946 resultados para Planar waveguides


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Planar curves arise naturally as interfaces between two regions of the plane. An important part of statistical physics is the study of lattice models. This thesis is about the interfaces of 2D lattice models. The scaling limit is an infinite system limit which is taken by letting the lattice mesh decrease to zero. At criticality, the scaling limit of an interface is one of the SLE curves (Schramm-Loewner evolution), introduced by Oded Schramm. This family of random curves is parametrized by a real variable, which determines the universality class of the model. The first and the second paper of this thesis study properties of SLEs. They contain two different methods to study the whole SLE curve, which is, in fact, the most interesting object from the statistical physics point of view. These methods are applied to study two symmetries of SLE: reversibility and duality. The first paper uses an algebraic method and a representation of the Virasoro algebra to find common martingales to different processes, and that way, to confirm the symmetries for polynomial expected values of natural SLE data. In the second paper, a recursion is obtained for the same kind of expected values. The recursion is based on stationarity of the law of the whole SLE curve under a SLE induced flow. The third paper deals with one of the most central questions of the field and provides a framework of estimates for describing 2D scaling limits by SLE curves. In particular, it is shown that a weak estimate on the probability of an annulus crossing implies that a random curve arising from a statistical physics model will have scaling limits and those will be well-described by Loewner evolutions with random driving forces.


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Pursuit evasion in a plane is formulated with both players allowed to vary their speeds between fixed limits. A suitable choice of real-space coordinates confers open-loop optimality on the game. The solution in the small is described in terms of the individual players'' extremal trajectory maps (ETM). Each map is independent of role, adversary, and capture radius. An ETM depicts the actual real-space trajectories. A template method of generating constant control arcs is described. Examples of ETM for an aircraft flying at a constant altitude with fixed and varying speeds are presented.


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An iterative method of constructing sections of the game surfaces from the players'' extremal trajectory maps is discussed. Barrier sections are presented for aircraft pursuit-evasion at constant altitude, with one aircraft flying at sustained speed and the other varying its speed.


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In this paper a method to determine the internal and external boundaries of planar workspaces, represented with an ordered set of points, is presented. The sequence of points are grouped and can be interpreted to form a sequence of curves. Three successive curves are used for determining the instantaneous center of rotation for the second one of them. The two extremal points on the curve with respect to the instantaneous center are recognized as singular points. The chronological ordering of these singular points is used to generate the two envelope curves, which are potentially intersecting. Methods have been presented in the paper for the determination of the workspace boundary from the envelope curves. Strategies to deal with the manipulators with joint limits and various degenerate situations have also been discussed. The computational steps being completely geometric, the method does not require the knowledge about the manipulator's kinematics. Hence, it can be used for the workspace of arbitrary planar manipulators. A number of illustrative examples demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.


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By using the algebraic locus of the coupler curve of a PRRP planar linkage, in this paper, a kinematic theory is developed for planar, radially foldable closed-loop linkages. This theory helps derive the previously invented building blocks, which consist of only two inter-connected angulated elements, for planar foldable structures. Furthermore, a special case of a circumferentially actuatable foldable linkage (which is different from the previously known cases) is derived from the theory, A quantitative description of some known and some new properties of planar foldable linkages, including the extent of foldability, shape-preservation of the interior polygons, multi-segmented assemblies and heterogeneous circumferential arrangemants, is also presented. The design equations derived here make the conception of even complex planar radially foldable linkages systematic and straightforward. Representative examples are presented to illustrate the usage of the design equations and the construction of prototypes. The current limitations and some possible extensions of the theory are also noted. (c) 2007, Elsevier Ltd. All ri-hts reserved.


