Silva José António Fernandes Lopes Oliveira Vale
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Internacionalização de Empresas
Motivation: Auditing is not merely a collection of technical tasks but also a programmatic idea circulating in organizational environment, an idea which promises a certain style of control and organizational transparency (Power, 1998, p. 122) Performance appraisal within public organization aims to promote this organizational transparency and promote learning and improvement process both for employees and for the organization. However, we suggest that behind its clear intentions, there are some other goals tied to performance appraisal that could be seen as components of a discipline and surveillance systems to make the employee “knowable, calculable and administrative object” (Miller and Rose, 1990, p. 5). Objective: In Portuguese public organizations, performance appraisal follows the SIADAP (Performance Appraisal Systems for Public Administration). The objective of this study is to capture whatever employees of public organizations (appraisers and appraisee) perceived the performance appraisal system (SIADAP) as an appraisal model that promotes equity, learning and improvement or just as an instrument of control to which they feel dominated and watched over. Method: We developed an in-depth qualitative case study using semi-structured interviews with appraisers and their subordinates in the administrative department of a university institute of Medicine. The discourse of the participants was theoretically analyzed based on Foucauldian framework. Prior to qualitative data collection, we collected quantitative data, with a questionnaire, to measure the (un)satisfaction of employees with the all appraisal system. Findings: Although some key points of Foucault perspective were identified, its framework revealed some limitations to capture the all complexity of performance appraisal. Qualitative data revealed a significant tendency in discourses of appraisers and their subordinates considering SIADAP as an instrument that’s aims to introduced political rationalities and limits to the employer’s promotions within their careers. Contribution: This study brings a critical perspectives and new insights about performance appraisals in Portuguese’s public administrations. It is original contribution to management of human recourses in public administration and primary to audit of performance appraisal systems.
Os Municípios, num contexto de reformas administrativas iniciadas pela filosofia da Nova Gestão Pública, vivem atualmente com um grau de exigência elevado onde questões como, a boa gestão dos escassos recursos, a prestação de serviços de qualidade aos munícipes e um maior escrutínio por parte destes, impõem pressão junto dos responsáveis e dos órgãos executivos desses municípios, para a mudança dos serviços e da gestão numa perspetiva de melhoria da qualidade. O presente relatório de estágio tem por objetivo perceber qual a relevância, que o serviço de qualidade e auditoria interna desempenha, na gestão de um município. A escolha do estudo de caso incidiu sobre, a Câmara Municipal da Maia, local de realização do estágio. Neste contexto, após a revisão da literatura, será realizado um estudo em que, será criado um modelo de análise que irá testar, a implementação da gestão da qualidade, a monitorização de indicadores de desempenho e o contributo da auditoria interna, na gestão da Camara Municipal da Maia, no sentido de se chegar a uma conclusão final. Assim, será analisada de forma detalhada, a posição do órgão executivo, mediante a realização de uma entrevista para recolha de dados qualitativos, que posteriormente serão tratados. Na parte final deste relatório, iremos discutir os resultados obtidos e concluir sobre qual o papel e a importância que o serviço de qualidade e auditoria interna desempenha, na gestão da Câmara Municipal da Maia. Como limitação principal deste estudo refere-se o facto de as matérias a tratar serem todas de natureza sensível e com caráter sigiloso, o que inviabiliza a divulgação de alguns dados relevantes.
Dada a atual conjuntura económica internacional, a Economia Social tem vindo a aumentar consideravelmente a sua importância. Desta forma, torna-se importante conhecer o normativo contabilístico que é aplicado em Portugal. No caso concreto das Entidades do Setor Não Lucrativo, surgiu a necessidade de se encontrarem formas mais eficientes de gerir os recursos para dar resposta às necessidades sociais emergentes, e por isso, estas entidades foram, em 2011, enquadradas num novo contexto legal. O sucesso, o crescimento e a sobrevivência de uma entidade dependem da sua capacidade para gerar fluxos de caixa e/ou obter os recursos financeiros necessários ao desenvolvimento da sua atividade. Neste sentido, é a Demonstração de Fluxos de Caixa (DFC) que fornece aos seus utilizadores uma base para avaliar a capacidade da entidade gerar e utilizar os seus fluxos de caixa. Esta dissertação aborda uma área de estudo, ainda pouco investigada, a Economia Social e, em particular, as Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS), sendo notório que o interesse por esta área tem vindo a acentuar-se nos últimos anos. Assim, fazendo o respetivo enquadramento teórico e normativo, avalia-se a importância da DFC, mais especificamente, a importância do relato dos fluxos nas IPSS. Para a realização desta dissertação, foi feita a análise em profundidade do relato da DFC nas IPSS, recorrendo à metodologia qualitativa, nomeadamente, à investigação descritiva, aos métodos e técnicas de recolha de dados, e, por último, à análise de conteúdo para tratar os dados qualitativos, tais como, as entrevistas. Para tratar alguns dados estatísticos foi utilizado o Microsoft Excel do Microsoft Office. A presente dissertação demonstra que o relato dos fluxos da DFC é extremamente importante, pois proporciona informação financeira que é importante no processo de tomada de decisão e na avaliação do desempenho financeiro das IPSS.
