145 resultados para Reorganisation


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The aim of the paper is to introduce the challenges of the international care debate of the last ten years in order to grasp basic social needs, to analyse their treatment in the public and private sphere and to look at the orientation of professional answers by the care-professions. The concept of care enhances the societal dealing with - or ignoring of - different forms of dependency on informal and formal personal and social services throughout the life-cycle (child-care, nursing sick or handicapped persons, supporting the elderly) and in special life situations (from help to lone mothers and their children, via help to drug-addicts to help for homeless people). All societies have different approaches to deal with these life-situations, they do so by employ-ing various mixtures of: familial support, mostly provided by women, social politics, organized by the state, public and/or private social services. This welfare-mix shows different combinations of private and public obligations, paid and und unpaid work, professional and laymen's tasks based on a specific understanding of mo-rality and justice embedded in the gender structure and intergenerational relationships. The importance of social work as a profession in this context differs according to the historical developments and cultural traditions. Characteristic for the profile of social work is the rele-vance of a care ethics and the existence of social rights, the tension of mothering and profes-sional methods, the relationship between help, denial and punishment and the ways of institu-tionalisation. The actuality of this debate is closely intertwined with the restructuring of societal bonds in the face of globalisation, the political reorganisation of states, the changes in the living to-gether of different generations and both sexes and the consequences for the organisation and contents of welfare. Looking at Germany and Eastern Europe two new phenomena of social relevance for the dis-cussion of care work and care needs can be taken as an example: the extent of cheap illegal women laborers travelling between east and west, especially Polish women working intermit-tendly in private care for old people and the highly organized traffiking of women from Russia to Germany to work in the sex business. The care debate entails a reframing of welfare issues in the light of social justice between classes, ethnicities and gender groups.


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Atmospheric fluxes of iron (Fe) over the past 200 kyr are reported for the coastal Antarctic Talos Dome ice core, based on acid leachable Fe concentrations. Fluxes of Fe to Talos Dome were consistently greater than those at Dome C, with the greatest difference observed during interglacial climates. We observe different Fe flux trends at Dome C and Talos Dome during the deglaciation and early Holocene, attributed to a combination of deglacial activation of dust sources local to Talos Dome and the reorganisation of atmospheric transport pathways with the retreat of the Ross Sea ice shelf. This supports similar findings based on dust particle sizes and fluxes and Rare Earth Element fluxes. We show that Ca and Fe should not be used as quantitative proxies for mineral dust, as they all demonstrate different deglacial trends at Talos Dome and Dome C. Considering that a 20 ppmv decrease in atmospheric CO2 at the coldest part of the last glacial maximum occurs contemporaneously with the period of greatest Fe and dust flux to Antarctica, we confirm that the maximum contribution of aeolian dust deposition to Southern Ocean sequestration of atmospheric CO2 is approximately 20 ppmv.�


