534 resultados para Photochemistry.


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Polysulphone (PS) dosimetry has been a widely used technique for more than 30 years to quantify the erythemally effective UV dose received by anatomic sites (personal exposure). The calibration of PS dosimeters is an important issue as their spectral response is different from the erythemal action spectrum. It is performed exposing a set of PS dosimeters on a horizontal plane and measuring the UV doses received by dosimeters using calibrated spectroradiometers or radiometers. In this study, data collected during PS field campaigns (from 2004 to 2006), using horizontal and differently inclined dosimeters, were analyzed to provide some considerations on the transfer of the horizontal calibration to differently inclined dosimeters, as anatomic sites usually are. The role of sky conditions, of the angle of incidence between the sun and the normal to the slope, and of the type of surrounding surface on the calibration were investigated. It was concluded that PS horizontal calibrations apply to differently inclined dosimeters for incidence angles up to approximately 70 degrees and for surfaces excluding ones with high albedo. Caution should be used in the application of horizontal calibrations for cases of high-incidence angle and/or high albedo surfaces.


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Currently there is a lack of choice when selecting synthetic materials with the cell-instructive properties demanded by modern biomaterials. The purpose of this study was to investigate the attachment of cells onto hydrogels prepared from poly(2-oxazoline)s selectively-functionalized with cell adhesion motifs. A water-soluble macromer based on the microwave-assisted cationic ring-opening polymerization of 2-methyl-2-oxazoline and 2-(dec-9-enyl)-2-oxazoline was functionalized with the peptide CRGDSG or controls using thiol-ene photochemistry followed by facile crosslinking in the presence of a dithiol crosslinker. The growth of human fibroblasts on the hydrogel surfaces was dictated by the structure and amount of incorporated peptide. Controls without any peptide showed resistance to cellular attachment. The benignity of the crosslinking conditions was demonstrated by the incorporation of fibroblasts within the hydrogels to produce three-dimensional cell-polymer constructs.


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In vitro studies indicate that folate in collected human blood is vulnerable to degradation after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This has raised concerns about folate depletion in individuals with high sun exposure. Here, we investigate the association between personal solar UV radiation exposure and serum folate concentration, using a three-week prospective study that was undertaken in females aged 18–47 years in Brisbane, Australia (153 E, 27 S). Following two weeks of supplementation with 500 μg of folic acid daily, the change in serum folate status was assessed over a 7-day period of measured personal sun exposure. Compared to participants with personal UV exposures of <200 Joules per day, participants with personal UV exposures of 200–599 and >600 Joules per day had significantly higher depletion of serum folate (p = 0.015). Multivariable analysis revealed personal UV exposure as the strongest predictor accounting for 20% of the overall change in serum folate (Standardised B = −0.49; t = −3.75; p = <0.01). These data show that increasing solar UV radiation exposures reduces the effectiveness of folic acid supplementation. The consequences of this association may be most pronounced for vulnerable individuals, such as women who are pregnant or of childbearing age with high sun exposures.


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Nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanofibres of anatase and TiO2(B) phases were synthesised by a reaction between titanate nanofibres of a layered structure and gaseous NH3 at 400–700 °C, following a different mechanism than that for the direct nitrogen doping from TiO2. The surface of the N-doped TiO2 nanofibres can be tuned by facial calcination in air to remove the surface-bonded N species, whereas the core remains N doped. N-Doped TiO2 nanofibres, only after calcination in air, became effective photocatalysts for the decomposition of sulforhodamine B under visible-light irradiation. The surface-oxidised surface layer was proven to be very effective for organic molecule adsorption, and the activation of oxygen molecules, whereas the remaining N-doped interior of the fibres strongly absorbed visible light, resulting in the generation of electrons and holes. The N-doped nanofibres were also used as supports of gold nanoparticle (Au NP) photocatalysts for visible-light-driven hydroamination of phenylacetylene with aniline. Phenylacetylene was activated on the N-doped surface of the nanofibres and aniline on the Au NPs. The Au NPs adsorbed on N-doped TiO2(B) nanofibres exhibited much better conversion (80 % of phenylacetylene) than when adsorbed on undoped fibres (46 %) at 40 °C and 95 % of the product is the desired imine. The surface N species can prevent the adsorption of O2 that is unfavourable for the hydroamination reaction, and thus, improve the photocatalytic activity. Removal of the surface N species resulted in a sharp decrease of the photocatalytic activity. These photocatalysts are feasible for practical applications, because they can be easily dispersed into solution and separated from a liquid by filtration, sedimentation or centrifugation due to their fibril morphology.


