968 resultados para Productive activities


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A recent multi-country study on hormonal contraceptives (HC) and HIV acquisition and transmission among African HIV-serodiscordant couples reported a statistically significant doubling of risk for HIV acquisition among women as well as transmission from women to men for injectable contraceptives. Together with a prior cohort study on African women seeking health services, these data are the strongest yet to appear on the HC-HIV risk. This paper will briefly review the Heffron study strengths and relevant biological and epidemiologic evidence; address the futility of further trials; and propose instead an alternative framework for next steps. The weight of the evidence calls for a discontinuation of progestin-dominant methods. We propose here five types of productive activities: (1) scaling injectable hormones down and out of the contraceptive mix; (2) strengthening and introducing public health strategies with proven potential to reduce HIV spread; (3) providing maximal choice to reduce unplanned pregnancy, starting with quality sexuality education through to safe abortion access; (4) expanding provider training, end-user counseling and access to male and female barriers, with a special renewed focus on female condom; (5) initiating a serious research agenda to determine anti-STI/HIV potential of the contraceptive cervical cap. Trusting women to make informed choices is critical to achieve real progress in dual protection.


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The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated


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Esta Dissertação aborda a temática da eficiência energética em sistemas de iluminação fabris. Desde os primórdios da história da humanidade que a iluminação tem representado um papel importante. Não só garante condições de segurança, como começou por ser o intuito primordial das fogueiras pré-históricas, traduzindo-se num elemento de conforto. Atualmente seria impensável conceber as mais diversas atividades económicas e produtivas de um país sem iluminação. Nesse sentido a iluminação representa também um elemento fomentador de produtividade. Não é bem conhecido o impacto que a iluminação tem nos custos operacionais de uma unidade fabril. Principalmente por ser difícil de quantificar separadamente na fatura de eletricidade qual a percentagem correspondente à iluminação. Tipicamente estes custos podem ascender a 20% do orçamento global da autarquia em países desenvolvidos. Por esse motivo, o sector da iluminação tem investido esforço no sentido de promover melhores soluções de iluminação capazes de por um lado de satisfazer os requisitos do espaço a iluminar, e por outro propiciar soluções eficientes do ponto de vista energético. Estas soluções assentam essencialmente no uso de dispositivos mais eficientes (como por exemplo os LED´s ou as lâmpadas compactas fluorescentes) bem como em estratégias de controlo eficientes baseadas em dados sensoriais (como por exemplo deteção de movimento/presença). A combinação destas estratégias permite reduzir os consumos em cerca de 80% quando comparadas com soluções passivas. A empresa Amorim Cork Research Lda. é uma empresa prestadora de serviços ao universo das empresas da Corticeira Amorim, uma das maiores multinacionais de origem portuguesa. Teve origem no negócio da cortiça, em 1870, sendo hoje líder destacada no sector a nível mundial. Dada a dimensão da empresa e a sua subdivisão em várias Unidades Industriais com requisitos individuais, será expectável que a iluminação represente uma parte significativa da fatura de eletricidade. Atualmente, os vários setores encontram-se equipados com soluções de iluminação diferentes, na sua maioria empregando tecnologias passivas, noutros casos com dispositivos eficientes. Há algum interesse em migrar para soluções mais eficientes, em parte suportadas em DALI (com interface de comunicação PLC ou Zigbee).


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This work was general-purpose, develop a proposal of a theoretical model of decisionmaking with a focus on management of small family farms costs, which enables support for decision making. And the following objectives: i) develop a structured methodology, which allows to form a literary basis to provide scientific support for the implementation of research; ii) develop based on the literature the dimensions and variables of the necessary models to propose an application and iii tooling) to implement the proposed model within the dimensions and variables, and validate every stage background and perform the necessary conclusions to verify the effectiveness of applied model. In terms of methodology, we used a structured methodology, which allowed forming a bibliographic portfolio of 29 articles, and through the research constructs developed, based on an existing model, an activity segmentation model for aid farmer of small family farms in the decision-making process with emphasis on cost management. The model was applied in six family farms in the South West region of Parana and Santa Catarina West. With regard to the search results, it was identified that the model can be applied to the specific context for which it was created. It was also possible to identify that the proposed model was valid and relevant to aid in the management of family farms by identifying, through the targeting of productive activities, investment priorities guided by the balance between managing costs and return activities. Moreover, possible to target the activities of six surveyed properties, demonstrating that the property 02, has the shape of more complex segmentation should be divided into three groups of activities, which can be conducted in parallel without any restrictions between activities. Other properties have the segmentation of the simplest activities, allowing viewing in this way that there are activities of groups that require prioritizing investments. Specifically the property 01 and 04 have the highest priority investment target groups, the most prominent activities of groups representing respectively 49.32% and 47.40%, which are represented by grain production activities on the property 01 and grain production, beef cattle and eggs on the property 04.