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Biografische Übergänge unterbrechen den Lebensverlauf, lösen Menschen aus gewohnten Zusammenhängen und erfordern eine Reorganisation des Lebens. Übergänge verändern Rollen, Beziehungen und Identitäten; sie führen zu einer veränderten Selbst- und Umweltwahrnehmung und häufig zu einem emotionalen Ungleichgewicht. Allerdings gibt es grosse Unterschiede im Umgang mit diesen Herausforderungen. Was macht aus, dass Übergänge von den einen als Entwicklungschance wahrgenommen werden und bei anderen eine Dauerkrise auslösen? Die menschliche Entwicklung kann als eine Abfolge von stabilen und instabilen Phasen angesehen werden. Die instabilen Phasen – die Übergänge von einer stabilen Phase zur anderen – sind je nach auslösendem Faktor mehr oder weniger vorhersehbar. So sind altersnormierte Übergänge wie etwa Pubertät, Menopause oder die Pensionierung besser vorausseh- und planbar, dies im Gegensatz zu nicht-altersnormierten, «stillen» (d.h. gesellschaftlich weniger sichtbaren) Übergängen wie Scheidungen, schwere Erkrankungen oder Arbeitsplatzverlust, welche weit weniger kontrollierbar, dafür umso stressvoller sind. In jedem Falle handelt es sich dabei um Perioden des Umbruchs und der beschleunigten Entwicklung, gekennzeichnet durch Rollentransformationen, konkret durch das Aufgeben alter Rollen und der Auseinandersetzung mit neu zu definierenden Selbstbildern und sozialen Rollen. Übergänge können je nach verfügbaren physischen, psychischen und sozialen Ressourcen im besseren Falle Herausforderungen mit neuen Chancen, im schlechteren Falle jedoch schwer zu überwindende Lebenskrisen und chronischen Stress bedeuten. Stressreiche Übergangsphasen Lebensläufe sind in der heutigen Zeit generell weniger sozial genormt. Sie sind zunehmend geprägt von stillen und zum Teil bislang off-time»-Übergängen wie etwa Scheidungen nach langjährigen Ehen. Aus diesem Grunde sind biografische Übergänge immer weniger voraussehbar und immer mehr eine private bzw. individuelle Angelegenheit geworden. Früherkennung und soziale Unterstützung sind allerdings wichtige Faktoren, um biografische Übergänge zu bewältigen. Ein wichtiger Punkt bei der Prävention ist deshalb die Identifikation solcher Übergangsphasen, die besonders stressreich sind, die aber gesellschaftlich als eine «rein private Angelegenheit » angesehen werden. Das mittlere Lebensalter als empfindliche Phase Aus der Forschung wissen wir, dass das mittlere Lebensalter aufgrund gehäufter stiller Übergänge (wie etwa Scheidungen, berufliche Neuorientierungen, plötzliche Pflegebedürftigkeit der Eltern), insbesondere aber durch die hohe Verantwortung in multiplen Rollen in Partnerschaft, Familie, Beruf und Gesellschaft, eine stressreiche und vulnerable Phase ist. Dies zeigt sich etwa in der hohen Inzidenz von Depressionen und Suiziden in dieser Altersgruppe. Hierbei zeigen sich bedeutsame Geschlechter- und Altersgruppenunterschiede bei der Bewältigung. So versuchen etwa Männer weit mehr als Frauen mit Partnerschaftsstress und mit den Folgen einer Scheidung alleine fertig zu werden. Im Gegenzug suchen Frauen weit mehr Unterstützung bei Freunden sowie in einer professionellen Beratung. Es zeigt sich aber auch, dass der Effekt für ältere Männer (also 60+) weit stärker ist als bei jüngeren (40- bis 59-Jährige). Dieses Ergebnis widerspiegelt die Tatsache, dass die unterschiedliche Geschlechtsrollensozialisation der beiden Männer-Altersgruppen einen nicht zu unterschätzenden Effekt hat – und darin liegt ein grosses Präventionspotential. Ein zentrales Forschungsergebnis ist zudem, dass ein grosser Teil der Betroffenen sich nach solchen biografischen Wendepunkten gut erholt, einige sogar sehr gut, eine Minderheit aber vulnerabel bleibt. Prävention Das Wissen um die unterschiedlichen Wirkmechanismen bei der individuellen Bewältigung von stressreichen biografischen Übergängen ist von grosser präventiver Relevanz. Dabei geht es primär um resilienzfördernde Strategien, gleichzeitig aber auch um die Schaffung günstiger Kontextbedingungen für Früherkennung und Beratung.


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Introduction: Drought is one of the most significant factors that limit plant productivity. Oxidative stress is a secondary event in many unfavorable environmental conditions. Intracellular proteases have a role in the metabolism reorganisation and nutrient remobilization under stress. In order to under stand the relative significance of oxidative stress and proteolysis in the yield reduction under drought, four varieties of Triticum aestivum L. with different field drought resistance were examined. Methods: A two-year field experiment was conducted. Analyses were performed on the upper most leaf of control plants and plants under water deficitat the stages most critical for yield reduction under drought (from jointing till milk ripeness). Leaf water deficit and electrolyte leakage, malondyaldehyde level, activities and isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase, leaf protein content and proteolytic activity were studied. Yield components were analyzed. Results: A general trend of increasing the membrane in stability and accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides was observed with some differences among varieties, especially under drought. The anti-oxidative enzyme activities were progressively enhanced, as well as the azocaseinolytic activities. The leaf protein content decreased under drought at the last phase. Differences among varieties were observed in the parameters under study. They were compared to yield components` reduction under water deprivation.


