956 resultados para Real time systems


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The new generation of multicore processors opens new perspectives for the design of embedded systems. Multiprocessing, however, poses new challenges to the scheduling of real-time applications, in which the ever-increasing computational demands are constantly flanked by the need of meeting critical time constraints. Many research works have contributed to this field introducing new advanced scheduling algorithms. However, despite many of these works have solidly demonstrated their effectiveness, the actual support for multiprocessor real-time scheduling offered by current operating systems is still very limited. This dissertation deals with implementative aspects of real-time schedulers in modern embedded multiprocessor systems. The first contribution is represented by an open-source scheduling framework, which is capable of realizing complex multiprocessor scheduling policies, such as G-EDF, on conventional operating systems exploiting only their native scheduler from user-space. A set of experimental evaluations compare the proposed solution to other research projects that pursue the same goals by means of kernel modifications, highlighting comparable scheduling performances. The principles that underpin the operation of the framework, originally designed for symmetric multiprocessors, have been further extended first to asymmetric ones, which are subjected to major restrictions such as the lack of support for task migrations, and later to re-programmable hardware architectures (FPGAs). In the latter case, this work introduces a scheduling accelerator, which offloads most of the scheduling operations to the hardware and exhibits extremely low scheduling jitter. The realization of a portable scheduling framework presented many interesting software challenges. One of these has been represented by timekeeping. In this regard, a further contribution is represented by a novel data structure, called addressable binary heap (ABH). Such ABH, which is conceptually a pointer-based implementation of a binary heap, shows very interesting average and worst-case performances when addressing the problem of tick-less timekeeping of high-resolution timers.


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Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are increasingly deployed to enable thousands of users to share, create, and access live video streaming with different characteristics and content, such as video surveillance and football matches. In this context, there is a need for new mechanisms for assessing the quality level of videos because operators are seeking to control their delivery process and optimize their network resources, while increasing the user’s satisfaction. However, the development of in-service and non-intrusive Quality of Experience assessment schemes for real-time Internet videos with different complexity and motion levels, Group of Picture lengths, and characteristics, remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, this article proposes a non-intrusive parametric real-time video quality estimator, called MultiQoE that correlates wireless networks’ impairments, videos’ characteristics, and users’ perception into a predicted Mean Opinion Score. An instance of MultiQoE was implemented in WMNs and performance evaluation results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of MultiQoE in predicting the user’s perception of live video streaming services when compared to subjective, objective, and well-known parametric solutions.


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We consider a large quantum system with spins 12 whose dynamics is driven entirely by measurements of the total spin of spin pairs. This gives rise to a dissipative coupling to the environment. When one averages over the measurement results, the corresponding real-time path integral does not suffer from a sign problem. Using an efficient cluster algorithm, we study the real-time evolution from an initial antiferromagnetic state of the two-dimensional Heisenberg model, which is driven to a disordered phase, not by a Hamiltonian, but by sporadic measurements or by continuous Lindblad evolution.


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We study the real-time evolution of large open quantum spin systems in two spatial dimensions, whose dynamics is entirely driven by a dissipative coupling to the environment. We consider different dissipative processes and investigate the real-time evolution from an ordered phase of the Heisenberg or XY model towards a disordered phase at late times, disregarding unitary Hamiltonian dynamics. The corresponding Kossakowski-Lindblad equation is solved via an efficient cluster algorithm. We find that the symmetry of the dissipative process determines the time scales, which govern the approach towards a new equilibrium phase at late times. Most notably, we find a slow equilibration if the dissipative process conserves any of the magnetization Fourier modes. In these cases, the dynamics can be interpreted as a diffusion process of the conserved quantity.


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Using quantum Monte Carlo, we study the nonequilibrium transport of magnetization in large open strongly correlated quantum spin-12 systems driven by purely dissipative processes that conserve the uniform or staggered magnetization, disregarding unitary Hamiltonian dynamics. We prepare both a low-temperature Heisenberg ferromagnet and an antiferromagnet in two parts of the system that are initially isolated from each other. We then bring the two subsystems in contact and study their real-time dissipative dynamics for different geometries. The flow of the uniform or staggered magnetization from one part of the system to the other is described by a diffusion equation that can be derived analytically.


