986 resultados para Regulated transcription


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L’immunité innée est notre premier mécanisme de défense contre l’invasion des pathogènes. Cette défense est basée sur la reconnaissance d’éléments invariables des pathogènes par des récepteurs encodés dans les lignées germinales. Dans la réponse anti-virale, le facteur de transcription Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IRF3) joue un rôle clé dans la réponse interféron de type I, combattant ainsi la réplication virale et conférant un état anti-viral aux cellules infectées ainsi qu’aux cellules avoisinantes. IRF3 est une protéine dont l’activation et la phosphorylation sont régulées par les kinases TBK1 et IKKi. Nous proposons ici que l’acétylation est une modification post-traductionnelle importante dans la régulation de l’activité d’IRF3. Nous avons observé par immunobuvardage qu’IRF3 est acétylé de façon basale et que cette acétylation est induite par la présence du co-facteur CBP et est inhibée par la présence de la kinase TBK1. Par spectrométrie de masse, nous avons ensuite identifié huit lysines sujettes à l’acétylation sur IRF3. Aussi, par mutagénèse dirigée, nous avons muté de façon ponctuelle chacun de ces sites et avons déterminé que la mutation de la lysine 87 inhibe la capacité d’IRF3 à s’attacher à l’ADN en EMSA et à transactiver son élément de réponse en essai luciférase. Aussi, nous proposons que l’acétylation masque la charge positive de la lysine 87 et contrôle de façon négative l’activité du facteur de transcription IRF3. Notre groupe démontre ainsi pour la première fois l’acétylation du facteur de transcription dans un modèle cellulaire et propose que ce processus joue un rôle inhibiteur dans la régulation de la protéine.


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Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) se caractérise par une production insuffisante d'insuline par le pancréas ainsi qu'une résistance des tissus périphériques à l'action de l'insuline. Dans les cellules bêta pancréatiques, le glucose stimule la production de l'insuline en induisant la transcription de son gène et la traduction ainsi que la sécrétion de sa protéine. Paradoxalement, une exposition prolongée et simultanée de ces cellules à de hautes concentrations de glucose en présence d'acides gras conduit à la détérioration de la fonction bêta pancréatique et au développement du DT2. Toutefois, les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de ces effets du glucose ne sont que partiellement connus. L'objectif du travail décrit dans cette thèse est d'identifier les mécanismes responsables de la régulation de la transcription du gène de l'insuline. PDX-1 (de l’anglais pour pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1) est un facteur de transcription majeur et essentiel tant pour le développement du pancréas que pour le maintien de sa fonction à l'état adulte. En réponse au glucose, PDX-1 se lie au promoteur du gène de l'insuline et induit sa transcription. Ceci est inhibé par l'acide gras palmitate. Dans la première partie des travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons identifié deux mécanismes de régulation de la transcription du gène de l'insuline: le premier via ERK1/2 (de l'anglais pour extracellular-signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2) et le second par l’enzyme PASK (pour per-arnt-sim kinase). Nous avons également mis en évidence l'existence d'un troisième mécanisme impliquant l'inhibition de l'expression du facteur de transcription MafA par le palmitate. Nos travaux indiquent que la contribution de la signalisation via PASK est majeure. L'expression de PASK est augmentée par le glucose et inhibée par le palmitate. Sa surexpression dans les cellules MIN6 et les îlots isolés de rats, mime les effets du glucose sur l'expression du gène de l'insuline ainsi que sur l'expression de PDX-1 et prévient les effets délétères du palmitate. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons identifié un nouveau mécanisme par lequel PASK augmente la stabilité protéique de PDX-1, soit via la phosphorylation et l'inactivation de la protéine kinase GSK3 bêta (de l'anglais pour glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta). Le glucose induit la translocation de PDX-1 du cytoplasme vers le noyau, ce qui est essentiel à sa liaison au promoteur de ses gènes cibles. L'exclusion nucléaire de PDX-1 a été observée dans plusieurs modèles ex vivo et in vivo de dysfonction de la cellule bêta pancréatique. Dans le dernier volet de cette thèse, nous avons démontré l'importance de l'utilisation de cellules primaires (îlots isolés et dispersés) pour étudier la translocation nucléaire de PDX-1 endogène étant donné que ce mode de régulation est absent dans les lignées insulino-sécrétrices MIN6 et HIT-T15. Ces études nous ont permis d'identifier et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes régulant la transcription du gène de l'insuline via le facteur de transcription PDX-1. Les cibles moléculaires ainsi identifiées pourraient contribuer au développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour le traitement du diabète de type 2. Mots-clés : Diabète, îlots de Langerhans, cellule bêta pancréatique, gène de l'insuline, PDX-1, PASK, GSK3 bêta, ERK1/2, PKB, glucose, palmitate.