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Synaesthesia is a condition in which a stimulus elicits an additional subjective experience. For example, the letter E printed in black (the inducer) may trigger an additional colour experience as a concurrent (e.g., blue). Synaesthesia tends to run in families and thus, a genetic component is likely. However, given that the stimuli that typically induce synaesthesia are cultural artefacts, a learning component must also be involved. Moreover, there is evidence that synaesthetic experiences not only activate brain areas typically involved in processing sensory input of the concurrent modality; synaesthesia seems to cause a structural reorganisation of the brain. Attempts to train non-synaesthetes with synaesthetic associations have been successful in mimicking certain behavioural aspects and posthypnotic induction of synaesthetic experiences in non-synaesthetes has even led to the according phenomenological reports. These latter findings suggest that structural brain reorganization may not be a critical precondition, but rather a consequence of the sustained coupling of inducers and concurrents. Interestingly, synaesthetes seem to be able to easily transfer synaesthetic experiences to novel stimuli. Beyond this, certain drugs (e.g., LSD) can lead to synaesthesia-like experiences and may provide additional insights into the neurobiological basis of the condition. Furthermore, brain damage can both lead to a sudden presence of synaesthetic experiences in previously non-synaesthetic individuals and a sudden absence of synaesthesia in previously synaesthetic individuals. Moreover, enduring sensory substitution has been effective in inducing a kind of acquired synaesthesia. Besides informing us about the cognitive mechanisms of synaesthesia, synaesthesia research is relevant for more general questions, for example about consciousness such as the binding problem, about crossmodal correspondences and about how individual differences in perceiving and experiencing the world develop. Hence the aim of the current Research Topic is to provide novel insights into the development of synaesthesia both in its genuine and acquired form. We welcome novel experimental work and theoretical contributions (e.g., review and opinion articles) focussing on factors such as brain maturation, learning, training, hypnosis, drugs, sensory substitution and brain damage and their relation to the development of any form of synaesthesia.


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Fluctuations in the Δ14C curve and subsequent gaps of archaeological findings at 800–650 and 400–100 BC in western and central Europe may indicate major climate-driven land-abandonment phases. To address this hypothesis radiocarbon-dated sediments from four lakes in Switzerland were studied palynologically. Pollen analysis indicates contemporaneous phases of forest clearances and of intensified land-use at 1450–1250 BC, 650–450 BC, 50 BC–100 AD and around 700 AD. These land-use expansions coincided with periods of warm climate as recorded by the Alpine dendroclimatic and Greenland oxygen isotope records. Our results suggest that harvest yields would have increased synchronously over wide areas of central and southern Europe during periods of warm and dry climate. Combined interpretation of palaeoecological and archaeological findings suggests that higher food production led to increased human populations. Positive long-term trends in pollen values of Cerealia and Plantago lanceolata indicate that technical innovations during the Bronze and Iron Age (e.g. metal ploughs, scythes, hay production, fertilising methods) gradually increased agricultural productivity. The successful adoption of yield-increasing advances cannot be explained by climatic determinism alone. Combined with archaeological evidence, our results suggest that despite considerable cycles of spatial and demographic reorganisation (repeated land abandonments and expansions, as well as large-scale migrations and population decreases), human societies were able to shift to lower subsistence levels without dramatic ruptures in material culture. However, our data imply that human societies were not able to compensate rapidly for harvest failures when climate deteriorated. Agriculture in marginal areas was abandoned, and spontaneous reforestations took place on abandoned land south and north of the Alps. Only when the climate changed again to drier and warmer conditions did a new wide-spread phase of forest clearances and field extensions occur, allowing the reoccupation of previously abandoned areas. Spatial distribution of cereal cultivation and growth requirements of Cerealia species suggest that increases in precipitation were far more decisive in driving crop failures over central and southern Europe than temperature decreases.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Reorganisation des Demokratischen Clubs Berlin; seine Ziele und Statuten


