212 resultados para Phantoms
Pour analyser les images en tomodensitométrie, une méthode stœchiométrique est gé- néralement utilisée. Une courbe relie les unités Hounsfield d’une image à la densité électronique du milieu. La tomodensitométrie à double énergie permet d’obtenir des informations supplémentaires sur ces images. Une méthode stœchiométrique a été dé- veloppée pour permettre de déterminer les valeurs de densité électronique et de numéro atomique effectif à partir d’une paire d’images d’un tomodensitomètre à double énergie. Le but de cette recherche est de développer une nouvelle méthode d’identification de tissus en utilisant ces paramètres extraits en tomodensitométrie à double énergie. Cette nouvelle méthode est comparée avec la méthode standard de tomodensitométrie à simple énergie. Par ailleurs, l’impact dosimétrique de bien identifier un tissu est déterminé. Des simulations Monte Carlo permettent d’utiliser des fantômes numériques dont tous les paramètres sont connus. Les différents fantômes utilisés permettent d’étalonner les méthodes stœchiométriques, de comparer la polyvalence et la robustesse des méthodes d’identification de tissus double énergie et simple énergie, ainsi que de comparer les distributions de dose dans des fantômes uniformes de mêmes densités, mais de compo- sitions différentes. La méthode utilisant la tomodensitométrie à double énergie fournit des valeurs de densi- tés électroniques plus exactes, quelles que soient les conditions étudiées. Cette méthode s’avère également plus robuste aux variations de densité des tissus. L’impact dosimé- trique d’une bonne identification de tissus devient important pour des traitements aux énergies plus faibles, donc aux énergies d’imagerie et de curiethérapie.
Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme. Il demeure la cause de mortalité la plus importante chez les femmes âgées entre 35 et 55 ans. Au Canada, plus de 20 000 nouveaux cas sont diagnostiqués chaque année. Les études scientifiques démontrent que l'espérance de vie est étroitement liée à la précocité du diagnostic. Les moyens de diagnostic actuels comme la mammographie, l'échographie et la biopsie comportent certaines limitations. Par exemple, la mammographie permet de diagnostiquer la présence d’une masse suspecte dans le sein, mais ne peut en déterminer la nature (bénigne ou maligne). Les techniques d’imagerie complémentaires comme l'échographie ou l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) sont alors utilisées en complément, mais elles sont limitées quant à la sensibilité et la spécificité de leur diagnostic, principalement chez les jeunes femmes (< 50 ans) ou celles ayant un parenchyme dense. Par conséquent, nombreuses sont celles qui doivent subir une biopsie alors que leur lésions sont bénignes. Quelques voies de recherche sont privilégiées depuis peu pour réduire l`incertitude du diagnostic par imagerie ultrasonore. Dans ce contexte, l’élastographie dynamique est prometteuse. Cette technique est inspirée du geste médical de palpation et est basée sur la détermination de la rigidité des tissus, sachant que les lésions en général sont plus rigides que le tissu sain environnant. Le principe de cette technique est de générer des ondes de cisaillement et d'en étudier la propagation de ces ondes afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu via un problème inverse préétabli. Cette thèse vise le développement d'une nouvelle méthode d'élastographie dynamique pour le dépistage précoce des lésions mammaires. L'un des principaux problèmes des techniques d'élastographie dynamiques en utilisant la force de radiation est la forte atténuation des ondes de cisaillement. Après quelques longueurs d'onde de propagation, les amplitudes de déplacement diminuent considérablement et leur suivi devient difficile voir impossible. Ce problème affecte grandement la caractérisation des tissus biologiques. En outre, ces techniques ne donnent que l'information sur l'élasticité tandis que des études récentes montrent que certaines lésions bénignes ont les mêmes élasticités que des lésions malignes ce qui affecte la spécificité de ces techniques et motive la quantification de d'autres paramètres mécaniques (e.g.la viscosité). Le premier objectif de cette thèse consiste à optimiser la pression de radiation acoustique afin de rehausser l'amplitude des déplacements générés. Pour ce faire, un modèle analytique de prédiction de la fréquence de génération de la force de radiation a été développé. Une fois validé in vitro, ce modèle a servi pour la prédiction des fréquences optimales pour la génération de la force de radiation dans d'autres expérimentations in vitro et ex vivo sur des échantillons de tissu mammaire obtenus après mastectomie totale. