997 resultados para Poly(copper phthalocyanine)


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Electroactive films of iron tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine (FeTsPc) were assembled via the electrostatic layer-by-layer technique (LBL), in which FeTsPc layers were alternated with the polycationic poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAN). The multilayer formation was monitored via UV-Vis spectroscopy by measuring the increase in the Q Band of FeTsPc at 676 nm. Film thickness was estimated by profilometry as ca. 10 Angstrom per bilayer. Fourier transform infrared and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy suggested specific interactions between FeTsPc and PAR Cyclic voltammograms showed reproducible pairs of oxidation-reduction peaks at 0.92 mV and 0.70 mV, respectively, for a 50-bilayer PAH/FeTsPc film at 50 mV/s (vs Ag/AgNO3).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Descreve-se um eletrodo de carbono modificado com fosfato de cobre (II) imobilizado em uma resina de poliéster (Cu3(PO4)2-Poly) para a determinação de rutina em amostras farmacêuticas por voltametria de onda quadrada. O eletrodo modificado permite a determinação de rutina em potencial (0.20 V vs Ag / AgCl (3,0 mol L-1 KCl)) menor que o observado em um eletrodo não modificado. Verificou-se que a corrente de pico foi linear com a concentração de rutina na faixa de 9,9 × 10-8 a 2,5 × 10-6 mol L-1, com um limite de detecção de 1,2 × 10-8 mol L-1. A resposta do eletrodo foi estável, sem variação significativa dentro de várias horas de operação contínua. A morfologia da superfície do eletrodo modificado foi caracterizada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e pelo sistema de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX). Os resultados obtidos foram precisos e exatos. Ademais, estes resultados estão de acordo com aqueles obtidos pelo método cromatográfico a um nível de confiança de 95%.


