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Le diabète est une maladie chronique dont la principale caractéristique est un niveau plasmatique élevé de glucose, qui est causé soit par un défaut dans la production d’insuline, l’action de l’insuline, ou les deux à la fois. Plusieurs études ont démontré que l’hyperglycémie chronique peut mener à la dysfonction et même la défaillance de plusieurs organes, dont le coeur, le système vasculaire, les yeux et les reins, se traduisant par des infarctus du myocarde, des accidents cérébro-vasculaires et des complications rétinales et rénales, respectivement. La néphropathie diabétique (DN) est la principale cause de déficience rénale et affecte près de 25-40% des patients diabétiques. La DN est invariablement associée à un risque élevé d’accident cérébrovasculaire et de dysfonction cardivasculaire. L’angiotensinogène (Agt) est l’unique précurseur de tous les types d’angiotensines. En plus du système rénine-angiotensine (RAS) sytémique, le rein possède son propre système intrarénal et exprime tous les composants du RAS. L’Agt est fortement exprimé dans les cellules du tubule proximal rénal (RPTC) et y est converti en angiotensine II (AngII), le peptide biologiquement actif du RAS. Les patients diabétiques présentent de hauts niveaux d’AngII et une augmentation de l’expression des gènes du RAS, suggérant que l’activation du RAS intrarénal joue un rôle important dans la progression de la DN. Les mécanismes qui contrôlent la régulation du niveau rénal d’Agt par l’hyperglycémie et l’insuline demeurent mal compris. Le but global de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent l’expression du gène Agt chez la souris Akita (un modèle murin de diabète de type 1). Dans cette optique, la première partie de la thèse se concentre sur deux facteurs de transcription de la famille des ribonucléoprotéines nucléaires hétérogènes (hnRNP). Chan et collaborateurs ont déjà identifié 2 protéines nucléaires hnRNP F et hnRNP K, de 48kD et 70kD respectivement. HnRNP F et hnRNP K forment un hétérodimère et se lient à l’élément de réponse à l’insuline (IRE) présent dans le promoteur du gène Agt du rat et inhibent la transcription du gène Agt in vitro. Afin de déterminer si hnRNP F / K sont responsables de l’inhibition de l’expression rénale de Agt par l’insuline in vivo, nous avons étudié des souris Akita males traités ou non avec des implants d’insuline pour une période de 4 semaines. Des souris non-Akita males ont été employées comme contrôles. Les souris Akita développent de l’hypertension et de l’hypertrophie rénale. Le traitement à l’insuline rétablit les niveaux de glucose plasmatiques et la pression systolique (SBP), et atténue l’hypertrophie rénale, l’albuminurie (ratio albumine/créatinine urinaire, ACR) et les niveaux urinaires d’Agt et AngII chez les souris Akita. De plus, le traitement à l’insuline inhibe l’expression rénale du gène Agt, tout en augmentant l’expression des gènes hnRNP F, hnRNP K et ACE2 (enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine-2). Dans des RPTC in vitro, l’insuline inhibe Agt, mais stimule l’expression de hnRNP F et hnRNP K en présence de hautes concentrations de glucose, et ce via la voie de signalisation MAPK p44/42 (protéine kinase activée par un mitogène). La transfection avec des petits ARN interférents (siRNA) contre hnRNP F et hnRNP K prévient l’inhibition de l’expression d’Agt par l’insuline dans les RPTC. Cette étude démontre bien que l’insuline prévient l’hypertension et atténue les dommages rénaux observés chez les souris Akita diabétiques, en partie grâce à la suppression de la transcription rénale de Agt, via une augmentation de l’expression de hnRNP F et hnRNP K. La seconde partie de cette thèse change de focus et se tourne vers le facteur Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2). Nrf2 est un facteur de transcription qui contrôle les gènes de la réponse antioxydante cellulaire en réponse au stress oxydant ou aux électrophiles. Le but de cette étude est d’examiner l’impact de la surexpression de la catalase (Cat) dans les RPTC sur l’expression du gène Agt via Nrf2 et sur le développement de l’hypertension et des dommages rénaux résultants chez les souris diabétiques Akita transgéniques (Tg). Nos études ont démontré que la surexpression de Cat dans les souris Akita Cat-Tg normalise la SBP, atténue les dommages rénaux et inhibe l’expression des gènes Nrf2 et Agt dans les RPTC. In vitro, le glucose élevé (HG) et l’oltipraz (un activateur de Nrf2) stimulent l’expression de Nrf2 et Agt, et cet effet peut être bloqué par la trigonelline (inhibiteur de Nrf2), des siRNA contre Nrf2, des antioxydants ou des inhibiteurs pharmacologiques NF-κB et MAPK p38. La suppression de sites de réponse à Nrf2 présents dans le promoteur du gène Agt du rat abolit la stimulation par l’oltipraz. Finalement, des souris males adultes non-transgéniques traitées avec l’oltipraz montrent une augmentation de l’expression de Nrf2 et Agt dans leurs RPTC et cette augmentation peut être normalisée par la trigonelline. Ces données permettent d’identifier un nouveau mécanisme d’action de Nrf2, par la stimulation du gène Agt intrarénal et l’activation du RAS, qui induisent l’hypertension et les dommages rénaux par le glucose élevé et les espèces réactives de l’oxygène chez les souris diabétiques. Nos conclusions permettent de démontrer que l’insuline induit l’expression de hnRNP F et hnRNP K, qui jouent ensuite un rôle protecteur en prévenant l’hypertension. La surexpression de la catalase dans les RPTC vient quant à elle atténuer l’activation de Nrf2 et ainsi réduit la SBP chez les souris Akita.


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De nombreuses études ont bien démontré que l’activation du système rénine-angiotensine (RAS) joue un rôle important dans le développement de l’hypertension et de la néphropathie diabétique (DN). La découverte de l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine-2 (ACE2) et l’identification du récepteur MAS, spécifique pour l’angiotensine 1-7 (Ang 1-7), ont permis d’identifier deux nouveaux membres du RAS. L’axe ACE2/Ang 1-7/MAS contrebalance les effets de l’axe ACE/Ang II/AT1. Plusieurs évidences impliquent la contribution du RAS intrarénal dans la DN. Des études réalisées dans notre laboratoire avec des souris transgéniques surexprimant l’angiotensinogène de rat dans les cellules de leurs tubules proximaux rénaux (RPTCs) ont permis de démontrer l’importance du RAS intrarénal dans l’induction de l’hypertension et les dommages rénaux. Nous avons également observé que l’expression rénale de l’ACE2 et les niveaux urinaires d’ANG 1-7 sont plus faibles chez les souris Akita (diabète de type 1) et qu’un traitement avec des bloqueurs du RAS permet de normaliser l’expression de l’ACE2 et de prévenir le développement de l’hypertension dans le modèle des souris Akita. Dans un milieu diabétique, à la fois la glycémie et l’angiotensine II (Ang II) peuvent induire la génération des espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS), contribuant ainsi aux dommages rénaux. Afin d’explorer la relation entre les ROS, ACE2 et la DN, nous avons créé des souris Akita transgéniques surexprimant la catalase (Cat) dans les RPTCs, en croisant des souris Akita diabétique de type 1 à notre modèle de souris transgéniques surexprimant la Cat de rat dans les RPTCs. Dans une seconde étude, des souris Akita ont été traitées avec l’Ang 1-7 ou une combinaison d’Ang 1-7 et de son antagoniste, A779, afin d’étudier la relation entre l’action de l’Ang 1-7, l’hypertension systolique (sHTN), le stress oxydatif, les dommages rénaux, ACE2 et l’expression du récepteur Mas. Nos résultats ont montré que la surexpression de Cat atténue le stress oxydatif rénal; prévient l’hypertension, améliore le taux de filtration glomérulaire, l’albuminurie, l’hypertrophie rénale, la fibrose tubulo-interstitielle et l’apoptose tubulaire; et supprime l’expression des gènes profibrotiques et proapoptotiques dans les RPTCs des souris Akita Cat-Tg lorsque comparées aux souris Akita. De plus, la surexpression de Cat dans les RPTC des souris Akita normalise l’expression rénale de l’ACE2 et les niveaux urinaires d’Ang 1-7. D’autre part, l’administration d’Ang 1-7 prévient l’hypertension systémique, normalise le ratio albumine/créatinine urinaire et atténue l’hyperfiltration glomérulaire des souris Akita, sans affecter la glycémie sanguine. De plus, le traitement avec l’Ang 1-7 atténue aussi le stress oxydatif et