888 resultados para Platform-based design


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In the limit state design (LSD) method each design criterion is formally stated and assessed using a performance function. The performance function defines the relationship between the design parameters and the design criterion. In practice, LSD involves factoring up loads and factoring down calculated strengths and material parameters. This provides a convenient way to carry out routine probabilistic-based design. The factors are statistically calculated to produce a design with an acceptably low probability of failure. Hence the ultimate load and the design material properties are mathematical concepts that have no physical interpretation. They may be physically impossible. Similarly, the appropriate analysis model is also defined by the performance function and may not describe the real behaviour at the perceived physical equivalent limit condition. These points must be understood to avoid confusion in the discussion and application of partial factor LSD methods.


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Background: Adrenaline is localized to specific regions of the central nervous system (CNS), but its role therein is unclear because of a lack of suitable pharmacologic agents. Ideally, a chemical is required that crosses the blood-brain barrier, potently inhibits the adrenaline-synthesizing enzyme PNMT, and does not affect other catecholamine processes. Currently available PNMT inhibitors do not meet these criteria. We aim to produce potent, selective, and CNS-active PNMT inhibitors by structure-based design methods. The first step is the structure determination of PNMT. Results: We have solved the crystal structure of human PNMT complexed with a cofactor product and a submicromolar inhibitor at a resolution of 2.4 Angstrom. The structure reveals a highly decorated methyltransferase fold, with an active site protected from solvent by an extensive cover formed from several discrete structural motifs. The structure of PNMT shows that the inhibitor interacts with the enzyme in a different mode from the (modeled) substrate noradrenaline. Specifically, the position and orientation of the amines is not equivalent. Conclusions: An unexpected finding is that the structure of PNMT provides independent evidence of both backward evolution and fold recruitment in the evolution of a complex enzyme from a simple fold. The proposed evolutionary pathway implies that adrenaline, the product of PNMT catalysis, is a relative newcomer in the catecholamine family. The PNMT structure reported here enables the design of potent and selective inhibitors with which to characterize the role of adrenaline in the CNS. Such chemical probes could potentially be useful as novel therapeutics.


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Electricity markets are complex environments, involving numerous entities trying to obtain the best advantages and profits while limited by power-network characteristics and constraints.1 The restructuring and consequent deregulation of electricity markets introduced a new economic dimension to the power industry. Some observers have criticized the restructuring process, however, because it has failed to improve market efficiency and has complicated the assurance of reliability and fairness of operations. To study and understand this type of market, we developed the Multiagent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets (MASCEM) platform based on multiagent simulation. The MASCEM multiagent model includes players with strategies for bid definition, acting in forward, day-ahead, and balancing markets and considering both simple and complex bids. Our goal with MASCEM was to simulate as many market models and player types as possible. This approach makes MASCEM both a short- and mediumterm simulation as well as a tool to support long-term decisions, such as those taken by regulators. This article proposes a new methodology integrated in MASCEM for bid definition in electricity markets. This methodology uses reinforcement learning algorithms to let players perceive changes in the environment, thus helping them react to the dynamic environment and adapt their bids accordingly.


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The aim of this paper is presenting the recommendation module of the Mathematics Collaborative Learning Platform (PCMAT). PCMAT is an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (AEHS), with a constructivist approach, which presents contents and activities adapted to the characteristics and learning style of students of mathematics in basic schools. The recommendation module is responsible for choosing different learning resources for the platform, based on the user's characteristics and performance. Since the main purpose of an adaptive system is to provide the user with content and interface adaptation, the recommendation module is integral to PCMAT’s adaptation model.


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IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, MAY 25-28, 2003, Bangkok, Thailand. (ISI Web of Science)


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Personalised video can be achieved by inserting objects into a video play-out according to the viewer's profile. Content which has been authored and produced for general broadcast can take on additional commercial service features when personalised either for individual viewers or for groups of viewers participating in entertainment, training, gaming or informational activities. Although several scenarios and use-cases can be envisaged, we are focussed on the application of personalised product placement. Targeted advertising and product placement are currently garnering intense interest in the commercial networked media industries. Personalisation of product placement is a relevant and timely service for next generation online marketing and advertising and for many other revenue generating interactive services. This paper discusses the acquisition and insertion of media objects into a TV video play-out stream where the objects are determined by the profile of the viewer. The technology is based on MPEG-4 standards using object based video and MPEG-7 for metadata. No proprietary technology or protocol is proposed. To trade the objects into the video play-out, a Software-as-a-Service brokerage platform based on intelligent agent technology is adopted. Agencies, libraries and service providers are represented in a commercial negotiation to facilitate the contractual selection and usage of objects to be inserted into the video play-out.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, Área de Especialização em Tecnologias do Conhecimento e da Decisão