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UV-vis photodissociation action spectroscopy is becoming increasingly prevalent because of advances in, and commercial availability of, ion trapping technologies and tunable laser sources. This study outlines in detail an instrumental arrangement, combining a commercial ion-trap mass spectrometer and tunable nanosecond pulsed laser source, for performing fully automated photodissociation action spectroscopy on gas-phase ions. The components of the instrumentation are outlined, including the optical and electronic interfacing, in addition to the control software for automating the experiment and performing online analysis of the spectra. To demonstrate the utility of this ensemble, the photodissociation action spectra of 4-chloroanilinium, 4-bromoanilinium, and 4-iodoanilinium cations are presented and discussed. Multiple photoproducts are detected in each case and the photoproduct yields are followed as a function of laser wavelength. It is shown that the wavelength-dependent partitioning of the halide loss, H loss, and NH3 loss channels can be broadly rationalized in terms of the relative carbon-halide bond dissociation energies and processes of energy redistribution. The photodissociation action spectrum of (phenyl)Ag-2 (+) is compared with a literature spectrum as a further benchmark.


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Anatase TiO2 nanocrystals were painted on H-titanate nanofibers by using an aqueous solution of titanyl sulfate. The anatase nanocrystals were bonded solidly onto the titanate fibers through formation of coherent interfaces at which the oxygen atoms were shared by the nanocrystals and the fiber. This approach allowed us to create large anatase surfaces on the nanofibers, which are active in photocatalytic reactions. This method was also applied successfully to coat anatase nanocrystals on surfaces of fly ash and layered clay. The painted nanofibers exhibited a much higher catalytic activity for the photocatalytic degradation of sulforhodamine B and the selective oxidation of benzylamine to the corresponding imine (with a product selectivity >99%) under UV irradiation than both the parent H-titanate nanofibers and a commercial TiO2 powder, P25. We found that gold nanoparticles supported on H-titanate nanofibers showed no catalytic activity for the reduction of nitrobenzene to azoxybenzene, whereas the gold nanoparticles supported on the painted nanofibers and P25 could efficiently reduce nitrobenzene to azoxybenzene as the sole product under visible light irradiation. These results were different from those from the reduction on the gold nanoparticles photocatalyst on ZrO2, in which the azoxybenzene was the intermediate and converted to azobenzene quickly. Evidently, the support materials significantly affect the product selectivity of the nitrobenzene reduction. Finally, the new photocatalysts could be easily dispersed into and separated from a liquid because of their fibril morphology, which is an important advantage for practical applications.


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We report on the chemical synthesis of the arrays of silicon oxide nanodots and their self-organization on the surface via physical processes triggered by surface charges. The method based on chemically active oxygen plasma leads to the rearrangement of nanostructures and eventually to the formation of groups of nanodots. This behavior is explained in terms of the effect of electric field on the kinetics of surface processes. The direct measurements of the electric charges on the surface demonstrate that the charge correlates with the density and arrangement of nanodots within the array. Extensive numerical simulations support the proposed mechanism and prove a critical role of the electric charges in the self-organization. This simple and environment-friendly self-guided process could be used in the chemical synthesis of large arrays of nanodots on semiconducting surfaces for a variety of applications in catalysis, energy conversion and storage, photochemistry, environmental and biosensing, and several others.


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Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is closely linked to the development of skin cancers in humans. The ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation wavelength (280-320 nm), in particular, causes DNA damage in epidermal keratinocytes, which are linked to the generation of signature premalignant mutations. Interactions between dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes play a role in epidermal repair and regeneration after UVB-induced damage. To investigate these processes, established two and three-dimensional culture models were utilized to study the impact of fibroblast-keratinocyte crosstalk during the acute UVB response. Using a coculture system it was observed that fibroblasts enhanced keratinocyte survival and the repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) after UVB radiation exposure. These findings were also mirrored in irradiated human skin coculture models employed in this study. Fibroblast coculture was shown to play a role in the expression and activation of members of the apoptotic cascade, including caspase-3 and Bad. Interestingly, the expression and phosphorylation of p53, a key player in the regulation of keratinocyte cell fate postirradiation, was also shown to be influenced by fibroblast-produced factors. This study highlights the importance of synergistic interactions between fibroblasts and keratinocytes in maintaining a functional epidermis while promoting repair and regeneration following UVB radiation-induced damage.


