934 resultados para Positive-negative Dichotomy


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This dissertation analyzes the effect of market analysts’ expectations of share prices (price targets) on executive compensation. It examines how well the estimated effects of price targets on compensation fit with two competing views on determining executive compensation: the arm’s length bargaining model, which assumes that a board seeks to maximize shareholders’ interests, and the managerial power model, which assumes that a board seeks to maximize managers’ compensation (Bebchuk et al. 2005). The first chapter documents the pattern of CEO pay from fiscal year 1996 to 2010. The second chapter analyzes the Institutional Broker Estimate System Detail History Price Target data file, which that reports analysts’ price targets for firms. I show that the number of price target announcements is positively associated with company share price’s volatility, that price targets are predictive of changes in the value of stocks, and that when analysts announce positive (negative) expectations of future stock price, share prices change in the same direction in the short run. The third chapter analyzes the effect of price targets on executive compensation. I find that analysts' price targets alter the composition of executive pay between cash-based compensation and stock-based compensation. When analysts forecast a rise (fall) in the share price for a firm, the compensation package tilts toward stock-based (cash-based) compensation. The substitution effect is stronger in companies that have weaker corporate governance. The fourth chapter explores the effect of the introduction of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002 and its reinforcement in 2006 on the options granting process. I show that the introduction of SOX and its reinforcement eliminated the practice of backdating options but increased “spring-loading” of option grants around price targets announcements. Overall, the dissertation shows that price targets provide insights into the determinants of executive pay in favor of the managerial power model.


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Phenomenology is a critical component of autobiographical memory retrieval. Some memories are vivid and rich in sensory details whereas others are faded; some memories are experienced as emotionally intense whereas others are not. Sutin and Robins (2007) identified 10 dimensions in which a memory may vary—i.e., Vividness, Coherence, Accessibility, Sensory Details, Emotional Intensity, Visual Perspective, Time Perspective, Sharing, Distancing, and Valence—and developed a comprehensive psychometrically sound measure of memory phenomenology, the Memory Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ). Phenomenology has been linked to underlining stable dispositions—i.e. personality, as well as to a variety of positive/negative psychological outcomes—well-being and life satisfaction, depression and anxiety, among others. Using the MEQ, a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study were conducted on a large sample of American and Italian adults. In both studies, participants retrieved two ‘key’ personal memories, a Turning Point and a Childhood Memory, and rated the affect and phenomenology of each memory. Participants also completed self-reported measures of personality (i.e. Neuroticism and Conscientiousness), and measures of depression, well-being and life satisfaction. The present research showed that phenomenological ratings tend (a) to cross-sectionally increase across adulthood (Study 1), and (b) to be moderately stable over time, regardless the contents of the memories (Study 2). Interrelations among memory phenomenology, personality and psychological outcome variables were also examined (Study 1 and Study 2). In particular, autobiographical memory phenomenology was proposed as a dynamic expression of personality functioning that partially explains adaptive/maladaptive psychological outcomes. In fact, the findings partially supported the hypothesized mediating effect of phenomenology on the personality association with psychological outcomes. Implications of the findings are discussed proposing future lines of research. In particular, the need for more longitudinal studies is highlighted, along with the combined application of both self-report questionnaires and narrative measures.


