768 resultados para Profissional de Saúde


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Observa-se que indivíduos e idosos, particularmente, utilizam diversas práticas terapêuticas, buscando o alívio ou a cura de algum desconforto físico ou mental. Culturalmente, em diferentes sociedades, os indivíduos utilizam-se de vários recursos para manter-se com saúde; além das práticas "formais", fazem uso de fórmulas caseiras ou medicamentos que possuem em casa. Com este estudo objetivou-se conhecer e compreender o uso de práticas terapêuticas entre idosos residentes em área urbana, na Zona Leste do município de Porto Alegre. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório descritivo com abordagem qualitativa. Foram desenvolvidas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 24 idosos. Processou-se a caracterização sociodemográfica desses idosos e a análise temática das informações coletadas. Os idosos entrevistados eram na maioria do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 68 anos, tinham 4 anos completos de estudos, e renda familiar, em média, de três salários mínimos, a metade dentre eles possuía convênio de saúde particular. Para metade dos idosos entrevistados a saúde era considerada como ausência de doença, outra parcela considerava que o processo saúde e doença está diretamente ligado aos usos sociais do corpo, como, por exemplo, o trabalho e a realização de atividades diárias. Dentre os participantes 4 referiram a saúde como um processo mais complexo no sentindo de qualidade de vida, dependente de fatores biopsicossocias. A principal prática terapêutica referida pelos entrevistados foi a automedicação. Dessa forma, verifica-se que mesmo as práticas terapêuticas informais sofreram um processo de medicalização. O uso de chás caseiros restringe-se a problemas considerados comuns. A outra prática terapêutica referida pelos idosos foi a busca por um profissional médico. Esse fato foi evidenciado principalmente entre aqueles que possuem convênios de saúde. A busca por terapeutas populares foi a prática menos referida. Acredita-se que isso foi influenciado pela presença do profissional de saúde e pelo receio de serem "repreendidos". Outro fato que se observou foi a utilização simultânea de diferentes práticas terapêuticas. O que motiva a escolha por uma, ou outra alternativa, é a duração e a gravidade do desconforto físico e acessibilidade dos recursos terapêuticos. Observou-se um processo crescente de medicalização entre os entrevistados, influenciado pelo mercado da saúde e também pela mídia. Isso pode ser verificado pela busca de soluções mágicas e sem esforços que são a primeira opção, pois respondem à lógica da urgência e do mercado farmacêutico que acaba por induzir esses comportamentos imediatos. Considera-se que por meio da análise e discussão crítica da temática, pode-se subsidiar a capacitação de profissionais no campo da Educação em saúde e do trabalho da Enfermagem em particular, favorecendo, assim, os processos de autocuidado e de resolutividade terapêutica para os problemas da população idosa.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: fazer um levantamento das dez espécies vegetais que compõem o maior número de apresentações farmacêuticas de fitoterápicos simples registradas na ANVISA; realizar o diagnóstico da oferta e da qualidade das informações contidas nas bulas das apresentações contendo as cinco espécies vegetais mais utilizadas; e definir as informações técnicas que devem estar contidas na bula de especialidades farmacêuticas que contenham como ingredientes ativos unicamente extratos preparados a partir destas espécies. O levantamento das dez espécies vegetais abrangeu o período de 01/01/1998 a 30/06/2003 e foi realizado através de consulta ao OPTLINE (www.i-helps.com). Os medicamentos fitoterápicos representam 7,76% (1888) das apresentações de registro de medicamentos no Brasil, sendo 1311 (5,38 %) apresentações de medicamentos fitoterápicos simples. Cinqüenta e oito espécies vegetais constituíam os registros de medicamentos fitoterápicos simples, sendo as dez com maior número de apresentações Ginkgo biloba L.: 302 (23,04%); Hypericum perforatum L.: 126 (9,61%); Piper methysticum F.: 87 (6,64%); Cimicifuga racemosa Nutt: 79 (6,03%); Valeriana officinalis L.: 76 (5,80%); Vitis vinifera L.: 69 (5,26%); Echinacea purpurea L.: 58 (4,42%); Aesculus hippocastanum L.: 53 (4,04%); Panax ginseng C. A Mayer: 48 (3,66%) e Cynara scolymus L.: 31 (2,36%). O diagnóstico da oferta e da qualidade das informações contidas nos textos das bulas foi realizado comparando-se estas informações com aquelas apresentadas na base de dados Medline (PubMed - www.ncbi.nhm.nhi.gov) dos últimos 5 anos e em obras bibliográficas de referência aceitas pela ANVISA, além de outras, clássicas na área de farmacognosia e fitoterapia . Foram avaliadas vinte e oito bulas. As informações de todas as bulas apresentavam incompatibilidades com as informações da literatura consultada. Os problemas mais freqüentemente encontrados foram relativos à sinonímia popular, eficácia, via de administração, contra-indicações, uso em idosos, crianças e grupos de risco, reações adversas e interações medicamentosas. Para cada uma das cinco espécies mais citadas, as informações científicas e técnicas compiladas foram organizadas como uma proposta de bula para o Profissional de Saúde a ser incluída no Compêndio de Bulas de Medicamentos (CBM), conforme previsto na Resolução-RDC nº 140/03, o qual consiste em um conjunto de bulas de medicamentos comercializados, editado pelo órgão regulador e com conteúdo da bula para o paciente e da bula para o profissional de saúde.


