687 resultados para Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education::Subject didactics
Este estudo aborda a temática das relações existentes entre a formação universitária e a imagem social de mulheres negras universitárias da área da saúde e suas possíveis transformações pessoais e sociais. Considerando que a formação universitária produz uma valorização social e os seus desdobramentos influenciam nos papéis sociais vividos por este grupo. Buscamos assim, descrever a imagem social de mulheres negras na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias e sua autoimagem social; e analisar a influencia da formação universitária na autoimagem social das mesmas. Metodologia: Pesquisa descritivo-exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, realizada com roteiro de entrevista semi estruturada com dez entrevistadas que se autodeclararam pretas ou pardas matriculadas em Programa de Pós-graduação (Mestrado) de uma universidade pública estadual no município do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Os dados produzidos foram analisados e interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Deste processo emergiram três categorias. A primeira categoria A imagem social da mulher negra na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias descreve a condição desigual da mulher negra na sociedade a partir da desvalorização do gênero feminino e da raça (sexismo e o racismo) e o corpo da mulher negra como objeto de sensualidade. A segunda categoria - A formação universitária na vida de mulheres negras desdobrou-se em duas categorias intermediárias: Situações positivas vivenciadas durante a formação (formação universitária como veículo para as transformações sociais e pessoais a partir da ampliação do conhecimento científico e a melhora na inserção social); Situações negativas (desigualdades de classes, sentimentos de indecisão, frustração frente à escolha do curso e limitações na aprendizagem e adaptação). A terceira categoria A autoimagem social de mulheres universitárias negras desenvolve a percepção das entrevistadas acerca da sua autoimagem a partir do processo de formação universitária, e desdobra-se em visões positivas e negativas sobre sua autoimagem. A visão positiva destaca o empoderamento diante da sua condição étnica caracterizado por atitudes perseverantes e demonstração de competência no cotidiano, favorecendo o fortalecimento de posições sociais; algumas inclusive não identificam vivenciar diferenças sociais pela etnia. A visão negativa foi descrita a partir dos sentimentos de baixa estima, insegurança no posicionamento nos espaços sociais e a dificuldade de falar sobre a sua autoimagem. Para as depoentes a autoimagem se traduz não no estereótipo, mas, nas conquistas sociais que elas alcançam decorrente da formação universitária. A formação universitária se torna condição fundamental para transpor os estigmas sociais que interferem na imagem social deste grupo populacional na sociedade.
This article has been written with the intention of being able to analyse the contributions of art —theatre, in this case— to the practice of social work. For this purpose, we have chosen to read the social reality in which we intervene through the lens of social constructionism. This helps us to rescue the social and subjective side of art, and, moreover, to recover the depathologization of the subject in professional intervention. Thus, using a practical case taken from work with adolescents in the German FSJ programme, hand-in-hand with a young girl called Anja we trace the developmental and sociological aspects of adolescence in order to later address certain common points of art and psychosocial work. Art will hence be redefined as a transitional object allowing questions to be addressed relating to (self-) perception, attachment, communication and changes in conduct as the ultimate goal of professional action. Lastly, we note the limitations and risks of art-based intervention, in order to conclude with a final synopsis.
This article reports on how research activity helped describe and analyse ASW (Approved Social Worker) learning experience as well as acting as a catalyst for change and development in policy and practice in Northern Ireland. The paper contextualizes the study by outlining the legislation, the main features of the ASW role and the approach to ASW training in Northern Ireland, and by reviewing the literature on the efficacy and value of competence-based learning. While the findings do not provide conclusive evidence that a competence-based approach is inherently more effective than previous courses, they do indicate that candidates who were trained in this way were moderately more satisfied than those who had participated in non-competence based programmes. The research also highlights the importance of the interrelationship between training, practice experience and support in developing and sustaining competence. The paper concludes with a review of the recommendations arising from the study and an analysis of the developments in training and regulations relating to practice experience and re-approval of ASWs since publication of the research. The study is of contemporary interest given the proposed changes to the role of ASWs/Mental Health Officers in the context of the reviews of UK mental health law.
