922 resultados para Private institutions
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Analisam-se as características de ofertas de emprego do setor da Informação-Documentação. A mostra foi obtida de anúncios na Internet, feitos por empresas e instituições privadas brasileiras, durante o ano de 2010. A atividade foi realizada no âmbito de pesquisa maior, que tem como objetivo geral construir uma taxonomia que classifique e hierarquize as competências e conhecimentos exigidos pelas empresas, bem como as características dos postos oferecidos. Extraiu-se a informação de 200 ofertas de emprego obtidas nos portais Catho e Portal do bibliotecário. Cada entrada foi mantida em seu contexto de incidência e com a expressão original. Os termos obtidos passaram por um processo de normalização. A análise busca classificar e valorar as atividades, conhecimentos e tarefas mais solicitados, bem como as aptidões, competências e habilidades, além das incidências das unidades e dos profissionais de informação.
Objective: To investigate the use of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) in level three neonatal intensive care units (NICU) in northeastern Brazil. Methods: This observational cross-sectional survey was conducted from March 2009 to January 2010 in all level three NICUs in northeastern Brazil that are registered in the Brazilian Registry of Health Establishments (Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saude, CNES) of the Ministry of Health. Questionnaires about the use of NIPPV were sent to the NICU directors in each institution. Statistical analysis was conducted using the software Epi-Info 6.04 and double data entry. A chi-square test was used to compare variables, and the level of statistical significance was set at p <= 0.05. Results: This study identified 93 level three NICUs in northeastern Brazil registered in CNES, and 87% answered the study questionnaire. Most classified themselves as private institutions (30.7%); 98.7% used NIPPV; 92.8 % adapted mechanical ventilators for NIPPV and used short binasal prongs as the interface (94.2%). Only 17.3% of the units had a protocol for the use of NIPPV. Mean positive inspiratory pressure and positive end-expiratory pressure were 20.0 cmH(2)O (standard deviation [SD]: 4.47) and 5.0 cmH(2)O (SD: 0.84). Conclusion: NICUs in northeastern Brazil use nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation, but indications and ventilation settings are not the same in the different institutions.
Analisam-se as características de ofertas de emprego do setor da Informação-Documentação. A mostra foi obtida de anúncios na Internet, feitos por empresas e instituições privadas brasileiras, durante o ano de 2010. A atividade foi realizada no âmbito de pesquisa maior, que tem como objetivo geral construir uma taxonomia que classifique e hierarquize as competências e conhecimentos exigidos pelas empresas, bem como as características dos postos oferecidos. Extraiu-se a informação de 200 ofertas de emprego obtidas nos portais Catho e Portal do bibliotecário. Cada entrada foi mantida em seu contexto de incidência e com a expressão original. Os termos obtidos passaram por um processo de normalização. A análise busca classificar e valorar as atividades, conhecimentos e tarefas mais solicitados, bem como as aptidões, competências e habilidades, além das incidências das unidades e dos profissionais de informação.
Background: Food and nutritional care quality must be assessed and scored, so as to improve health institution efficacy. This study aimed to detect and compare actions related to food and nutritional care quality in public and private hospitals. Methods: Investigation of the Hospital Food and Nutrition Service (HFNS) of 37 hospitals by means of structured interviews assessing two quality control corpora, namely nutritional care quality (NCQ) and hospital food service quality (FSQ). HFNS was also evaluated with respect to human resources per hospital bed and per produced meal. Results: Comparison between public and private institutions revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the number of hospital beds per HFNS staff member (p = 0.02) and per dietitian (p < 0.01). The mean compliance with NCQ criteria in public and private institutions was 51.8% and 41.6%, respectively. The percentage of public and private health institutions in conformity with FSQ criteria was 42.4% and 49.1%, respectively. Most of the actions comprising each corpus, NCQ and FSQ, varied considerably between the two types of institution. NCQ was positively influenced by hospital type (general) and presence of a clinical dietitian. FSQ was affected by institution size: large and medium-sized hospitals were significantly better than small ones. Conclusions: Food and nutritional care in hospital is still incipient, and actions concerning both nutritional care and food service take place on an irregular basis. It is clear that the design of food and nutritional care in hospital indicators is mandatory, and that guidelines for the development of actions as well as qualification and assessment of nutritional care are urgent.
