289 resultados para Poison Pill
The poison gland and Dufour's gland are the two glands associated with the sting apparatus in female Apocrita (Hymenoptera). While the poison gland usually functions as an integral part of the venom delivery system, the Dufour's gland has been found to differ in its function in various hymenopteran groups. Like all exocrine glands, the function of the Dufour's gland is to secrete chemicals, but the nature and function of the secretions varies in different taxa. Functions of the Dufour's gland secretions range from serving as a component of material used in nest building, larval food, and pheromones involved in communicative functions that are important for both solitary and social species. This review summarizes the different functions reported for the Dufour's gland in hymenopterans, illustrating how the Dufour's gland secretions can be adapted to give rise to various functions in response to different challenges posed by the ways of life followed by different taxa. Aspects of development, structure, chemistry and the evolution of different functions are also touched upon briefly.
We describe inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MttopoI), an essential mycobacterial enzyme, by two related compounds, imipramine and norclomipramine, of which imipramine is clinically used as an antidepressant. These molecules showed growth inhibition of both Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells. The mechanism of action of these two molecules was investigated by analyzing the individual steps of the topoisomerase I (topoI) reaction cycle. The compounds stimulated cleavage, thereby perturbing the cleavage-religation equilibrium. Consequently, these molecules inhibited the growth of the cells overexpressing topoI at a low MIC. Docking of the molecules on the MttopoI model suggested that they bind near the metal binding site of the enzyme. The DNA relaxation activity of the metal binding mutants harboring mutations in the DxDxE motif was differentially affected by the molecules, suggesting that the metal coordinating residues contribute to the interaction of the enzyme with the drug. Taken together, the results highlight the potential of these small molecules, which poison the Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I, as leads for the development of improved molecules to combat mycobacterial infections. Moreover, targeting metal coordination in topoisomerases might be a general strategy to develop new lead molecules.
Resumen: Se procura identificar los más importantes tópicos bioéticos en tratamiento ante el Congreso de la Nación en relación con el inicio de la vida: proyectos sobre el delito de aborto, con diversas derivaciones como la píldora del día después; sobre técnicas de procreación humana; sobre clonación y otras situaciones de bioingeniería aplicada a la vida humana. Se formula un análisis contextualizado de los proyectos y una valoración crítica a la luz de los principios de la Bioética personalista ontológicamente fundada.
[ES] La progresiva implantación de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas ha ido estableciendo una experiencia en el conocimiento de la eficacia de tratamiento de los diversos parámetros en plazos largos de funcionamiento. El análisis y comparación de resultados y tecnologías debe pennitir conocer las características de fiabilidad en la operación y el comportamiento frente a los diversos aspectos de la nonnativa legal. Además, el análisis en diferentes épocas del año puede producir distintos resultados o conclusiones. En este trabajo se ha tomado para el análisis una planta de tratamiento convencional, estudiando inicialmente los porcentajes medios de eliminación de diferentes parámetros, en relación asimismo con las necesidades que debe satisfacer. En condiciones de alta carga orgánica, la concentración de nitrógeno y algún tóxico especial parecen plantear las mayores dificultades. Se ha deseado focalizar la atención en el proceso de concentración de metales que se. produce en las plantas con tratamiento anaerobío de fangos. Por este motivo se Uevó a cabo un estudio de la evolución de metales en la depuración y la concentración de fangos digeridos. El fenómeno resulta de interés para analizar la calidad de las aguas que se obtienen, aunque debe considerarse también la concentración de metales en el destino final que se dé a los fangos tratados.