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The influence of layer-by-layer films of polyaniline and Ni-tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine (PANI/Ni-TS-Pc) on the electrical performance of polymeric light-emitting diodes (PLED) made from (poly[2-methoxy-5-(2`-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene]) (MEH-PPV) is investigated by using current versus voltage measurements and impedance spectroscopy. The PLED is composed by a thin layer of MEH-PPV sandwiched between indium tin oxide (ITO) and aluminum electrodes, resulting in the device structure ITO/(PANI/Ni-TS-Pc)(n)/MEH-PPV/Al, where n stands for the number of PANI/Ni-TS-Pc bilayers. The deposition of PANI/Ni-TS-Pc leads to a decrease in the driving voltage of the PLEDs, which reaches a minimum when n = 5 bilayers. In addition, impedance spectroscopy data reveal that the PLED impedance decreases as more PANI/Ni-TS-Pc bilayers are deposited. The PLED structure is further described by an equivalent circuit composed by two R-C combinations, one for the bulk and other for the interface components, in series with a resistance originated in the ITO contact. From the impedance curves, the values for each circuit element is determined and it is found that both, bulk and interface resistances are decreased upon PANI/Ni-TS-Pc deposition. The results indicate that PANI/NiTS-Pc films reduce the contact resistance at ITO/MEH-PPV interface, and for that reason improve the hole-injection within the PLED structure. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Complexes [Cu(2AcPh)Cl]center dot 2H(2)O (1), [Cu(2AcpClPh)Cl]center dot 2H(2)O (2), [Cu(2AcpNO(2)Ph)Cl] (3), [Cu(2BzPh)Cl] (4). [Cu(2BzpClPh)Cl] (5) and [Cu(2BzpNO(2)Ph)Cl] (6) were obtained with 2-acetylpyridine-phenylhydrazone (H2AcPh), 2-acetylpyridine-para-chloro-phenylhydrazone (H2AcpClPh), 2-acetylpyridine-para-nitro-phenylhydrazone (H2AcpNO(2)Ph), 2-benzoylpyridine-phenylhydrazone (H2BzPh), 2-benzoylpyridine-para-chloro-phenylhydrazone (H2BzpClPh) and 2-benzoylpyridine-para-nitro-phenylhydrazone (H2BzpNO(2)Ph). The hydrazones showed poor antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa but demonstrated significant antifungal activity against Candida albicans. Upon coordination to copper(II) the antibacterial and antifungal activities appreciably increased. H2AcpClPh, H2BzpClPh and their copper(II) complexes (2) and (5), respectively, were as active as fluconazole against C. albicans. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the field of organic thin films, manipulation at the nanoscale can be obtained by immobilization of different materials on platforms designed to enhance a specific property via the layer-by-layer technique. In this paper we describe the fabrication of nanostructured films containing cobalt tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine (CoTsPc) obtained through the layer-by-layer architecture and assembled with linear poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly(amidoamine) dendrimer (PAMAM) polyelectrolytes. Film growth was monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy following the Q band of CoTsPc and revealed a linear growth for both systems. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy showed that the driving force keeping the structure of the films was achieved upon interactions of CoTsPc sulfonic groups with protonated amine groups present in the positive polyelectrolyte. A comprehensive SPR investigation on film growth reproduced the deposition process dynamically and provided an estimation of the thicknesses of the layers. Both FTIR and SPR techniques suggested a preferential orientation of the Pc ring parallel to the substrate. The electrical conductivity of the PAH films deposited on interdigitated electrodes was found to be very sensitive to water vapor. These results point to the development of a phthalocyanine-based humidity sensor obtained from a simple thin film deposition technique, whose ability to tailor molecular organization was crucial to achieve high sensitivity.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential application of biodegradable nanoparticles containing a photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy. The poly (D,L lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles were studied by steady-state techniques, time-resolved fluorescence, and laser flash photolysis. The external morphology of the nanoparticles was established by scanning electron microscopy, and the biological activity was evaluated by in vitro cell culture by 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2,5 biphenyl) tetrazolium bromide assay. The particles were spherical in shape exhibiting a 435 nm diameter with a low tendency to aggregate. The loading efficiency was 77%. The phthalocyanine-loaded-nanoparticles maintained their photophysical behavior after encapsulation. The cellular viability was determined, obtaining 70% of cellular death. All the performed physical-chemical, photophysical, and photobiological measurements indicated that the phthalocyanine-loaded-nanoparticles are a promising drug delivery system for photodynamic therapy and photoprocesses. (C) 2012 Laser Institute of America.


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Oligomere mit konjugierten pi-Elektronensystemen sind für die Materialwissenschaften von großer Bedeutung. Die vielfältigen und umfangreichen Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet gründen im Potenzial dieser Substanzklassen, das im Bereich der Laserfarbstoffe, Leuchtdioden, Photoleiter, optische Schalter oder auch der molekularen Elektronik angesiedelt ist. Zu diesen gehören auch die in dieser Arbeit synthetisierten und untersuchten Phenylenethinylene. Die Herstellung der Oligomere erfolgt nach der Methode von Sonogashira und Hagihara. Dabei wird ein Halogenaren mit einer Alkinkomponente zur Reaktion gebracht. Als Katalysator dient dabei ein Gemisch aus Bis(triphenylphosphin-palladiumdichlorid), Kupfer-(I)-iodid und Triphenylphosphin. Verwendung fanden bei der Synthese zwei Arten von Schutzgruppen. Es handelt sich dabei einerseits um die Trimethylsilyl- und die Triisopropylsilyl-Funktion, die unabhängig voneinander in ein System eingeführt werden und selektiv wieder entfernt werden können. Die zweite Art sind die Halogene Brom und Iod, die aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaft vielmehr als 'dormant group' bezeichnet werden müssen. Eine Ethinylierung führt zunächst zur Substitution des Iod- und anschließend des Bromatoms. Die so erhaltenen Oligomere werden mit verschiedenen spektroskopischen Methoden untersucht. Besonderes Interesse liegt dabei auf der Bestimmung der effektiven Konjugationslänge (EKL). Damit ist es möglich, die Länge des konjugierten Systems zu bestimmen, das für die betreffenden Eigenschaften des entsprechenden Polymers maßgeblich ist. Das nichtlineare optische Verhalten der Oligomere wird mittels der Third-Harmonic-Generation-Methode (THG) gemessen. Die resultierende Größe, die Suszeptibilität 3. Ordnung, gibt Aufschluß über mögliche industrielle Anwendungen.