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This ethnographic work studies the experiences of patients admitted in public (PUH) and private (PRH) hospitals in the Brazilian northeastern region. 28 adult patients of different clinics participated in the study. Data were analyzed by the patient path method, consisting in a combination of complemented and articulated techniques free observation, participating observation, ethnographic interview and patient testimonials collected prospectively during the patients admissions, from their arrival and until their discharge. The analysis was carried out according to the Thematic Categories Analysis Technique and the data were interpreted pursuant to medical anthropology, healthcare humanization and healthcare promotion theoretical references. The ethical principles of Resolution 196/96 were followed. The human hospital, as revealed by the patient, highlights the significance of subjectivity. 225 (54.7%) out of 411 mentioned concepts were collected in a public hospital (PUH) and 186 (45.3%) in a private institution (PRH). The results show that the patient at the PUH and PRH ethnoevaluates different aspects of the healthcare professionals´ human and technical competence, the hospital´s functioning structure, the access to and the ethics in the financial management, and develops overcoming strategies for his stay at the hospital. This ethnoevaluation is mediated by different factors, namely: social and economic status, personality, religiosity, ironic speech, somber diagnosis and satisfied needs, prior hospital experiences and the conditions under which the interview was carried out. A pedagogic proposal for the hospital humanization must include structural, managerial and organizational changes of the offered services and use active methodologies aimed to the political resolution of problematic situations at work and the inclusion of affective and subjective factors, and become as well a tool for the collective learning. This study shows the importance for the user´s ethnoevaluation to be incorporated into the hospital management and care as a guideline in the decision making and clinical action, thus promoting practices that shall lead to a decent and humanized care. The multidisciplinary nature of this study allowed a wide understanding of the user´s perspective as a socially critical ethnoevaluator


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This is an analytic research of a qualitative nature whose purpose is to examine the learning process involving students of the Nursing Program of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN who are attending the Supervised Clerkship in Nursing (SCN) in Family Health Strategy (FHS), based on learning through daily living. In order to do this, a historical overview of this academic activity in the teaching of nursing was presented, and the importance of FHS as the scene where professional health education takes place was discussed. For the empirical investigation, ten eighth-semester students involved in clerkship activities at family health units in the Western Sanitary District of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. The theoretical approach relied, as epistemological presupposition, on the ideas of educator Humberto Maturana who showed that learning, both in nature and among human beings, takes place within dialogic living relationships wherein acceptance of the other, affectivity (love) and dialoguing are essential stimuli to learning. Students discourses gradually became part of the analytic categories that had been established beforehand. There has been verified that the students went through meaningful learning encouraged by all who shared the living environment, that is: nurse/instructor, teacher/supervisor, family health staff, and the community. Several feelings were involved in the process, such as joy, satisfaction, self-reliance, affectivity and, in the opposite direction, sadness, indignation, a feeling of impotence, and fear. The learning of interpersonal relationship was describe as the most relevant of the academic experiences and, therefore, thus emphasizing the relevance of affectivity to the learning process as Maturana points out. It is suggested that the teaching of nursing keep on giving priority to family health units as the Basic Care educational scene, with attention to the importance of placing the students in welcoming environments, in such a way as to encourage learning