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kritik an der Schaffung der Konstabler-Schutzmannschaften: Mit der Erfüllung der Märzforderungen allein ist die Macht des Polizei- und Militärstaates Preußen noch nicht gebrochen. Eine Reorganisation der Polizei hat nicht stattgefunden, im Gegenteil wurde die Zahl der Gendarmen noch um 2000 Mann erhöht. Es steht im Belieben der Polizei, jede Versammlung und jede Demonstration ohne Angabe von Gründen aufzulösen. Aufruf zur Beschränkung der polizeilichen Befugnisse


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Atmospheric fluxes of iron (Fe) over the past 200 kyr are reported for the coastal Antarctic Talos Dome ice core, based on acid leachable Fe concentrations. Fluxes of Fe to Talos Dome were consistently greater than those at Dome C, with the greatest difference observed during interglacial climates. We observe different Fe flux trends at Dome C and Talos Dome during the deglaciation and early Holocene, attributed to a combination of deglacial activation of dust sources local to Talos Dome and the reorganisation of atmospheric transport pathways with the retreat of the Ross Sea ice shelf. This supports similar findings based on dust particle sizes and fluxes and Rare Earth Element fluxes. We show that Ca and Fe should not be used as quantitative proxies for mineral dust, as they all demonstrate different deglacial trends at Talos Dome and Dome C. Considering that a 20 ppmv decrease in atmospheric CO2 at the coldest part of the last glacial maximum occurs contemporaneously with the period of greatest Fe and dust flux to Antarctica, we confirm that the maximum contribution of aeolian dust deposition to Southern Ocean sequestration of atmospheric CO2 is approximately 20 ppmv.


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TEM (transmission electron microscopy) observations and microanalyses on smectite microparticles in the sediments of the CRP-2A core were carried out to determine their origin (authigenic or detrital) and the source rocks. Smectites are dioctahedral and are Fe-rich members of the nontronite-beidellite series. They generally display both flaky and hairy shapes, but no large compositional difference between the two forms was observed. Flaky smectites are detrital while hairy smectites probably formed in situ through the reorganisation of previous flaky particles. The source rocks for smectites are probably represented by the McMurdo Volcanic Group to the south, but also by the Ferrar Dolerites and Kirkpatrick Basalts in the Transantarctic Mountains. CRP-2A smectites are Fe and Mg richer than those of the coeval or not coeval levels of the CIROS-I, DSDP 270 and 274 cores. The average compositions of smectite in CRP-1 and CRP-2A cores show a downcore trend toward more alluminiferous terms, which might reflect the increase of the chemical weathering processes on the continent.


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Rapid climate changes at the onset of the last deglaciation and during Heinrich Event H4 were studied in detail at IMAGES cores MD95-2039 and MD95-2040 from the Western Iberian margin. A major reorganisation of surface water hydrography, benthic foraminiferal community structure, and deepwater isotopic composition commenced already 540 years before the Last Isotopic Maximum (LIM) at 17.43 cal. ka and within 670 years affected all environments. Changes were initiated by meltwater spill in the Nordic Seas and northern North Atlantic that commenced 100 years before concomitant changes were felt off western Iberia. Benthic foraminiferal associations record the drawdown of deepwater oxygenation during meltwater and subsequent Heinrich Events H1 and H4 with a bloom of dysoxic species. At a water depth of 3380 m, benthic oxygen isotopes depict the influence of brines from sea ice formation during ice-rafting pulses and meltwater spill. The brines conceivably were a source of ventilation and provided oxygen to the deeper water masses. Some if not most of the lower deep water came from the South Atlantic. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages display a multi-centennial, approximately 300-year periodicity of oxygen supply at 2470-m water depth. This pattern suggests a probable influence of atmospheric oscillations on the thermohaline convection with frequencies similar to Holocene climate variations. For Heinrich Events H1 and H4, response times of surface water properties off western Iberia to meltwater injection to the Nordic Seas were extremely short, in the range of a few decades only. The ensuing reduction of deepwater ventilation commenced within 500-600 years after the first onset of meltwater spill. These fast temporal responses lend credence to numerical simulations that indicate ocean-climate responses on similar and even faster time scales.