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Inspiriert durch natürlich vorkommende Peptide, sind Poly(2-oxazoline) vielversprechende Kandidaten für Anwendungen in Bereichen des kontrollierten Wirkstoff- bzw. Gentransportes, wie die moderne Biomedizin dies fordert. Da Polyoxazoline als strukturisomere Amide von natürlichen Polypeptiden aufgefasst werden können, zeigen diese synthetischen Polymere in direktem Vergleich erhebliche Vorteile etwa hinsichtlich Zytotoxizät und Effizienz, was wesentlich dazu beitragen kann, aktuelle Hürden biomedizinischer Fragestellungen hinsichtlich Transport und Targeting zu überwinden. Darüber hinaus sollten zylindrische Polymerbürsten aufgrund ihrer molekularen, architekturbedingten Formanisotropie und jüngsten Ergebnissen insbesondere zur formabhängigen Endozytose sehr aussichtsreiche Kandidaten für den Einsatz zum Wirkstofftransport sein.rnrnDie vorliegende Arbeit widmete sich deshalb der Synthese und Charakterisierung von biokompatiblen zylindrischen Poly(2-oxazolin)bürsten als potentielle Nanotransporter von Wirkstoffen, Biomolekülen oder genetischem Material. Als Monomer wurde zunächst 2-Isopropyloxazolin gewählt, da das Polymer eine Phasenübergangstemperatur von 37 °C besitzt, was für Konjugatsynthesen wie auch diverse biomedizinische Applikationen interessant sein kann. Durch terminierende Methacrylamid Funktionalisierung der lebenden kationischen Oxazolinpolymerisation bzw. nachfolgende Endgruppen Transferreaktionen sind Makromonomere im Bereich 1000-5000 g/mol zugänglich. Erstmals gelang es so 2-Oxazolin basierte, hochmolekulare zylindrische Bürsten mit Konturlängen im Bereich von 250 nm mittels „Grafting Through“ Technik in freier radikalischer Polymerisation herzustellen.rnrnAusgehend von der entwickelten Syntheseroute konnten so neben Homo- und Blockcopolymerbürsten von 2-Ethyl-2-oxazolin und 2-Isopropyl-2-oxazolin auch Bürstenmoleküle aus statistischen Copolymeren von 2-Ethyl-2-oxazolin und unsubstituiertem 2-Oxazolin hergestellt werden. Während letztere die Einführung kationischer Gruppen durch selektivere Abspaltmethoden der Formylreste erlauben und so etwa DNA/RNA Komplexierungen ermöglichen können, bietet andererseits der in dieser Arbeit erstmalig demonstrierte Einsatz Azid-funktionalisierter Initiatoren zur kationischen Oxazolinpolymerisation unter Beibehaltung aller anderen sonstigen Reaktionsschritte auch die Möglichkeit der Synthese Azid-Endgruppen-funktionalisierter Makromonomere. Die „Grafting Through“ Methodik der freien radikalischen Makromonomer Polymerisation ist selbst bei diesen funktionalisierten Systemen von großem Vorteil, erlaubt sie auch hier den Zugang zu hochmolekularen Substraten mit einem Pfropfungs- bzw. Funktionalisierungsgrad von 100 %, da jede Seitenkette dieser zylindrischen Bürsten die aussenliegende, und damit sterisch leichter zugängliche funktionale Gruppe trägt. Dabei gelang es die Syntheseroute so zu gestalten, dass es möglich war alle vorgestellten Polymerbürsten mittels statischer und dynamischer Lichtstreuung hinsichtlich absoluter Molmasse und molekularer Dimension zu charakterisieren.rnIn weitereren Reaktionen konnten dann reaktive Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe mit Hilfe kupferfreier 1,3 dipolarerer Addition (kupferfreie „Click-Chemie“) an die Azid-funktionalisierten Polymerbürsten angebunden werden, so dass eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Detektion in in vivo und in vitro Experimenten erfüllt werden kann. Darüber hinaus gelingt die quantitative polymeranaloge Umsetzung der Azid- zu Aminogruppen durch eine polymeranalog geführte Reduktion nach Staudinger; damit können an diesen Systemen auch etablierte Konjugationstechniken an Aminogruppen durchgeführt werden. Zudem erlauben die Aminogruppen-haltigen Polymerbürsten durch Protonierung schon bei physiologischem pH die Komplexierung von DNA oder RNA. rnrnErste Lichtstreumessungen in Blutserum zeigen im Falle der kationischen Aminogruppen tragenden Polymerbürsten zwar Aggregation, was aber durch entsprechende Umsetzung nach Konjugation wahrscheinlich unterdrückt werden kann, zeigen doch die entsprechenden Precursorpolymerbürsten mit Azidgruppen in Serum keinerlei Aggregation.rnrnZellaufnahmestudien in dendritische Zellen zeigen nur im Falle einer Azid-funktionalisierten Poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazolin)bürste eine unspezifische Aufnahme. Die hydrophileren Poly(2-oxazolin)bürsten weise keine unspezifische Aufnahme auf, was eine wichtige Anfoderung für die Verwendung als Polymercarrier in der Krebsimmuntherapie ist.rn