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It is at the work environment where value of the health professional is realized, according to the National Humanization Policy (PNH) from a Pediatric Hospital connected to an institution of higher education. Among the guiding principles of PNH it is highlighted the commitment to the democratization of labor relations and enhancement of health professionals, stimulating the continuing education process. For this research, a qualitative approach was chosen, using a semistructured interview as a tool to collect data. In a perspective of identifying the appreciation and humanization into interpersonal relations between workers, information from the theory of communicative action of Habermas was analyzed, considering cultural values goes beyond the practice in action, where the prospects of moral arguments in the universal truisms of life pervade original cultural moral, cognitive and expressive, imbued on ethics. This reasearch had the collaboration 29 employees with a regular contract labor to a teaching hospital in Natal, Brazil. The data was obtained through interviews which all participants signed a consent term. After data analysis the results shows the existance of a satisfaction of all workers on performing duties. The workers perceive its role valorization through kudos received as a consequence of a work done, others believe that it occurs when the institution or the group itself is concerned to enhance the work. Thus, in general, they feel valued. Regarding the interpersonal relationship, the most highlighted point was the fact that in the employees versus general directors item, respondents indicated the existence of a distance between these two categories, which can affect a participatory management. Therefore, the results of this study showed the necessity to develop actions that provide a healthy work environment. The joint guidelines of the PNH and the Employee Health Care Policy, represent some directions with some similarities in their purpose to the theory of communicative action, where there is a mutual respect, tolerance and coexistence of differences, considering the constructive conflict among health workers within the perspective of communication and interaction among individuals


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Exploratory, descriptive and quantitative study with prospective data, performed in the Mobile Emergency Care Service in the metropolitan region of Natal/RN, in order to identify the knowledge of the multidisciplinary team about the rules of standard precautions and worker safety, to identify occupational hazards peculiar to the activities of this service; characterize work-related accidents (WRA) and know the procedures adopted after each WRA. The population consisted of 162 professionals and data were collected between the months of November and December 2010. As for personal and professional characteristics, of the 162 professional, 12,96% were physicians; 6,79%, nurses; 33,95%, nursing technicians, 46,29%, conductors; 74,70% were male; 43,21% were between 31 and 40 years old; 69,33% lived in Natal/RN, 50,00% had completed high school; 58,64% were married; 69,75% had children, 46,91% were between 1 and 4 years of training; 61,73% had improvement courses; 59,25% had 3 to 4 years of service; 54,32%, with 1-4 years experience in emergency; 44,44% received 1-2 minimum wages; 78,40% received insalubrity premium; 67,28% worked in Basic Support Unit (BSU); 83,95% had journey on SAMU Metropolitano of 31-40 hours per week; 52,47% had other employments. As for knowledge of rules of standard precautions, safety and occupational hazards, 99,38% knew what it was WRA; 62,96% gave incomplete answers; 74,07% knew the rules of prevent WRA; 46,67% acquired this knowledge in lectures; 53,09% knew Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 71,60% gave incorrect answers about the importance of standard precautions; 45,06% never received an educational intervention on this issue; 89,51% said that educational interventions in the prevention of WRA are very important; 90,12% pointed out this as a very important issue in the workplace; 27,00% suggested guidance on the topic in the workplace; regarding the physical hazards, 34,57% considered noise as the most important; about chemical hazards, 78,40% chose the gases and smoke; for biological hazards, 48,77% reported contact with the blood; for mechanical hazards, 80,86% said that were transport accidents; about ergonomic risks, 40,12% say it is the tension/stress in the care of critically ill, psychiatric and aggressive patients; and there was an average of 4,5 to the feeling of safety in the workplace. Regarding the data on the WRAs occurred, 31,48% experienced at least one accident event; 72,55% did not notify it; 60,98% answered that there was no routine for notification; 56,86% were performing patient transportation; 49,02% were hurt in the Basic Support Unit/Rescue Unit (BSU/RH); 60,78% occurred during the day; 96,08% of professionals were in normal work schedule (24 hours on duty); 31,37% had contusion; 58.82% had damage to members/pelvic girdle; 43,14% had traffic accidents. About the evolution of the WRA, 62,75% did not have to take time away from work; 76,47% had no sequelae; 88,24% did not require rehabilitation; no professional had a change of occupation. And by means of univariate logistic regression, showed that the nurses and male sex were risk factors for the occurrence of WRA. We conclude that there were gaps in the knowledge of staff regarding WRA, emphasizing the need for continuing education in biosafety in the service.


