807 resultados para Pitch


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Binaural pitches are auditory percepts that emerge from combined inputs to the ears but that cannot be heard if the stimulus is presented to either ear alone. Here, we describe a binaural pitch that is not easily accommodated within current models of binaural processing. Convergent magnetoencephalography (MEG) and psychophysical measurements were used to characterize the pitch, heard when band-limited noise had a rapidly changing interaural phase difference. Several interesting features emerged: First, the pitch was perceptually lateralized, in agreement with the lateralization of the evoked changes in MEG spectral power, and its salience depended on dichotic binaural presentation. Second, the frequency of the pure tone that matched the binaural pitch lay within a lower spectral sideband of the phase-modulated noise and followed the frequency of that sideband when the modulation frequency or center frequency and bandwidth of the noise changed. Thus, the binaural pitch depended on the processing of binaural information in that lower sideband.


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Mistuning a harmonic produces an exaggerated change in its pitch, a component-pitch shift. The origin of these pitch shifts was explored by manipulations intended to alter the grouping status of a mistuned target component in a periodic complex tone. In experiment 1, which used diotic presentation, reinstating the corresponding harmonic (in-tune counterpart) caused the pitch shifts on the mistuned target largely to disappear for components 3 and 4, although they remained for component 2. A computational model of component-pitch shifts, based on harmonic cancellation, was unable to explain the near-complete loss of pitch shifts when the counterpart was present; only small changes occurred. In experiment 2, the complex tone and mistuned component 4 were presented in the left ear and the in-tune counterpart was presented in the right. The in-tune counterpart again reduced component-pitch shifts, but they were restored when a captor complex into which the counterpart fitted as harmonic 3 was added in the right ear; presumably by providing an alternative grouping possibility for the counterpart. It is proposed that component-pitch shifts occur only if the mistuned component is selected to contribute to the complex-tone percept; these shifts are eliminated if it is displaced by a better candidate.


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We report the first use of a multicore fibre incorporating fibre Bragg grating strain sensors in each core as a fibre optic pitch and roll sensor. A length of four-core fibre supported at one end forms a cantilever. The differential strains between opposite grating pairs depend on the fibre’s orientation in pitch (in the vertical plane) and roll (azimuth) with respect to gravity. Resolutions of ±2◦ in roll and ±15◦ in pitch were measured.


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The purpose of this study was to determine which of the two methods is more appropriate to teach pitch discrimination to Grade 6 choral students to improve sight-singing note accuracy. This study consisted of three phases: pre-testing, instruction and post-testing. During the four week study, the experimental group received training using the Kodaly method while the control group received training using the traditional method. The pre and post tests were evaluated by three trained musicians. The analysis of the data utilized an independent t-test and a paired t-test with the methods of teaching (experimental and control) as a factor. Quantitative results suggest that the experimental subjects, those receiving Kodaly instruction at post-treatment showed a significant improvement in the pitch accuracy than the control group. The specific change resulted in the Kodaly method to be more effective in producing accurate pitch in sight-singing.


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We present a design for an electronic continuous pitch wind controller for musical performance. It uses a combination of linear position, magnetic reed, and air pressure sensors to generate three fully continuous control dimensions. Each control dimension is encoded and transmitted using the industry standard MIDI protocol to allow the instrument to interface with a large variety of synthesizers to control different parameters of the synthesis algorithm in real time, allowing for a high degree of expressiveness not possible with existing electronic wind instrument controllers. The first part of the thesis will provide a justification for the design of a novel instrument, and present some of the theory behind pitch representation, encoding, and transmission with respect to digital systems. The remainder of the thesis will present the particular design and explain the workings of its various subsystems.


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We present an advanced method to achieve natural modifications when applying a pitch shifting process to singing voice by modifying the spectral envelope of the audio ex- cerpt. To this end, an all-pole spectral envelope model has been selected to describe the global variations of the spectral envelope with the changes of the pitch. We performed a pitch shifting process of some sustained vowels with the envelope processing and without it, and compared both by means of a survey open to volunteers in our website.