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End-brominated poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMABr) was prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and employed in a series of atom transfer radical coupling (ATRC) and radical trap-assisted ATRC (RTA-ATRG) reactions. When coupling reactions were performed in the absence of a nitroso radical trap-traditional ATRC condition-very little coupling of the PMMA chains was observed, consistent with disproportionation as the major termination pathway for two PMMA chain-end radicals in our reactions. When 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP) was used as the radical trap, coupling of the PMMA chains in this attempted RTA-ATRC reaction was again unsuccessful, owing to capping of the PMMA chains with a bulky nitroxide and preventing further coupling. Analogous reactions performed using nitrosobenzene (NBz) as the radical trap showed significant dimerization, as observed by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) by a shift in the apparent molecular weight compared to the PMMABr precursors. The extent of coupling was found to depend on the concentrion of NBz compared to the PMMABr chain ends, as well as the temperature and time of the coupling reaction. To a lesser extent, the concentrations of copper(I) bromide (CuBr), nitrogen ligand (N,N,N',N',N"-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine = PMDETA), and elemental copper (Cu) were also found to play a role in the success of the RTA-ATRC reaction. The highest levels of dimerization were observed when the coupling reaction was carried out at 80 degrees C for 0.5h, with ratio of 1:4:2.5:8:1 equiv of NBz: CuBr:Cu:PMDETA:PMMABr.


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There is an increasing demand for novel metal-based complexes with biologically relevant molecules in technology and medicine. Three new Cu(II) coordination compounds with antifungal agent isoconazole (L), namely mononuclear complexes CuCl2(L)(2) (1), and Cu(O2CMe)(2)(L)(2)center dot 2H(2)O (2) and coordination polymer Cu(pht)(L)(2)(n) (3) (where H(2)pht - o-phthalic acid) were synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray crystallography. X-ray analysis showed that in all complexes, the isoconazole is coordinated to Cu(II) centres by a N atom of the imidazole fragment. In complex I, the square-planar environment of Cu(II) atoms is completed by two N atoms of isoconazole and two chloride ligands, whereas the Cu(II) atoms are coordinated by two N atoms from two isoconazole ligands and two O atoms from the different carboxylate residues: acetate in 2 and phthalate in 3. The formation of an infinite chain through the bridging phthalate ligand is observed in 3. The biosynthetic ability of micromycetes Aspergillus niger CNMN FD 10 in the presence of the prepared complexes 1-3 as well as the antifungal drug isoconazole were studied. Complexes 2 and 3 accelerate the biosynthesis of enzymes (beta-glucosidase, xylanase and endoglucanase) by this fungus. Moreover, a simplified and improved method for the preparation of isoconazole nitrate was developed.