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La leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique (LAL) est le cancer pédiatrique le plus fréquent. Plusieurs réarrangements chromosomiques ont été associés à cette maladie, dont la translocation t(12;21), qui est observée dans 25% des cas de LAL de type pré-B. Cette translocation engendre l’expression de la protéine de fusion ETV6-AML1. Toutefois, celle-ci n’est pas suffisante pour initier seule une leucémie, ce qui suggère que des mutations additionnelles sont nécessaires à la transformation oncogénique. Or, on observe que l’allèle non-réarrangé d’ETV6 est perdu dans 75% des cas de t(12;21). Cette délétion entraîne l’inactivation complète du facteur de transcription ETV6 et l’abolition de sa fonction biologique. Puisqu’ETV6 semble jouer un rôle de suppresseur de tumeurs, nous croyons que son inactivation favoriserait le développement de la leucémie via la dérégulation de ses gènes cibles. Ce projet visait donc à identifier de nouvelles cibles transcriptionnelles d’ETV6, afin d’élucider son implication dans la leucémie. Une expérience de RNA-Seq a permis d’identifier plus de 200 gènes dont l’expression est corrélée avec celle d’ETV6 dans des cellules souches hématopoïétiques CD34+. Parmi ceux-ci, plusieurs gènes sont impliqués dans la réponse immunitaire et inflammatoire, la migration cellulaire, l’homéostasie ionique et la signalisation intracellulaire. Nous avons également mis en place une approche d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine afin d’identifier les régions auxquelles le facteur de transcription ETV6 peut se lier. À l’aide de cette méthode, nous avons démontré une interaction entre ETV6 et SLCO2B1, un gène dont l’expression est également co-régulée avec ETV6. Finalement, notre étude suggère qu’ETV6 contribuerait à la leucémogenèse en dérégulant l’expression de certains gènes ayant des propriétés oncogéniques.


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L’O-GlcNAcylation est une modification post-traductionnelle qui consiste en l’ajout covalent du N-acetylglucosamine au groupement hydroxyle des sérines et thréonines des protéines nucléaires et cytoplasmiques. Ce type de glycosylation atypique est régulé de manière très dynamique par l’action de l’O-GlcNAc transférase (OGT) et de l’O-GlcNAcase (OGA) qui catalysent et hydrolysent cette modification respectivement. Aujourd’hui, OGT émerge comme un régulateur transcriptionnel et senseur critique du métabolisme où les protéines ciblées par l’O-GlcNAcylation couvrent la presque totalité des voies de signalisation cellulaire. Récemment, des études ont aussi proposé qu’OGT soit impliquée dans la régulation épigénétique par l’O-GlcNAcylation des histones. Dans le but de caractériser le rôle fonctionnel d’OGT dans la régulation épigénétique, nous avons revisité le concept d’O-GlcNAcylation des histones et, de manière surprenante, n’avons pu confirmer cette observation. En fait, nos données indiquent que les outils disponibles pour détecter l’O-GlcNAcylation des histones génèrent des artéfacts. De ce fait, nos travaux supportent plutôt un modèle où la régulation épigénétique médiée par OGT se fait par l’O-GlcNAcylation de régulateurs transcriptionnels recrutés à la chromatine. Parmi ceux-ci, OGT s’associe au complexe suppresseur de tumeurs BAP1. En étudiant le rôle d’OGT dans ce complexe, nous avons identifié le facteur de transcription FOXK1 comme un nouveau substrat d’OGT et démontrons qu’il est régulé par O-GlcNAcylation durant la prolifération cellulaire. Enfin, nous démontrons que FOXK1 est aussi requis pour l’adipogenèse. Ensemble, nos travaux suggèrent un rôle important d’OGT dans la régulation du complexe BAP1.