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This book is a comprehensive history of the Good Shepherd Order in the Pacific region, and the author is able to draw on substantial archival collections. Catherine Kovesi and the Sisters of the Good Shepherd are to be congratulated for the high standard of the book, its careful research and writing, and for its design and illustrations. The book is especially important as there are few substantial published histories that explore the ethos and work of Catholic women’s orders in Australia.


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Pitch Estimation, also known as Fundamental Frequency (F0) estimation, has been a popular research topic for many years, and is still investigated nowadays. The goal of Pitch Estimation is to find the pitch or fundamental frequency of a digital recording of a speech or musical notes. It plays an important role, because it is the key to identify which notes are being played and at what time. Pitch Estimation of real instruments is a very hard task to address. Each instrument has its own physical characteristics, which reflects in different spectral characteristics. Furthermore, the recording conditions can vary from studio to studio and background noises must be considered. This dissertation presents a novel approach to the problem of Pitch Estimation, using Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP).We take advantage of evolutionary algorithms, in particular CGP, to explore and evolve complex mathematical functions that act as classifiers. These classifiers are used to identify piano notes pitches in an audio signal. To help us with the codification of the problem, we built a highly flexible CGP Toolbox, generic enough to encode different kind of programs. The encoded evolutionary algorithm is the one known as 1 + , and we can choose the value for . The toolbox is very simple to use. Settings such as the mutation probability, number of runs and generations are configurable. The cartesian representation of CGP can take multiple forms and it is able to encode function parameters. It is prepared to handle with different type of fitness functions: minimization of f(x) and maximization of f(x) and has a useful system of callbacks. We trained 61 classifiers corresponding to 61 piano notes. A training set of audio signals was used for each of the classifiers: half were signals with the same pitch as the classifier (true positive signals) and the other half were signals with different pitches (true negative signals). F-measure was used for the fitness function. Signals with the same pitch of the classifier that were correctly identified by the classifier, count as a true positives. Signals with the same pitch of the classifier that were not correctly identified by the classifier, count as a false negatives. Signals with different pitch of the classifier that were not identified by the classifier, count as a true negatives. Signals with different pitch of the classifier that were identified by the classifier, count as a false positives. Our first approach was to evolve classifiers for identifying artifical signals, created by mathematical functions: sine, sawtooth and square waves. Our function set is basically composed by filtering operations on vectors and by arithmetic operations with constants and vectors. All the classifiers correctly identified true positive signals and did not identify true negative signals. We then moved to real audio recordings. For testing the classifiers, we picked different audio signals from the ones used during the training phase. For a first approach, the obtained results were very promising, but could be improved. We have made slight changes to our approach and the number of false positives reduced 33%, compared to the first approach. We then applied the evolved classifiers to polyphonic audio signals, and the results indicate that our approach is a good starting point for addressing the problem of Pitch Estimation.


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A novel pitch control design method is proposed for the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine (WT) using linear quadratic regulator (LQR). A seven-order model represents the DFIG WT which is linearized by truncated Taylor series expansion. A systematic approach is adopted to determine the weighting matrices in LQR design for the optimal solution. Simulations have been carried out to compare the performance of the proposed LQR pitch control method against a PI pitch control for small and large disturbances. It is shown that the proposed control method enhances low-voltage ride-through capability and improves system damping under large disturbances.


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This paper is on a wind energy conversion system simulation of a transient analysis due to a blade pitch control malfunction. The aim of the transient analysis is the study of the behavior of a back-to-back multiple point clamped five-level full-power converter implemented in a wind energy conversion system equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator. An alternate current link connects the system to the grid. The drive train is modeled by a three-mass model in order to simulate the dynamic effect of the wind on the tower. The control strategy is based on fractional-order control. Unbalance voltages in the DC-link capacitors are lessen due to the control strategy, balancing the capacitor banks voltages by a selection of the output voltage vectors. Simulation studies are carried out to evaluate not only the system behavior, but also the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid.