l’expression de la NADPH oxydase, Agt, ACE, TGF-β1 (transforming growth factor-β1) et collagène IV, tout en augmentant l’expression de l’ACE2 et du récepteur Mas dans les reins des souris Akita. Ces effets sont renversés par la co-admininstration d’A779. Ces résultats démontrent que la surexpression de Cat prévient l’hypertension et la progression de la néphropathie, en plus de mettre en lumière l’importance du stress oxydatif intrarénal et l’expression de l’ACE2 comme facteurs contribuant à l’hypertension et les dommages rénaux observés dans le diabète. En outre, nos données suggèrent que l’Ang 1-7 joue un rôle protecteur dans l’hypertension et les dommages aux RPTC dans le diabète, principalement en réduisant les voies de signalisations du stress oxydatif dans les reins et en normalisant l’expression de l’ACE2 et du récepteur Mas. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que l’Ang 1-7 pourrait agir comme un agent thérapeutique potentiel dans le traitement de l’hypertension systémique et les dommages rénaux observés dans le diabète. En conséquence, l’Ang 1-7 est responsable du rôle protecteur de l’ACE2 dans l’hypertension et la DN.


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L'obésité est une maladie associée à de nombreuses complications comme le diabète de type 2, l'hypertension et le cancer. De nos jours, les modifications au mode de vie, tels l’alimentation et le niveau d’activité physique, ne sont pas suffisants pour combattre les effets délétères de l'obésité. La pharmacothérapie est un traitement alternatif bien que les effets bénéfiques soient temporaires et ne peuvent être maintenus à long terme. Le besoin pour un traitement bénéfique à long terme sans effet secondaire n'est pas comblé. Mieux connu pour son rôle dans la régulation de la pression artérielle, le système rénine-angiotensine favorise l'entreposage du gras. Le récepteur à la prorénine et à la rénine est une composante du système rénine-angiotensine. Ainsi, le récepteur qui amplifie l'activation de celui-ci pourrait avoir un rôle clé dans le gain de masse grasse. Le but de ce projet de thèse est d'évaluer le rôle du récepteur à la prorénine et à la rénine dans le développement de l'obésité et de ses complications chez la souris et ce, en utilisant une combinaison de diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone et du handle region peptide, un bloqueur du récepteur à la prorénine à la rénine. Après une période de 10 semaines, nous avons constaté que l'expression et la protéine du récepteur à la prorénine et à la rénine augmentent spécifiquement dans le tissu adipeux sous-cutané et viscéral des souris obèses. Lorsqu'administré en concomitance avec une diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone, le handle region peptide favorise chez la souris des diminutions des gains des masses corporelles et adipeuses viscérales. Une diminution de l'expression de l'enzyme catalysant la dernière étape de la lipogenèse pourrait être responsable de la réduction de gras viscéral. Chez les mêmes animaux, l'expression de plusieurs adipokines est également diminuée dans le tissu adipeux suggérant une réduction de la résistance à l'insuline, de l'inflammation et de l'infiltration des macrophages localement dans le gras sous-cutané et viscéral. L'augmentation de l'expression d’un marqueur de l'adipogenèse dans le tissu adipeux sous-cutané pourrait suggérer un plus grand nombre d'adipocytes. Cela pourrait tamponner l'excès d'acides gras libres circulants puisque nous avons constaté une diminution de ce paramètre chez les souris ayant une diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone et traitées avec le peptide. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'un cycle futile pourrait être activé dans le gras sous-cutané car nous avons observé une augmentation de l'expression de plusieurs enzymes impliquées dans la lipogenèse et dans la lipolyse. Le ''brunissement'' du tissu adipeux est la présence de cellules similaires aux adipocytes bruns dans le tissu adipeux qui sont caractérisés par une grande densité mitochondriale et la thermogenèse. L'augmentation de l'expression des marqueurs de ''brunissement'' et de biogenèse de mitochondrie dans le gras sous-cutané suggère que le ''brunissement'' pourrait également être activé dans ce dépôt de gras. La sensibilité à l'insuline chez ces animaux pourrait être améliorée telle que suggérée en circulation par la diminution de l'insuline, par le glucose qui change peu, par l'augmentation du ratio glucose sur insuline ainsi que par un changement potentiel dans la corrélation entre le poids corporel de la souris et les niveaux d’adiponectine circulante. Nos travaux suggèrent que le handle region peptide pourrait augmenter la capacité du tissu adipeux sous-cutané à métaboliser les lipides circulants avec l'activation potentielle d'un cycle futile et le ''brunissement''. Cela préviendrait le dépôt ectopique de lipides vers les compartiments viscéraux comme le suggère la réduction de masse adipeuse viscérale chez les souris ayant une diète riche en gras et en hydrates de carbone et traitées avec le peptide. Utilisant un modèle de souris, cette étude démontre le potentiel pharmacologique du handle region peptide comme un nouveau traitement pour prévenir l'obésité.


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Aims:To analyze the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with adult polycystic kidney disease admitted to hemodialysis services in Northwestern Paraná state,Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, descriptive and retrospective longitudinal study. Medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th Regional Health Region of Paraná state where analyzed. Results:We found that 10.3% of hemodialysis patients had polycystic kidney disease as a leading cause of stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. The mean age of patients was 54.9±9.4 years (ranging between 27 and 74 years), with equal gender distribution and Caucasian predominance (72.9%). The average age of dialysis initiation was 50±10.2 years. The most common comorbidity was systemic hypertension (66.7%). Liver cyst was the main extra-renal manifestation (10.4%). Twenty-five percent of the patients required renal transplantation, and (22.9%) undergone nephrectomy. The most widely used classes of antihypertensive drugs were β-blockers (41.7%) and drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system (31.3%), while 56.3% of patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin. Conclusions:This is a pioneering epidemiological study in Northwestern Paraná state. We found in this population a sociodemographic and clinical profile of adult polycystic kidney disease similar to that of North America and Europe, probably because the ethnic constitution of the sample was predominantly of Euro-descendants.


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Introduction: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the most common hereditary renal disease in humans. Objective: To examine the prevalence, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with polycystic kidneys and relate disease manifestations by gender. Methods: This was an observational and retrospective study. All the medical records of patients with polycystic kidneys who initiated hemodialysis between 1995 and 2012, in four centers that treat patients of the coverage area of the 15th regional health Paraná (Brazil), were analyzed. Results: The study included 48 patients with polycystic kidneys, the primary cause of stage 5 CKD. Disease prevalence was one in 10,912 people. The average age of dialysis initiation was 50.7 years and the follow-up time on dialysis until transplantation (36.5 months) was lower among men. Hypertension was the most frequent diagnosis in 73% of patients, predominantly in women (51.4%). The liver cyst was the most frequent extrarenal manifestations in men (60.0%). The death occurred in 10.4% of patients using hemodialysis, and 60% of men. The class of antihypertensive drug used was that acts on the renin-angiotensin system with higher frequency of use among women (53.3%). The post-dialysis urea was significantly higher in men. Conclusion: The prevalence of the disease is low among hemodialysis patients in southern Brazil. The differences observed between genders, with the exception of the post-dialysis urea, were not significant. The findings are different from those reported in North America and Europe.


