991 resultados para REFUGIADOS COLOMBIANOS - ECUADOR - 2004-2008
Entre noviembre de 2004 y abril de 2005, el Ecuador se encontró en una situación similar a la que vivió el Perú a inicios de los años noventa. Esta situación podría caracterizarse como un intento, por parte de un Ejecutivo elegido democráticamente, de constituir un régimen autoritario y concentrador de todos los poderes. Distinto a la experiencia peruana, este proyecto se valió de una mayoría legislativa y de esa forma utilizó al Congreso para el asalto institucional del país. Además, el proyecto de institucionalización autoritaria de Lucio Gutiérrez apenas tuvo vigencia inicial por unos meses y, más aún, terminó en la destitución inconstitucional del Ejecutivo, la depuración y expulsión de un buen número de legisladores y, lo más grave, la destrucción casi total de la débil institucionalidad democrática ecuatoriana.
Este trabajo investigativo a permitido a partir del análisis de las diversas posiciones de la doctrina representada por diferentes autores así como luego del breve recorrido realizado a través de la normativa histórica de nuestro país clarificar los principios de reserva de ley, de legalidad y su papel en la formación de las normas tributarias conforme a como han sido plasmados en el transcurrir de los años. Dentro de este recorrido histórico estudiar el proceso legislativo para la elaboración de las normas tanto aquellas calificadas con el carácter económico urgente como aquellas que no. Así también analizar como han sido y son concebidos y tramitados ambos tipos de proyectos de ley y la manera como fue y es utilizada la figura del decreto-ley por parte de quienes han ostentado la Presidencia de la República. Con la finalidad de realizar una valoración de cómo ha evolucionado la calificación de urgencia en materia económica de proyectos de ley, en especial aquellos que en su contenido han estipulado regulaciones de carácter tributario y por cuanto nuestra legislación y academia no brinda mayores aportes sobre el tema, hemos acudido a autores españoles quienes nos han contribuido con la experiencia de su país sobre el estado de crisis, la extrafiscalidad y la delegación legislativa que en nuestra legislación se asimila a la urgencia y a los decretos-ley. Aterrizando lo investigado y aprendido en un análisis de los proyectos de ley calificados como económicos urgentes en los últimos años enfatizando en: Ley Reformatoria a la Ley de Hidrocarburos y a la Ley de Régimen Tributario Interno y Ley de Fomento Ambiental y Optimización de los Ingresos del Estado ambas con un contenido tributario y promulgadas mediante la figura de decreto-ley. Con la finalidad de determinar si para su creación se observaron los principios de reserva ley y de legalidad, así como con el trámite constitucional establecido para la vigencia de las leyes.
La doctrina militar latinoamericana ha provisto a los institutos armados de la región de concepciones que justifican la intervención en el sistema democrático cuando la patria está en peligro. Ante las ineficiencias del sistema político y las profundas tensiones sociales bajo las que vivía Venezuela y Ecuador en 1992 y 2000, facciones de la institución armada intervinieron para imponer como solución la total reforma del sistema político. A pesar de lo fugaz de estos movimientos, sus líderes se posicionaron en el imaginario popular como una suerte de héroes de la nueva independencia. Utilizando un discurso antipolítico, Hugo Chávez alcanzó la presidencia venezolana en 1998, y retomando los mismos elementos discursivos Lucio Gutiérrez logró también la presidencia ecuatoriana en 2003. No obstante, las distancias entre los dos presidentes tienen un origen ideológico, que se vuelve más evidente en la dirección gubernamental de cada uno. Un elemento que en el fondo acerca las posiciones de los dos presidentes es la preservación de la estabilidad de su mandato, aunque la forma de lograrlo es diametralmente opuesta, pues mientras en Venezuela se intenta relegar a la vieja clase política, en Ecuador la estrategia utilizada es aliarse con esa clase. Al final, los partidos dirigidos por estos coroneles ingresaron al sistema político generando grandes expectativas cuyo cumplimiento puede señalar la fundación del nuevo Estado, mientras que su falla al hacerlo significará un paso deslucido por la presidencia.