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The aim of this study was to identify how pitch area-restrictions affects the tactical behavior, physical and physiological performances of players during soccer large-sided games. A 10 vs. 9 large-sided game was performed under three experimental conditions: (i) restricted-spacing, the pitch was divided into specific areas where players were assigned and they should not leave it; (ii) contiguous-spacing, the pitch was divided into specific areas where the players were only allowed to move to a neighboring one; (iii) free-spacing, the players had no restrictions in space occupation. The positional data were used to compute players’ spatial exploration index and also the distance, coefficient of variation, approximate entropy and frequency of near-in-phase displacements synchronization of players’ dyads formed by the outfield teammates. Players’ physical and physiological performances were assessed by the distance covered at different speed categories, game pace and heart rate. Most likely higher values were found in players’ spatial exploration index under free-spacing conditions. The synchronization between dyads’ displacements showed higher values for contiguous-spacing and free-spacing conditions. In contrast, for the jogging and running intensity zones, restricted-spacing demanded a moderate effect and most likely decrease compared to other scenarios (~20-50% to jogging and ~60-90% to running). Overall, the effects of limiting players’ spatial exploration greatly impaired the co-adaptation between teammates’ positioning while decreasing the physical and physiological performances. These results allow for a better understanding of players’ decision-making process according to specific task rules and can be relevant to enrich practice task design, such that coaches acknowledge the differential effect by using specific pitch-position areas restrictions.


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Drawing from ethnographic, empirical, and historical / cultural perspectives, we examine the extent to which visual aspects of music contribute to the communication that takes place between performers and their listeners. First, we introduce a framework for understanding how media and genres shape aural and visual experiences of music. Second, we present case studies of two performances, and describe the relation between visual and aural aspects of performance. Third, we report empirical evidence that visual aspects of performance reliably influence perceptions of musical structure (pitch related features) and affective interpretations of music. Finally, we trace new and old media trajectories of aural and visual dimensions of music, and highlight how our conceptions, perceptions and appreciation of music are intertwined with technological innovation and media deployment strategies.


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Sleeper is an 18'00" musical work for live performer and laptop computer which exists as both a live performance work and a recorded work for audio CD. The work has been presented at a range of international performance events and survey exhibitions. These include the 2003 International Computer Music Conference (Singapore) where it was selected for CD publication, Variable Resistance (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA), and i.audio, a survey of experimental sound at the Performance Space, Sydney. The source sound materials are drawn from field recordings made in acoustically resonant spaces in the Australian urban environment, amplified and acoustic instruments, radio signals, and sound synthesis procedures. The processing techniques blur the boundaries between, and exploit, the perceptual ambiguities of de-contextualised and processed sound. The work thus challenges the arbitrary distinctions between sound, noise and music and attempts to reveal the inherent musicality in so-called non-musical materials via digitally re-processed location audio. Thematically the work investigates Paul Virilio’s theory that technology ‘collapses space’ via the relationship of technology to speed. Technically this is explored through the design of a music composition process that draws upon spatially and temporally dispersed sound materials treated using digital audio processing technologies. One of the contributions to knowledge in this work is a demonstration of how disparate materials may be employed within a compositional process to produce music through the establishment of musically meaningful morphological, spectral and pitch relationships. This is achieved through the design of novel digital audio processing networks and a software performance interface. The work explores, tests and extends the music perception theories of ‘reduced listening’ (Schaeffer, 1967) and ‘surrogacy’ (Smalley, 1997), by demonstrating how, through specific audio processing techniques, sounds may shifted away from ‘causal’ listening contexts towards abstract aesthetic listening contexts. In doing so, it demonstrates how various time and frequency domain processing techniques may be used to achieve this shift.