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One of the main problems in urban areas is the steady growth in car ownership and traffic levels. Therefore, the challenge of sustainability is focused on a shift of the demand for mobility from cars to collective means of transport. For this end, buses are a key element of the public transport systems. In this respect Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) systems help citizens change their travel behaviour towards more sustainable transport modes. This paper provides an assessment methodology which evaluates how RTPI systems improve the quality of bus services in two European cities, Madrid and Bremerhaven. In the case of Madrid, bus punctuality has increased by 3%. Regarding the travellers perception, Madrid raised its quality of service by 6% while Bremerhaven increased by 13%. On the other hand, the users ́ perception of Public Transport (PT) image increased by 14%.


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Partitioning is a common approach to developing mixed-criticality systems, where partitions are isolated from each other both in the temporal and the spatial domain in order to prevent low-criticality subsystems from compromising other subsystems with high level of criticality in case of misbehaviour. The advent of many-core processors, on the other hand, opens the way to highly parallel systems in which all partitions can be allocated to dedicated processor cores. This trend will simplify processor scheduling, although other issues such as mutual interference in the temporal domain may arise as a consequence of memory and device sharing. The paper describes an architecture for multi-core partitioned systems including critical subsystems built with the Ada Ravenscar profile. Some implementation issues are discussed, and experience on implementing the ORK kernel on the XtratuM partitioning hypervisor is presented.


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One of the main problems in urban areas is the steady growth in car ownership and traffic levels. Therefore, the challenge of sustainability is focused on a shift of the demand for mobility from cars to collective means of transport. For this purpose, buses are a key element of the public transport systems. In this respect Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) systems help people change their travel behaviour towards more sustainable transport modes. This paper provides an assessment methodology which evaluates how RTPI systems improve the quality of bus services performance in two European cities, Madrid and Bremerhaven. In the case of Madrid, bus punctuality has increased by 3%. Regarding the travellers perception, Madrid raised its quality of service by 6% while Bremerhaven increased by 13%. On the other hand, the users¿ perception of Public Transport (PT) image increased by 14%.