En este artículo, me he propuesto analizar de forma crítica los estereotipos y prejuicios en contra de la mujer o de otras identidades sexuales, tanto en el lenguaje como en los conceptos empleados por los jueces constitucionales en sus fallos o sentencias. Para tal efecto, se ha centrado el análisis en el discurso judicial constitucional contenido en siete sentencias emitidas entre los años 2004 al 2012, por el anterior Tribunal Constitucional ecuatoriano y la actual Corte Constitucional del Ecuador, con la finalidad de reconocer en ellas criterios sexistas, o por el contrario, aproximaciones de protección judicial. En la investigación se considera la metodología de género del fenómeno legal que propone Alda Facio en su obra “Cuando el género suena cambios trae”, y en la cual se recogen siete estereotipos sexista definidos por Margrit Eichler. Así, con las consideraciones anotadas, se identificaron en las sentencias analizadas, las siguientes formas de sexismo: 1) androcentrismo; 2) insensibilidad al género; 3) dicotomismo sexual; 4) familismo; 5) sobregeneralización; 6) doble parámetro; y, 7) conducta adecuada para cada sexo. Este trabajo de investigación es una descripción actual de la consideración de la mujer en las sentencias judiciales desde la perspectiva de alguien que pertenece a ese género y que por su profesión y ocupación se encuentra vinculada con la administración de justicia constitucional.
Este estudio presenta los aspectos importantes que han sido incorporados o modificados con una serie de reformas tributarias encaminadas en el país desde diciembre de 2007, para estimar la orientación que está tomando el ordenamiento jurídico tributario nacional. No se deja de lado la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador de 2008. En este contexto, trata de ubicar los elementos que habrían fortalecido -económica e institucionalmente- al Estado y, aquellos que mejorarían o empeorarían la situación de los contribuyentes. Analiza además la importancia de la Acción Extraordinaria de Protección (AEP) para la defensa del derecho al debido proceso con ocasión de controversias de índole tributaria y, el papel de la Corte Constitucional en este campo.
Why did house prices fall in 2007‐2009? This is the fundamental question to most Americans, and to those who lent them money. Most homeowners did not care why residential real estate prices rose. They assumed prices always rose, and they should simply enjoy their good fortune. It was not until prices began to fall that people were left searching for answers. How much did regulation or lack thereof play in the role of the devastation? To what degree did greed and unrealistic consumer expectation have on the real estate bubble? Using existing literature as well as face to face interviews of experienced leaders within the real estate industry in California who experienced both the up and down of the real estate cycle, the overarching purpose of this study is to investigate the opinions and beliefs of the leaders and drivers within the real estate industry about the cause of the real estate bubble that occurred sharply in 2008 . Specifically, this project will focus on the opinions of real estate industry leaders who worked in the center of the subprime universe located in Irvine, California, during 2004‐2008. Comparing the mainstream beliefs with the interviewees it is fair to say that the main finding in the mainstream beliefs are reflected very well with the finding of the subject’s opinion. The thesis is divided into 6 chapters starting with “introduction”, followed by chapter 2 “Literature Review”. Chapter 3 is “Research Methodology” followed by chapter 4 “Data Presentation”. Finally, the results are discussed in chapter 5 “Analysis and Discussion” and conclusions in Chapter 6.