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Daphnia magna is a key invertebrate in the freshwater environment and is used widely as a model in ecotoxicological measurements and risk assessment. Understanding the genomic responses of D. magna to chemical challenges will be of value to regulatory authorities worldwide. Here we exposed D. magna to the insecticide methomyl and the herbicide propanil to compare phenotypic effects with changes in mRNA expression levels. Both pesticides are found in drainage ditches and surface water bodies standing adjacent to crops. Methomyl, a carbamate insecticide widely used in agriculture, inhibits acetylcholinesterase, a key enzyme in nerve transmission. Propanil, an acetanilide herbicide, is used to control grass and broad-leaf weeds. The phenotypic effects of single doses of each chemical were evaluated using a standard immobilisation assay. Immobilisation was linked to global mRNA expression levels using the previously estimated 48h-EC(1)s, followed by hybridization to a cDNA microarray with more than 13,000 redundant cDNA clones representing >5000 unique genes. Following exposure to methomyl and propanil, differential expression was found for 624 and 551 cDNAs, respectively (one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction, Ptranscriptional changes in energy metabolism (e.g., mitochondrial proteins, ATP synthesis-related proteins), moulting (e.g., chitin-binding proteins, cuticular proteins) and protein biosynthesis (e.g., ribosomal proteins, transcription factors). Methomyl induced the transcription of genes involved in specific processes such as ion homeostasis and xenobiotic metabolism. Propanil highly promoted haemoglobin synthesis and up-regulated genes specifically related to defence mechanisms (e.g., innate immunity response systems) and neuronal pathways. Pesticide-specific toxic responses were found but there is little evidence for transcriptional responses purely restricted to genes associated with the pesticide target site or mechanism of toxicity.


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Krüppel-like transcription factors (Klfs) modulate fundamental cell processes. Cardiac myocytes are terminally-differentiated, but hypertrophy in response to stimuli such as endothelin-1. H2O2 or cytokines promote myocyte apoptosis. Microarray studies of neonatal rat myocytes identified several Klfs as endothelin-1-responsive genes. We used quantitative PCR for further analysis of Klf expression in neonatal rat myocytes. In response to endothelin-1, Klf2 mRNA expression was rapidly increased ( approximately 9-fold; 15-30 min) with later increases in expression of Klf4 and Klf6 ( approximately 5-fold; 30-60 min). All were regulated as immediate early genes (cycloheximide did not inhibit the increases in expression). Klf5 expression was increased at 1-2 h ( approximately 13-fold) as a second phase response (cycloheximide inhibited the increase). These increases were transient and attenuated by U0126. H2O2 increased expression of Klf2, Klf4 and Klf6, but interleukin-1beta or tumor necrosis factor alpha downregulated Klf2 expression with no effect on Klf4 or Klf6. Of the Klfs which repress transcription, endothelin-1 rapidly downregulated expression of Klf3, Klf11 and Klf15. The dynamic regulation of expression of multiple Klf family members in cardiac myocytes suggests that, as a family, they are actively involved in regulating phenotypic responses (hypertrophy and apoptosis) to extracellular stimuli.


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Huntingtin (Htt) protein interacts with many transcriptional regulators, with widespread disruption to the transcriptome in Huntington's disease (HD) brought about by altered interactions with the mutant Htt (muHtt) protein. Repressor Element-1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST) is a repressor whose association with Htt in the cytoplasm is disrupted in HD, leading to increased nuclear REST and concomitant repression of several neuronal-specific genes, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf). Here, we explored a wide set of HD dysregulated genes to identify direct REST targets whose expression is altered in a cellular model of HD but that can be rescued by knock-down of REST activity. We found many direct REST target genes encoding proteins important for nervous system development, including a cohort involved in synaptic transmission, at least two of which can be rescued at the protein level by REST knock-down. We also identified several microRNAs (miRNAs) whose aberrant repression is directly mediated by REST, including miR-137, which has not previously been shown to be a direct REST target in mouse. These data provide evidence of the contribution of inappropriate REST-mediated transcriptional repression to the widespread changes in coding and non-coding gene expression in a cellular model of HD that may affect normal neuronal function and survival.


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We have performed a screen combining subtractive hybridization with PCR to isolate genes that are regulated when neuroepithelial (NE) cells differentiate into neurons. From this screen, we have isolated a number of known genes that have not previously been associated with neurogenesis, together with several novel genes. Here we report that one of these genes, encoding a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), is regulated during the differentiation of distinct neuronal populations. We have cloned both rat and mouse GEF genes and shown that they are orthologs of the human gene, MR-GEF, which encodes a GEF that specifically activates the small GTPase, Rap1. We have therefore named the rat gene rat mr-gef (rmr-gef) and the mouse gene mouse mr-gef (mmr-gef). Here, we will collectively refer to these two rodent genes as mr-gef. Expression studies show that mr-gef is expressed by young neurons of the developing rodent CNS but not by progenitor cells in the ventricular zone (VZ). The expression pattern of mr-gef during early telencephalic neurogenesis is strikingly similar to that of GABA and the LIM homeobox gene Lhx6, a transcription factor expressed by GABAergic interneurons generated in the ventral telencephalon, some of which migrate into the cortex during development. These observations suggest that mr-gef encodes a protein that is part of a signaling pathway involved in telencephalic neurogenesis; particularly in the development of GABAergic interneurons.