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The studies paths in the maze: life story of individuals with oncological diseases into use of blood transfusion in Natal has the hemotherapy as a primordial procedure to review the relationship between users of oncological health and the due ramifications. The hemotherapy looks for supply the organic needs through blood transfusion, which acquires vital function to the ones that have cancer, because it might reestablish the functionality of the organism throughout the raising of blood components. The impact over the transfusion affects emotionally and physically the users life. Aiming to reflect on these impacts, this study tried, through narratives of lives, rescue their experience since their knowledge of the disease until the time of blood transfusion using. It s about an exploratory-descriptive study, where the qualitative approach uses the theoretical-methodological reference of the oral life history to analyze a colony consisting of five users of health diagnosed with cancer, with achievement of at least three blood transfusions, the clinic Núcleo de Hematologia e Hemoterapia - UFRN, in Natal-RN. The network, in turn, was composed by employees of both sexes, regardless of age, who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The data collection, with approval of the Ethics Committee in Research, Liga Norte Riograndense Contra o Cancer, on the number 001/001/2012, occurred through semi-structured interviews, recorded individually in the home context that was previously chosen by employees. The methodological procedure occurred with the transcription of the interviews and their transcreations, and analysis of reports by thematic content analysis. At the reading orientation and interpretation of the employees stories, were discussed three categories of analysis: the impact on psychological REVIEW; impact on socialization and group membership, the environment and the impact of blood transfusion on treatment. Based on the narrative of the life histories of employees, we conclude that the experiences and feelings, hope and sorrow, pain and faith, even when facing a disease like cancer, bring lots of teaching and learning to health professional that deposits humanization health and reinstate hemotherapy forms of clinical critical


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Popular practices correspond to the resources used by households, lay people and popular therapists, whose perception of knowledge is constructed in the everyday. In this context, the sick child can become vulnerable to be dependent on a family caregiver, who often decide to employ popular practices. Thus, the child care should be shared between carer and health professional. However, they know little about the resources that the family uses to detect a grievance in infant. Therefore, the present research aimed to analyse the use of popular practices by caregivers of children with zero to five years old. We conducted an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, together with 15 caregivers of children who were treated at the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp, located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. To select the participants, they should be age and above 18 years; be caregivers of children up to five years of age; and reside in the area ascribed the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp. The data collection took place between September and October 2013, through in depth interview. This step was preceded by the approval of the Health Department of the city of Natal; the direction of the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp; as well as, the Committee on Ethics in Research from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with Certificate of Presentation and Consideration Ethics, No 15467013.8.0000.5537. Furthermore, the interviewees formally authorized their participation in the research by signing the consent form. The data were treated according to the technique of content analysis in the form of thematic analysis according to Bardin. This process, four categories emerged: "Types of popular practices used in the care of the child"; "Source of information of popular practices"; "Results obtained with popular practices"; "Factors that hinder the adoption of common practices." The results showed the use of popular practices by caregivers in the case of illness to children such as the homemade preparations with medicinal plants and folk healers. The family environment was referenced as the main learning space and spread of popular practices, which are influenced by cultural relations present in this context. As to the results obtained with popular features, the caregivers said to be satisfactory, and this triggers a feeling of confidence and acceptability of such measures. It is concluded that the use of popular practices in child care persists in everyday most of the participants, despite the hegemony of allopathic therapy. The caregivers stated that such practices are effective and easy to obtain, being secured in context by popular culture. In addition, health professionals, especially nurses, were seldom mentioned by the caregivers as to the information concerning popular resources used by them, which suggests the weakness in dialogic process of negotiating practices between both of them


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The high blood pressure is a multifactorial chronic disease which possesses emotional and social features in the illness appearance and evolution and in the adherence to the treatment which involves a decision-making through patient so that he or she process the necessary changes on harmful living habits. Adhesion, traditionally, it is referred to the patient to answer to the doctor orientations or of other health professional, about the appearance to the appointment with a doctor, about the use of medicine or lifestyle changes and maintaining this adhesion is the main problem to be overcame. It is expected the adhesion will ever be a continual, stable and satisfactory action, disregarding the complexity of subjectivity processes which permeate the sicken. This research aimed to investigate the difficulties which the person with high blood pressure has to adhere to the treatment, from the signification processes which give sense to the actions dealing with the adhesion. The study was carried out with 48 users of assistance program to the high blood pressure patient from Hospital Universitário from Natal RN, between 40-65 age. The answers were submitted to a double analysis process: 1) answer systematization in categories and codes and admission in statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science), for generation of descriptive statistics; 2) Sense and signification analysis which permeated the deepener statement and interpretatively. The greater difficulties found are present on low-salt and law-calorie diets, in the dealing with everyday feeling and stress, being these factors cited as direct motive to the high blood pressure, regardless of interviewee s sex. It is observed there is not adhesion, but adhering, as an experienced everyday process. This work contributes with its results, assessing the used strategies by program with the aim of increasing the adhesion rates