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, un prototype de sonde ultrasonore conçu pour la génération d'un type spécifique d'ondes de cisaillement appelé ''onde de torsion'' a été développé. Le but est d'utiliser la force de radiation optimisée afin de générer des ondes de cisaillement adaptatives, et de monter leur utilité dans l'amélioration de l'amplitude des déplacements. Contrairement aux techniques élastographiques classiques, ce prototype permet la génération des ondes de cisaillement selon des parcours adaptatifs (e.g. circulaire, elliptique,…etc.) dépendamment de la forme de la lésion. L’optimisation des dépôts énergétiques induit une meilleure réponse mécanique du tissu et améliore le rapport signal sur bruit pour une meilleure quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques. Il est aussi question de consolider davantage les travaux de recherches antérieurs par un appui expérimental, et de prouver que ce type particulier d'onde de torsion peut mettre en résonance des structures. Ce phénomène de résonance des structures permet de rehausser davantage le contraste de déplacement entre les masses suspectes et le milieu environnant pour une meilleure détection. Enfin, dans le cadre de la quantification des paramètres viscoélastiques des tissus, la dernière étape consiste à développer un modèle inverse basé sur la propagation des ondes de cisaillement adaptatives pour l'estimation des paramètres viscoélastiques. L'estimation des paramètres viscoélastiques se fait via la résolution d'un problème inverse intégré dans un modèle numérique éléments finis. La robustesse de ce modèle a été étudiée afin de déterminer ces limites d'utilisation. Les résultats obtenus par ce modèle sont comparés à d'autres résultats (mêmes échantillons) obtenus par des méthodes de référence (e.g. Rheospectris) afin d'estimer la précision de la méthode développée. La quantification des paramètres mécaniques des lésions permet d'améliorer la sensibilité et la spécificité du diagnostic. La caractérisation tissulaire permet aussi une meilleure identification du type de lésion (malin ou bénin) ainsi que son évolution. Cette technique aide grandement les cliniciens dans le choix et la planification d'une prise en charge adaptée.
Breast cancer is the most common non - skin malignancy in women and a leading cause of female morality. A potentially important strategy for reducing this menace is the detection at an early stage . The invention of non-invasive and non-ionizing microwave technique, to reveal the internal structure of biological objects was a break through in the field of medical diagnostics. Electrical properties of biological tissues and their interaction with electromagmetic waves have direct impact on human life. This thesis focuses on theoretical and experimental investigations of active microwave imaging techniques for breast cancer detection.
A phantom that exhibits complex dielectric properties similar to low-water-content biological tissues over the electromagnetic spectrum of 2000–3000 MHz has been synthesized from carbon black, graphite powder, and poly vinyl acetate (PVA)-based adhesive. The material overcomes various problems that are inherent in conventional phantoms such as decomposition and deterioration due to the invasion of bacteria or mold. The absorption coefficients of the material for various concentrations of carbon and graphite are studied. A combination of 50% poly-vinyl-acetate-based adhesive, 20% carbon, and 30% graphite exhibits a high absorption coefficient, which suggests another application of the material as a good microwave absorber for the interior lining of tomographic chamber in microwave imaging. The cavity-perturbation technique is adopted to study the dielectric properties of the material.
Phantoms that exhibit complex dielectric properties similar to low water content biological tissues over the electromagnetic spectrum of 2–3 GHz have been synthesized from carbon black powder, graphite powder and polyvinyl-acetate-based adhesive. The materials overcome various problems that are inherent in conventional phantoms such as decomposition and deterioration due to the invasion of bacteria or mold. The absorption coefficients of the materials for various compositions of carbon black and graphite powder are studied. A combination of 50% polyvinylacetate- based adhesive, 20% carbon black powder and 30% graphite powder exhibits high absorption coefficient, which suggests another application of the material as good microwave absorber for interior lining of tomographic chamber in microwave imaging. Cavity perturbation technique is adopted to study the dielectric properties of the material.