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Human HeLa cells transfected with mouse connexin45 were used to explore the experimental conditions suitable to measure currents carried by gap junction hemichannels. Experiments were performed with a voltage-clamp technique and whole-cell recording. Lowering [Ca(2+)](o) from 2 mM to 20 nM evoked an extra current, I (m), putatively carried by Cx45 hemichannels. However, the variability of I (m) (size, voltage sensitivity, kinetics) suggested the involvement of other channels. The finding that growth medium in the incubator increased the osmolarity with time implied that volume-regulated anion channels (VRAC) may participate. This assumption was reinforced by the following observations. On the one hand, keeping [Ca(2+)](o) normal while the osmolarity of the extracellular solution was reduced from 310 to 290 mOsm yielded a current characteristic of VRAC; I (VRAC) activated/deactivated at negative/positive voltage, giving rise to the conductance functions g (VRAC,inst)=f(V (m)) (inst: instantaneous; V (m): membrane potential) and g (VRAC,ss)=f(V (m)) (ss: steady state). Moreover, it was reversibly inhibited by mibefradil, a Cl(-)channel blocker (binding constant K (d)=38 microM, Hill coefficient n=12), but not by the gap junction channel blocker 18alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid. On the other hand, minimizing the osmotic imbalance while [Ca(2+)](o) was reduced led to a current typical for Cx45 hemichannels; I (hc) activated/deactivated at positive/negative voltage. Furthermore, it was reversibly inhibited by 18alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid or palmitoleic acid, but not by mibefradil. Computations based on g (VRAC,ss)=f(V (m)) and g (hc,ss)=f(V (m)) indicated that the concomitant operation of both currents results in a bell-shaped conductance-voltage relationship. The functional implications of the data presented are discussed. Conceivably, VRAC and hemichannels are involved in a common signaling pathway.


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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that a low clinical pretest probability may be adequate for excluding heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. However, for patients with intermediate or high pretest probability, laboratory testing is essential for confirming or refuting the diagnosis. Rapid assessment of anti-PF4/heparin-antibodies may assist clinical decision-making. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of rapid ID-H/PF4-PaGIA. In particular, we verified reproducibility of results between plasma and serum specimens, between fresh and frozen samples, and between different ID-H/PF4-polymer lots (polystyrene beads coated with heparin/PF4-complexes). PATIENTS/METHODS: The samples studied were 1376 plasma and 914 corresponding serum samples from patients investigated for suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia between January 2000 and October 2008. Anti-PF4/heparin-antibodies were assessed by ID-H/PF4-PaGIA, commercially available ELISAs and heparin-induced platelet aggregation test. RESULTS: Among 914 paired plasma/serum samples we noted discordant results (negative vs. low-titre positive) in nine instances (1%; 95%CI, 0.4-1.6%). Overall, agreement between titres assessed in plasma vs. serum was highly significant (Spearman correlation coefficient, 0.975; P < 0.0001). Forty-seven samples tested both fresh and after freezing/thawing showed a good agreement, with one discordant positive/negative result (Spearman correlation coefficient, 0.970; P < 0.0001). Among 1376 plasma samples we noted a strikingly variable incidence of false negative results (none - 82%; 95%CI, 66-98%), depending on the employed ID-H/PF4-polymer lot. Faulty lots can be recognized by titrating commercial positive controls and stored samples of HIT-patients. CONCLUSION: Laboratories performing the assay should implement stringent internal quality controls in order to recognize potentially faulty ID-H/PF4-polymer lots, thus avoiding false negative results.


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The western North Pacific (WNP) is the area of the world most frequently affected by tropical cyclones (TCs). However, little is known about the socio-economic impacts of TCs in this region, probably because of the limited relevant loss data. Here, loss data from Munich RE's NatCatSERVICE database is used, a high-quality and widely consulted database of natural disasters. In the country-level loss normalisation technique we apply, the original loss data are normalised to present-day exposure levels by using the respective country's nominal gross domestic product at purchasing power parity as a proxy for wealth. The main focus of our study is on the question of whether the decadal-scale TC variability observed in the Northwest Pacific region in recent decades can be shown to manifest itself economically in an associated variability in losses. It is shown that since 1980 the frequency of TC-related loss events in the WNP exhibited, apart from seasonal and interannual variations, interdecadal variability with a period of about 22 yr – driven primarily by corresponding variations of Northwest Pacific TCs. Compared to the long-term mean, the number of loss events was found to be higher (lower) by 14% (9%) in the positive (negative) phase of the decadal-scale WNP TC frequency variability. This was identified for the period 1980–2008 by applying a wavelet analysis technique. It was also possible to demonstrate the same low-frequency variability in normalised direct economic losses from TCs in the WNP region. The identification of possible physical mechanisms responsible for the observed decadal-scale Northwest Pacific TC variability will be the subject of future research, even if suggestions have already been made in earlier studies.