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Long-term depression (LTD) is one of the paradigms used in vivo or ex vivo for studying memory formation. In order to identify genes with potential relevance for memory formation we used mouse organotypic hippocampal slice cultures in which chemical LTD was induced by applications of 3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG). The induction of chemical LTD was robust, as monitored electrophysiologically. Gene expression analysis after chemical LTD induction was performed using cDNA microarrays containing >7,000 probes. The DHPG-induced expression of immediate early genes (c-fos, junB, egr1 and nr4a1) was subsequently verified by TaqMan polymerase chain reaction. Bioinformatic analysis suggested a common regulator element [serum response factor (SRF)/Elk-1 binding sites] within the promoter region of these genes. Indeed, here we could show a DHPG-dependent binding of SRF at the SRF response element (SRE) site within the promoter region of c-fos and junB. However, SRF binding to egr1 promoter sites was constitutive. The phosphorylation of the ternary complex factor Elk-1 and its localization in the nucleus of hippocampal neurones after DHPG treatment was shown by immunofluorescence using a phosphospecific antibody. We suggest that LTD leads to SRF/Elk-1-regulated gene expression of immediate early transcription factors, which could in turn promote a second broader wave of gene expression.


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Adult neural stem cell (aNSC) activity is tuned by external stimuli through the recruitment of transcription factors. This study examines the RE1 silencing transcription factor (REST) in neural stem/progenitor cells isolated from the subventricular zone of adult mouse brain and provides the first extensive characterization of REST-mediated control of the cellular and molecular properties. This study shows that REST knockdown affects the capacity of progenitor cells to generate neurospheres, reduces cell proliferation, and triggers cell differentiation despite the presence of growth factors. Genome- and transcriptome-wide analyses show that REST binding sites are significantly enriched in genes associated with synaptic transmission and nervous system development and function. Seeking candidate regulators of aNSC function, this study identifies a member of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family, BMP6, the mRNA and protein of which increased after REST knockdown. The results of this study extend previous findings, demonstrating a reciprocal control of REST expression by BMPs. Administration of exogenous BMP6 inhibits aNSC proliferation and induces the expression of the astrocytic marker glial fibrillary acidic protein, highlighting its antimitogenic and prodifferentiative effects. This study suggests that BMP6 produced in a REST-regulated manner together with other signals can contribute to regulation of NSC maintenance and fate. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cardiac hypertrophy, an important adaptational response, is associated with up-regulation of the immediate early gene, c- jun, which encodes the c-Jun transcription factor. c-Jun may feed back to up-regulate its own transcription and, since the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) phosphorylate c-Jun(Ser-63/73) to increase its transactivating activity, JNKs are thought to be the principal factors involved in c- jun up-regulation. Hypertrophy in primary cultures of cardiac myocytes is induced by endothelin-1, phenylephrine or PMA, probably through activation of one or more of the MAPK family. These three agonists increased c- jun mRNA with the rank order of potency of PMA approximately endothelin-1>phenylephrine. Up-regulation of c- jun mRNA by endothelin-1 was attenuated by inhibitors of protein kinase C (GF109203X) and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade (PD98059 or U0126), but not by inhibitors of the JNK (SP600125) or p38-MAPK (SB203580) cascades. Hyperosmotic shock (0.5 M sorbitol) powerfully activates JNKs, but did not increase c- jun mRNA. These data suggest that ERKs, rather than JNKs, are required for c- jun up-regulation. However, endothelin-1 and phenylephrine induced greater up-regulation of c-Jun protein than PMA and phosphorylation of c-Jun(Ser-63/73) correlated with the level of c-Jun protein. Up-regulation of c-Jun protein by endothelin-1 was attenuated by inhibitors of protein kinase C and the ERK cascade, probably correlating with a primary input of ERKs into transcription. In addition, SP600125 inhibited the phosphorylation of c-Jun(Ser-63/73), attenuated the increase in c-Jun protein induced by endothelin-1 and increased the rate of c-Jun degradation. Thus whereas ERKs are the principal MAPKs required for c- jun transcription, JNKs are necessary to stabilize c-Jun for efficient up-regulation of the protein.