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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Industrial e de Sistemas


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El sistema de modulación ODFM es utilizado en diversas aplicaciones de banda ancha, tanto en comunicaciones por cable como en aplicaciones inalámbricas. Presenta numerosas ventajas frente a sistemas de banda ancha de portadora única ya que permite una alta eficiencia espectral, una fácil ecualización y una reducción del ISI. Por el contrario, presenta dificultades inherentes a su estructura, que son de vital importancia solventar, entre las cuales se encuentran los altos requisitos de sincronización. Este proyecto presenta métodos de sincronización de tiempo y frecuencia implementados y evaluados sobre una plataforma software basada en Matlab®, que recoge el sistema completo de transmisión basado fielmente en el estándar DVB-T. Tras una presentación de los principios de la modulación OFDM, en este documento se presenta un estudio detallado de este sistema de transmisión y su implementación, formando conjuntamente una plataforma de simulación para la evaluación de los estimadores implementados.


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El objetivo de este proyecto es el de crear una plataforma para conectar a empresas con la necesidad de cubrir puestos de trabajo muy concretos con los mejores candidatos. Más allá del proyecto descrito en este documento, se pretende crear una empresa integradora de servicios de terceros tanto para empresas como para candidatos. Este proyecto se centra en el desarrollo de una plataforma Web basada en programario libre. La plataforma gira entorno a un portal que integra servicios de búsqueda de candidatos, reclutamiento y selección de personal. El portal utilizará la Web 2.0 y las redes sociales para llevar a cabo su cometido. El portal está disponible en http://www.sntalent.com.


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Aquest projecte consisteix en la implementació i avaluació d’una infraestructura de comunicacions per a una plataforma de detecció d’atacs coordinats, basada en el paradigma publicador/subscriptor per a l’intercanvi de missatges IDMEF. Per implementar aquest sistema s’ha fet servir xmlBlaster i s’han desenvolupat les interfícies necessàries per a fer transparent l’accés a la informació de la xarxa de comunicacions. El resultat és una plataforma escalable que permet l’intercanvi eficient de informació entre els diferents elements distribuïts del sistema de detecció.


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Quan parlem de disseny centrat en l'usuari ens referim al fet de dissenyar pensant en el que vol l'usuari. És per això que se'l consulta, per a saber què vol, què necessita, què i com li agrada més, què no li agrada, què li costa més d'entendre. Es fa, en definitiva, una avaluació del producte la finalitat del qual és ser útil i pràctic per al major nombre possible de persones. En aquest treball parlem de dissenyar pensant en l'usuari en entorns tàctils. Els entorns tàctils només són una de les moltes possibilitats que ens ofereix la interacció humana amb els ordinadors.


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Aquest treball de fi de carrera ha tingut com a objectius l'estudi dels diferents elements que existeixen a l'hora de construir la part visual d'aplicacions Web desenvolupades sobre la plataforma de construcció de J2EE, els patrons de Disseny de la capa de presentació i allò que es denominen Frameworks de presentació. I d'altra banda a partir de l'esmentat estudi es a realitzat la creació d'un Framework propi que permeti la creació d'interfícies per a pàgines Web creades per a la gestió de maneig d'aplicacions empresarials d'una forma òptima, estàndard i simplificada.


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Interaction between CD40, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily, and its ligand CD40L, a 39-kDa glycoprotein, is essential for the development of humoral and cellular immune responses. Selective blockade or activation of this pathway provides the ground for the development of new treatments against immunologically based diseases and malignancies. Like other members of the TNF superfamily, CD40L monomers self-assemble around a threefold symmetry axis to form noncovalent homotrimers that can each bind three receptor molecules. Here, we report on the structure-based design of small synthetic molecules with C3 symmetry that can mimic CD40L homotrimers. These molecules interact with CD40, compete with the binding of CD40L to CD40, and reproduce, to a certain extent, the functional properties of the much larger homotrimeric soluble CD40L. Architectures based on rigid C3-symmetric cores may thus represent a general approach to mimicking homotrimers of the TNF superfamily.