International contexts provide social work students with the opportunity to develop knowledge of international social work, global citizenship and cultural competency. While these contexts are powerful sites of learning, there is a need to ensure that this occurs within a critical framework. The paradigm of critical reflection is used to facilitate this and has been popular in international programs. In this article, we develop this further by describing critically-reflective techniques and providing examples used in a pilot exchange program between a social work school in the UK and in India. The potential implications of these strategies for social work education are discussed. © The Author(s) 2012
This paper describes the evaluation of an educational project, delivered in a Bachelor in Social Work degree (BSW) program in Northern Ireland. The project aimed to equip social work students to be more culturally competent in this divided society, with a central focus on including victim/survivor service users in social work training. A number of pedagogical approaches are noted, with particular consideration of Boler's ‘pedagogy of discomfort’ as a model that includes the multidimensional nature of the learning process when topics carry a high emotional tariff. The evaluation of the students' experience indicated that: there was strong support among students for the project; the unique contribution of service users was affirmed; and the project appeared to increase students' awareness and capacity to practice in a divided society. The evaluation of the trainers' experience highlighted key processes in the delivery of collaborative training. The authors argue that the lessons learned are broadly applicable to other forms of service user and carer involvement in social work training and in other societies in which health and social care professionals have to deal with the legacies of political conflict.
The Preparation for Practice module at the University of Ulster is delivered to 170 first year students via a collaborative arrangement between higher and further education institutions. In each of the five sites, students receive large group and small group teaching facilitated by social work training agency workers and academic tutor dyads. An evaluation of the module sought the perceptions of the agency and academic facilitators regarding the overall collaborative arrangement and the model of co-teaching involving social work academics and agency partners. Respondents were asked to complete a semi-structured questionnaire, which generated data from a Likert scale and also invited qualitative commentary. The Likert scale data were analysed via SPSS and the qualitative information was scrutinised using a manual thematic analysis technique. Findings indicated that continuous communication, consistency in programme content and the acknowledgement of the differences in organisation resources were key to a successful collaborative arrangement. It was also noted that a co-teaching model should be viewed as a positive vehicle for achieving module objectives in a safe learning environment.
Summary: There are substantial variations in the way that applicants are selected
for social work programmes in the UK and across the world. This article begins by reviewing the literature in this field, revealing debates about how effective and reliable are methods of assessment used during admission processes. It then describes a crosssectional survey of new social work applicants (n¼203) to two programme providers,describing demographic characteristics and their experiences of the admissions process.
Findings: A number of themes emerged from two sets of findings. There were variations in demographic characteristics, particularly in terms of gender and religion. The study was particularly interested in how students viewed the admissions process. Most students were satisfied with admissions processes, and there were some differences in views about the methods used. The article concludes by describing changes to the admissions system that were partly informed by the study. The article acknowledges the expected bias in the methodology, given that successful applicants were surveyed
and not those who were not successful.
Applications: The authors discuss the study findings in the context of national and international literature and suggest that more rigorous attention should be paid to such evaluations to enable this important area of education and workforce development to be better understood.
Blending Art and Science in Nurse Education: The Benefits and Impact of Creative Partnerships
This paper presents the benefits of an innovative education partnership between lecturers from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast and Arts Care, a unique Arts and Health Charity in Northern Ireland, to engage nursing students in life sciences
Nursing and Midwifery students often struggle to engage with life science modules because they lack confidence in their ability to study science.This project was funded by a Teaching Innovation Award from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast, to explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology. The project was facilitated through collaboration between Teaching staff from the School of Nursing and Midwifery and Arts Care, Northern Ireland. This unique Arts and Health Charity believes in the benefits of creativity to well being.
To explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology.
Students participated in a series of workshops designed to explore the cells, tissues and organs of the human body through the medium of felt. Facilitated by an Arts Care artist, and following self-directed preparation, students discussed and translated their learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body into striking felt images. During the project students kept a reflective journal of their experience to document how participation in the project enhanced their learning and professional development
Creativity transformed and brought to life the students learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body.