Public politics of Service to the Child: The Challenge of the Action Articulated in the Project Belém Criança (2001-2004) if it constitutes in a study on the politics directed toward the children of 0 the 6 years. It has as objective to analyze the configuration of the politics of integral attention to the child, evidencing the form as the same ones they had been redimensioned by the neoliberal ideas and by the lines of direction of the international organisms. The work has like empiric reference the project Belém Criança, developed by county of Belém from a partnership with the Deep of United Nations for Infancy (UNICEF), in the period of 2001 and 2004. The project intends to develop an articulated action among the several county departments which offer assistance to the children looking for to rationalize the resources and to optimize the services. Amongst the methodological procedures that materialized the research distinguished: The bibliographical review and documental allowed to analyze the contextualization of the public politics and, between them, the social politics of attendance to the child; the historical revolution this attendance; the paper of the UNICEF how articulator of the politics in municipal scope; and the paper of county how executer these politics. Still it was utilized, the half-structuralized interview, Having like subjects: the representative of the UNICEF in Belém, the municipal co-managers and actors of community in which the project was implemented. The result of the analyzes review that, historically, the politics destined to the child they had been being dimensioned having like support the fight of social movements vindictive for publics politic which guarantee the fundamentals rights these citizen. Although legal dimension of current politics of attendance to the child, to assume a vision of completeness and the guarantee of the rights, it still has a great exaggeration between the speech and the practical one. Actually, the same one are elaborate inside the neoliberal optics, with ruled actions by the beginning in combat to the poverty, implanted with low costs and with practice which to lead to the excessive fragmentation, generating inadequate actions and punctual programs which don t guarantee the social quality of the attendance. This perspective was evidenced to the most of the actors which the Project Belém Criança don t constitute itself a real public politic toward the child of 0 the 6 years, although present innovating aspects, how the mobilization and participation. It was demonstrated yet, in the participant s depositions of the research, that the bureau had numberless of difficulty to develop the action preview in the project, it has seen the great complexity of articulation between the several organism responsible by politics of attendance
This work has as objective to reflect about the insertion of the women in the City Council of Natal in the period from 1988 to 2004. We focused our discussion in the context of the politics of quota that has with objective to decrease the frame of inequalities existent between women and men in the politics, besides of to analyze which the determinants responsible for the women's sub-representation. The research still consists of an analysis of the councilor s women profile and how they were seen in that space of power. We analyzed our study object in a gender vision, since this is related intrinsically the social relationships and the relationships of power. The women, for a long time, they were excluded of the participation in the public life, being just seen as mere expectants. This research is informed mainly by studies which discuss the Gender (Scott, 1990), (Perrot, 1988), (Badinter, 1995), (Bruschini, 2002). We also analyzed the power, politics in the vision of Marx (1996), Foucault (1982) and (Arendt, 2001). We tried to analyze the women's presence in the spaces public and private, showing your conflicts and contradictions faced in the society, focalizing the political character of the women's inclusion in the spaces in that are inserted. The instrument of collection of data was the semi-structured questionnaire, descriptive and analytical - critical. The analyses of the interviews show to the sub-representation of women over the years as a determining factor for these women continue in the invisibility. The women were interviewed councillora ex- bounded from 1988 to 2004. The conclusion the one that we arrived is that this sub-representation has as decisive the patriarchal system that prevailed for a long time in our society and still dominates and affects women in all areas of your life. This becomes more serious in the capitalist society in which prevail the interests of those that it stops the produced wealth
Presentaciones de Alicia Bárcena y Christof Kersting.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) foi criando em 1998 com a finalidade de avaliar o sistema educacional brasileiro e como alternativa para ingresso no ensino superior. Em 2009, foi implementado o Sistema de Seleção Unificada (SiSU), o qual remodelou o exame, valorizando a função de seleção para o ensino superior do Enem. Escolhemos analisar como o tema energia, devido sua importância para as Ciências Naturais, foi abordado ao longo do tempo, utilizando para tanto categorias de abordagens das questões em dois períodos, pré e pós-reforma: Bloco A (2004-2008) e Bloco B (2009-2011). Identificamos indicativos que a implantação do SiSU influenciou as frequências absoluta e relativa e abordagem das questões sobre energia.
