989 resultados para Plane Fracture Problem


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The various patterns (shear banding, surface wrinkling and necking) of material bifurcation in plane sheet under tension are investigated in this paper by means of a numerical method. It is found that numerical analysis can provide better ground for searching for the lowest critical loads. The inhomogeneity caused by void damage and the nonuniformity in the stress distribution across sheet thickness are proved to have detrimental effects on the material bifurcation. Nevertheless, material stability can be promoted by any means of depressing void damage or alleviating stress, even locally across the thickness. Besides, the peculiar behaviour of material bifurcation under slight biaxiality state is demonstrated. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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This paper analyses the transient effect on ideally plastic stationary crack-tip fields under mode I plane strain conditions, when the inertial forces are not negligible. It is shown that the governing equation for such a problem can be expressed in formal simplicity when referred to a system of moving curvilinear coordinates, which is a generalization of the system defined by the slip-line field in quasi-static plasticity. A perturbation method of solving the equations is described and illustrated by application to problems of ideally plastic stationary crack-tip fields when the inertia forces are not negligible.


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A complete development for the higher-order asymptotic solutions of the crack tip fields and finite element calculations for mode I loading of hardening materials in plane strain are performed. The results show that in the higher-order asymptotic solution (to the twentieth order), only three coefficients are independent. These coefficients are determined by matching with the finite element solutions carried out in the present paper (our attention is focused on the first five terms of the higher-order asymptotic solution). We obtain an analytic characterization of crack tip fields, which conform very well to the finite element solutions over wide range. A modified two parameter criterion based on the asymptotic solution of five terms is presented. The upper bound and lower bound fracture toughness curves predicted by modified two parameter criterion are given. These two curves agree with most of the experimental data and fully capture the proper trend.


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The local characteristics of the anti-plane shear stress and strain field are determined for a material where the stress increases linearly with strain up to a limit and then softens nonlinearly. Two unloading models are considered such that the unloading path always returns to the origin while the other assumes the unloading modulus to be that of the initial shear modulus. As the applied shear increases, an unloading zone is found to prevail between a zone in which the material softens and another zone in which the material is linear-elastic even though the crack does not propagate. The divisions of these zones are displayed graphically.


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The three-dimensional transient wave response problem is presented for an infinite elastic medium weakened by a plane crack of infinite length and finite width. Tractions are applied suddenly to the crack, which simulates the case of impact loading. The integral transforms are utilized to reduce the problem to a standard Fredholm integral equation in the Laplace transform variable and sequentially invert the Laplace transforms of the stress components by numerical inversion method. The dynamic mode I stress intensity factors at the crack tip are obtained and some numerical results are presented in graphical form.


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The elastic plane problem of a rigid co-circular arc inclusion under arbitrary loads is dealt with. Applying Schwarz's reflection principle integrated with the analysis of the singularity of complex stress functions, the general solution of the problem is found and several closed-form solutions to some problems of practical importance are given. Finally, the stress distribution at the arc inclusion end is examined and a comparison is made with that of the rigid line inclusion end to show the effect of curvature.


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This paper presents a micromechanics analysis of the elastic solids weakened by a large number of microcracks in a plane problem. A new cell model is proposed. Each cell is an ellipse subregion and contains a microcrack. The effective moduli and the stress intensity factors for an ellipse cell are obtained. The analytic closed formulas of concentration factor tensor for an isotropic matrix containing an anisotropic inclusion are derived. Based on a self-consistent method, the effective elastic moduli of the solids weakened by randomly oriented microcracks are obtained.


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The elastic plane problem of a rigid line inclusion between two dissimilar media was considered. By solving the Riemann-Hilbert problem, the closed-form solution was obtained and the stress distribution around the rigid line was investigated. It was found that the modulus of the singular behavior of the stress remains proportional to the inverse square root of the distance from the rigid line end, but the stresses possess a pronounced oscillatory character as in the case of an interfacial crack tip.


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For most practically important plane elasticity problems of orthotropic materials, stresses depend on elastic constants through two nondimensional combinations. A spatial rescaling has been found to reduce the orthotropic problems to equivalent problems in materials with cubic symmetry. The latter, under favorable conditions, may be approximated by isotropic materials. Consequently, solutions for orthotropic materials can be constructed approximately from isotropic material solutions or rigorously from cubic ones. The concept is developed to gain insight into the interplay between anisotropy and finite geometry. The inherent simplicity of the solutions allows a variety of technical problems to be addressed efficiently. Included are stress concentration related cracking, effective contraction of orthotropic material specimens, crack deflection onto easy fracture planes, and surface flaw induced delamination.