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The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated


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Interpretações da teoria do valor trabalho encontram dificuldades em definir o papel e o lugar das atividades de serviço com relação à produção ou não de valor. Esse problema ganha magnitude na medida em que a perspectiva histórica mostra que os serviços são grandes empregadores de mão de obra na atualidade. Tradicionalmente, os serviços são entendidos como atividades não produtivas, devido ao fato, dentre outros argumentos, de que não resultam em materialização na forma de mercadorias, ou que não produzem novos valores e mais-valia. O objetivo deste artigo é examinar essa questão e sugerir a proposição de que certos serviços, que preenchem determinadas condições, podem ser interpretados como produtivos de valor e de mais-valia. O artigo examina as categorias materialidade e imaterialidade, assim como as de trabalho produtivo e não produtivo de valor, introduzindo, a seguir, critérios para distinguir trabalhos produtivos e não produtivos de valor no setor de serviços. Com isso, pretende contribuir para clarificar o entendimento da teoria do valor trabalho num terreno entrecruzado de polêmicas e de posições teóricas diferenciadas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2016.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en una Planta de Hormigón Asfáltico, donde se realizó el estudio del ruido como factor de riesgo bajo las perspectivas de: Salud Ocupacional, Seguridad e Higiene Industrial. Este enfoque holístico, define la influencia que éste riesgo laboral ejerce sobre la pérdida de agudeza auditiva. Se estableció inicialmente el marco teórico y legal vigente sobre el ruido, posteriormente se describió la metodología de estudio, operatividad de variables, y la muestra a estudiar. Luego se procedió a la caracterización de la población y área estudiada, así como las actividades productivas. Dentro de la Higiene Industrial, se monitoreó la exposición del nivel de presión sonora, se realizó el comparativo con el nivel permisible (TWA 8 horas) establecido en el “Reglamento de Seguridad y Salud de los Trabajadores”, D.E. 2393. En términos de Seguridad Industrial, se analizó el equipo de protección personal EPP utilizado, y las variables determinantes. En el ámbito de Salud Ocupacional, se estudió: características personales de trabajadores, patologías relacionadas con sordera, y un cuestionario de exposición al ruido. Finalmente se determinó la existencia de sobreexposición a ruido laboral en la empresa objeto de estudio, mediante el estudio del estado de salud auditiva de los colaboradores se determinó la gran incidencia de personal sano y finalmente se determinó las medidas de control a implementarse enfatizadas a la realidad descubierta en el presente estudio, las que incluyen cambios en equipos y maquinaria, buenas prácticas de trabajo, planes de adiestramiento y capacitación en todo el personal entre otros.


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The current Amazon landscape consists of heterogeneous mosaics formed by interactions between the original forest and productive activities. Recognizing and quantifying the characteristics of these landscapes is essential for understanding agricultural production chains, assessing the impact of policies, and in planning future actions. Our main objective was to construct the regionalization of agricultural production for Rondônia State (Brazilian Amazon) at the municipal level. We adopted a decision tree approach, using land use maps derived from remote sensing data (PRODES and TerraClass) combined with socioeconomic data. The decision trees allowed us to allocate municipalities to one of five agricultural production systems: (i) coexistence of livestock production and intensive agriculture; (ii) semi-intensive beef and milk production; (iii) semi-intensive beef production; (iv) intensive beef and milk production, and; (v) intensive beef production. These production systems are, respectively, linked to mechanized agriculture (i), traditional cattle farming with low management, with (ii) or without (iii) a significant presence of dairy farming, and to more intensive livestock farming with (iv) or without (v) a significant presence of dairy farming. The municipalities and associated production systems were then characterized using a wide variety of quantitative metrics grouped into four dimensions: (i) agricultural production; (ii) economics; (iii) territorial configuration, and; (iv) social characteristics. We found that production systems linked to mechanized agriculture predominate in the south of the state, while intensive farming is mainly found in the center of the state. Semi-intensive livestock farming is mainly located close to the southwest frontier and in the north of the state, where human occupation of the territory is not fully consolidated. This distributional pattern reflects the origins of the agricultural production system of Rondônia. Moreover, the characterization of the production systems provides insights into the pattern of occupation of the Amazon and the socioeconomic consequences of continuing agricultural expansion.