The 20th century witnessed the extensive use of microwaves in industrial, scientific and medical fields. The major hindrance to many developments in the ISM field is the lack of knowledge about the effect of microwaves on materials used in various applications. The study of the interaction of microwaves with materials demanded the knowledge of the dielectric properties of these materials. However, the dielectric properties of many of these materials are still unknown or less studied. This thesis is an effort to shed light into the dielectric properties of some materials which are used in medical, scientific and industrial fields. Microwave phantoms are those materials used in microwave simulation applications. Effort has been taken to develop and characterize low cost, eco-friendly phantoms from Biomaterials and Bioceramics. The interaction of microwaves with living tissues paved way to the development of materials for electromagnetic shielding. Materials with good conductivity/absorption properties could be used for EMI shielding applications. Conducting polymer materials are developed and characterized in this context. The materials which are developed and analyzed in this thesis are Biomaterials, Bioceramics and Conducting polymers. The use of materials of biological origin in scientific and medical applications provides an eco-friendly pathway. The microwave characterization of the materials were done using cavity material perturbation method. Low cost and ecofriendly biomaterial films were developed from Arrowroot and Chitosan. The developed films could be used in applications such as microwave phantom material, capsule material in pharmaceutical applications, trans-dermal patch material and eco-friendly Band-Aids. Bioceramics with better bioresorption and biocompatibility were synthesized. Bioceramics such as Hydroxyapatite, Beta tricalcium phosphate and Biphasic Calcium Phosphate were studied. The prepared bioceramics could be used as phantom material representing Collagen, Bone marrow, Human abdominal wall fat and Human chest fat. Conducting polymers- based on Polyaniline, are developed and characterized. The developed materials can be used in electromagnetic shielding applications such as in anechoic chambers, transmission cables etc
Adequate contact with the soil is essential for water and nutrient adsorption by plant roots, but the determination of root–soil contact is a challenging task because it is difficult to visualize roots in situ and quantify their interactions with the soil at the scale of micrometres. A method to determine root–soil contact using X-ray microtomography was developed. Contact areas were determined from 3D volumetric images using segmentation and iso-surface determination tools. The accuracy of the method was tested with physical model systems of contact between two objects (phantoms). Volumes, surface areas and contact areas calculated from the measured phantoms were compared with those estimated from image analysis. The volume was accurate to within 0.3%, the surface area to within 2–4%, and the contact area to within 2.5%. Maize and lupin roots were grown in soil (<2 mm) and vermiculite at matric potentials of −0.03 and −1.6 MPa and in aggregate fractions of 4–2, 2–1, 1–0.5 and < 0.5 mm at a matric potential of −0.03 MPa. The contact of the roots with their growth medium was determined from 3D volumetric images. Macroporosity (>70 µm) of the soil sieved to different aggregate fractions was calculated from binarized data. Root-soil contact was greater in soil than in vermiculite and increased with decreasing aggregate or particle size. The differences in root–soil contact could not be explained solely by the decrease in porosity with decreasing aggregate size but may also result from changes in particle and aggregate packing around the root.
