990 resultados para Patrol vessels


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BACKGROUND Drug eluting stents for the treatment of small vessel coronary artery disease have traditionally yielded inferior clinical outcomes compared to the use of DES in large vessels. The benefit of the second-generation Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stent (R-ZES) in small vessels was examined. METHODS Two-year clinical outcomes from five combined R-ZES studies were compared between patients with small (reference vessel diameter [RVD] ≤2.5 mm; n = 1,956) and large (RVD >2.5 mm; n = 3174) vessels. RESULTS Despite a higher incidence of comorbidities in the small vessel group, there was no significant difference in target lesion failure (TLF) (10.1% vs. 8.7%; P = 0.54) at 2 years. When the subgroup of patients with diabetes was examined (n = 1,553) there was no significant difference in 2-year TLF in small compared to large vessels (11.2% vs. 11.1%; P = 0.17). Similarly, within the small vessel cohort, no significant difference was seen regarding TLF at 2 years between people with and without diabetes (11.2% vs 9.6%; P = 0.28). CONCLUSION When used for the treatment of small vessels, the R-ZES appears to provide acceptable clinical results at 2 years when compared to its performance in large vessels.


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Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) is a new form of preclinical radiotherapy using quasi-parallel arrays of synchrotron X-ray microbeams. While the deposition of several hundred Grays in the microbeam paths, the normal brain tissues presents a high tolerance which is accompanied by the permanence of apparently normal vessels. Conversely, the efficiency of MRT on tumor growth control is thought to be related to a preferential damaging of tumor blood vessels. The high resistance of the healthy vascular network was demonstrated in different animal models by in vivo biphoton microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, and histological studies. While a transient increase in permeability was shown, the structure of the vessels remained intact. The use of a chick chorioallantoic membrane at different stages of development showed that the damages induced by microbeams depend on vessel maturation. In vivo and ultrastructural observations showed negligible effects of microbeams on the mature vasculature at late stages of development; nevertheless a complete destruction of the immature capillary plexus was found in the microbeam paths. The use of MRT in rodent models revealed a preferential effect on tumor vessels. Although no major modification was observed in the vasculature of normal brain tissue, tumors showed a denudation of capillaries accompanied by transient increased permeability followed by reduced tumor perfusion and finally, a decrease in number of tumor vessels. Thus, MRT is a very promising treatment strategy with pronounced tumor control effects most likely based on the anti-vascular effects of MRT.


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Intestinal bacterial flora may induce splanchnic hemodynamic and histological alterations that are associated with portal hypertension (PH). We hypothesized that experimental PH would be attenuated in the complete absence of intestinal bacteria. We induced prehepatic PH by partial portal vein ligation (PPVL) in germ-free (GF) or mice colonized with altered Schaedler's flora (ASF). After 2 or 7 days, we performed hemodynamic measurements, including portal pressure (PP) and portosystemic shunts (PSS), and collected tissues for histomorphology, microbiology, and gene expression studies. Mice colonized with intestinal microbiota presented significantly higher PP levels after PPVL, compared to GF, mice. Presence of bacterial flora was also associated with significantly increased PSS and spleen weight. However, there were no hemodynamic differences between sham-operated mice in the presence or absence of intestinal flora. Bacterial translocation to the spleen was demonstrated 2 days, but not 7 days, after PPVL. Intestinal lymphatic and blood vessels were more abundant in colonized and in portal hypertensive mice, as compared to GF and sham-operated mice. Expression of the intestinal antimicrobial peptide, angiogenin-4, was suppressed in GF mice, but increased significantly after PPVL, whereas other angiogenic factors remained unchanged. Moreover, colonization of GF mice with ASF 2 days after PPVL led to a significant increase in intestinal blood vessels, compared to controls. The relative increase in PP after PPVL in ASF and specific pathogen-free mice was not significantly different. CONCLUSION In the complete absence of gut microbial flora PP is normal, but experimental PH is significantly attenuated. Intestinal mucosal lymphatic and blood vessels induced by bacterial colonization may contribute to development of PH.


