998 resultados para Physical sciences.


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We explore in detail the possibility of generating a pair-coherent state in the nondegenerate parametric oscillator when decoherence is included. Such states are predicted in the transient regime in parametric oscillation where the pump mode is adiabatically eliminated. Two specific signatures are examined to indicate whether the state of interest has been generated, the Schrodinger cat state-like signatures, and the fidelity. Solutions in a transient regime reveal interference fringes which are indicative of the formation of a Schrodinger cat state. The fidelity indicates the purity of our prepared state compared with the ideal pair-coherent state.


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We show how entangled qubits can be encoded as entangled coherent states of two-dimensional center-of-mass vibrational motion for two ions in an ion trap. The entangled qubit state is equivalent to the canonical Bell state, and we introduce a proposal for entanglement transfer from the two vibrational modes to the electronic states of the two ions in order for the Bell state to be detected by resonance fluorescence shelving methods.


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We analyze the fidelity of teleportation protocols, as a function of resource entanglement, for three kinds of two-mode oscillator states: states with fixed total photon number, number states entangled at a beam splitter, and the two-mode squeezed vacuum state. We define corresponding teleportation protocols for each case including phase noise to model degraded entanglement of each resource.


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A major challenge associated with using large chemical libraries synthesized on microscopic solid support beads is the rapid discrimination of individual compounds in these libraries. This challenge can be overcome by encoding the beads with 1 mum silica colloidal particles (reporters) that contain specific and identifiable combinations of fluorescent byes. The colored bar code generated on support beads during combinatorial library synthesis can be easily, rapidly, and inexpensively decoded through the use of fluorescence microscopy. All reporters are precoated with polyelectrolytes [poly(acrylic acid), PAA, poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate PSSS, polyethylenimine, PEI, and/or poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), PDADMAC] with the aim of enhancing surface charge, promoting electrostatic attraction to the bead, and facilitating polymer bridging between the bead and reporter for permanent adhesion. As shown in this article, reporters coated with polyelectrolytes clearly outperform uncoated reporters with regard to quantity of attached reporters per bead (54 +/- 23 in 2500 mum(2) area for PEI/PAA coated and 11 +/- 6 for uncoated reporters) and minimization of cross-contamination (1 red reporter in 2500 mum(2) area of green-labeled bead for PEI/PAA coated and 26 +/- 15 red reporters on green-labeled beads for uncoated reporters after 10 days). Examination of various polyelectrolyte systems shows that the magnitude of the xi -potential of polyelectrolyte-coated reporters (-64 mV for PDADMAC/PSSS and -42 mV for PEI/PAA-coated reporters) has no correlation with the number of reporters that adhere to the solid support beads (21 +/- 16 in 2500 mum(2) area for PDADMAC/PSSS and 54 +/- 23 for PEI/PAA-coated reporters). The contribution of polymer bridging to the adhesion has a far greater influence than electrostatic attraction and is demonstrated by modification of the polyelectrolyte multilayers using gamma irradiation of precoated reporters either in aqueous solution or in polyelectrolyte solution.


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The response of a two-level atom in a strong polychromatic field composed of a large number of equidistant frequency components is investigated. We calculate numerically, as well as analytically,:the stationary population inversion and show that the saturation of the atomic transition strongly depends on whether or not there is a central (resonant) frequency component in the driving field. We find that, in the presence of the central component, the atom can remain in the ground state even for a strong Rabi frequency of the driving field. In addition, we find that the inversion is sensitive to the relative phase between the frequency components. When the central component is suppressed, the atomic transition saturates with the Rabi frequency independent of the relative phase.


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We propose an absorptive measurement scheme via coupled quantum dots based on studies of the quantum dynamics of coherently coupled dots. The system is described through a Markov master equation that is related to a measurable quantity, the current. We analyse the measurement configuration and calculate the correlations and noise spectra beyond the adiabatic approximation.


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We give an asymptotic analytic solution for the generic atom-laser system with gain in a D-dimensional trap, and show that this has a non-Thomas-Fermi behavior. The effect is due to Bose-enhanced condensate growth, which creates a local-density maximum and a corresponding outward momentum component. In addition, the solution predicts amplified center-of-mass oscillations, leading to enhanced center-of-mass temperature.