If a product is being designed to be genuinely inclusive, then the designers need to be able to assess the level of exclusion of the product that they are working on and to identify possible areas of improvement. To be of practical use, the assessments need to be quick, consistent and repeatable. The aim of this workshop is to invite attendees to participate in the evaluation of a number of everyday objects using an assessment technique being considered by the workshop organisers. The objectives of the workshop include evaluating the effectiveness of the assessment method, evaluating the accessibility of the products being assessed and to suggest revisions to the assessment scales being used. The assessment technique is to be based on the ONS capability measures [1]. This source recognises fourteen capability scales of which seven are particularly pertinent to product evaluation, namely: motion, dexterity, reach and stretch, vision, hearing, communication, and intellectual functioning. Each of these scales ranges from 0 (fully able) through 1 (minimal impairment) to 10 (severe impairment). The attendees will be asked to rate the products on these scales. Clearly the assessed accessibility of the product depends on the assumptions made about the context of use. The attendees will be asked to clearly note the assumptions that they are making about the context in which the product is being assessed. For instance, with a hot water bottle, assumptions have to be made about the availability of hot water and these can affect the overall accessibility rating. The workshop organisers will not specify the context of use as the aim is to identify how assessors would use the assessment method in the real world. The objects being assessed will include items such as remote controls, pill bottles, food packaging, hot water bottles and mobile telephones. the attendees will be encouraged to assess two or more products in detail. Helpers will be on hand to assist and observe the assessments. The assessments will be collated and compared and feedback about the assessment method sought from the attendees. Drawing on a preliminary review of the assessment results, initial conclusions will be presented at the end of the workshop. More detailed analyses will be made available in subsequent proceedings. It is intended that the workshop will provide workshop attendees with an opportunity to perform hands-on assessment of a number everyday products and identify features which are inclusive and those that are not. It is also intended to encourage an appreciation of the capabilities to be considered when evaluating accessibility.
Chemical narcosing of fish was found to be one of the fishing techniques used for harvesting fish stocks in the northern Cross River, Cross River State, Nigeria. The preparation of the fish poison is described. The ichthyotoxic plants used for the fish poisoning were identified and Derris elliptica recommended to be used for the development of piscicides for the removal of unwanted fish in the fish farms
This study examines acute toxicity of Raphia vinifera on fish leech, Piscicola geometra. The leeches with a mean total length of (TL) 4.2+1.0cm were exposed to various concentrations of both crude powdered and ethanolic extracts of the botanical. Median lethal concentration (LC50) was determined with static-renewal tests using logarithmic and arithmetic graphic methods. The LC50 (for 96 hours of crude powdered (aqueous) extracts of the botanical on Piscicola geometra was 1.10 ppm arithmetically and 1.14ppm logarithmically. The 95% confidence limits was 0.10ppm arithmetically and 0.12ppm logarithmically. The LC50 of ethanolic extract of the poison at 96-h was 0.5ppm arithmetically and 0.48ppm logarithmically. The 95% confidence limits were less than 0.10ppm. The use of extracts of R. vinifera in the control of leeches in fish ponds is discussed
Studies were carried out using 96hr static toxicity bioassay to determine the effect of lethal concentrations of extracts from two local plants Tephrosia vogelii and Parkia clappertoniana which are known fish poison, on a species of mud fish. Clarias gariepinus Phytochemical analysis of the plant extracts was done and the extract from T. vogelii was found to contain alkaloids, tannins and flavonoids, while the extract from P. clappertoniana was formed to contain alkaloids tannins and saponins. Experimental fish were exposed to test water separately polluted by varying concentrations of extraction of both plant species ranging from 0.50mgl super(-1), 1.50mgl super(-1), 2.50mgl super(-1), 3.0mgl super(-1), 5.00mgl super(-1), 10.00mgl super(-1) in the case of T. vogelii and 5.00mgl super(-1), 7.50mgl super(-1), 10.00mgl super(-1), 15.00mgl super(-1), 20.00mgl super(-1) and 30.00mgl super(-1) in the case of P. clappertaniana. Behavioural hispathological and heamatological examinations were made. Both plant extracts were found to have lethal effects at the higher concentrations, affecting the gills and the central nervous system as well as having a depressive effect on the total count and increasing platelet and white blood cell count. Symptoms of toxicosis observed include, initial inactivation agitated swimming, tumbling movement air gulping, increased opercular beat and period of quiescence/knockdown before death. Marked differences were also observed in the hematological and histopathological analysis of poisoned fish. Lower concentrations of the extracts had sub lethal effects on the fish, which manifested as zigzag movement air gulping increased opercular movement etc. None of these effects were observed in the control experiment
Two unusual blooms of dinoflagellates appeared in the Argentine Continental Shelf in spring/summer period of 1980 and 1981, but these differed, one from the other. The first was an intense red-tide with which were associated no signs of toxicity, whereas the second, although; not showing special coloration, was associated with (and doubtless the cause of) intense toxicity in bivalves of the Gulfs of San Matías and San José and of the shelf waters off Península Valdés; the death of two fishermen was atributed to the latter. The first bloom developed as an unusual surface concentration of the predatory dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans. It was supposed that this concentration was produced by a particular combination of processes of circulation of water masses. The second bloom was characterizaed by high concentrations of Gonyalax excavata. Investigations at the time determined that toxins in molluscs of the area correasponded to what is called "paralytic shellfish poison". The bloom of G. excavata was associated with a front between well mixed and well stratified water masses. The maximum toxicity centre occured in the mussel bank "Constanza" (42°23'27"S and 62°45'66"W) which coincides with the front referred to above. (PDF contains 93 pages)
A presente tese engloba dois manuscritos que abordam o tema Consumo alimentar em mulheres, desenvolvidos através da análise de duas pesquisas realizadas no Município do Rio de Janeiro, em 1995 e 2005. Trata-se do primeiro estudo brasileiro de base populacional que avalia a tendência de consumo utilizando dados individuais de consumo alimentar. O grupo específico analisado: mulheres com 35 anos ou mais de idade, apresenta as maiores prevalências de obesidade. O primeiro manuscrito intitulado Ten-year increase in the prevalence of obesity among Brazilian women was associated to reduction of fat intake mainly among the less educated aborda a prevalência da obesidade e consumo de energia e macronutrientes. Os resultados indicam importante aumento da prevalência de obesidade (16% para 24%) acompanhada de aumento significativo do consumo calórico e redução da ingestão de lipídios e colesterol. Na pesquisa mais recente a associação negativa entre educação e obesidade foi de maior magnitude e a renda deixou de associar-se a prevalência de obesidade. O segundo manuscrito intitulado Mudanças no consumo de alimentos entre mulheres do Município do Rio de Janeiro, de 1995 a 2005 avaliou o consumo de alimentos, incluindo os de alta densidade energética, e grupos de alimentos nos dois momentos, incluindo a avaliação das diferenças de consumo segundo escolaridade. A análise do consumo mostrou aumento do consumo de alimentos calóricos como doces, biscoitos e lingüiça e redução de importantes grupos de alimentos como frutas, leite, feijão, raízes e tubérculos e carnes no período de dez anos. As mulheres com maior escolaridade apresentaram maior redução de consumo de carnes e frutas e não apresentaram redução de peixes e derivados do leite. Adicionalmente, participei como co-autora em um artigo, também baseado na pesquisa mais recente, que avaliou a associação entre o uso de remédios/chás para emagrecer e a concentração sérica do hormônio estimulador da tireóide (TSH), intitulado TSH levels associated with slimming pill use in a population based study of Brazilian women. Essa análise mostrou alta prevalência de uso dessas substâncias e revelaram que os teores séricos de TSH foram significativamente menores entre as usuárias de remédios/chás para emagrecer.
O objetivo desta tese é traçar um panorama histórico das políticas públicas de planejamento familiar do Estado brasileiro, inserindo-o no contexto da complexa conjuntura sociopolítico-econômica no período de 1980 até a atualidade. Mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, investigam-se, na interseção das políticas para população, mulher e saúde, as influências e interesses que incidem sobre programas de planejamento familiar. Após recuperar brevemente a trajetória dos movimentos de mulheres e feministas, que constituíram atores sociais centrais no debate sobre as políticas de população e de planejamento familiar, focaliza-se a drástica redução nas taxas de fecundidade da mulher brasileira ocorrida a partir dos anos 1960, na vigência oficial de uma política natalista, mas na omissão do Estado ao permitir a difusão no país de organizações de cunho controlista, que viabilizaram às mulheres o acesso à pílula anticoncepcional e à esterilização. Acompanha-se a evolução das políticas de população em nível mundial, destacando a atuação da Organização das Nações Unidas e de suas conferências mundiais, focalizando a Conferência Internacional de População e Desenvolvimento realizada no Cairo em 1994, que provocou uma inflexão nas políticas de saúde da mulher para saúde reprodutiva. No Brasil, que já contava com um programa pioneiro de saúde da mulher o Paism (1983) , os efeitos do Cairo vieram somar-se à definição do planejamento familiar pela Constituição de 1988 e à instituição do Sistema Único de Saúde em 1990. A análise permitiu identificar as influências externas e internas que incidem sobre a política de planejamento familiar. A política de planejamento familiar do país hoje configura-se democrática, abrangente e descentralizada, sendo a principal tensão identificada entre seus enunciados e sua implementação na prática, ou seja, só será efetiva se houver um controle social eficaz.
Two major anthropogenic activities that disturb coral reefs are fishing and tourism, even though coral reefs are important for both fishing and tourism. Already more than 60 per cent of all reefs worldwide are endangered. The use of explosives and poison by small-scale fishers, to supply the market for live fish for aquariums and for human consumption, cause irreversible damages to reefs. Similarly, rapid and unmanaged coastal development for marine tourism negatively affects coral reefs in many ways. Though marine parks and marine protected areas are being promoted all over the world, developing countries need assistance in establishing and assessing such reserves and for taking appropriate actions for rehabilitation of reefs. These can be accomplished through partnership projects.
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) is the most frequently reported seafood-toxin illness in the world, and it causes substantial physical and functional impact. It produces a myriad of gastrointestinal, neurologic and/or cardiovascular symptoms which last days to weeks, or even months. Although there are reports of symptom amelioration with some interventions (e.g. IV mannitol), the appropriate treatment for CFP remains unclear to many physicians. We review the literature on the treatments for CFP, including randomized controlled studies and anecdotal reports. The article is intended to clarify treatment options, and provide information about management and prevention of CFP, for emergency room physicians, poison control information providers, other health care providers, and patients.
Up to 50% increase in the power density of the existing pressurized water reactor (PWR)-type reactors can be achieved by the use of internally and externally cooled annular fuel geometry. As a result, the accumulated stock-piles of Pu, especially if incorporated infertile-free inert matrix, can be burnt at a substantially higher rate as compared with the conventional mixed oxide-fueled reactors operating at standard power density. In this work, we explore the basic feasibility of a PWR core fully loaded with Pu incorporated infertile-free fuel of annular internally and externally cooled geometry and operating at 150% of nominal power density. We evaluate basic burnable poison designs, fuel management strategies, and reactivity feedback coefficients. The three-dimensional full core neutronic analysis performed with Studsvik Core Management System showed that the design of such a Pu-loaded annular fuel core is feasible but significantly more challenging than the Pu fertile-free core with solid fuel pins operating at nominal power density. The main difficulty arises from the fact that the annular fuel core requires at least 50% higher initial Pu loading in order to maintain the standard fuel cycle length of 18 months. Such a high Pu loading results in hardening of the neutron spectrum and consequent reduction in reactivity worth of all reactivity control mechanisms and, in some cases, positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC). The use of isotopically enriched Gd and Er burnable poisons was found to be beneficial with respect to maximizing Pu burnup and reducing power peaking factors. Overall, the annular fertile-free Pu-loaded high-power-density core appears to be feasible, although it still has relatively high power peaking and potential for slightly positive MTC at beginning of cycle. However, we estimate that limiting the power density to 140% of the nominal case would assure acceptable core power peaking and negative MTC at all times during the cycle.
This work demonstrates the condition optimization during liquid phase deposition (LPD) Of SiO2/GaAs films. LPD method is further applied to form Al2O3 films on semiconductors with poison-free materials. Proceeding at room temperature with inexpensive equipment, LPD of silica and alumina films is potentially serviceable in microelectronics and related spheres.