999 resultados para Programmes de vélos en libre-service
La aplicación web creada tiene como objetivo convertirse en un instrumento útil para la consulta de información catastral del municipio de Cerdanyola del Vallès, ampliando el alcance de la información al personal del Ajuntament. Entre esta información, se incluye cartografía catastral urbana y rústica de diferentes años y la posibilidad de efectuar una serie de consultas alfanuméricas sencillas sobre la misma.
La prova testifical és una de les proves principals del procés penal, és pel que s'ha intentat donar una visió de quins són els factors que afecten la seua validesa, tant des d'un punt de vista personal com processal, per a després marcar unes pautes que ha de seguir qualsevol jutge per a arribar a la convicció que la dita prova testifical pot enervar la presumpció d'innocència. El treball consisteix en respondre a la pregunta elemental que si realment el Jutge o Tribunal té plena llibertat per valorar la prova testifical en el procés penal, sobre aquesta qüestió es va a desenvolupar el treball, però sempre haurem de respectar uns principis bàsics en el procés penal, i a partir de que aquests principis li donin validesa a aquesta prova, podrem dir que el Jutge a *quo té plena llibertat per arribar a determinar si realment aquesta prova testifical trenca amb la presumpció d'innocència, sense que els tribunals d'instàncies superiors puguin modificar aspectes subjectius d'aquesta valoració sobre la base del principi de inmediació. També és cert, que la casuística en matèria de testimonis és immensa, per la qual cosa s'ha intentat analitzar cada cas particular a fi d'integrar-ho dins dels principis bàsics establerts en el procés penal, i així determinar quan es pot donar validesa a aquesta prova, i quins són els factors que ha de tenir en compte el Jutge per valorar-los com a prova determinant de càrrec o de descàrrec.
Ce document présente le modèe utilisé par le Service de la santé publique du canton de Vaud pour l'estimation du nombre de lits de court séjour et propose un enrichissement de ce modèle par l'utilisation de la statistique médicale VESKA. L'exemple présenté est celui de l'obstétrique, mais vaut pour d'autres secteurs de l'activité médico-hospitalières.
Comprovar en una sèrie de més de 300 pacients tractats amb intenció radical de càncer de bufeta si el seguiment que se´ls realitza de manera rutinària permet la detecció precoç de les recaigudes i té un impacte positiu en la seva supervivencia i l´interval lliure de malaltia.
The National Health Strategy “Quality and Fairness, Health System for You” states“ a key objective of the human resource framework is to develop and explicitly value staff at all levels of the health system. This in turn benefits service users.” The strategy explicitly states that one of its initiatives was “to introduce the grade of Health Care Assistant (HCA) as a member of healthcare teams to assist and support nurses and midwives. A national six month training programme for Health Care Assistants to commence at the end of November 2001. Seventeen pilot programmes to be delivered by the health services in conjunction with the Further Education Training Awards Council (FETAC)”.
El proyecto consiste en la creación mediante software libre de un sistema de telefonía corporativo, que ofrece la mayor parte de las funcionalidades de un sistema telefónico implantado en cualquier PYME de la actualidad y que tiene como elemento principal una centralita telefónica Asterisk, así como en el desarrollo de un softphone(teléfono software) utilizando el protocolo de señalización SIP, que explota gran parte de las funcionalidades que proporciona la centralita. Este sistema de telefonía tiene además la capacidad de integrarse con herramientas CRM a través de la importación de los contactos en el listín corporativo del softphone.
This service Aims: To provide a multi-component weight management service that supports sustainable behaviour change and weight loss in adults 16 years and over with a BMI 28. To enable patients to develop the necessary personal attributes for their own long term weight management and to understand the impact of their weight on their health and co-morbidities. Objectives: To provide an evidence based, multi-component tier 2 weight management service that improves patients knowledge and skills for effective and sustainable weight loss helps patients identify their own facilitators for positive behaviour change and to address underlying barriers to long-term behaviour changeincreases patients self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to address their weight To be an integral part of the tiered approach to weight management services for the population of Stockton. To ensure equitable service provision across Stockton-on-Tees. To provide intensive group based service, one-to-one support and maintenance support. To support the service user to develop and review a personalised goal setting plan phase 2 and at discharge after phase 2. To ensure a smooth transition from the service (tier2) to tier 1 services to ensure continuity of care for service users.Recruit referrals using a variety of and appropriate methods. To establish a single point of contact for referrals into the service.Continually promote the service across a range of mediums and liaise and work in partnership with key interdependencies (refer to 2.4) To establish a robust database and data collection system in line with information governance. To ensure the access criteria, care pathway and referral process is clearly understood by all health care professionals and those who may refer into the service. To establish close links with, and signpost and/or enable service users to access suitable services where patient needs indicate this. This may include access to Tees Time to Talk (IAPT) for psychological therapies; Specialist Weight Management Service; physical activity programmes; Tier 1 services; and primary care. To provide the necessary venues, equipment and assets needed to deliver the programme, ensuring due regard is given to the quality and safety of all materials used. To collect and provide data in quarterly reports to the Commissioner to allow for continued monitoring and evaluation of the service in line with the Standard Evaluation Framework (available at www.noo.org.uk/core/SEF) and as specified by the Commissioner.