Objective: To describe and analyze the teaching of the Integrated Management of hildhood Illness (IMCI) strategy on Brazilian undergraduate nursing programs. Method: Integrating an international multicentric study, a cross-sectional online survey was conducted between May and October 2010 with 571 undergraduate nursing programs in Brazil Results: Responses were received from 142 programs, 75% private and 25% public. 64% of them included the IMCI strategy in the theoretical content, and 50% of the programs included IMCI as part of the students’ practical experience. The locations most used for practical teaching were primary health care units. The ‘treatment’ module was taught by the fewest number of programs, and few programs had access to the IMCI instructional manuals. All programs used exams for evaluation, and private institutions were more likely to include class participation as part of the evaluation. Teaching staff in public institutions were more likely to have received training in teaching IMCI. Conclusion: In spite of the relevance of the IMCI strategy in care of the child, its content is not addressed in all undergraduate programs in Brazil, and many programs do not have access to the IMCI teaching manuals and have not provide training in IMCI to their teaching staff.
The past several decades, the need for hearing health services is still great, especially in the northeast, the Amazonian, and the southern regions Brazil, officially Federative Republic of Brazil, is the largest Portuguese-speaking country, and the fifth largest country in the world by population and by land. The vast land not only brings rich natural resources but also large varieties of exotic vegetation and wildlife. One hundred and ninety-three million inhabitants live in five geographical regions with diverse cultural practices influenced by immigrants from Italy, Spain, Japan, Germany, and other countries. Brazilian people generally are warm-hearted, very welcoming, and resilient. They are optimistic and creative despite having encountered many economic downturns and political challenges throughout history. A bachelor's degree is the entry level for the profession. As only 19 percent of the population aged 18–24 years have access to higher education, the competition for admissions is fierce, especially in government institutions. High school students need to pass tests of general knowledge in a national examination and a university-specific examination. Government educational institutions offer good education without charging tuition. The majority of scientific papers are also produced by scholars working in government institutions. Private institutions are generally ranked lower in academic rigor (Behlau and Gasparini, 2006), except for a few top-ranking institutions. The fields of speech-language pathology and audiology are marked by rapid changes in recent years. Currently, there are 104 undergraduate programs recognized by the Ministry of Education and distributed in all but three federal states of Brazil.
O presente estudo teve dois objetivos complementares: entender o desenvolvimento da instituição privada Programa Integrado de Desenvolvimento e Qualificação de Fornecedores (Prodfor), um programa específico de padronização e certificação de fornecedores locais de produtos e serviços no estado do Espírito Santo; e testar se o programa causou redução de custos de transação para as mantenedoras nas compras de bens e serviços. Foram utilizados os conceitos da nova economia institucional para desenvolver hipóteses a respeito do impacto da certificação sobre o desempenho de compras das empresas mantenedoras. Os resultados da pesquisa de campo e dos testes de média não paramétricos indicam que houve redução nos custos de transação das empresas compradoras após a implantação do programa. Complementarmente, verificou-se que houve maior redução nos custos de transação relacionados às atividades posteriores (ex post) às transações de compra em comparação com os custos associados às atividades anteriores à transação de compra (ex ante).
La materia della responsabilità medico-sanitaria è stata interessata nell’ultimo decennio da significative innovazioni, innescate da diversi fattori, quali gli eccezionali progressi scientifici e tecnologici, l’influenza dei diritti stranieri e, in particolare, quello di fonte comunitaria. Tale fenomeno trascende il rapporto diretto medico-paziente e coinvolge la struttura sanitaria e la dimensione organizzativa della stessa. Sintomatica di tali innovazioni è la profonda evoluzione terminologica. Attualmente, infatti, si fa riferimento alla responsabilità medica o medico-sanitaria e non più alla responsabilità del medico, in quanto non può trascurarsi l’indispensabile apporto del personale infermieristico, delle ostetriche, degli assistenti sanitari e dei tecnici delle diverse branche della medicina. Si assiste, pertanto, ad un fenomeno di «spersonalizzazione» ed aggravamento della complessità dell’attività sanitaria: al trattamento propriamente diagnostico e terapeutico, si affiancano altre attività, di tipo informativo, alberghiero, assistenziale, così come nuove tipologie di trattamenti, quali la chirurgia estetica e ricostruttiva, il potenziamento fisico e muscolare, la sterilizzazione, la modificazione dei caratteri sessuali esterni. Ultimamente, poi, l’attenzione si è spostata sul destinatario dell’attività medica e, in particolar modo, sul consenso informato ai trattamenti sanitari e, soprattutto, alle modalità in cui lo stesso viene prestato. Al contempo, sono emersi aspetti di diritto costituzionale, attinenti alla tutela della persona, dei dati personali e sensibili, al diritto alla salute, concepito come diritto dell’essere umano in quanto tale, a prescindere dal requisito della cittadinanza, di diritto amministrativo, riguardanti l’organizzazione delle strutture sanitarie, di diritto penale e di deontologia professionale. All’incedere dei progressi scientifici e tecnologici raggiunti, tuttavia, corrisponde l’accanito desiderio di rivalsa in caso di fallimento delle cure e dei trattamenti o di esiti nefasti degli stessi, la quale ha condotto ad una sensibile accentuazione dei giudizi di responsabilità in campo medico. Basti pensare che, nell’ultimo decennio, i processi civili sono addirittura triplicati per il concatenarsi di molteplici concause: l’aumento delle patologie curate, l’evoluzione qualitativa dei mezzi di cura, la sensibilizzazione delle associazioni a difesa dei diritti del malato, l’allungamento della vita media dell’uomo, la pressione dei mass-media, la maggior consapevolezza dei propri diritti da parte del cittadino, la stessa evoluzione della responsabilità civile e delle sue funzioni. Ciò ha comportato, tra l’altro, un certo grado di uniformità nella disciplina applicabile agli illeciti, a prescindere dal titolo contrattuale o extracontrattuale della responsabilità.