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The goal of the present work was to identify and characterize gene sequences that are preferentially expressed in CML in an effort to better understand the molecular basis of the disease. As high abundance mRNAs generally encode proteins that are phenotypically characteristic of cells, positive-negative screening of a CML cDNA library was used to identify cDNA clones containing sequences preferentially transcribed in CML. One cDNA sequence that fulfilled this criterion, C-A3, has been characterized in some detail. It represents a small mRNA ((TURN)496 nucleotides) that is highly abundant ((TURN)2% of the poly(A('+))RNA) in cells from the chronic phase of CML. In situ hybridization to whole cells indicates the principal leukocytes that express C-A3 sequences are eosinophils, basophils and immature myelocytes. Surprisingly, CML patients with high numbers of myeloblasts do not have an abundance of C-A3 transcripts, although transcript levels remain elevated in patients with lymphoblasts. In AML, high transcript levels are only found sporadically and occasionally different sized transcripts can be detected. Sequences from the 3' end of the C-A3 message are present in 2-5 copies per haploid genome. The 3' end of C-A3 localizes to bands 8q21.1 and 8q23 by in situ chromosomal hybridization. This is a region that is often involved in hematopoietic malignancies. Restriction digests of human genomic DNA show a correlation between the presence of a 2.3 kb Hind III fragment and certain types of leukemia. All of the leukemic DNAs tested had this fragment. In comparison, only one of five normal DNAs had a band this size. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence indicates that C-A3 probably encodes a small, hydrophobic peptide which may be part of a larger protein. ^


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PURPOSE In patients with schizophrenia, premorbid psychosocial adjustment is an important predictor of functional outcome. We studied functional outcome in young clinical high-risk (CHR) patients and how this was predicted by their childhood to adolescence premorbid adjustment. METHODS In all, 245 young help-seeking CHR patients were assessed with the Premorbid Adjustment Scale, the Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes (SIPS) and the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument (SPI-A). The SIPS assesses positive, negative, disorganised, general symptoms, and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), the SPI-A self-experienced basic symptoms; they were carried out at baseline, at 9-month and 18-month follow-up. Transitions to psychosis were identified. In the hierarchical linear model, associations between premorbid adjustment, background data, symptoms, transitions to psychosis and GAF scores were analysed. RESULTS During the 18-month follow-up, GAF scores improved significantly, and the proportion of patients with poor functioning decreased from 74% to 37%. Poor premorbid adjustment, single marital status, poor work status, and symptoms were associated with low baseline GAF scores. Low GAF scores were predicted by poor premorbid adjustment, negative, positive and basic symptoms, and poor baseline work status. The association between premorbid adjustment and follow-up GAF scores remained significant, even when baseline GAF and transition to psychosis were included in the model. CONCLUSION A great majority of help-seeking CHR patients suffer from deficits in their functioning. In CHR patients, premorbid psychosocial adjustment, baseline positive, negative, basic symptoms and poor working/schooling situation predict poor short-term functional outcome. These aspects should be taken into account when acute intervention and long-term rehabilitation for improving outcome in CHR patients are carried out.


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The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of climatic factors (i.e. monthly mean temperature and total precipitation) on radial growth (earlywood width, latewood width, and total ringwidth) and on latewood stable carbon isotope composition in a pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L) stand in northeastern Hungary. Earlywood widths showed the weakest common variance and lack of statistically significant relationship to monthly precipitation and temperature. Latewood width showed the strongest common chronological signal. Correlation analysis with the monthly climate series pointed out the strongest positive/negative correlation with June precipitation for latewood width/stable carbon isotope ratio. These parameters shared the strongest climatic response also for seasonal scale since the highest correlation coefficients, 0.49 and -0.62 for latewood width and stable carbon isotope ratio, respectively, were obtained for both with a 10-month precipitation total (from previous November to current August of the growing season). A combined parameter, derived as difference between latewood width and stable carbon isotope indices showed improved statistical relationship compared to the hydroclimatic calibration target both for local and regional spatial scales. Spatial correlation analysis indicated that the hydroclimatic signal encoded in these moisture sensitive tree-ring parameters from Bakta Forest is expected to be representative for the northeastern Carpathians and for the large part of the Great Hungarian Plain. In addition, the hydroclimatic signal of latewood width chronology was compared to three independent records. Results showed that neither the strength nor the rank of the similarity of the local hydroclimate signals were stable throughout the past two centuries. Future palaeo(hydro)climatological efforts targeting the Carpathian(-Balkan) region are recommended to track carefully the spatial domains for which a given, local, proxy-derived hydroclimate reconstruction might provide useful information.