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In the present work Quaternary radiolarian assemblages from the Southwest Pacific were investigated due to their importance for correlation and identification of climatic changes. The studied Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1123 (Leg 181) is situated on the northern flanks of the Chatham Rise, 1100 kilometres offshore eastern New Zealand and in a water depth o f 3290 metres. It is situated just north of the Subtropical Convergence (STC) in temperate climatic conditions, influenced by the cold deep Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) and by the subtropical East Cape Current (ECC) in shallow water depths. A continuous record of 79 sediment samples from this site with a temporal resolution of ~15,000 years provided a medium-resolution record of radiolarian assemblages through the Quaternary. This allowed investigations on how radiolarian assemblages are influenced by climatic variations at obliquity and eccentricity bandwidth, with periodic variations of 40,000, 100,000 and 400,000 years, respectively. Emphasis was given to changes in radiolarian assemblages through the Mid-Pleistocene climate transition (MPT) that marks a fundamental reorganisation in Earth's climate system by change from 40,000 to 100,000 year cycles. Glacial and interglacial variations in oceanography were investigated. Especially the influence of the DWBC was examined due to its input of deep and cold waters to the Pacific Ocean, which plays an important role in Earth's climate system. 167 radiolarian counting groups were examined concerning variations in radiolarian abundance, preservation, diversity, the relative abundance of orders, families, and selected species in order to detect influences of past climatic variations in the Southwest Pacific. No significant changes in radiolarian assemblages were found in coincidence with the onset of the MPT. Investigations led to the recognition of four characteristic phases within the last 1.2 million years. Within one of these phases (Phase Ill), about 160,000 years after the onset of the MPT, fundamental changes in radiolarian assemblages occurred. Investigations yielded highest diversity and highest numbers of nassellarians in abundant samples, whereas sparse samples were mostly poorly preserved and were dominated by spumellarians. Abundance of certain radiolarian families in interglacials or glacials indicated their usefulness as indicators for climatic conditions at Site 1123. Trends o f selected taxa within these families supported the significance of warm- or cool-water preference of these families. Use of 67 radiolarian species as climate indicators showed abundance of warm-water assemblages within interglacials, whereas abundance of cool-water species was increased within glacials. Depth distributional patterns of 52 radiolarian species indicated a strong influence of shallow waters, possibly the EEC, within interglacials and increased influence of deep and intermediate waters, possibly of southern-sourced character and the DWBC in glacial stages.


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During the mid-Pleistocene transition the dominant 41 ka periodicity of glacial cycles transitioned to a quasi-100 ka periodicity for reasons not yet known. This study investigates the potential role of deep ocean hydrography by examining oxygen isotope ratios in benthic foraminifera. Oxygen isotope records from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean basins are separated into their ice volume and local temperature/hydrography components using a piece-wise linear transfer function and a temperature calibration. Although our method has certain limitations, the deep ocean hydrography reconstructions show that glacial deep ocean temperatures approached freezing point as the mid-Pleistocene transition progressed. Further analysis suggests that water mass reorganisation could have been responsible for these temperature changes, leading to such stable conditions in the deep ocean that some obliquity cycles were skipped until precessional forcing triggered deglaciation, creating the apparent quasi-100 ka pattern. This study supports previous work that suggests multiples of obliquity cycles dominate the quasi-100 ka glacial cycles with precession components driving deglaciations.