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Los sistemas empotrados son cada día más comunes y complejos, de modo que encontrar procesos seguros, eficaces y baratos de desarrollo software dirigidos específicamente a esta clase de sistemas es más necesario que nunca. A diferencia de lo que ocurría hasta hace poco, en la actualidad los avances tecnológicos en el campo de los microprocesadores de los últimos tiempos permiten el desarrollo de equipos con prestaciones más que suficientes para ejecutar varios sistemas software en una única máquina. Además, hay sistemas empotrados con requisitos de seguridad (safety) de cuyo correcto funcionamiento depende la vida de muchas personas y/o grandes inversiones económicas. Estos sistemas software se diseñan e implementan de acuerdo con unos estándares de desarrollo software muy estrictos y exigentes. En algunos casos puede ser necesaria también la certificación del software. Para estos casos, los sistemas con criticidades mixtas pueden ser una alternativa muy valiosa. En esta clase de sistemas, aplicaciones con diferentes niveles de criticidad se ejecutan en el mismo computador. Sin embargo, a menudo es necesario certificar el sistema entero con el nivel de criticidad de la aplicación más crítica, lo que hace que los costes se disparen. La virtualización se ha postulado como una tecnología muy interesante para contener esos costes. Esta tecnología permite que un conjunto de máquinas virtuales o particiones ejecuten las aplicaciones con unos niveles de aislamiento tanto temporal como espacial muy altos. Esto, a su vez, permite que cada partición pueda ser certificada independientemente. Para el desarrollo de sistemas particionados con criticidades mixtas se necesita actualizar los modelos de desarrollo software tradicionales, pues estos no cubren ni las nuevas actividades ni los nuevos roles que se requieren en el desarrollo de estos sistemas. Por ejemplo, el integrador del sistema debe definir las particiones o el desarrollador de aplicaciones debe tener en cuenta las características de la partición donde su aplicación va a ejecutar. Tradicionalmente, en el desarrollo de sistemas empotrados, el modelo en V ha tenido una especial relevancia. Por ello, este modelo ha sido adaptado para tener en cuenta escenarios tales como el desarrollo en paralelo de aplicaciones o la incorporación de una nueva partición a un sistema ya existente. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es mejorar la tecnología actual de desarrollo de sistemas particionados con criticidades mixtas. Para ello, se ha diseñado e implementado un entorno dirigido específicamente a facilitar y mejorar los procesos de desarrollo de esta clase de sistemas. En concreto, se ha creado un algoritmo que genera el particionado del sistema automáticamente. En el entorno de desarrollo propuesto, se han integrado todas las actividades necesarias para desarrollo de un sistema particionado, incluidos los nuevos roles y actividades mencionados anteriormente. Además, el diseño del entorno de desarrollo se ha basado en la ingeniería guiada por modelos (Model-Driven Engineering), la cual promueve el uso de los modelos como elementos fundamentales en el proceso de desarrollo. Así pues, se proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para modelar y particionar el sistema, así como para validar los resultados y generar los artefactos necesarios para el compilado, construcción y despliegue del mismo. Además, en el diseño del entorno de desarrollo, la extensión e integración del mismo con herramientas de validación ha sido un factor clave. En concreto, se pueden incorporar al entorno de desarrollo nuevos requisitos no-funcionales, la generación de nuevos artefactos tales como documentación o diferentes lenguajes de programación, etc. Una parte clave del entorno de desarrollo es el algoritmo de particionado. Este algoritmo se ha diseñado para ser independiente de los requisitos de las aplicaciones así como para permitir al integrador del sistema implementar nuevos requisitos del sistema. Para lograr esta independencia, se han definido las restricciones al particionado. El algoritmo garantiza que dichas restricciones se cumplirán en el sistema particionado que resulte de su ejecución. Las restricciones al particionado se han diseñado con una capacidad expresiva suficiente para que, con un pequeño grupo de ellas, se puedan expresar la mayor parte de los requisitos no-funcionales más comunes. Las restricciones pueden ser definidas manualmente por el integrador del sistema o bien pueden ser generadas automáticamente por una herramienta a partir de los requisitos funcionales y no-funcionales de una aplicación. El algoritmo de particionado toma como entradas los modelos y las restricciones al particionado del sistema. Tras la ejecución y como resultado, se genera un modelo de despliegue en el que se definen las particiones que son necesarias para el particionado del sistema. A su vez, cada partición define qué aplicaciones deben ejecutar en ella así como los recursos que necesita la partición para ejecutar correctamente. El problema del particionado y las restricciones al particionado se modelan matemáticamente a través de grafos coloreados. En dichos grafos, un coloreado propio de los vértices representa un particionado del sistema correcto. El algoritmo se ha diseñado también para que, si es necesario, sea posible obtener particionados alternativos al inicialmente propuesto. El entorno de desarrollo, incluyendo el algoritmo de particionado, se ha probado con éxito en dos casos de uso industriales: el satélite UPMSat-2 y un demostrador del sistema de control de una turbina eólica. Además, el algoritmo se ha validado mediante la ejecución de numerosos escenarios sintéticos, incluyendo algunos muy complejos, de más de 500 aplicaciones. ABSTRACT The importance of embedded software is growing as it is required for a large number of systems. Devising cheap, efficient and reliable development processes for embedded systems is thus a notable challenge nowadays. Computer processing power is continuously increasing, and as a result, it is currently possible to integrate complex systems in a single processor, which was not feasible a few years ago.Embedded systems may have safety critical requirements. Its failure may result in personal or substantial economical loss. The development of these systems requires stringent development processes that are usually defined by suitable standards. In some cases their certification is also necessary. This scenario fosters the use of mixed-criticality systems in which applications of different criticality levels must coexist in a single system. In these cases, it is usually necessary to certify the whole system, including non-critical applications, which is costly. Virtualization emerges as an enabling technology used for dealing with this problem. The system is structured as a set of partitions, or virtual machines, that can be executed with temporal and spatial isolation. In this way, applications can be developed and certified independently. The development of MCPS (Mixed-Criticality Partitioned Systems) requires additional roles and activities that traditional systems do not require. The system integrator has to define system partitions. Application development has to consider the characteristics of the partition to which it is allocated. In addition, traditional software process models have to be adapted to this scenario. The V-model is commonly used in embedded systems development. It can be adapted to the development of MCPS by enabling the parallel development of applications or adding an additional partition to an existing system. The objective of this PhD is to improve the available technology for MCPS development by providing a framework tailored to the development of this type of system and by defining a flexible and efficient algorithm for automatically generating system partitionings. The goal of the framework is to integrate all the activities required for developing MCPS and to support the different roles involved in this process. The framework is based on MDE (Model-Driven Engineering), which emphasizes the use of models in the development process. The framework provides basic means for modeling the system, generating system partitions, validating the system and generating final artifacts. The framework has been designed to facilitate its extension and the integration of external validation tools. In particular, it can be extended by adding support for additional non-functional requirements and support for final artifacts, such as new programming languages or additional documentation. The framework includes a novel partitioning algorithm. It has been designed to be independent of the types of applications requirements and also to enable the system integrator to tailor the partitioning to the specific requirements of a system. This independence is achieved by defining partitioning constraints that must be met by the resulting partitioning. They have sufficient expressive capacity to state the most common constraints and can be defined manually by the system integrator or generated automatically based on functional and non-functional requirements of the applications. The partitioning algorithm uses system models and partitioning constraints as its inputs. It generates a deployment model that is composed by a set of partitions. Each partition is in turn composed of a set of allocated applications and assigned resources. The partitioning problem, including applications and constraints, is modeled as a colored graph. A valid partitioning is a proper vertex coloring. A specially designed algorithm generates this coloring and is able to provide alternative partitions if required. The framework, including the partitioning algorithm, has been successfully used in the development of two industrial use cases: the UPMSat-2 satellite and the control system of a wind-power turbine. The partitioning algorithm has been successfully validated by using a large number of synthetic loads, including complex scenarios with more that 500 applications.