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Introduction According to Lent and Lopez’ (2002) tripartite view of efficacy beliefs, members of a team form beliefs about the efficacy of their team partners. This other-efficacy belief can influence individual performance as shown by Dunlop, Beatty, and Beauchamp (2011) in their experimental study using manipulated performance feedback to alter other-efficacy beliefs. Participants holding favorable other-efficacy beliefs outperformed those with lower other--‐efficacy beliefs. Antecedents of such other-efficacy beliefs are amongst others perceptions regarding motivation and psychological factors of the partner (Jackson, Knapp, & Beauchamp, 2008). Overt self-talk could be interpreted as the manifestation of such motivational or psychological factors. In line with this assumption, in an experimental study using dubbed videos of the same segment of a tennis match, Van Raalte, Brewer, Cornelius, and Petitpas (2006) found that players were perceived more favorably (e.g., more concentrated, and of higher ability levels) when shown with dubbed positive self-talk as compared to dubbed negative or no dubbed self--‐talk. Objectives The aim of the study was to examine the possible effects of a confederate’s overt self-talk on participants’ other-efficacy beliefs and performance in a team setting. Method In a laboratory experiment (between-subjects, pre-post-test design, matched by pretest performance) 89 undergraduate students (female = 35, M = 20.81 years, SD = 2.34) participated in a golf putting task together with a confederate (same gender groups). Depending on the experimental condition (positive, negative, or no self-talk), the confederate commented his or her putts according to a self-talk script. Bogus performance feedback assured that the performance of the confederate was held constant. Performance was measured as the distance to the center of the target, other-efficacy by a questionnaire. Results The data collection has just finished and the results of repeated measures analyses of variance will be presented and discussed at the congress. We expect to find higher other-efficacy beliefs and better individual performance in the positive self-talk condition. References Dunlop, W.L., Beatty, D.J., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2011). Examining the influence of other-efficacy and self-efficacy on personal performance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 33, 586-593. Jackson, B., Knapp, P., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2008). Origins and consequences of tripartite efficacy beliefs within elite athlete dyads. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30, 512-540. Lent, R.W., & Lopez, F.G. (2002). Cognitive ties that bind: A tripartite view of efficacy beliefs in growth--‐promoting relationships. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21, 256-286. Van Raalte, J.L., Brewer, B.W, Cornelius, A.E., & Petitpas, A.J. (2006). Self-presentational effects of self-talk on perceptions of tennis players. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 134-149.


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The present study applies a micro‐level perspective on how within‐individual differenc motivational and social‐cognitive factors affect the weekly fluctuations of engageme proactive career behaviors among a group of 67 German university students. Career efficacy beliefs, perceived career barriers, experienced social career support, positive negative emotions, and career engagement were assessed weekly for 13 consecutive w Hierarchical linear regression analyses showed that above‐average levels of career engage within individuals were predicted by higher than average perceived social support and pos emotions during a given week. Conversely, within‐individual differences in self‐effi barriers, and negative emotions had no effect. The results suggest that career interven should provide boosts in social support and positive emotions.


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According to the intention superiority effect, people remember more future intentions than past events. Moreover, several studies have shown a facilitation of retrieving positive compared to negative or neutral events. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of age on the intention superiority effect for positive, negative and neutral events. We asked a group of young and a group of older adults to report their future intentions and their memories of past events from a specific time-window (i.e., day, week or year). Additionally, we prompted them to rate each intention/memory as positive, negative or neutral. The results showed more positive than negative or neutral future and past events in both age-groups and more negative events of young adults compared with reported negative events of older adults. Critically, there was an intention superiority effect for positive events in both age-groups, but only in the “year” time-window. These results suggest that the retrieval of positive future events is facilitated, at least for a large time-perspective, and independent of age-effects.