A process analysis was conducted in a community - based treatment programme for alcohol abuse. The aims of the study were: to evaluate assessment instruments and measures; to measure change following treatment; to monitor gender differences; to assess the importance of early and current relationships; and to evaluate the effects of therapists. Subjects (n=145, males 83/females 62) completed a semi-structured interview schedule, Severity of Alcohol Dependency Questionnaire (SADQ), Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD); General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12), and Alcohol Problems Questionnaire (APQ). A further three non-standardised self-rated measures were devised by the author. Included was the opportunity to obtain qualitative data. Follow up data was collected at 3, 9 and 15 months following first assessment. The SADD, APQ and consumption measures using detailed drink diaries proved the most relevant assessment measures. Following treatment, there was significant reduction in clients' dependency levels at 3 months, maintained through 9 and 15 months. Key client-rated changes were progress in reducing consumption and alcohol problems leading to a better quality of life and health. Qualitative data augmented these quantitative results. Psychological and acquired cognitive behavioural skills emerged as the main reasons for positive change and the treatment programme was found to have played a significant role in their acquisition. It appears that addressing marital problems can lead to a reduction in alcohol dependency levels. Gender analysis showed that males and females were similar in demographic characteristics, alcohol history details and dependence levels. It was concluded that the differences found did not necessitate different treatment programmes for women. Early family relationships were more problematic for females. Therapist performance varied and that variance was reflected in their clients' outcomes.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Projecte relacionat amb el disseny, programació i implementació d'eines per a la generació de comunitats virtuals a Internet i per a l'administració de continguts dinàmics, emprant la separació per capes que proposa l'arquitectura J2EE. Concretament s'ha generat una eina per al manteniment d'un calendari de congressos, el que permetrà als professors de la UOC poder gestionar els congressos als quals hauran d'assistir d'una forma clara i senzilla a un entorn web.
The key element of the HSE South’s Programme is to enhance and develop community mental health services in Carlow, Kilkenny and South Tipperary, to enable the service user to remain in the community to the greatest extent possible. HSE South has prioritised the implementation of the change programme and has allocated more than €20m capital funding and over €1.75m revenue funding to support this comprehensive development programme. Speaking at the briefings Mr. Pat Healy, Regional Director of Operations, HSE South said, “When this plan is delivered, clients will have access to the highest standards of services in all three counties, which should significantly improve these clients’ treatment programmes and quality of life. The National Service Users Executive are supporting the change programme, which is of immense importance to HSE South. The programme heralds the enhancement and development of community mental health services, the closure of old long stay institutions, the separation of North and South Tipperary acute inpatient mental health services and development of appropriate acute inpatient services, for the extended catchment area, in line with the national strategy for mental health “A Vision for Change”. The programme also acts on recommendations of the Mental Health Commission.”This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This publication outlines a model of delivery for introductory level Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) training in the Mental Health Service, HSE South (Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford). This model has proved useful in guiding the development of four introductory programmes during 2009 and 2010. As a result of this experience, we have amended and updated our programme delivery strategies. We see this process as organic and ever changing, thus these reflections are a snap shot of our current thinking which we have no doubt will evolve as we proceed with future programmes. This booklet will act as a guide for our upcoming programmes in 2010 and 2011 and we believe it may also offer guidance to others who will be involved in the delivery of CBT training within the Irish Mental Health Service.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Extensió per gvSIG anomenada extWPS, que permet executar processos a través de Web Processing Service (wps), el protocol promogut per l'Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). El programari, elaborat en Java, es basa en el conjunt de llibreries de la iniciativa 52north i té llicència GPL. Fa possible, una vegada instal lat sobre gvSIG, connectar-se a un servidor wps, veure els geoprocesos disponibles a ell i executar de manera remota.
[Table des matières] 1. Matériel et méthode. 1.1. Protocole princeps. 1.2. Protocole adapté. 1.3. Analyse des causes de délai. 2. Résultats : exhaustivité de la cueillette de données. 3. Discussion et conclusions. 4. Annexes : 1. Soins requis (PNR). 2. Formulaire de saisie. 3. Responsabilités des délais. 4. Distribution des critères. 5. Cause de délai.