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The development of applications as well as the services for mobile systems faces a varied range of devices with very heterogeneous capabilities whose response times are difficult to predict. The research described in this work aims to respond to this issue by developing a computational model that formalizes the problem and that defines adjusting computing methods. The described proposal combines imprecise computing strategies with cloud computing paradigms in order to provide flexible implementation frameworks for embedded or mobile devices. As a result, the imprecise computation scheduling method on the workload of the embedded system is the solution to move computing to the cloud according to the priority and response time of the tasks to be executed and hereby be able to meet productivity and quality of desired services. A technique to estimate network delays and to schedule more accurately tasks is illustrated in this paper. An application example in which this technique is experimented in running contexts with heterogeneous work loading for checking the validity of the proposed model is described.


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The research work presented in the thesis describes a new methodology for the automated near real-time detection of pipe bursts in Water Distribution Systems (WDSs). The methodology analyses the pressure/flow data gathered by means of SCADA systems in order to extract useful informations that go beyond the simple and usual monitoring type activities and/or regulatory reporting , enabling the water company to proactively manage the WDSs sections. The work has an interdisciplinary nature covering AI techniques and WDSs management processes such as data collection, manipulation and analysis for event detection. Indeed, the methodology makes use of (i) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for the short-term forecasting of future pressure/flow signal values and (ii) Rule-based Model for bursts detection at sensor and district level. The results of applying the new methodology to a District Metered Area in Emilia- Romagna’s region, Italy have also been reported in the thesis. The results gathered illustrate how the methodology is capable to detect the aforementioned failure events in fast and reliable manner. The methodology guarantees the water companies to save water, energy, money and therefore enhance them to achieve higher levels of operational efficiency, a compliance with the current regulations and, last but not least, an improvement of customer service.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.