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In der sportpsychologischen Forschung werden sowohl offene als auch verdeckte Selbstgespräche mehrheitlich als rein intrapersonale Phänomene betrachtet und sowohl deren Antezedenzien als auch Konsequenzen nur auf die mit sich selbst sprechende Person bezogen untersucht. Erste laborexperimentelle Studien, die die Effekte von offenen Selbstgesprächen auf die Eindrucksbildung (Graf, Lier & Seiler, 2012; Van Raalte, Brewer, Cornelius & Petitpas, 2006) und die individuelle Leistung (Gould & Weiss, 1981) eines Beobachters nachweisen konnten und Aussagen verschiedener Tennisspieler (Rimmer, Greenlees, Graydon, Thelwell & Buscombe, 2008), dass sie die offene Selbstgespräche der Gegner bei der Bildung eines ersten Eindrucks verwenden würden, deuten jedoch auf die Bedeutsamkeit von interpersonalen Konsequenzen von offenen Selbstgesprächen hin. Um das Verständnis für die interpersonalen Konsequenzen von offenen Selbstgesprächen im Sport zu vertiefen, wurden zwei Studien mit unterschiedlicher Methodik durchgeführt. In einer qualitativen Feldstudie wurden mit 13 Badmintonspielern im Anschluss an ihr Badminton Herren-Doppel Selbstkonfrontationsinterviews durchgeführt, um die Wahrnehmungsergebnisse nach offenen, während eines realen Wettkampfes geäusserten Selbstgesprächen zu untersuchen. Die wahrgenommenen positiven, negativen und motivierenden Selbstgespräche führten zu Zuschreibungen von mentalen Zuständen und Kognitionen und vereinzelt zur Einschätzung des episodischen Leistungsvermögens. Weiter lösten die Selbstgespräche verschiedene affektive Reaktionen und Erwartungsreaktionen aus, deren mögliche Konsequenzen für den weiteren Spielverlauf diskutiert werden. Um einzelne Resultate aus dieser ersten Studie eingehender zu analysieren (zugeschriebene Kompetenz und stellvertretende Valenzeinschätzung; Birrer & Seiler, 2008), und zur Untersuchung der Effekte der offenen Selbstgespräche auf die individuelle Leistung eines Teampartners wurde eine zweite, laborexperimentelle Studie durchgeführt. Zur Herstellung der drei experimentellen Bedingungen kam ein gleichgeschlechtlicher Konfident zum Einsatz, der als vermeintlicher Teampartner fungierte und der während der Golf-Putt-Aufgabe als Reaktion auf die eigenen Putts positive, negative oder keine Selbstgespräche führte. Bezogen auf die zugeschriebene Kompetenz zeigte sich kein allgemeiner, sondern ein von der Valenz der Probanden bedingter Effekt der negativen Selbstgespräche: War den Probanden die Aufgabe wichtig, führten negative Selbstgespräche zur Zuschreibung einer tiefen Kompetenz. Weiter lösten sowohl positive als auch negative Selbstgespräche die Einschätzung aus, dass dem Partner die Aufgabe wichtig ist. Keine Effekte hatten die Selbstgespräche auf die individuelle Leistung der Probanden. Explorativ durchgeführte Nachanalysen deuten jedoch darauf hin, dass sich die Selbstgespräche des Partners womöglich nach einer gewissen Zeit auf die individuelle Leistung der wahrnehmenden Person auswirken könnten, weshalb methodische Anpassungen diskutiert werden, mit Hilfe derer der Effekt der Selbstgespräche auf die Leistung gesteigert werden könnte. Neben den hypothesenprüfenden Tests ermittelten verschiedene Post-Hoc-Analysen aufschlussreiche Resulate (z.B. zu affektiven Reaktionen). Die Ergebnisse der beiden Studien bringen klar zum Ausdruck, dass die interpersonale Perspektive bei der Erforschung der Effekte von offenen Selbstgesprächen bedeutsame Erkenntnisse für Theorie und Praxis liefern kann.