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The TOTEM experiment at the LHC will measure the total proton-proton cross-section with a precision better than 1%, elastic proton scattering over a wide range in momentum transfer -t= p^2 theta^2 up to 10 GeV^2 and diffractive dissociation, including single, double and central diffraction topologies. The total cross-section will be measured with the luminosity independent method that requires the simultaneous measurements of the total inelastic rate and the elastic proton scattering down to four-momentum transfers of a few 10^-3 GeV^2, corresponding to leading protons scattered in angles of microradians from the interaction point. This will be achieved using silicon microstrip detectors, which offer attractive properties such as good spatial resolution (<20 um), fast response (O(10ns)) to particles and radiation hardness up to 10^14 "n"/cm^2. This work reports about the development of an innovative structure at the detector edge reducing the conventional dead width of 0.5-1 mm to 50-60 um, compatible with the requirements of the experiment.


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Reconfigurable antennas capable of radiating in only specific desired directions increase system functionality in applications like direction finding and beam steering. This paper presents the design simulation, fabrication and measurement of a horizontally polarized, direction reconfigurable Vivaldi antenna, designed for the lower-band UWB (2-6 GHz). This design employs eight circularly distributed independent Vivaldi antennas with a common port, electronically controlled by PIN diodes acting as RF switches. Experimental results show that the reconfigurable antenna has a bandwidth of 4 GHz (2-6 GHz), with 5 dB gain in the desired direction and capable of steering over the 360° range.


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Antennas are a necessary and critical component of communications and radar systems, but their inability to adjust to new operating scenarios can sometimes limit the system performance. Reconfigurable antennas capable of radiating in only specific desired directions can ameliorate these restrictions and help to achieve increased functionality in applications like direction finding and beam steering. This paper presents the design simulation, fabrication and measurement of a wide-band, horizontally polarized, direction reconfigurable microstrip antenna operating at 2.45 GHz. The design employs a central horizontally polarized omnidirectional active element surrounded by electronically reconfigurable parasitic microstrip elements, controlled by PIN diodes acting as RF switches. Experimental results show that the reconfigurable antenna has a bandwidth of 40% (2-3 GHz), with 3 dB gain in the desired direction and capable of steering over the 360° range.


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Ni80Fe20 thin films with high orientation were grown on Si(1 0 0) using pulsed laser ablation. The anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and the planar Hall measurements show a 2.5% resistance anisotropy and a 45% planar Hall voltage change for magnetic field sweep of 10 Oe. The planar Hall sensitivity dR/dH was found to be 900 Omega T-1 compared with a previously reported maximum of 340 Omega T-1 in the same system.Also these films are found to withstand repeated thermal cycling up to 110 degrees C and the Hall sensitivity remains constant within this temperature range. This combination of properties makes the system highly suitable for low magnetic field sensors, particularly in geomagnetic and biosensor applications. To elucidate this, we have demonstrated that these sensors are sensitive to Earth's magnetic field. These results are compared with the sputter deposited films which have a very low AMR and planar Hall voltage change as compared with the films grown by PLD. The possible reasons for these contrasting characteristics are also discussed.


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The results of spin-polarized MSXagr calculations show that the ground state of the CuO 4 6– cluster is essentially non-magnetic in spite of odd number of electrons in the system for short Cu–O distances (1.90 Å) as found in the highT c superconductors. This arises due to the fact that the unpaired electron resides in a molecular orbital with primarily oxygen 3s character. The stability of this molecular orbital is found to be sensitive to the cluster geometry and thus, increase in Cu–O distance (as well as other changes affecting oxygen-oxygen distance) tend to favour a magnetic state. From these calculations we have also estimated the Coulomb correlation strength within the Cu 3d to be about 5.3 eV.


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Curves for the uniformity in film thickness on spherical substrates are drawn for various geometries. The optimum source-to-substrate height for maximum uniformity of the film thickness is determined. These data are approximated to achieve uniform thickness on a large number of small planar substrates loaded on a large spherical substrate holder, the appropriate geometry being selected on the basis of the radius of curvature of the substrate holder.


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We study the following problem: given a geometric graph G and an integer k, determine if G has a planar spanning subgraph (with the original embedding and straight-line edges) such that all nodes have degree at least k. If G is a unit disk graph, the problem is trivial to solve for k = 1. We show that even the slightest deviation from the trivial case (e.g., quasi unit disk graphs or k = 1) leads to NP-hard problems.