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o desempenho de longo prazo das empresas que abrem o capital no Brasil. Os fenômenos de (1) valorização no primeiro dia de negócios pós-IPO (underpricing) seguido de (2) desempenho inferior ao mercado no longo prazo (long-run underperformance) foram amplamente documentados em trabalhos de outros autores. O foco do estudo está em verificar a persistência dessa baixa performance quando alongamos o período de avaliação para 5 anos. Adicionalmente, o estudo pretende entender que fatores são determinantes no desempenho destas ações no longo prazo. O trabalho analisa 128 IPOs ocorridos no período de 2004 a 2012 na Bovespa. Os resultados apontam para evidências estatisticamente significantes de underpricing. Este underpricing foi mais acentuado entre os anos de 2004 a 2008, período precursor da crise financeira do subprime. Quando se analisa a performance de longo prazo os resultados apontam que a carteira de IPOs apresentou performance abaixo do mercado até o 29° mês. Os IPOs lançados no período pré-crise do subprime tiveram performance abaixo do mercado após 3 anos, enquanto que os IPOs lançados no pós-crise tiveram retorno acima do mercado para 3 e 5 anos. Não foi identificada a persistência da baixa performance dos IPOs além do 29° mês. Três variáveis principais mostraram significância na explicação dos retornos de longo prazo: (1) o período de lançamento das ações, (2) o percentual de alocação de investidores estrangeiros, (3) e a reputação do coordenador da oferta. Os IPOs lançados no período pós-crise do subprime observaram melhor performance no longo prazo. Também apresentaram melhor performance os IPOs com maior presença de investidor estrangeiro. Adicionalmente, existe uma relação inversa entre a reputação do coordenador líder da oferta e a performance de longo prazo.
The Evangelical Church is an institution that presents itself as a group that aims to be a mediator between society, the state and the country itself. However political practice within the churches have been somewhat taken authoritarian, manipulative, intolerant and realize this reality in the analysis of this work. While understanding that the Church as an institution has formed an opinion about what is right and wrong in their communities as a social institution can be seen in contemporary society growing religious occupation of the public sphere and in all segments of Brazilian society the presence of evangelicals. One of the challenges is the discussion of the practices of Christ when the ownership of the mandate legitimized by the vote happens, what real action is the "Christ policy"? What social contributions to retrieve people, places and cities? What is the competence to work towards promoting the other gains in health, employment, security, education? The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the questioning of the current logic and prevailing construction of Christian ideals in politics. Develop an investigation by reference to the absence of a study on the activity of the evangelical councilors Christmas during the period 2004 -2008, order to be able assign a value judgment based on information of projects that every evangelical councilor exercised during the 15th Legislature, occasion that the City Council received the highest representation of evangelical councilors in its history.
This is a retrospective observational study of clinical and epidemiologic data from bloodstream yeast infections over 5 years (2004-2008) in a tertiary-care hospital. During this period, there were 52 such infections, at a rate of 2.4 per 1,000 hospital admissions. Non-C. albicans Candida species and other genera were responsible for 82% of infections, with C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis being the most common. In 2008 no C. albicans infections occurred. Several uncommon fungal pathogens were observed, including Trichosporon asahii, Rhodotorula spp. and Candida zeylanoides. Of 16 isolates tested, 3 (19%) were resistant to fluconazole, including one C. zeylanoides (MIC 8 mu g/ml) and one C. tropicalis (MIC 16 mu g/ml) isolate, as well as intrinsically resistant C. krusei. All isolates tested were susceptible to itraconazole (n = 7) and amphotericin B (n = 8). Yeast infections were associated with severe underlying diseases, mainly hematological/solid cancers (71%), hospitalization in the ICU (41%), central venous catheters (80%), and use of antimicrobials (94%). The overall mortality rate was 50%. Our finding of a predominance of non-C. albicans Candida species infection with uncommon yeasts, and fluconazole resistance, suggests the need for continuous surveillance of fungemia and of antibiotic susceptibility trends, in order to adopt treatment strategies applicable to particular healthcare institutions.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Didáctica da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico