974 resultados para Remote Control


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Twenty-four parents of oppositional preschoolers were randomly assigned to either a self-directed behavioral family intervention condition (SD) or to a waitlist control group (WL). The self-directed parent training program based on self-regulation principles, consisted of a written information package and weekly telephone consultations for 10 weeks. At posttest, in comparison to the WL group, children in the SD group had lower levels of behavior problems on parent report measures of child behavior. At posttreatment, parents in the SD condition reported increased levels of parenting competence and lower levels of dysfunctional parenting practices as compared to parents in the WL condition. In addition, mothers reported lower levels of anxiety, depression, and stress as compared to mothers in the WL condition at posttreatment. Using mother's reports, gains in child behavior and parenting practices achieved at posttreatment were maintained at 4-month follow-up.


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Hepatic ischemia followed by reperfusion (IR) results in mild to severe remote organ injury. Oxidative stress and nitric oxide (NO) seem to be involved in the IR injury. Our aim was to investigate the effects of liver I/R on hepatic function and lipid peroxidation, leukocyte infiltration and NO synthase (NOS) immunostaining in the lung and the kidney. We randomized 24 male Wistar rats into 3 groups: 1) control; 2) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver 1 and 2 hours of global liver R; and 3) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver I and 6 hours of global liver R. Groups 2 and 3 showed significant increases in plasma alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels and in tissue malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase contents. In the kidney, positive endothelial NOS (eNOS) staining was significantly decreased in group 3 compared with group 1. However, staining for inducible NOS (iNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) did not differ among the groups. In the lung, the staining for eNOS and iNOS did not show significant differences among the groups; no positive nNOS staining was observed in any group. These results suggested that partial liver I followed by global liver R induced liver, kidney, and lung injuries characterized by neutrophil sequestration and increased oxidative stress. In addition, we supposed that the reduced NO formation via eNOS may be implicated in the moderate impairment of renal function, observed by others at 24 hours after liver I/R.


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We assessed the feasibility of obtaining probe microphone measurements of hearing aids at a distance. Face-to-face and remote probe microphone measurements were carried out in 60 hearing aid users (mean age 67 yrs) with uni- or bilateral hearing losses (105 ears tested). The participant and a facilitator were located in a room equipped with a probe microphone system interfaced to a PC. Desktop videoconferencing and application sharing was used to allow an audiologist in another room to instruct the facilitator and control the equipment via the LAN. There were significant correlations between face-to-face and remote real ear unaided response (REUR), aided response (REAR) and insertion gain (REIG) at seven discrete frequencies from 250 to 6000 Hz. Differences between face-to-face and remote responses were within the reported variability for probe microphone measurements themselves. The results show that remote probe microphone measurements are feasible and might improve the quality of public hearing aid services and professional training in Brazil.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze spatial changes in the risk of AIDS and the relationship between AIDS incidence and socioeconomic variables in the state of Rondonia, Amazon region. METHODS A spatial, population case-control study in Rondonia, Brazil, based on 1,780 cases reported to the Epidemiological Surveillance System and controls based on demographic data from 1987 to 2006. The cases were grouped into five consecutive four-year periods. A generalized additive model was adjusted to the data; the dependent variable was the status of the individuals (case or control), and the independent variables were a bi-dimensional spline of the geographic coordinates and some municipality-level socioeconomic variables. The observed values of the Moran’s I test were compared to a reference distribution of values generated under conditions of spatial randomness. RESULTS AIDS risk shows a marked spatial and temporal pattern. The disease incidence is related to socioeconomic variables at the municipal level in Rondônia, such as urbanization and human capital. The highest incidence rates of AIDS are in municipalities along the BR-364 highway and calculations of the Moran’s I test show positive spatial correlation associated with proximity of the municipality to the highway in the third and fourth periods (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Incidence of the disease is higher in municipalities of greater economic wealth and urbanization, and in those municipalities bisected by Rondônia’s main roads. The rapid development associated with the opening up of once remote regions may be accompanied by an increase in these risks to health.