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We describe a population of compact objects in the centre of the Fornax Cluster which were discovered as part of our 2dF Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. These objects have spectra typical of old stellar systems, but are unresolved on photographic sky survey plates. They have absolute magnitudes - 13 < M-B


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We consider the electronic properties of layered molecular crystals of the type theta -D(2)A where A is an anion and D is a donor molecule such as bis-(ethylenedithia-tetrathiafulvalene) (BEDT-TTF), which is arranged in the theta -type pattern within the layers. We argue that the simplest strongly correlated electron model that can describe the rich phase diagram of these materials is the extended Hubbard model on the square lattice at one-quarter filling. In the limit where the Coulomb repulsion on a single site is large, the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion V plays a crucial role. When V is much larger than the intermolecular hopping integral t the ground state is an insulator with charge ordering. In this phase antiferromagnetism arises due to a novel fourth-order superexchange process around a plaquette on the square lattice. We argue that the charge ordered phase is destroyed below a critical nonzero value V, of the order of t. Slave-boson theory is used to explicitly demonstrate this for the SU(N) generalization of the model, in the large-N limit. We also discuss the relevance of the model to the all-organic family beta-(BEDT-TTF)(2)SF5YSO3 where Y=CH2CF2, CH2, CHF.


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A numerical model of heat transfer in fluidized-bed coating of solid cylinders is presented. By defining suitable dimensionless parameters, the governing equations and its associated initial and boundary conditions are discretized using the method of orthogonal collocation and the resulting ordinary differential equations simultaneously solved for the dimensionless coating thickness and wall temperatures. Parametric Studies showed that the dimensionless coating thickness and wall temperature depend on the relative heat capacities of the polymer powder and object, the latent heat of fusion and the size of the cylinder. Model predictions for the coating thickness and wall temperature compare reasonably well with numerical predictions and experimental coating data in the literature and with our own coating experiments using copper cylinders immersed in nylon-11 and polyethylene powders. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-spin relaxation time (T-2) is related to the radiation-dependent concentration of polymer formed in polymer gel dosimeters manufactured from monomers in an aqueous gelatin matrix. Changes in T-2 with time post-irradiation have been reported in the literature but their nature is not fully understood. We investigated those changes with time after irradiation using FT-Raman spectroscopy and the precise determination of T-2 at high magnetic field in a polymer gel dosimeter, A model of fast exchange of magnetization taking into account ongoing gelation and strengthening of the gelatin matrix as well as the polymerization of the monomers with time is presented. Published data on the changes of T-2 in gelatin gels as a function of post-manufacture time are used and fitted closely by the model presented. The same set of parameters characterizing the variations of T-2 in gelatin gels and the increasing concentration of polymer determined from Fr-Raman spectroscopy are used successfully in the modelling of irradiated polymer gel dosimeters. Minimal variations in T-2 in an irradiated PAG dosimeter are observed after 13 h.


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A 1-factorisation of a graph is perfect if the union of any two of its 1-factors is a Hamiltonian cycle. Let n = p(2) for an odd prime p. We construct a family of (p-1)/2 non-isomorphic perfect 1-factorisations of K-n,K-n. Equivalently, we construct pan-Hamiltonian Latin squares of order n. A Latin square is pan-Hamiltoilian if the permutation defined by any row relative to any other row is a single Cycle. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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The first 'Australian Cluster Workshop' was held at the Australia Telescope National Facility in Sydney on 2001 February 6. The aim of the workshop was to bring together the many and varied groups working on clusters of galaxies in Australia, to forge newmulti-disciplinary links, and to generate enthusiasm and support for new cluster work and further cluster meetings in Australia. In this paper I present a summary of the workshop as well as some additional review material intended to place current Australian research in a broader perspective, looking ahead to the major issues still to be addressed.


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We investigate the utility of nonclassical states of simple harmonic oscillators, particularly a superposition of coherent states, for sensitive force detection. We find that like squeezed states, a superposition of coherent states allows displacement measurements at the Heisenberg limit. Entangling many superpositions of coherent states offers a significant advantage over a single-mode superposition state with the same mean photon number.


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The synthetic organic compound λ(BETS)2FeCl4 undergoes successive transitions from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a metal and then to a superconductor as a magnetic field is increased. We use a Hubbard-Kondo model to clarify the role of the Fe3+ magnetic ions in these phase transition. In the high-field regime, the magnetic field acting on the electron spins is compensated by the exchange field He due to the magnetic ions. This suggests that the field-induced superconducting state is the same as the zero-field superconducting state which occurs under pressure or when the Fe3+ ions are replaced by non-magnetic Ga3+ ions. We show how Hc can be extracted from the observed splitting of the Shybnikov-de Haas frequencies. Furthermore, we use this method of extracting He to predict the field range for field-induced superconductivity in other materials. We also show that at high fields the spin fluctuations of the localized spins are not important.