The life of humans and most living beings depend on sensation and perception for the best assessment of the surrounding world. Sensorial organs acquire a variety of stimuli that are interpreted and integrated in our brain for immediate use or stored in memory for later recall. Among the reasoning aspects, a person has to decide what to do with available information. Emotions are classifiers of collected information, assigning a personal meaning to objects, events and individuals, making part of our own identity. Emotions play a decisive role in cognitive processes as reasoning, decision and memory by assigning relevance to collected information. The access to pervasive computing devices, empowered by the ability to sense and perceive the world, provides new forms of acquiring and integrating information. But prior to data assessment on its usefulness, systems must capture and ensure that data is properly managed for diverse possible goals. Portable and wearable devices are now able to gather and store information, from the environment and from our body, using cloud based services and Internet connections. Systems limitations in handling sensorial data, compared with our sensorial capabilities constitute an identified problem. Another problem is the lack of interoperability between humans and devices, as they do not properly understand human’s emotional states and human needs. Addressing those problems is a motivation for the present research work. The mission hereby assumed is to include sensorial and physiological data into a Framework that will be able to manage collected data towards human cognitive functions, supported by a new data model. By learning from selected human functional and behavioural models and reasoning over collected data, the Framework aims at providing evaluation on a person’s emotional state, for empowering human centric applications, along with the capability of storing episodic information on a person’s life with physiologic indicators on emotional states to be used by new generation applications.
An organizations´ level of sustainability has so far been primarily been analyzed within the context of economic performance. This study changes that dependent variable to “resilience”, namely a company’s ability to recover from potential lethal shocks or disruptive events. The research questions aims to investigate whether sustainability and resilience are related. This study utilizes the financial crisis from 2007/08 as disruptive event, as it encompassed market phase-out but also survival by established firms. Two Swiss luxury watchmaking companies have been chosen as industry sample and the study’s investigation is based on a comparative case study approach. The latter applies both quantitative data, in the form of the respective annual company reports, and qualitative data, in the form of semi-structured interviews with three stakeholder groups. Findings indicate that the investigated measures of sustainability are related the investigated companies’ level of resilience. These findings contribute to the building of new theory towards resilience as this study outlines specifically which measures have been proven to be of relevance for companies’ resilience. Moreover, the results are of high relevance for companies that are operating in constant evolving markets and struggling adapting to any disruptive environment as it is outlined why and how comparative companies have to be sustainable in order to become more resilient towards future shocks.
Tese de Doutoramento apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
The present study aimed to obtain quanti-qualitative data about the follicular ovarian population in Cebus apella females. Seven ovaries were obtained from 4 C. apella adult females. The ovaries were subjected to light microscopy. The number of preantral and antral follicles for each ovary was estimated using the Fractionator method. The preantral follicles were classified into primordial, transitional, primary and secondary follicles. Antral follicles were those that presented an antral cavity. All counted follicles were classified as normal or degenerated. The diameter of the follicles, oocytes and their nuclei were determined to accompany the follicular development. All results were represented as mean ± SE. The number of preantral follicles was 56,938 ± 21,888 and 49,133 ± 26,896 for the right and left ovaries, respectively. The percentage of normal follicles was 80 ± 4.95%. The follicular diameter ranged from 22 ± 0.5 µm to 61.2 ± 4.0 µm. Regarding the antral follicles, the number of normal and degenerate follicles per ovary were 60.0 ± 19.0 and 3 ± 1.8 follicles, respectively. The antral follicular diameter was 514.4 + 56.6 µm. In conclusion, the information obtained in this study can be used as a parameter for subsequent in vivo or in vitro studies about folliculogenesis in non-human neotropical primates of the C. apella species.