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Tras la denominación de Real Sitio a mediados del siglo XVIII, bajo el reinado de Fernando VI, su sucesor Carlos III procedió a la incorporación a su Patrimonio de todos los Montes y Bosques de El Pardo. Comenzó entonces el proceso de planeamiento urbano y de construcción arquitectónica que finalizó en torno al año 1800. En lo sucesivo, no sólo se mantiene el curso de la conservación y consolidación de los edificios principales, sino que se realiza obra nueva de índole civil. Algunos edificios cambiaron de propiedad y de uso hasta que tras la Guerra Civil se procedió a la mayor transformación vivida por el Real Sitio. El intervalo que aquí se trata (1885 a 1965), no ha suscitado, en los estudios sobre El Pardo, atención suficiente al no acontecer obra nueva de carácter patrimonial ni ha sido objeto de análisis el trazado y la fisonomía del centro urbano residencial del pueblo que Carlos III configuró. Sin embargo se estima relevante analizar los cambios en la actividad residencial; en primer lugar porque coexiste con la arquitectura oficial y, por tanto, se entiende necesario un análisis global del conjunto y en segundo lugar porque facilita la comprensión sobre la imagen original de carácter histórico del conjunto de finales del siglo XVIII. Este marco temporal determina tres partes principales de estudio que estructuran la presente tesis, cuyas fechas establecen los intervalos históricos clave: Actuaciones sobre el núcleo urbano consolidado (1885-1931). Cese de la actividad constructiva (1931-1939). Propuestas regeneradoras y crecimiento acelerado (1939-1965). Dentro de ellos se establecen, a su vez, dos subcapítulos diferenciados con la finalidad de explicar los sucesos que pautaron los cambios trascendentales en la historia de El Pardo. En el estudio del estado de la cuestión se observa que en El Pardo, al igual que sucede en otros Reales Sitios, se investigan los edificios destacados como el Palacio, la Casita del Príncipe, la Casa de Oficios y la Casa de Infantes desde el punto de vista de su historia pero no desde la arquitectura ni de cómo esta afecta al desarrollo del trazado y por tanto al contexto urbano. Se manifiestan determinadas carencias de tratamiento gráfico que facilitarían la comprensión histórica mediante el análisis de la forma y cómo esta ha ido variando sustancialmente. El concepto de escala y orientación reordena el estudio, no sólo de estos edificios protagonistas sino de los que se entretejen a su alrededor y componen el conjunto histórico, lo cual aporta nuevas conclusiones al estado de la cuestión que aquí compete. El principal objetivo de la tesis es, por tanto, contribuir a la dimensión patrimonial mediante el estudio de la arquitectura residencial del pueblo de El Pardo y en cómo esta ha ido conformando y consolidando el entramado urbano original en torno a edificios de la realeza y corte. Analizar aquellos edificios que perduran, los que fueron reconstruidos, rehabilitados, y apuntar acontecimientos históricos que formularon la actual fisonomía. Sistematizar y reordenar sobre la traza actual los edificios que desaparecieron, nos da las pistas sobre las modificaciones en concepto de escala arquitectónica y urbana. El estudio de las fuentes y establecer una metodología de conexión de estas, ayuda a detectar dónde no se han dirigido aún los focos de interés así como las lagunas que han quedado por explorar con el fin de responder a nuevas hipótesis, conceder conclusiones y abrir otras líneas de investigación. Como conclusiones generales, la tesis aporta documentación nueva sobre el objeto de estudio, no solicitada, digitalizada o publicada con anterioridad. En ella se analizan los procesos de configuración, consolidación y transformación en el Real Sitio mediante la sistematización de estados comparativos. Con respecto al estudio de los diferentes contextos natural y urbano la tesis analiza cómo los accidentes naturales, el desarrollo de infraestructuras y el impulso de la agronomía afectaron a El Pardo a partir del siglo XIX, y estudia los procesos de configuración, consolidación y transformación en el Real Sitio mediante la sistematización de la documentación encontrada de manera gráfica y escrita. En relación al marco patrimonial arquitectónico, la tesis analiza los procesos edificatorios históricos. Se estudian, a su vez, cambios de ocupación o uso que derivaron en reformas, ampliaciones, obras de nueva planta e incluso en derribos, así como los proyectos no materializados o que se llevaron a cabo de manera parcial. Con respecto al análisis del momento histórico, la tesis analiza las posibles afectaciones, políticas, sociales y económicas en las etapas de Monarquía, Segunda República, Guerra Civil y Posguerra. Por último, la tesis abre cuatro vías de investigación (que ya se han tratado y avanzado en parte pero que escapan a los límites de este trabajo) que pueden plantear nuevas hipótesis, reportando así respuestas sobre objetos de estudio complementarios y paralelos al presente. Estas refieren a análisis más concretos sobre El Palacio Real de El Pardo y la Casa de Oficios, el Camino Real de Madrid a El Pardo desde la Puerta de Hierro, los cuarteles, puertas y portilleras del Monte de El Pardo y los proyectos desarrollados por el arquitecto Diego Méndez en los Reales Sitios para el Patrimonio Nacional. ABSTRACT Following the Royal Site denomination being granted in the mid-18th Century, during