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A book about remote labs and engineering education begs to begin with the question, “Why do engineering programs include lab work?” Although this may seem like a given and not worth discussing, whenever we’re faced with innovative ideas, it’s important to “put everything on the table” in order to reassess its value to our program or goals. What is it about lab work that is of value to students? Are there elements of traditional labs that we could let go of? Are there elements that we don’t want to lose? These questions can help us to clarify how and why labs are integrated into an engineering education program.


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The great majority of the courses on science and technology areas where lab work is a fundamental part of the apprenticeship was not until recently available to be taught at distance. This reality is changing with the dissemination of remote laboratories. Supported by resources based on new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to remotely control a wide variety of real laboratories. However, most of them are designed specifically to this purpose, are inflexible and only on its functionality they resemble the real ones. In this paper, an alternative remote lab infrastructure devoted to the study of electronics is presented. Its main characteristics are, from a teacher's perspective, reusability and simplicity of use, and from a students' point of view, an exact replication of the real lab, enabling them to complement or finish at home the work started at class. The remote laboratory is integrated in the Learning Management System in use at the school, and therefore, may be combined with other web experiments and e-learning strategies, while safeguarding security access issues.


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Remote engineering (also known as online engineering) may be defined as a combination of control engineering and telematics. In this area, specific activities require computacional skills in order to develop projects where electrical devives are monitored and / or controlled, in an intercative way, through a distributed network (e.g. Intranet or Internet). In our specific case, we will be dealing with an industrial plant. Within the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of activities related to remote engineering, which may be connected to the phenomenon of the large extension experienced by the Internet (e.g. bandwith, number of users, development tools, etc.). This increase opens new and future possibilities to the implementation of advance teleworking (or e-working) positions. In this paper we present the architecture for a remote application, accessible through the Internet, able to monitor and control a roller hearth kiln, used in a ceramics industry for firing materials. The proposed architecture is based on a micro web server, whose main function is to monitor and control the firing process, by reading the data from a series of temperature sensors and by controlling a series of electronic valves and servo motors. This solution is also intended to be a low-cost alternative to other potential solutions. The temperature readings are obtained through K-type thermopairs and the gas flow is controlled through electrovalves. As the firing process should not be stopped before its complete end, the system is equipped with a safety device for that specific purpose. For better understanding the system to be automated and its operation we decided to develop a scale model (100:1) and experiment on it the devised solution, based on a Micro Web Server.


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Commonly, when a weblab is developed to support remote experiments in sciences and engineering courses, a particular hardware/software architecture is implemented. However, the existence of several technological solutions to implement those architectures difficults the emergence of a standard, both at hardware and software levels. While particular solutions are adopted assuming that only qualified people may implement a weblab, the control of the physical space and the power consumption are often forgotten. Since controlling these two previous aspects may increase the quality of the weblab hosting the remote experiments, this paper proposes the useof a new layer implemented by a domotic system bus with several devices (e.g. lights, power sockets, temperature sensors, and others) able to be controlled through the Internet. We also provide a brief proof-of-concept in the form of a weblab equipped with a simple domotic system usually implemented in smart houses. The added value to the remote experiment hosted at the weblab is also identified in terms of power savings and environment conditions.


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Within the pedagogical community, Serious Games have arisen as a viable alternative to traditional course-based learning materials. Until now, they have been based strictly on software solutions. Meanwhile, research into Remote Laboratories has shown that they are a viable, low-cost solution for experimentation in an engineering context, providing uninterrupted access, low-maintenance requirements, and a heightened sense of reality when compared to simulations. This paper will propose a solution where both approaches are combined to deliver a Remote Laboratory-based Serious Game for use in engineering and school education. The platform for this system is the WebLab-Deusto Framework, already well-tested within the remote laboratory context, and based on open standards. The laboratory allows users to control a mobile robot in a labyrinth environment and take part in an interactive game where they must locate and correctly answer several questions, the subject of which can be adapted to educators' needs. It also integrates the Google Blockly graphical programming language, allowing students to learn basic programming and logic principles without needing to understand complex syntax.


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Concepts like E-learning and M-learning are changing the traditional learning place. No longer restricted to well-defined physical places, education on Automation and other Engineering areas is entering the so-called ubiquitous learning place, where even the more practical knowledge (acquired at lab classes) is now moving into, due to emergent concepts such as Remote Experimentation or Mobile Experimentation. While Remote Experimentation is traditionally regarded as the remote access to real-world experiments through a simple web browser running on a PC connected to the Internet, Mobile Experimentation may be seen as the access to those same (or others) experiments, through mobile devices, used in M-learning contexts. These two distinct client types (PCs versus mobile devices) pose specific requirements for the remote lab infrastructure, namely the ability to tune the experiment interface according to the characteristics (e.g. display size) of the accessing device. This paper addresses those requirements, namely by proposing a new architecture for the remote lab infrastructure able to accommodate both Remote and Mobile Experimentation scenarios.


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This paper presents a low-cost scaled model of a silo for drying and airing cereal grains. It allows the control and monitor of several parameters associated to the silo's operation, through a remote accessible infrastructure. The scaled model consists of a 2.50 m wide × 2.10 m long plant with all control and monitor capacities provided by micro-Web servers. An application running on the micro-Web servers enables storing all parameters in a data basis for later analysis. The implemented model aims to support a remote experimentation facility for technological education, research-oriented tutorials, and industrial applications. Given the low-cost requirement, this remote facility can be easily replicated in other institutions to support a network of remote labs, which encompasses the concurrent access of several users (e.g. students).


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In this work the mission control and supervision system developed for the ROAZ Autonomous Surface Vehicle is presented. Complexity in mission requirements coupled with flexibility lead to the design of a modular hierarchical mission control system based on hybrid systems control. Monitoring and supervision control for a vehicle such as ROAZ mission is not an easy task using tools with low complexity and yet powerful enough. A set of tools were developed to perform both on board mission control and remote planning and supervision. “ROAZ- Mission Control” was developed to be used in support to bathymetric and security missions performed in river and at seas.


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El projecte "Anàlisi del sistema operatiu RTLinux i implementació d'un entorn de desenvolupament de tasques en temps real" analitza la possibilitat de crear un entorn de desenvolupament de tasques en temps real per poder crear sistemes de control complex, tot això mitjançant codi lliure. Inicialment es fa un aprenentatge sobre el concepte de temps real, després s'elegeix el sistema operatiu en temps real RTLinux per a crear l'entorn de desenvolupament utilitzant el llenguatge de programació Tcl/Tk. Es creen un conjunt d'aplicacions (pel control computacional) per estudiar la viabilitat de la construcció de l'entorn desitjat per facilitar la tasca de l'usuari final. Aquest projecte obre multitud de possibles camins a continuar: comunicació remota, implementació de planificadors, estudi de controladors, etc.


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El robot Aibo disposa de la llibreria Aibo Remote Framework per controlar-lo remotament mitjançant un PC i una xarxa inalàmbrica, també per accedir a informació d'estat del robot, o per veure les imatges que l'Aibo capta. Combinant Remote Framework i php s'ha creat una aplicació web que permet controlar Aibos diferents remotament per Internet, així com tenir accés a les imatges subjectives de cadascun dels Aibos. A més, la tecnologia existent d'streaming permet que l'aplicació web tingui un vídeo incrustat que possibilita veure en directe els Aibos mitjançant una càmera web enfocada cap a ells.


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Les xarxes híbrides satèl·lit-terrestre ofereixen connectivitat a zones remotes i aïllades i permeten resoldre nombrosos problemes de comunicacions. No obstant, presenten diversos reptes, ja que realitzen la comunicació per un canal mòbil terrestre i un canal satèl·lit contigu. Un d'aquests reptes és trobar mecanismes per realitzar eficientment l'enrutament i el control de flux, de manera conjunta. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és simular i estudiar algorismes existents que resolguin aquests problemes, així com proposar-ne de nous, mitjançant diverses tècniques d'optimització convexa. A partir de les simulacions realitzades en aquest estudi, s'han analitzat àmpliament els diversos problemes d'enrutament i control de flux, i s'han avaluat els resultats obtinguts i les prestacions dels algorismes emprats. En concret, s'han implementat de manera satisfactòria algorismes basats en el mètode de descomposició dual, el mètode de subgradient, el mètode de Newton i el mètode de la barrera logarítmica, entre d'altres, per tal de resoldre els problemes d'enrutament i control de flux plantejats.