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In order to reduce heterogeneity in schizophrenia, a system-specific approach consisting of the domains "language", "affect" and "motor behavior" has been proposed. We examined this system-specific approach for its applicability to clinical practice in the motor behavior domain, using the methodological approach of case studies, and discuss here the differences to the positive/negative concept. We analyzed eight cases with stable motor-dominant symptoms, and also quantitatively assessed motor behavior by using the Bern Psychopathology Scale (BPS), a standardized psychopathological assessment instrument, as well as actigraphic data. Characterization of cases using the positive/negative approach was not helpful. We found an overlap of the motor behavior domain with the other two domains. This complicates the application of the system-specific approach in the sense of a typology. Furthermore, we found both relapsing courses with full remission and chronic courses with deterioration within the motor-dominant subtype. Nevertheless, the system-specific approach has heuristic utility for the future.


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Context. The high prevalence of diabetes among Hispanics in the U.S. has stimulated increased interest in the role culture plays in Hispanics' risk of diabetes. It is critical to identify gaps in the existing research and to determine the relationship between acculturation and diabetes prevalence in the Hispanic population. ^ Objective. To review the current literature to evaluate the effects of acculturation on diabetes prevalence among Hispanic Americans. ^ Methods. A literature search of diabetes-related studies was conducted. Studies were selected for review if they reported at least one acculturation measure, used Hispanics adults (ages 18 and older) and included information regarding the diabetes prevalence of Hispanics and/or Latinos. Only those that examined acculturation by diabetes prevalence for Hispanics were included in the review. ^ Results. Sixteen studies were reviewed that met the search criteria and these studies used distinct measures of acculturation that captured four primary dimensions: time (duration of exposure to U.S. culture), language, culture and residence. Data represented studies conducted in a variety of settings, such as healthcare facilities in a state or region of the U.S. and nationally representative surveys. The data indicate positive, negative and no significant relationship with diabetes. Depending on the measure of acculturation used and gender the association between acculturation and diabetes varied. ^ Conclusions. There is no clear association between acculturation and diabetes prevalence; it can not be determined based on the available literature. Many of the studies examining this relationship found non-significant results and the directionality of the relationship varied greatly depending on the type of measure used, the number of measures used, and the study population. Ideal studies of acculturation should concentrate on investigating the links between time measures of acculturation, location of residence and changing beliefs, values and norms. A comprehensive acculturation scale is needed to better understand the complex relationship between diabetes prevalence amongst Hispanics and acculturation. ^


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Background. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is the most prevalent precursor to invasive breast cancer (IBC), the second leading cause of death in women in the United States. The three most important prognostic markers for IBC are Estrogen receptor (ER), Progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu. The four groups (IBC) defined as (1) ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu negative, (2) ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive (3) ER and/or PR negative and HER2/neu positive and (4) negative for all three of these receptors (Triple negative). However, they have not been well studied in DCIS. This is an exploratory study with a primary objective to examine the prevalence of ER, PR, and HER2/neu in DCIS, to explore if the defined groups of IBC occur in DCIS and to consider the biological relationship between these four groups and the proliferative activity of the tumor. A secondary goal of this study is to examine the relationship between grade and proliferative activity. Methods. Using immunohistochemistry, I have measured Ki-67, ER, PR and HER2/neu positivity for a series of cases of DCIS. Results. 20 ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu negative (50%) with average PI of 0.05, 7 ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive (17.5%) with average PI of 0.14, 10 ER and/or PR negative and HER2/neu positive (25%) with average PI of 0.18, and three triple negative (7.5%) with average PI of 0.18. ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive group has the highest PI (p<0.001). Further, the ER and/or PR positive and HER2/neu positive group show a linear relationship between PI and average ER/PR positivity (R=0.6). PI increases with higher grades. Conclusion. PI appears to depend upon the average fraction of positive ER/PR tumor cells, possibly with a synergistic dependence when HER2/neu is positive. If ER/PR is negative, then both HER2/neu positive and the triple negative cases appear to cluster around an average PI that is higher than the average PI in HER2/neu negative ER/PR positive negative cases. In the triple negative tumors there must be another driver of proliferation.^