The quality control optimization of medical processes that use ionizing radiation in the treatment of diseases like cancer is a key element for patient safety and success of treatment. The major medical application of radiation is radiotherapy, i.e. the delivery of dose levels to well-defined target tissues of a patient with the purpose of eliminating a disease. The need of an accurate tumour-edge definition with the purpose of preserving healthy surrounding tissue demands rigorous radiation treatment planning. Dosimetric methods are used for dose distribution mapping region of interest to assure that the prescribed dose and the irradiated region are correct. The Fricke gel (FXG) is the main dosimeter that supplies visualization of the three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution. In this work the dosimetric characteristics of the modified Fricke dosimeter produced at the Radiation Metrology Centre of the Institute of Energetic and Nuclear Research (IPEN) such as gel concentration dose response dependence, xylenol orange addition influence, dose response between 5 and 50Gy and signal stability were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Using the same gel solution, breast simulators (phantoms) were shaped and absorbed dose distributions were imaged by MRI at the Nuclear Resonance Laboratory of the Physics Institute of Sao Paulo University. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A survey of pediatric radiological examinations was carried out in a reference pediatric hospital of the city of Sao Paulo. in order to investigate the doses to children undergoing conventional X-ray examinations. The results showed that the majority of pediatric patients are below 4 years, and that about 80% of the examinations correspond to chest projections. Doses to typical radiological examinations were measured in vivo with thermoluminescent dosimeters (LiF: Mg, Ti and LiF: Mg, Cu, P) attached to the skin of the children to determine entrance surface dose (ESD). Also homogeneous phantoms were used to obtain ESD to younger children, because the technique uses a so small kVp that the dosimeters would produce an artifact image in the patient radiograph. Four kinds of pediatric examinations were investigated: three conventional examinations (chest, skull and abdomen) and a fluoroscopic procedure (barium swallow). Relevant information about kVp and mAs values used in the examinations was collected, and we discuss how these parameters can affect the ESD. The ESD values measured in this work are compared to reference levels published by the European Commission for pediatric patients. The results obtained (third-quartile of the ESD distribution) for chest AP examinations in three age groups were: 0.056 mGy (2-4 years old); 0,068 mGy (5-9 years old)-. 0.069 mGy (10-15 years old). All of them are below the European reference level (0.100mGy). ESD values measured to the older age group in skull and abdomen AP radiographs (mean values 3.44 and 1.20mGy, respectively) are above the European reference levels (1.5mGy to skull and 1.0 mGy to abdomen). ESD values measured in the barium swallow examination reached 10 mGy in skin regions corresponding to thyroid and esophagus. It was noticed during this survey that some technicians use, improperly, X-ray fluoroscopy in conventional examinations to help them in positioning the patient. The results presented here are a preliminary survey of doses in pediatric radiological examinations and they show that it is necessary to investigate the technical parameters to perform the radiographs. to introduce practices to control pediatric patient`s doses and to improve the personnel training to perform a pediatric examination. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to validate the Geant4 toolkit for dosimetry applications, simulations were performed to calculate conversion coefficients h(10, alpha) from air kerma free-in-air to personal dose equivalent Hp(10, a). The simulations consisted of two parts: the production of X-rays with radiation qualities of narrow and wide spectra, and the interaction of radiation with ICRU tissue-equivalent and ISO water slab phantoms. The half-value layers of the X-ray spectra obtained by simulation were compared with experimental results. Mean energy, spectral resolution, half-value layers and conversion coefficients were compared with ISO reference values. The good agreement between results from simulation and reference data shows that the Geant4 is suitable for dosimetry applications which involve photons with energies in the range of ten to a few hundreds of keV. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The protective shielding design of a mammography facility requires the knowledge of the scattered radiation by the patient and image receptor components. The shape and intensity of secondary x-ray beams depend on the kVp applied to the x-ray tube, target/filter combination, primary x-ray field size, and scattering angle. Currently, shielding calculations for mammography facilities are performed based on scatter fraction data for Mo/Mo target/filter, even though modern mammography equipment is designed with different anode/filter combinations. In this work we present scatter fraction data evaluated based on the x-ray spectra produced by a Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh and W/Rh target/filter, for 25, 30 and 35 kV tube voltages and scattering angles between 30 and 165 degrees. Three mammography phantoms were irradiated and the scattered radiation was measured with a CdZnTe detector. The primary x-ray spectra were computed with a semiempirical model based on the air kerma and HVL measured with an ionization chamber. The results