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The db/db mice serve as a good model for type 2 diabetes characterized by hyperinsulinaemia and progressive hyperglycaemia. There are limited and conflicting data on the cardiovascular changes in this model. The aim of the present study was to characterize the cardiovascular and autonomic phenotype of male db/db mice and evaluate the role of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors. Radiotelemetry was used to monitor 24 h blood pressure (BP) in mice for 8 weeks. Parameters measured were mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and their variabilities. In 8-week-old db/db mice, the MAP and BP circadian rhythms were not different from age-matched control mice, while HR and locomotor activity were decreased. With ageing, MAP gradually increased in db/db mice, and the 12 h light values did not dip significantly from the 12 h dark periods. In 14-week-old mice, MAP was increased during light (101 +/- 1 versus 117 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.01; control versus db/db mice) and dark phases (110 +/- 1.7 versus 121 +/- 3.1 mmHg, P < 0.01; control versus db/db mice). This increase in MAP was associated with a significant increase in plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and angiotensin II levels. Chronic treatment with losartan (10 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) blocked the increase in MAP in db/db mice, with no effect in control animals. Spectral analysis was used to monitor autonomic cardiovascular function. The circadian rhythm observed in systolic arterial pressure variance and its low-frequency component in control mice was absent in db/db mice. There were no changes in HR variability and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity between control and db/db mice. The results document an age-related increase in MAP in db/db mice, which can be reduced by antagonism of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors, and alterations in autonomic balance and components of the renin-angiotensin system.


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P>1. Clinical and experimental evidence highlights the importance of the renin-angiotensin system in renovascular hypertension. Furthermore, genetic factors affecting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) could influence the development of renovascular hypertension. 2. To test the effect of small gene perturbations on the development of renovascular hypertension, mice harbouring two or three copies of the Ace gene were submitted to 4 weeks of two-kidney, one-clip (2K1C) hypertension. Blood pressure (BP), cardiac hypertrophy, baroreflex sensitivity and blood pressure and heart rate variability were assessed and compared between the different groups. 3. The increase in BP induced by 2K1C was higher in mice with three copies of the Ace gene compared with mice with only two copies (46 vs 23 mmHg, respectively). Moreover, there was a 3.8-fold increase in the slope of the left ventricle mass/BP relationship in mice with three copies of the Ace gene. Micewith three copies of the Ace gene exhibited greater increases in cardiac and serum ACE activity than mice with only two copies of the gene. Both baroreflex bradycardia and tachycardia were significantly depressed in mice with three copies of the Ace gene after induction of 2K1C hypertension. The variance in basal systolic BP was greater in mice with three copies of the Ace gene after 2K1C hypertension compared with those with only two copies of the gene (106 vs 54%, respectively). In addition, the low-frequency component of the pulse interval was higher mice with three copies of the Ace gene after 2K1C hypertension compared with those with only two (168 vs 86%, respectively). Finally, in mice with three copies of the Ace gene, renovascular hypertension induced a 6.1-fold increase in the sympathovagal balance compared with a 3.2-fold increase in mice with only two copies of the gene. 4. Collectively, these data provide direct evidence that small genetic disturbances in ACE levels per se have an influence on haemodynamic, cardiac mass and autonomic nervous system responses in mice under pathological perturbation.