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O território da Serra da Lousã, quase desabitado e profundamente descaracterizado, esconde lugares em ruína e indícios de vivências passadas que a montanha teima em reclamar. Importa recuperar esses lugares reinventando-os, sob pena de se perderem com o passar do tempo e o avanço do meio natural. Este trabalho debruça-se sobre um dos lugares abandonados desta serra, a Silveira de Baixo, procurando nas suas raízes oportunidades para uma reactivação. Estuda a hipótese de tornar a aldeia e esta parte da serra, acessíveis a pessoas portadoras de deficiências, físicas ou cognitivas, tendo assim um duplo objetivo: permitir o acesso para todos a lugares de grande beleza natural e reactivar uma economia local que permita um desenvolvimento sustentado, através de actividades e produtos nativos deste território, conservando assim alguns dos seus saberes ancestrais. Desenha-se deste modo o início de uma comunidade, experimentando um equilíbrio entre o antigo e o contemporâneo, negando a musealização do lugar que o pode tornar estéril e constitui um impedimento no retorno de vida a este território. Assim, o trabalho experimenta o papel da arquitectura na reactivação de um lugar antigo e com marcas, preservando os seus elementos notáveis e com eles construindo novas espacialidades que ajudem ao estabelecimento de vivências contemporâneas; Mountain setlements: Proposal for reactivating an abandoned village in Ceira river valley, Lousã mountain range Abstract: The Lousã mountain range, almost uninhabited and profoundly decharacterized, speaks to us through its ruins about ways of living that ceased to exist. It is important to recover and reinvent them, otherwise they will slowly vanish as time goes by and nature steps in. This investigation focus on one of these abandoned settlements, Silveira de Baixo. It looks in its roots for opportunities of reactivation, investigating the hypothesis of turning this village and the mountain accessible to the physically and mentally impaired, thus assuming a double objective, of allowing these disabled people to experience a place of extreme beauty and of reinventing and reactivating native productive activities thus conserving them and allowing for the village’s economical sustainability. This work designs a new beginning for a community and experiments the balance between the old and the new, without excessive patrimonialisation that often kills the return of life to such settlements. Experimenting the role of architecture in providing life to an abandoned place through a sustainable intervention.


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This paper explores how traditional media organizations (such as magazines, music, film, books, and newspapers) develop routines for coping with an increasingly productive audience. While previous studies have reported on how such organizations have been affected by digital technologies, this study makes a contribution to this literature by being one of the first to show how organizational routines for engaging with an increasingly productive audience actually emerge and diffuse between industries. The paper explores to what extent routines employed by two traditional media organizations have been brought in from other organizational settings, specifically from so-called ‘software platform operators’. Data on routines for engaging with productive audiences have been collected from two information-rich cases in the music and the magazine industries, and from eight high-profile software platform operators. The paper concludes that the routines employed by the two traditional media organizations and by the software platform operators are based on the same set of principles: Provide the audience with (a) tools that allow them to easily generate cultural content; (b) building blocks which facilitate their creative activities; and (c) recognition and rewards based on both rationality and emotion.