point out that the scatter fraction values are higher for W/Rh than for Mo/Mo and Mo/Rh, although the primary and scattered air kerma are lower for W/Rh than for Mo/Mo and Mo/Rh target/filter combinations. The scatter fractions computed in this work were applied in a shielding design calculation in order to evaluate shielding requirements for each of these target/filter combinations. Besides, shielding requirements have been evaluated converting the scattered air kerma from mGy/week to mSv/week adopting initially a conversion coefficient from air kerma to effective dose as 1 Sv/Gy and then a mean conversion coefficient specific for the x-ray beam considered. Results show that the thickest barrier should be provided for Mo/Mo target/filter combination. They also point out that the use of the conversion coefficient from air kerma to effective dose as 1 Sv/Gy is conservatively high in the mammography energy range and overestimate the barrier thickness. (c) 2008 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
Mammography is a diagnostic imaging method in which interpretation depends on knowledge of radiological aspects as well as the clinical exam and pathophysiology of breast diseases. In this work a mammography phantom was developed to be used for training in the operation of mammographic x-ray equipment, image quality evaluation, self-examination and clinical examination of palpation. Polyurethane was used for the production of the phantoms for its physical and chemical properties and because it is one of the components normally used in prostheses. According to the range of flexibility of the polyurethane, it was possible to simulate breasts with higher or lower amount of adipose tissue. Pathologies such as areolar necrosis and tissue rejection due to surgery reconstruction after partial mastectomy were also simulated. Calcifications and nodules were simulated using the following materials: polyethylene, poly (methyl methacrylate), polyamide, polyurethane and poly (dimethyl silicone). Among these, polyethylene was able to simulate characteristics of calcification as well as breast nodules. The results from mammographic techniques used in this paper for the evaluation of the phantoms are in agreement with data found in the literature. The image analyses of four phantoms indicated significant similarities with the human skin texture and the female breast parenchyma. It was possible to detect in the radiographic images produced regions of high and low radiographic optical density, which are characteristic of breasts with regions of different amount of adipose tissue. The stiffnesses of breast phantoms were adjusted according to the formulation of the polyurethane which enabled the production of phantoms with distinct radiographic features and texture similar to human female breast parenchyma. Clinical palpation exam of the phantoms developed in this work indicated characteristics similar to human breast in skin texture, areolar region and parenchyma
The alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) is a biomagnetic technique used to study some physiological parameters associated with gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For this purpose it applies an AC magnetic field and measures the response originating from magnetic marks or tracers. This paper presents an equipment based on the ACB which uses anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensors and an inexpensive electronic support. The ACB-AMR developed consists of a square array of 6x6 sensors arranged in a firstorder gradiometer configuration with one reference sensor. The equipment was applied to capture magnetic images of different phantoms and to acquire gastric contraction activity of healthy rats. The results show a reasonable sensitivity and spatial-temporal resolution, so that it may be applied for imaging of phantoms and signal acquisition of the GI tract of small animals. © 2010 IEEE.
Objective: To assess the influence of anatomical location on computed tomography (CT) numbers in mid- and full field of view (FOV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Study Design: Polypropylene tubes with varying concentrations of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) solutions (50-1200 mg/mL) were imaged within the incisor, premolar, and molar dental sockets of a human skull phantom. CBCT scans were acquired using the NewTom 3G and NewTom 5G units. The CT numbers of the K2HPO 4 phantoms were measured, and the relationship between CT numbers and K2HPO4 concentration was examined. The measured CT numbers of the K2HPO4 phantoms were compared between anatomical sites. Results: At all six anatomical locations, there was a strong linear relationship between CT numbers and K2HPO4 concentration (R 2 > 0.93). However, the absolute CT numbers varied considerably with the anatomical location. Conclusion: The relationship between CT numbers and object density is not uniform through the dental arch on CBCT scans. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
This paper presents a novel approach to the computed assessment of a mammographic phantom device. The approach shown here is fully automated and is based on the automatic selection of the region of interest, in the use of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and morphological operators to assess the quality of the American College of Radiology (ACR) mammographic phantom images. The algorithms developed here have succesfully scored 30 images obtained with different combinations of voltage applied to the tube and exposure and could notice the differences in the radiographs due to the different level of exposure to radiation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.