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The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a good model to study several diseases such as the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, cardiopulmonary impairment, nephropathy, as well as hypertension, which is a multifactor disease that possibly involves alterations in gene expression in hypertensive relative to normotensive subjects. In this study, we used high-density oligoarrays to compare gene expression profiles in cultured neurons and glia from brainstem of newborn normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and SHR rats. We found 376 genes differentially expressed between SHR and WKY brainstem cells that preferentially map to 17 metabolic/signaling pathways. Some of the pathways and regulated genes identified herein are obviously related to cardiovascular regulation; in addition there are several genes differentially expressed in SHR not yet associated to hypertension, which may be attributed to other differences between SHR and WKY strains. This constitute a rich resource for the identification and characterization of novel genes associated to phenotypic differences observed in SHR relative to WKY, including hypertension. In conclusion, this study describes for the first time the gene profiling pattern of brainstem cells from SHR and WKY rats, which opens up new possibilities and strategies of investigation and possible therapeutics to hypertension, as well as for the understanding of the brain contribution to phenotypic differences between SHR and WKY rats.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the catalytic activity of basic aminopeptidase (APB) and its association with periarticular edema and circulating tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and type II collagen (CII) antibodies (AACII) in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) induced by CII (CIA). Edema does not occur in part of CH-treated, even when AACII is higher than in control. TNF-alpha is detectable only in edematous CII-treated. APB in synovial membrane is predominantly a membrane-bound activity also present in soluble form and with higher activity in edematous than in non-edematous CH-treated or control. Synovial fluid and blood plasma have lower APB in non-edematous than in edematous CII-treated or control. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) the highest levels of APB are found in soluble form in control and in membrane-bound form in non-edematous CII-treated. CII treatment distinguishes two categories of rats: one with arthritic edema, high AACII, detectable TNF-alpha, high soluble and membrane-bound APB in synovial membrane and low APB in the soluble fraction of PBMCs, and another without edema and with high AACII, undetectable TNF-alpha, low APB in the synovial fluid and blood plasma and high APB in the membrane-bound fraction of PBMCs. Data suggest that APB and CIA are strongly related. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Considering the growing importance of the interaction between components of kallikreinkinin and renin-angiotensin systems in physiological and pathological processes, particularly in diabetes mellitus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of enalapril on the reduced response of bradykinin and on the interaction between angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) and bradykinin (BK), important components of these systems, in an insulin-resistance model of diabetes. For the above purpose, the response of mesenteric arterioles of anesthetized neonatal streptozotocin-induced (n-STZ) diabetic and control rats was evaluated using intravital microscopy. In n-STZ diabetic rats, enalapril treatment restored the reduced response to BK but not the potentiation of BK by Ang-(1-7) present in non-diabetic rats. The restorative effect of enalapril was observed at a dose that did not correct the altered parameters induced by diabetes such as hyperglycernia, glicosuria, insulin resistance but did reduce the high blood pressure levels of n-SZT diabetic rats. There was no difference in mRNA and protein expressions of B1 and B2 kinin receptor subtypes between n-STZ diabetic and control rats. Enalapril treatment increased the B2 kinin receptor expression. From our data, we conclude that in diabetes enalapril corrects the impaired BK response probably by increasing the expression of B2 receptors. The lack of potentiation of BK by Ang-(1-7) is not corrected by this agent. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Low birth weight has been associated with increased obesity in adulthood. It has been shown that dietary salt restriction during intrauterine life induces low birth weight and insulin resistance in adult Wistar rats. The present study had a two-fold objective: to evaluate the effects that low salt intake during pregnancy and lactation has on the amount and distribution of adipose tissue; and to determine whether the phenotypic changes in fat mass in this model are associated with alterations in the activity of the renin-angiotensin system. Maternal salt restriction was found to reduce birth weight in male and female offspring. In adulthood, the female offspring of dams fed the low-salt diet presented higher adiposity indices than those seen in the offspring of dams fed a normal-salt diet. This was attributed to the fact that adipose tissue mass (retroperitoneal but not gonadal, mesenteric or inguinal) was greater in those rats than in the offspring of dams fed a normal diet. The adult offspring of dams fed the low-salt diet, compared to those dams fed a normal-salt diet, presented the following: plasma leptin levels higher in males and lower in females; plasma renin activity higher in males but not in females; and no differences in body weight, mean arterial blood pressure or serum angiotensin-converting enzyme activity. Therefore, low salt intake during pregnancy might lead to the programming of obesity in adult female offspring. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Identifying dietary modifications that potentiate the blood pressure (BP)-lowering effects of antihypertensive medications and that are practical for free-living people may assist in achieving BP reduction goals. We assessed whether two dietary patterns were effective in lowering BP in persons on antihypertensive therapy and in those not on therapy. Ninety-four participants (38/56 females/males), aged 55.6 (sd 9.9) years, consumed two 4-week dietary regimens in random order (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-type diet and low-Na high-K (LNAHK) diet) with a control diet before each phase. Seated home BP was measured daily for the last 2 weeks in each phase. Participants were grouped based on antihypertensive drug therapy. The LNAHK diet produced a greater fall in systolic BP (SBP) in those on antihypertensive therapy ( - 6.2 (sd 6.0) mmHg) than in those not on antihypertensive therapy ( - 2.8 (sd 4.0) mmHg) (P = 0.036), and this was greatest for those on renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blocker therapy ( - 9.5 (sd 6.4) mmHg) (interaction P = 0.007). The fall in SBP on the DASH-type diet, in those on therapy (overall - 1.1 (sd 6.2) mmHg; renin-angiotensin blocker therapy - 4.2 (sd 4.7) mmHg), was not as marked as that observed on the LNAHK diet. Dietary modifications are an important part of all hypertension management regimens, and a low-Na and high-K diet enhances the BP-lowering effect of antihypertensive medications, particularly those targeting the RAS.