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The three-dimensional branched nature of dendritic macromolecules provides many potential sites per molecule for the complexation of metal ions. Therefore, dendrimers may act as hosts for metals with coordination potentially occurring at the periphery, the interior, or both. To understand further the complexation of dendrimers with metal ions EXAFS experiments were carried out. In this work, the interaction of amine-terminated polyamido(amine), PAMAM, dendrimer with copper(II) ions determined by EXAFS is reported. It was found that a model consisting of the copper(II) ion forming five- and six-membered rings by chelating with the primary amine, amide, and tertiary amine nitrogen donors of the PAMAM dendrimer could describe the experimental EXAFS data well. Corroborative evidence for binding to amide nitrogen donors comes from the broadening of NMR resonances of a copper(Il)-PAMAM mixture revealing the presence of paramagnetic copper(II) ions at these sites. The significance of the results presented in this paper is that copper(II) ions form complexes within the dendrimer structure and not just at the periphery. The current study may have implications for the use of PAMAM dendrimers as effective ligands in sensing systems.


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p-Conjugated block copolymers have been prepared from terminal azide functionalized polystyrenes (PS) and alkyne functionalized poly(3- hexylthiophene)s (P3HT) via a copper(I) catalyzed Huisgen [3 + 2] dipolar cycloaddition reaction. The functionalized a-azido-PS homopolymer was prepared by atom transfer radical polymerization from a specifically designed initiator bearing the azide function, whereas ?-ethynyl-P3HT and a,?-pentynyl-P3HT were synthesized by a modified Grignard metathesis polymerization using alkynyl Grignard derivatives. The electronic environment of the alkynyl end groups was shown to be decisive in determining triazole ring formation.


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Progress in making pH-responsive polyelectrolyte brushes with a range of different grafting densities is reported. Polymer brushes of poly(2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) were synthesised via atom transfer radical polymerisation on silicon wafers using a 'grafted from' approach. The [11-(2-bromo-2-methyl) propionyloxy]undecyl trichlorosilane initiator was covalently attached to the silicon via silylation, from which the brushes were grown using a catalytic system of copper(I) chloride and pentamethyldiethylenetriamine in tetrahydrofuran at 80°C. X-ray reflectivity was used to assess the initiator surfaces and an upper limit on the grafting density of the polymer was determined. The quality of the brushes produced was analysed using ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy, which is also discussed.


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Disulfiram (DS), an anti-alcoholism drug, shows very strong cytotoxicity in many cancer types. However its clinical application in cancer treatment is limited by the very short half-life in the bloodstream. In this study, we developed a poly lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA)-encapsulated DS protecting DS from the degradation in the bloodstream. The newly developed DS-PLGA was characterized. The DS-PLGA has very satisfactory encapsulation efficiency, drug-loading content and controlled release rate in vitro. PLGA encapsulation extended the half-life of DS from shorter than 2 minutes to 7 hours in serum. In combination with copper, DS-PLGA significantly inhibited the liver cancer stem cell population. CI-isobologram showed a remarkable synergistic cytotoxicity between DS-PLGA and 5-FU or Sorafenib. It also demonstrated very promising anticancer efficacy and antimetastatic effect in liver cancer mouse model. Both DS and PLGA are FDA approved products for clinical application. Our study may lead to repositioning of DS into liver cancer treatment.