the reign of Ferdinand VI, his successor Charles III proceeded to include all the Forests and Woodlands of El Pardo in his heritage. That then gave rise to the process of town planning and architectural construction that was completed around 1800. Thereafter, not only the process of conservation and consolidation of the main buildings has been maintained, but new civil engineering works have also been carried out. Some buildings changed ownership and use until, after the Civil War, the greatest transformation experienced by the Royal Site was undertaken. The time frame this paper concerns (1885 to 1965), has not attracted sufficient attention in studies of El Pardo due to there having been no new works with heritage status, nor has there been an analysis of the layout and external appearance of the residential centre in the town once conceived by Charles III. However, it is considered relevant to analyse the changes in residential activity, firstly, because it coexists with the official architecture and, thus, it is considered necessary to perform a global analysis of the complex and, secondly, because it facilitates a historical understanding of the original appearance of the complex at the end of the 18th Century. This time framework defines three main parts of the study that provide the structure of this thesis, the dates of which establish the key historical time frames: Actions in the consolidated town centre (1885-1931). Cessation of construction works (1931-1939). Proposals of regeneration and accelerated growth (1939-1965). Two distinct sub-chapters are also established within these, in order to explain the events that marked the transcendental changes in the history of El Pardo. When studying the subject matter, it is noted that in El Pardo, as is the case in other Royal Sites, outstanding buildings such as the Palace, the Prince's Cottage, the Trades House and the Infantes House are usually researched strictly from the point of view of their history, but not from an architectural perspective, nor analysing how that affects the development of the site layout and thus the urban area. Specific shortcomings are evident in the graphic treatment that would have otherwise facilitated a historical understanding through the analysis of the shape and the way it has gradually undergone substantial variation. The concept of scale and orientation reorganises the study, not only of these key buildings, but also of those that are woven around them and make up the historic complex, allowing entirely new conclusions concerning the subject matter analysed herein. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to outline our heritage through the study of the residential architecture of the town of El Pardo and the analysis of the way the original town has been built up and consolidated around the buildings erected by royalty and the court; to analyse the buildings that still remain, those that were rebuilt, refurbished, and to note historic events that shaped its current appearance. To this end, a systematic classification and reorganisation on the current urban layout of the buildings that have disappeared will give us the key to understand changes in the concept of architectural and urban scale. Studying the sources and establishing a methodology to connect them will help us detect those areas where the focus of interest has not concentrated yet, and will also reveal the gaps that remain unexplored, in order to respond to new hypotheses, reach new conclusions and open up new lines of research. As general conclusions, this thesis provides new documentation on the subject matter that had not been requested, digitized or published before. There we find an analysis of the processes of configuration, consolidation and transformation of the Royal Site through a systematic classification of comparative states. With regard to the study of the multiple natural and urban environments, this thesis analyses the way natural features, development of infrastructures and agricultural driving forces affected El Pardo as of the 19th Century, and it studies the processes of configuration, consolidation and transformation of the Royal Site by systematically classifying the documentation found in graphic and written documents. In relation to the architectural heritage framework, this thesis analyses historical building processes. Likewise, a study is also performed on the changes in land occupation or use that led to reforms, extensions, new buildings and even to demolitions, as well as on unrealized projects, or even on those that were partially implemented. As for the analysis of the historical time period, this thesis assesses the potential political, social and economic effects of the Monarchy, Second Republic, Civil War and Post-War Periods. Finally, this thesis opens up four lines of investigation (that have already been discussed and partially advanced, but which fall beyond the scope of this work) that could pose new hypotheses, thus giving answer to other subject matters parallel and complementary to the one assessed herein. These refer to more specific analyses of El Palacio Real de El Pardo (Royal Palace of El Pardo) and the Casa de Oficios (Trades House), the Royal Highway from Madrid to El Pardo from Puerta de Hierro, the barracks, gates and entrances to estates in the Woodlands of El Pardo and the projects developed on the Royal Sites by the architect Diego Méndez for the National Heritage.