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Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy is associated with an increase in expression of immediate early genes (e.g. c-jun) via activation of pre-existing transcription factors. The activity of CREB transcription factor is regulated through phosphorylation of Ser-133 by one of several protein kinases (e.g. protein kinase A (PKA), p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs) and the related kinase, MSK1). A cell-permeable form of cAMP, hypertrophic agonists (endothelin-1 (ET-1), phenylephrine (PE)) and hyperosmotic shock all promoted phosphorylation of CREB(Ser-133) in rat neonatal cardiac myocytes. The response to endothelin-1 required the extracellular signal-regulated kinase cascade which stimulates both RSKs and MSK1. Phosphorylation of CREB(Ser-133) in response to ET-1 was not associated with any increase in DNA binding to a consensus cAMP-response element (CRE). The rat c-jun promoter contains elements which may bind either c-Jun/ATF2 or CREB/ATF1 dimers. Using extracts from rat cardiac myocytes, we identified at least two complexes which bind to the most proximal of these elements, one of which contained CREB and the other c-Jun. Thus, phosphorylation and activation of CREB in cardiac myocytes may be effected by a range of different stimuli to influence the expression of immediate early genes such as c-jun.


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The extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) are particularly implicated in the growth response of cardiac myocytes. In these cells, the ERK1/2 pathway is potently activated by Gq protein-coupled receptor agonists (such as endothelin-1 or alpha-adrenergic agonists), which activate protein kinase C isoforms. Here, we review the mechanisms associated with the activation of the ERK1/2 pathway by these agonists with particular emphasis on signal integration into the pathway. Signaling to the nucleus and the regulation of transcription factor activity associated with ERK1/2 activation in cardiac myocytes are also discussed.


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Objectives: The effect of glucose and palmitate on the phosphorylation of proteins associated with cell growth and survival (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 [ERK1/2] and stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase [SAPK/JNK]) and on the expression of immediate early genes was investigated. Methods: Groups of freshly isolated rat pancreatic islets were incubated in 10-mmol/L glucose with palmitate, LY294002, or fumonisin B1 for the measurement of the phosphorylation and the content of ERK1/2, JNK/SAPK, and v-akt murine thymoma viral oncongene (AKT) (serine 473) by immunoblotting. The expressions of the immediate early genes, c-fos and c-jun, were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Results: Glucose at 10 mmol/L induced ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylations and decreased SAPK/JNK phosphorylation. Palmitate (0.1 mmol/L) abolished the glucose effect on ERK1/2, AKT, and SAPK/JNK phosphorylations. LY294002 caused a similar effect. The inhibitory effect of palmitate on glucose-induced ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylation changes was not observed in the presence of fumonisin B1. Glucose increased c-fos and decreased c-jun expressions. Palmitate and LY294002 abolished these latter glucose effects. The presence of fumonisin B1 abolished the effect induced by palmitate on c-jun expression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that short-term changes of mitogen-activated protein kinase and AKT signaling pathways and c-fos and c-jun expressions caused by glucose are abolished by palmitate through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibition via ceramide synthesis.


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We hypothesize that, in kidney of diabetic rats, hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNF-1 alpha. and HNF-3 beta) play a critical role in the overexpression of solute carrier 2A2 (SLC2A2) gene. Diabetic rats submitted or not to rapid (up to 12 h) and short-term (1, 4 and 6 days) insulin treatment were investigated. Twofold increase in GLUT2 mRNA was observed in diabetic, accompanied by significant increases in HNF-1 alpha and HNF-3 beta expression and binding activity. Additional 2-fold increase in GLUT2 mRNA and HNF-3 beta expression/activity was observed in 12-h insulin-treated rats. Six-day insulin treatment decreased GLUT2 mRNA and HNF-1 alpha expression and activity to levels of non-diabetic rats, whereas HNF-3 beta decreased to levels of non-insulin-treated diabetic rats. Our results provide evidence for a link between the overexpression of SLC2A2 gene and the transcriptional activity of HNF-1 alpha and HNF-3 beta in kidney of diabetic rats. Furthermore, recovery of SLC2A2 gene after 6-day insulin treatment also involves HNF-1 alpha and HNF-3 beta activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.