Rumiana Stoilova (Bulgaria). Social Policy Facing the Problems of Youth Employment. Ms. Stoilova is a researcher in the Institute of Sociology in Sofia and worked on this project from October 1996 to September 1998. This project involved collecting both statistical and empirical data on the state of youth employment in Bulgaria, which was then compared with similar data from other European countries. One significant aspect was the parallel investigation of employment and unemployment, which took as a premise the continuity of professional experience where unemployment is just a temporary condition caused by external and internal factors. These need to be studied and changed on a systematic basis so as to create a more favourable market situation and to improve individuals' resources for improving their market opportunities. A second important aspect of the project was an analysis of the various entities active on the labour market, including government and private institutions, associations of unemployed persons, of employers or of trade unions, all with their specific legal powers and interests, and of the problems in communication between these. The major trends in youth unemployment during the period studied include a high proportion of the registered unemployed who are not eligible for social assistance, a lengthening of the average period of unemployment, an increase in the percentage of people who are unemployed for the first time and an increasing percentage of these who are not eligible for assistance, particularly among newly registered young people. At the same time the percentage of those for who work has been found is rising and during the last three years an increasing number of the unemployed have started some independent economic activity. Regional differences are also considerable and in the case of the Haskovo region represent a danger of losing the youngest generation, with resulting negative demographic effects. One major weakness of the existing institutional structure is the large scale of the black labour market, with clear negative implications for the young people drawn into it. The role of non-governmental organisations in providing support and information for the unemployed is growing and the government has recently introduced special preferences for organisations offering jobs to unemployed persons. Social policy in the labour market has however been largely restricted to passive measures, mostly because of the risk that poverty poses to people continuously excluded from the labour market. Among the active measures taken, well over half are concerned with providing jobs for the unemployed and there are very limited programmes for providing or improving qualifications. The nature of youth employment in Bulgaria can be seen in the influence of sustained structures (generation) and institutions (family and school). Ms. Stoilova studied the situation of the modern generation through a series of profiles, mostly those of continuously unemployed and self-employed persons, but also distinguishing between students and the unemployed, and between high school and university students. The different categories of young people were studied in separate mini-studies and the survey was carried out in five town in order to gather objective and subjective information on the state of the labour market in the different regions. She conducted interviews with several hundred young people covering questions of family background, career plans, attitudes to the labour situation and government measures to deal with it, and such questions as independence, mobility, attitude to work, etc. The interviews with young people unemployed for a long period of time show the risk involved in starting work and its link with dynamics of economic development. Their approval of structural reforms, of the financial restrictions connected with the introduction of a currency board and the inevitability of unemployment was largely declarative. The findings indicate that the continuously unemployed need practical knowledge and skills to "translate" the macroeconomic realities in concrete alternatives of individual work and initiative. The unemployed experience their exclusion from the labour market not only as a professional problem but also as an existential threat, of poverty, forced mobility and dependence on their parents' generation. The exclusion from the market of goods and services means more than just exercising restraint in their consumption, as it places restrictions on their personal development. Ms. Stoilova suggests that more efficient ways of providing financial aid and mobilisation are needed to counteract the social disintegration and marginalisation of the continuously unemployed. In measuring the speed of reform, university students took both employment opportunities and the implementation of the meritocratic principle in employment into account. When offered a hypothetical choice between a well-paid job and work in one's own profession, 62% would prefer opt for the well-paid job and for working for a company that offered career opportunities rather than employment in a family or own company. While most see the information gained during their studies as useful and interesting, relatively few see their education as competitive on a wider level and many were pessimistic about employment opportunities based on their qualifications. Very similar attitudes were found among high school students, with differences being due rather to family and personal situations. The unemployed, on the other hand, placed greater emphasis on possibilities of gaining or improving qualifications on a job and for the opportunities it would offer for personal contacts. High school students tend to attribute more significance to opportunities for personal accomplishment. A significant difference that five times fewer high school students were willing to work for state-owned companies, and many fewer expected to find permanent employment or to find a job in the area where they lived, Within the family situation, actual support for children seems to be higher than the feelings of confidence expressed in interviews. The attitudes of the families towards past experience seems to be linked with their ability to cope with the difficulties of the present, with those families which show an optimistic and active attitude towards the future having a greater respect for parents experience and tolerance in communication between parents and children.