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As plaquetas sangüíneas são fragmentos citoplasmáticos, oriundos da ruptura dos megacariócitos, cuja principal função está relacionada à manutenção da integridade vascular. Os nucleotídeos extracelulares, ATP e ADP, bem como a adenosina, têm sido implicados em um grande número de funções fisiológicas: o ADP é o principal fator recrutador de plaquetas, enquanto que o ATP é um inibidor competitivo da agregação induzida por ADP. A adenosina é uma molécula capaz de induzir vasodilatação e inibir a agregação plaquetária. Desta maneira, a manutenção da sinalização purinérgica normal tem se mostrado importante para o tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares. Os nucleosídeos di e trifosfatos circulantes podem ser hidrolisados por membros de várias famílias de ectonucleotidases de membrana e solúveis, incluindo as ecto-nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfoidrolases (E-NTPDases) e ecto-nucleotídeo pirofosfatase/fosfodiesterases (E-NPPs), que em conjunto com a ecto-5’-nucleotidase, levam à formação de adenosina. Na superfície das plaquetas, ambas enzimas, E-NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase, estão descritas. O sistema renina-angiotensina é o principal regulador da função renal e cardiovascular, desenvolvendo um papel fundamental na homeostasia da pressão arterial e do balanço eletrolítico. A angiotensina II (ANGII) induz fisiologicamente a ativação das plaquetas, possivelmente devido às suas propriedades vasoconstritoras. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram, portanto: 1) caracterizar cineticamente a enzima E-NPP em plaquetas de ratos, utilizando o substrato marcador p-Nph-5’TMP e 2) esclarecer, mesmo que em parte, os possíveis efeitos da ANGII sobre a hidrólise extracelular de nucleotídeos por plaquetas de ratos. No primeiro capítulo deste trabalho, descrevemos uma atividade enzimática em plaquetas de ratos que compartilha as principais características bioquímicas já descritas para as E-NPPs: pH ótimo alcalino; valores de KM e Vmax calculados de aproximadamente 106.22 ± 17.83 μM e 3.44 ± 0.18 nmol p-nitrophenol/min/mg, respectivamente; e dependência de cátions divalentes. Além disso, o AMP inibiu somente a hidrólise do p-Nph-5’TMP. Por outro lado, a azida de sódio, em altas concentrações, a angiotensina II e o cloreto de gadolínio alteraram apenas as hidrólises de ATP ou ADP ou de ambos. No segundo capítulo, mostramos que a ANGII foi capaz de aumentar as hidrólises de ATP, ADP e AMP em plaquetas em todas as doses testadas (5, 50, 500 e 5000 picomóis). Entretanto, nenhuma alteração foi observada com relação à hidrólise do p-Nph-5'TMP. Em adição, observamos um aumento na hidrólise de AMP e uma diminuição na hidrólise de p-Nph-5'TMP em plaquetas de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR) quando comparados a ratos Wistar normotensos. De maneira geral, esta dissertação traz a caracterização bioquímica da enzima E-NPP na superfície de plaquetas intactas de ratos como sendo parte de um complexo sistema para a hidrólise de nucleotídeos nestes fragmentos citoplasmáticos, podendo, assim, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de terapias antiplaquetárias e para o tratamento de doenças vasculares. Adicionalmente, apresentamos alguns resultados demonstrando interações entre os sistemas angiotensinérgico e adenosinérgico de plaquetas de ratos, o que poderá contribuir para o entendimento e o tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares como hipertensão e arteriosclerose.