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Estas diretrizes constituem uma ferramenta atualizada e abrangente para auxiliar o profissional de saúde na abordagem do tabagista, recomendando atitudes baseadas em evidências clínicas como a melhor forma de conduzir cada caso. de forma reduzida e mais objetiva possível, o texto final foi agrupado em dois grandes itens: Avaliação e Tratamento. Os dois itens apresentam comentários e níveis de recomendação das referências utilizadas, bem como algumas propostas de abordagem, como por exemplo, redução de danos, em situações específicas ainda pouco exploradas, como recaídas, tabagismo passivo, tabagismo na categoria médica e uso de tabaco em ambientes específicos.


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OBJETIVO: Auxiliar o profissional de saúde na identificação dos fatores de risco e de proteção, e no manejo de pacientes com risco de suicídio, por meio de entrevista clinica, no contexto de emergência médica. MÉTODO: Revisão seletiva da literatura para identificar achados clínicos relevantes e ilustrativos. RESULTADO: A entrevista clinica é o melhor método para avaliar o risco suicida e tem dois objetivos: 1) apoio emocional e de estabelecimento de vínculo; 2) coleta de informações. Existe um número considerável de informações a serem coletadas durante a entrevista: fatores de risco e proteção (predisponentes e precipitantes), dados epidemiológicos, caracterização do ato, aspectos psicodinâmicos, antecedentes pessoais e familiares, modelos de identificação, dados sobre saúde física e rede de apoio social. Dificuldades ao longo da entrevista serão encontradas, mas com conhecimento e treinamento adequado, o profissional poderá abordar e ajudar adequadamente o paciente. Embora várias escalas tenham sido propostas, nenhuma delas demonstrou eficiência para a detecção de risco de suicídio. CONCLUSÃO: Não há como prever quem cometerá suicídio, mas é possível avaliar o risco individual que cada paciente apresenta, tendo em vista a investigação detalhada e empática da entrevista clinica. Impedir que o paciente venha a se matar é regra preliminar e fundamental.


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Os autores analisaram diferentes fatores que podem influenciar na decisão das mães de amamentar, na duração da amamentação e as principais razões do desmame. Foram selecionados artigos publicados entre 1990 e 2004 das bases de dados Lilacs, Medline, Scielo, Bireme, utilizando as palavras-chave: desmame e fatores de risco, bem como suas versões em inglês. Alguns fatores, como maternidade precoce, baixo nível educacional e socioeconômico maternos, paridade, atenção do profissional de saúde nas consultas de pré-natal, necessidade de trabalhar fora do lar, são freqüentemente considerados como determinantes do desmame precoce. Contudo, outros, como o apoio familiar, condições adequadas no local de trabalho e uma experiência prévia positiva, parecem ser parâmetros favoráveis à decisão materna pela amamentação. Apesar da relevância dos fatores mencionados acima, os aspectos culturais e a história de vida da mãe foram os mais importantes na decisão materna pelo aleitamento e pelo momento do desmame.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Procurou-se, neste trabalho, pensar o tempo no contexto das ciências da saúde, no qual se entrelaçam aspectos físicos, biológicos, psicológicos e sociológicos. Enquanto em nossa percepção do mundo e de nós mesmos o tempo se apresenta sob muitas facetas, na física clássica, conforme o modelo newtoniano, assumia-se a existência de um tempo absoluto, unilinear, homogêneo e independente do observador. Com a teoria da relatividade e o estudo dos sistemas complexos, um novo conceito de tempo apresenta-se na física: o tempo fractal, o qual possibilita maior compatibilidade com as abordagens psicológicas e sociológicas. Nesta perspectiva, a experiência de vida de uma pessoa, e seus respectivos processos de construção da saúde, envolveria uma multiplicidade de tempos, que coexistem e se organizam segundo um padrão coerente de auto-similaridade. Uma quebra desse padrão estaria correlacionada com a ocorrência da doença. Sugere-se que uma abordagem mais adequada do adoecimento deveria levar em conta, como referência para o profissional de saúde, o conceito de tempo fractal, possibilitando maior sintonia do paciente com a complexidade da natureza e, por conseguinte, consigo mesmo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)