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The extent of rural women fisherfolks contribution to fisheries was grossly under estimated and certainly under valued. The basis of their involvement in fisheries activities is to make themselves equal partners to men productive and self reliant participants in the process of improving their own and their family living standard and to enable them realize their full potentials. This survey is informed a system of data collection with the aid of questionnaires and analysis. Ninety-six of the questionnaires were administered to women fisher folks in eight fishing communities selected at random. Thirty seven (97) percent of the women fisher folks are between the ages of 25-35 years, 59.4% of them can only read and write in Arabic language and 21.9% only are literature in western education, which is a general characteristic of the rural population in Nigeria. 24.0% of the respondents are in full time fishing activities while 65-5% are fishmongers. They belong to cooperative societies but only 26% indicated to have benefited from loan and credit facilities. 84.4% of the respondents are sustained by the business. The major problems facing women fisherfolks includes poor market price, fish spoilage, high transport cost and lack of access to loan and credit facilities and extension assistance. Solution to these problems will increase their status benefit and development


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Aim: This thesis examines a question posed by founding occupational scientist Dr. Elizabeth Yerxa (1993) – “what is the relationship between human engagement in a daily round of activity (such as work, play, rest and sleep) and the quality of life people experience including their healthfulness” (p. 3). Specifically, I consider Yerxa’s question in relation to the quotidian activities and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of late adolescents (aged 15 - 19 years) in Ireland. This research enquiry was informed by an occupational perspective of health and by population health, ecological, and positive youth development perspectives. Methods: This thesis is comprised of five studies. Two scoping literature reviews informed the direction of three empirical studies. In the latter, cross-sectional time use and HRQoL data were collected from a representative sample of 731 school-going late adolescents (response rate 52%) across 28 schools across Cork city and county (response rate 76%). In addition to socio-demographic data, time use data were collected using a standard time diary instrument while a nationally and internationally validated instrument, the KIDSCREEN-52, was used to measure HRQoL. Variable-centred and person-centred analyses were used. Results: The scoping reviews identified the lack of research on well populations or an adolescent age range within occupational therapy and occupational science; limited research testing the popular assumption that time use is related to overall well-being and quality of life; and the absence of studies that examined adolescent 24-hour time use and quality of life. Established international trends were mirrored in the findings of the examination of weekday and weekend time use. Aggregate-level, variable-centred analyses yielded some significant associations between HRQoL and individual activities, independent of school year, school location, family context, social class, nationality or diary day. The person-centred analysis of overall time use identified three male profiles (productive, high leisure and all-rounder) and two female profiles (higher study/lower leisure and moderate study/higher leisure). There was tentative support for the association between higher HRQoL and more balanced time use profiles. Conclusion: The findings of this thesis highlight the gendered nature of adolescent time use and HRQoL. Participation in daily activities, singly and in combination, appears to be associated with HRQoL. However, the nature of this relationship is complex. Individually and collectively, adolescents need to be educated and supported to create health through their everyday patterns of doing.


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Objective To assess the impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and automated dispensing system on the time spent providing a ward pharmacy service and the activities carried out. Setting Surgical ward, London teaching hospital. Method All data were collected two months pre- and one year post-intervention. First, the ward pharmacist recorded the time taken each day for four weeks. Second, an observational study was conducted over 10 weekdays, using two-dimensional work sampling, to identify the ward pharmacist's activities. Finally, medication orders were examined to identify pharmacists' endorsements that should have been, and were actually, made. Key findings Mean time to provide a weekday ward pharmacy service increased from 1 h 8 min to 1 h 38 min per day (P = 0.001; unpaired t-test). There were significant increases in time spent prescription monitoring, recommending changes in therapy/monitoring, giving advice or information, and non-productive time. There were decreases for supply, looking for charts and checking patients' own drugs. There was an increase in the amount of time spent with medical and pharmacy staff, and with 'self'. Seventy-eight per cent of patients' medication records could be assessed for endorsements pre- and 100% post-intervention. Endorsements were required for 390 (50%) of 787 medication orders pre-intervention and 190 (21%) of 897 afterwards (P < 0.0001; chi-square test). Endorsements were made for 214 (55%) of endorsement opportunities pre-intervention and 57 (30%) afterwards (P < 0.0001; chi-square test). Conclusion The intervention increased the overall time required to provide a ward pharmacy service and changed the types of activity undertaken. Contact time with medical and pharmacy staff increased. There was no significant change in time spent with patients. Fewer pharmacy endorsements were required post-intervention, but a lower percentage were actually made. The findings have important implications for the design, introduction and use of similar systems.