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Introduction. Hypovolemia from hemorrhage evokes protective compensatory reactions, such as the renin-angiotensin system, which interferes in the clearance function and can lead to ischemia. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of glibenclamide, a K-ATP(+) channel blocker, on renal function and histology in rats in a state of hemorrhagic shock under sevoflurane anesthesia. Material and Methods. Twenty Wistar rats were randomized into two groups of 10 animals each (G1 and G2), only one of which (G2) received intravenous glibenclamide (1 mu g.g(-1)), 60 min before bleeding was begun. Both groups were anesthetized with sevoflurane and kept on spontaneous respiration with oxygen-air, while being bled of 30% of volemia in three stages with 10 min intervals. There was an evaluation of renal function-sodium para-aminohippurate and iothalamate clearances, filtration fraction, renal blood flow, renal vascular resistance-and renal histology. Renal function attributes were evaluated at three moments: M1 and M2, coinciding with the first and third stages of bleeding; and M3, 30 min after M2, when the animals were subjected to bilateral nephrectomy before being sacrificed. Results. Significant differences were found in para-aminohippurate clearance, G1 < G2, and higher renal vascular resistance values were observed in G1. Histological examination showed the greater vulnerability of kidneys exposed to sevoflurane alone (G1) with higher scores of vascular and tubular dilatation. There were vascular congestion and tubular vacuolization only in G1. Necrosis and signs of tubular regeneration did not differ in both groups. Conclusion. Treatment with glibenclamide attenuated acutely the renal histological changes after hemorrhage in rats under sevoflurane anesthesia.


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Introduction .The renal prostaglandins (PGs), vasodilators, preserve kidney function during increased activity of the renin-angiotensin system or renal sympathetic nerves (renal PG-dependent state [RPGD]). Ketoprofen (Ket) inhibits cyclooxygenase and, therefore, the synthesis of PGs. The aim of this study was to determine, in the rat, the action of Ket in the renal histology and function in a RPGD state (stress of anesthesia and hemorrhage). Material and Methods . Twenty male Wistar rats, anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital, were randomly divided into two groups: G1-control ( n = 10) and G2-Ket ( n = 10) submitted to arterial hemorrhage of 30% of volemia (estimated as 6% of body weight) three times (10% each 10 min), 65 min after anesthesia. G2 animals received Ket, 1.5 mg. kg -1 , venously, 5 min after anesthesia and 60 min before the first hemorrhage moment (first moment of the study [M1]). Medium arterial pressure (MAP), rectal temperature (T), and heart rate were monitored. G1 and G2 received para-aminohippurate sodium (PAH) and iothalamate sodium (IOT) solutions during the entire experimental time in order to determine clearance of PAH (effective renal plasma flow [ERPF]) and clearance of IOT (glomerular filtration rate [GFR]) without urine collection (determination of blood concentrations of PAH and IOT through the high-performance liquid chromatography), filtration fraction (FF), and renal vascular resistance (RVR). The animals were sacrificed in M3, 30 min after the third hemorrhage (M2) moment, and the kidneys and blood collected during the hemorrhage periods were utilized for histological study and determinations of hematocrit (Ht), serum creatinine (S Cr ), ERPF, GFR, FF, and RVR, respectively. Results . There were significant reductions of MAP, T, and Ht and a significant increase of S Cr . During the experiment, ERPF and GFR did not change, but ERPF was always higher in G1 than in G2. Ket did not alter FF, which increased in G1 over the duration of experiment. The Ket group had significantly higher RVR than the control group. The histology verified that both G1 and G2 were similar for tubular dilation and necrosis, but they were significantly different for tubular degeneration: G1 > G2. Conclusion . The changes observed in kidney histology probably were determined by hemorrhage and hypotension. Ket inhibited the synthesis of PGs and diminished tubular degeneration.