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A photochemical strategy enabling λ-orthogonal reactions is introduced to construct macromolecular architectures and to encode variable functional groups with site-selective precision into a single molecule by the choice of wavelength. λ-Orthogonal pericyclic reactions proceed independently of one another by the selection of functional groups that absorb light of specific wavelengths. The power of the new concept is shown by a one-pot reaction of equimolar quantities of maleimide with two polymers carrying different maleimide-reactive endgroups, that is, a photoactive diene (photoenol) and a nitrile imine (tetrazole). Under selective irradiation at λ=310–350 nm, any maleimide (or activated ene) end-capped compound reacts exclusively with the photoenol functional polymer. After complete conversion of the photoenol, subsequent irradiation at λ=270–310 nm activates the reaction of the tetrazole group with functional enes. The versatility of the approach is shown by λ-orthogonal click reactions of complex maleimides, functional enes, and polymers to the central polymer scaffold.


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A rapid and catalyst-free cycloaddition system for visible-light-induced click chemistry is reported. A readily accessible photoreactive 2H-azirine moiety was designed to absorb light at wavelengths above 400 nm. Irradiation with low-energy light sources thus enables efficient small-molecule synthesis with a diverse range of multiple-bond-containing compounds. Moreover, in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the current approach, quantitative ligation of the photoactivatable chromophore with functional polymeric substrates was performed and full conversion with irradiation times of only 1 min at ambient conditions was achieved. The current report thus presents a highly efficient method for applications involving selective cycloaddition to electron-deficient multiple-bond-containing materials.


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Recent advances in direct-use plasmonic-metal nanoparticles (NPs) as photocatalysts to drive organic synthesis reactions under visible-light irradiation have attracted great interest. Plasmonic-metal NPs are characterized by their strong interaction with visible light through excitation of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Herein, we review recent developments in direct photocatalysis using plasmonic-metal NPs and their applications. We focus on the role played by the LSPR of the metal NPs in catalyzing organic transformations and, more broadly, the role that light irradiation plays in catalyzing the reactions. Through this, the reaction mechanisms that these light-excited energetic electrons promote will be highlighted. This review will be of particular interest to researchers who are designing and fabricating new plasmonic-metal NP photocatalysts by identifying important reaction mechanisms that occur through light irradiation.


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is one of the major risk factors of cataract (loss of eye-lens transparency). The influence of UVB radiation (300 nm, 100 mu W cm(-2)) on the activity and apparent kinetic constants (K-m and V-max) of rat lens hexokinase (HK;EC2.7.1.1), phosphofructokinase (PFK;EC2.7.1.11), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH;EC1.1.1.41) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH;EC1.1.1.37) of energy metabolism has been investigated by irradiating the lens homogenate of three-and 12-month-old rats. In the three-month-old group specific activities of HK and PFK are reduced by 56 and 43 %, respectively, and there is no change in ICDH and MDH activities after a 24 h exposure. On the other hand, in the 12-month-old group the decreases are 72, 71, 24 and 16 % for HK, PFK. ICDH and MDH, respectively. UVB irradiation increases the apparent K-m of HK and PFK (in both age groups), whereas the K-m of ICDH and MDH is not altered. While the decrease in V-max of these enzymes due to UVB exposure is only marginal in three-month-old rats, it is more pronounced (significant) in 12-month-old rats. A similar decrease in enzyme activities of HK and PFK is also observe upon UVB exposure of the intact rat lens. The photoinduced changes in energy metabolism may in turn have a bearing on lens transparency, particularly at an older age.


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Porphyrins appended in the meso positions with 1,2-diazole, indole and quinoline are shown to exhibit enhanced fluorescence quantum yields relative to meso tetraphenyl porphyrin. The singlet emission yields decrease with the number of appended heterocyclic bases. An intramolecular charge transfer resonance mechanism has been advanced to interpret these results.