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In this paper, the conformal mapping method is used to solve the plane problem of an infinite plate containing a central lip-shaped notch subjected to biaxial loading at a remote boundary or a surface uniform pressure on the notch. The stress intensity factors KI and KII are obtained by the derived complex stress functions. The simple analytical expressions can be applied to the situation of cracks originating from a circular or an elliptical notch. The plastic zone sizes for such notch cracks are subsequently evaluated in light of the Dugdale strip yield concept. The results are consistent with available numerical data.


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Near threshold, mixed mode (I and II), fatigue crack growth occurs mainly by two mechanisms, coplanar (or shear) mode and branch (or tensile) mode. For a constant ratio of ΔKIKII the shear mode growth shows a self-arrest character and it would only start again when ΔKI and ΔKII are increased. Both shear crack growth and the early stages of tensile crack growth, are of a crystallographic nature; the fatigue crack proceeds along slip planes or grain boundaries. The appearance of the fracture surfaces suggest that the mechanism of crack extension is by developing slip band microcracks which join up to form a macrocrack. This process is thought to be assisted by the nature of the plastic deformation within the reversed plastic zone where high back stresses are set up by dislocation pile-ups against grain boundaries. The interaction of the crack tip stress field with that of the dislocation pile-ups leads to the formation of slip band microcracks and subsequent crack extension. The change from shear mode to tensile mode growth probably occurs when the maximum tensile stress and the microcrack density in the maximum tensile plane direction attain critical values.


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The problem of a film flowing down an inclined porous layer is considered. The fully developed basic flow is driven by gravitation. A careful linear instability analysis is carried out. We use Darcy's law to describe the porous layer and solve the coupling equations of the fluid and the porous medium rather than the decoupled equations of the one-sided model used in previous works. The eigenvalue problem is solved by means of a Chebyshev collocation method. We compare the instability of the two-sided model with the results of the one-sided model. The result reveals a porous mode instability which is completely neglected in previous works. For a falling film on an inclined porous plane there are three instability modes, i.e., the surface mode, the shear mode, and the porous mode. We also study the influences of the depth ratio d, the Darcy number delta, and the Beavers-Joseph coefficient alpha(BJ) on the instability of the system.


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This work is concerned with the derivation of optimal scaling laws, in the sense of matching lower and upper bounds on the energy, for a solid undergoing ductile fracture. The specific problem considered concerns a material sample in the form of an infinite slab of finite thickness subjected to prescribed opening displacements on its two surfaces. The solid is assumed to obey deformation-theory of plasticity and, in order to further simplify the analysis, we assume isotropic rigid-plastic deformations with zero plastic spin. When hardening exponents are given values consistent with observation, the energy is found to exhibit sublinear growth. We regularize the energy through the addition of nonlocal energy terms of the strain-gradient plasticity type. This nonlocal regularization has the effect of introducing an intrinsic length scale into the energy. We also put forth a physical argument that identifies the intrinsic length and suggests a linear growth of the nonlocal energy. Under these assumptions, ductile fracture emerges as the net result of two competing effects: whereas the sublinear growth of the local energy promotes localization of deformation to failure planes, the nonlocal regularization stabilizes this process, thus resulting in an orderly progression towards failure and a well-defined specific fracture energy. The optimal scaling laws derived here show that ductile fracture results from localization of deformations to void sheets, and that it requires a well-defined energy per unit fracture area. In particular, fractal modes of fracture are ruled out under the assumptions of the analysis. The optimal scaling laws additionally show that ductile fracture is cohesive in nature, i.e., it obeys a well-defined relation between tractions and opening displacements. Finally, the scaling laws supply a link between micromechanical properties and macroscopic fracture properties. In particular, they reveal the relative roles that surface energy and microplasticity play as contributors to the specific fracture energy of the material. Next, we present an experimental assessment of the optimal scaling laws. We show that when the specific fracture energy is renormalized in a manner suggested by the optimal scaling laws, the data falls within the bounds predicted by the analysis and, moreover, they ostensibly collapse---with allowances made for experimental scatter---on a master curve dependent on the hardening exponent, but otherwise material independent.