870 resultados para Retelling Stories
Antología de relatos de escritores de diferentes países y culturas, como Charles Dickens, H.G. Wells, Virginia Woolf, Graham Greene, V.S. Naipaul, Raymond Carver, Jhumpa Lahiri y Annie Proulx. Su contenido se adapta al estudio del CIE, IGCSE y a los exámenes del nivel AS y nivel A de literatura en inglés.
Se describe una experiencia llevada a cabo en la CEPA de Miajadas (C??ceres), que consisti?? en dramatizar algunos cuentos cl??sicos en ingl??s en centros educativos de la zona. La actividad conllev?? la lectura de los textos, su memorizaci??n, la adaptaci??n del vocabulario al p??blico y por ??ltimo, la dramatizaci??n
This paper discusses the use of sight vocabulary drills, experience and sequence stories, pre-primers, basal readers and text books as part of a reading curriculum for hearing-impaired children.
This paper is an analysis of Chart Stories made by teachers at CID and their effectiveness as a language development tool.
S.P.I.R.E., at use at Central Institute for the Deaf, is a comprehensive, multi-sensory systematic reading and language program that targets at risk and struggling students. The purpose of this project was to write additional stories and sentences for students who are hearing impaired through reader 2 that may be used in conjunction with the exiting stories and supplements.
In our state of centralised control of the curriculum and high-stakes testing an examination subject's assessment objectives have become high profile. Some of the anomalous effects of this profile are shown in the teaching, question-setting, and marking of English literature. Glimpses of earlier times are revealed, all three secondary school key stages are considered, examination performances are discussed, and the views of beginning teachers about teaching to the test are sought.