En este trabajo se presentan algunos avances de un proyecto sobre empleo profesional de egresados de universidades públicas y privadas en México. Concretamente se describen los resultados de la fase de indagación cuantitativa de las características de la matrícula y el egreso de nivel universitario por área de estudio, carrera y régimen, de 1970 al 2005, para la población total a nivel nacional, así como algunas características de la participación laboral de nivel profesional. El trabajo se centra en la población de instituciones públicas y privadas por la presencia creciente de estas últimas en la atención de la demanda y para comprender un mercado laboral que parece cada vez más competido y diferenciado por origen institucional. Partimos del supuesto de que la exploración cuantitativa de la dinámica de la educación superior en México en los últimos 35 años, ofrece elementos para conocer algunas de las características de los mercados laborales de nivel profesional y sus niveles de tensión por saturación. En este sentido, la indagación cuantitativa del estudio es una dimensión, entre otras, que contribuye en cierta medida a la comprensión del papel de la educación en el mercado laboral y, en general, de la función social de la educación, dos de los objetivos más amplios del proyecto en el que se enmarca lo que aquí se expone
El artículo tiene como propósito el estudio de las relaciones interinstitucionales presentes en los Sistemas Productivos Locales (SPL), poniendo especial atención a la forma en que son establecidas, su grado de consolidación interna, los efectos dinamizadores del desarrollo local por ellas generados y la forma en que se ven influenciadas o no por las cadenas de valor globales. Para ello, se utiliza como ejemplo el sistema productivo de Crespo y las aldeas aledañas, situado en la provincia de Entre Ríos. La metodología se enfoca en el análisis cuali-cuantitativo de información secundaria (estadísticas, censos, relevamientos etc.), y cualitativo de información primaria obtenida a través de la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a informantes calificados. Los resultados destacan la existencia de una experiencia de articulación interinstitucional, que nuclea a distintas entidades públicas y privadas asentadas en el territorio, orientada a la generación de estrategias de gestión de corto, mediano y largo plazo para mejorar el nivel de competitividad de la localidad, en el marco de un sistema productivo que apunta al desarrollo local sustentable
El artículo tiene como propósito el estudio de las relaciones interinstitucionales presentes en los Sistemas Productivos Locales (SPL), poniendo especial atención a la forma en que son establecidas, su grado de consolidación interna, los efectos dinamizadores del desarrollo local por ellas generados y la forma en que se ven influenciadas o no por las cadenas de valor globales. Para ello, se utiliza como ejemplo el sistema productivo de Crespo y las aldeas aledañas, situado en la provincia de Entre Ríos. La metodología se enfoca en el análisis cuali-cuantitativo de información secundaria (estadísticas, censos, relevamientos etc.), y cualitativo de información primaria obtenida a través de la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a informantes calificados. Los resultados destacan la existencia de una experiencia de articulación interinstitucional, que nuclea a distintas entidades públicas y privadas asentadas en el territorio, orientada a la generación de estrategias de gestión de corto, mediano y largo plazo para mejorar el nivel de competitividad de la localidad, en el marco de un sistema productivo que apunta al desarrollo local sustentable
En este trabajo se presentan algunos avances de un proyecto sobre empleo profesional de egresados de universidades públicas y privadas en México. Concretamente se describen los resultados de la fase de indagación cuantitativa de las características de la matrícula y el egreso de nivel universitario por área de estudio, carrera y régimen, de 1970 al 2005, para la población total a nivel nacional, así como algunas características de la participación laboral de nivel profesional. El trabajo se centra en la población de instituciones públicas y privadas por la presencia creciente de estas últimas en la atención de la demanda y para comprender un mercado laboral que parece cada vez más competido y diferenciado por origen institucional. Partimos del supuesto de que la exploración cuantitativa de la dinámica de la educación superior en México en los últimos 35 años, ofrece elementos para conocer algunas de las características de los mercados laborales de nivel profesional y sus niveles de tensión por saturación. En este sentido, la indagación cuantitativa del estudio es una dimensión, entre otras, que contribuye en cierta medida a la comprensión del papel de la educación en el mercado laboral y, en general, de la función social de la educación, dos de los objetivos más amplios del proyecto en el que se enmarca lo que aquí se expone