The project culminated in the exhibition of a unique body of artwork which has been exhibited across Northern Ireland in hospitals and galleries and viewed by fellow students, teaching staff, nurses from practice, artists, friends, family and members of the public.
The impact of creativity learning strategies in nurse education should be further explored.
Bennett, M and Rogers, K.MA. (2014) First impressions matter: an active, innovative and engaging method to recruit student volunteers for a pedagogic project. Reflections, Available online at: QUB, Centre for Educational Development / Publications / Reflections Newsletter, Issue 18, June 2014.
Chickering,A.W. and Gamson,Z.F. (1987) Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education The American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, March. http://www.aahea.org/aahea/articles/sevenprinciples1987.htm, accessed 8th August 2014
Fell, P., Borland, G., Lynne, V. (2012) Lab versus lectures: can lab based practical sessions improve nursing students’ learning of bioscience? Health and Social Care Education 3:1, 33-38
The increasing adoption of cloud computing, social networking, mobile and big data technologies provide challenges and opportunities for both research and practice. Researchers face a deluge of data generated by social network platforms which is further exacerbated by the co-mingling of social network platforms and the emerging Internet of Everything. While the topicality of big data and social media increases, there is a lack of conceptual tools in the literature to help researchers approach, structure and codify knowledge from social media big data in diverse subject matter domains, many of whom are from nontechnical disciplines. Researchers do not have a general-purpose scaffold to make sense of the data and the complex web of relationships between entities, social networks, social platforms and other third party databases, systems and objects. This is further complicated when spatio-temporal data is introduced. Based on practical experience of working with social media datasets and existing literature, we propose a general research framework for social media research using big data. Such a framework assists researchers in placing their contributions in an overall context, focusing their research efforts and building the body of knowledge in a given discipline area using social media data in a consistent and coherent manner.
Youth violence is El Salvador’s most imperative social, economic and health problem today. In an attempt to contribute to youth violence prevention in the country, humanistic physical education has been implemented within schools. Using case study methodology, this study examines twelve Salvadoran school directors’ perspectives of physical education and physical education as a mean of youth violence prevention. School directors’ perceive multiple benefits of physical education including those related to student’s social and emotional health. School directors recognize physical education as a means of reducing violence because it keeps youth busy and provides an outlet to release stress. Results are discussed in relation to long-term violence prevention literature. Results suggest that it would be beneficial for school directors to understand the theory and goals behind humanistic physical education in their schools. Research maintains the continuation of research in the field of humanistic physical education in relation to youth violence prevention.
Réalisé en association avec le Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST).
Desde el siglo XIX, Colombia ha vivido un sinnúmero de conflictos los cuales han cambiado de actores y de circunstancias. Una vez llegado el siglo XX, los conflictos antes que disminuir, aumentaron; por eso no es de sorprender que el período de La Violencia haya constituido uno de los períodos más violentos y sangrientos de la historia reciente del país. En medio de estos problemas, surgió el Frente Nacional, un pacto político entre los partidos políticos más importantes del país, el Conservador y el Liberal. En medio de este proyecto político surgió la Comisión Histórica de 1958, la cual pretendió estudiar el porqué de La Violencia. Una vez finalizada la Comisión, se crea un libro con toda la información recopilada en la misma; este libro, La Violencia en Colombia se convirtió en un suceso de gran importancia para la sociedad colombiana, debido a que fue una investigación académica innovadora para las Ciencias Sociales. Esta innovación está respaldada por documentos investigativos y sobre todo por la utilización de teorías sociológicas de gran relevancia para el momento y que por supuesto eran utilizadas por primera vez en Colombia. Muchas de estas teorías abrieron camino para la investigación de nuevos temas con nuevas metodologías. Asimismo, el libro La Violencia en Colombia terminó de empujar a las Ciencias Sociales a su transformación definitiva. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es evidenciar las transformaciones que las Ciencias Sociales tuvieron a mediados del siglo XX y estas transformaciones se dieron en parte gracias a dos sucesos importantes: Por una lado, la publicación del libro La Violencia en Colombia, el cual estaba estrechamente relacionado con la Comisión Histórica de 1958 y por otro lado, la llegada de investigadores nacionales con estudios en el extranjero lo que provocó la entrada a las Ciencias Sociales de nuevas formas de ver, entender, escribir y leer los diferentes procesos sociales que estaban ocurriendo en el país. Para ello es importante explorar la vida académica de los investigadores seleccionados, ya que, las corrientes teóricas que trajeron al país comenzaron a ser utilizadas en distintas investigaciones y porque algunos de estos investigadores estaban estrechamente relacionados con la escritura del libro La Violencia en Colombia.
O presente trabalho analisa as razões que levam os alunos do ensino médio noturno, de uma escola pública de Natal, Brasil, a fracassar nos estudos. A pesquisa considera aspectos políticos, sociais, institucionais e técnicos, já que o assunto envolve fatores internos e extraescolares. Para isso, são consultados professores, pedagogos, alunos e documentos, além da literatura que trata da temática. Teóricos apontam que o fracasso escolar é originado na própria escola, que reproduz valores dominantes e por isso se apresenta como uma instituição excludente que legitima as desigualdades sociais. O aluno, por sua vez, é visto como vítima da exclusão social e educacional, uma vez que lhe falta capital cultural, econômico e social para cumprir às exigências desse modelo de escola, levando-o ao fracasso escolar. Diante disso, é preciso que o professor esteja preparado para superar essa lógica excludente. A escola deve atender às necessidades do aluno-trabalhador, garantindo-lhe o acesso ao conhecimento propedêutico e também profissional. Ao Estado cabe investir mais na educação, valorizar o professor e manter políticas públicas para superar as desigualdades sociais daqueles que dependem da escola pública noturna para ascender socialmente, tornar-se um cidadão livre e capaz de contribuir para a construção de uma sociedade menos desigual.
o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar se as ações sociais, com viés educativo, promovidas por Fumas Centrais Elétricas, promovem a cidadania. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa-descritiva, com dados coletados a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com 34 (trinta e quatro) pessoas, sendo 8 (oito) empregados da instituição e 26 (vinte e seis) das comunidades participantes dos projetos por ela desenvolvidos. Esta divisão deveu-se à necessidade de confrontar as visões de cada grupo quanto ao entendimento do significado de cidadania. Os depoimentos revelaram uma riqueza de interpretações, havendo uma predominância conceitual que a nós surpreendeu. Constatamos que, apesar da maioria afirmar conhecer o termo, há uma dificuldade em defini-lo - passagem do conhecimento tácito para o explícito -, como se a sua amplitude e complexidade conceitual não coubessem em poucas palavras. Concluímos apresentando sugestões de um trabalho que possibilite uma discussão mais ampla sobre o tema a fim de permitir uma atuação mais pontual e efetiva em busca da emancipação.
As questões ligadas às desonerações tributárias como fomento ao desenvolvimento do país vêm ganhando muita importância e destaque no cenário político e econômico brasileiro. Sendo assim, este estudo de caso fictício tem como objetivo promover uma reflexão acerca dos fatores que sejam relevantes para a desoneração da cadeia produtiva do pescado e atingir objetivos educacionais expondo aos estudantes às interdependências e consequências ao longo do processo. O caso também pretende promover uma discussão sobre as ações gerenciais apropriadas, com utilização de ferramentas de planejamento para orientar tomadas de decisões e, para tanto, apresenta alguns fatores facilitadores e obstáculos, bem como benefícios alcançados, que são impactados por múltiplos fatores. Dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos, as conclusões levam ao entendimento de que a solução mais indicada seria a de trabalhar na desoneração e mais especificamente nas rações do pescado, que, com a redução dos custos, proporcionaria mais demanda, maior produção, mais investimentos em tecnologia, mais formalização da economia e tantos outros benefícios econômicos e sociais.