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This paper describes an ArcView extension that allows police planners to design patrol districts and to evaluate them by displaying various performance measures. It uses a spatially distributed queuing system (the Larson Hypercube) to calculate expected travel times, workloads, preventive patrol frequencies, and other variables; and it allows planners to see the unavoidable tradeoffs among their objectives. Using this tool, planners can experiment with various patrol patterns to find those that best meet their Department.s goals. For example, those patrol patterns which are best in terms of average response time don.t do as well as others in terms of workload balance, or those that are best in terms of achieving a uniform response time across different parts of the city don't do as well as others in terms of minimizing inter-district dispatches. There is, of course, no perfect solution for this problem: the facts of the situation force us to balance competing goals. Described here is a way of explicitly weighting the alternative objectives.


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A study on the manoeuvrability of a riverine support patrol vessel is made to derive a mathematical model and simulate maneuvers with this ship. The vessel is mainly characterized by both its wide-beam and the unconventional propulsion system, that is, a pump-jet type azimuthal propulsion. By processing experimental data and the ship characteristics with diverse formulae to find the proper hydrodynamic coefficients and propulsion forces, a system of three differential equations is completed and tuned to carry out simulations of the turning test. The simulation is able to accept variable speed, jet angle and water depth as input parameters and its output consists of time series of the state variables and a plot of the simulated path and heading of the ship during the maneuver. Thanks to the data of full-scale trials previously performed with the studied vessel, a process of validation was made, which shows a good fit between simulated and full-scale experimental results, especially on the turning diameter


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Methodology and results of full scale maneuvering trials for Riverine Support Patrol Vessel “RSPV”, built by COTECMAR for the Colombian Navy are presented. !is ship is equipped with a “Pump – Jet” propulsion system and the hull corresponds to a wide-hull with a high Beam – Draft ratio (B/T=9.5). Tests were based on the results of simulation of turning diameters obtained from TRIBON M3© design software, applying techniques of Design of Experiments “DOE”, to rationalize the number of runs in di"erent conditions of water depth, ship speed, and rudder angle. Results validate the excellent performance of this class of ship and show that turning diameter and other maneuvering characteristics improve with decreasing water depth.


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Los requisitos cada vez más exigentes en cuanto a misiones, limitaciones operacionales y ambientales así como nuevas tecnologías, imponen permanentemente retos a los arquitectos navales para generar alternativas de buques y valorar su bondad en las primeras etapas del proyecto. Este es el caso de los Buques Patrulleros de Apoyo Fluvial Pesados PAF-P, que por requerimiento de la Armada Nacional de Colombia ha diseñado y construido COTECMAR. Los PAF-P, son buques fluviales cuya relación Manga-Calado excede la mayoría de los buques existentes (B/T=9,5), debido principalmente a las restricciones en el calado a consecuencia de la escasa profundidad de los ríos. Estos buques están equipados con sistemas de propulsión acimutales tipo “Pum-Jet”. Las particularidades del buque y del ambiente operacional, caracterizado por ríos tropicales con una variabilidad de profundidad dependiente del régimen de lluvias y sequía, así como la falta de canalización y la corriente, hacen que la maniobrabilidad y controlabilidad sean fundamentales para el cumplimiento de su misión; adicionalmente, no existen modelos matemáticos validados que permitan predecir en las primeras etapas del diseño la maniobrabilidad de este tipo de buques con los efectos asociados por profundidad. La presente tesis doctoral aborda el desarrollo de un modelo matemático para simulación de maniobrabilidad en aguas poco profundas de buques con relación manga-calado alta y con propulsores acimutales tipo “Pump-Jet”, cuyo chorro además de entregar el empuje necesario para el avance del buque, genera la fuerza de gobierno en función del ángulo de orientación del mismo, eliminando la necesidad de timones. El modelo matemático ha sido validado mediante los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas de maniobrabilidad a escala real del PAF-P, a través de la comparación de trayectorias, series temporales de las variables de estado más significativas y parámetros del círculo evolutivo como son diámetro de giro, diámetro táctico, avance y transferencia. El plan de pruebas se basó en técnicas de Diseño de Experimentos “DOE” para racionalizar el número de corridas en diferentes condiciones de profundidad, velocidad y orientación del chorro (ángulo de timón). En el marco de la presente investigación y para minimizar los errores por efectos ambientales y por inexactitud en los instrumentos de medición, se desarrolló un sistema de adquisición y procesamiento de datos de acuerdo con los lineamientos de ITTC. La literatura existente describe los efectos negativos de la profundidad en los parámetros de maniobrabilidad de buques convencionales (Efecto tipo S), principalmente las trayectorias descritas en los círculos evolutivos aumentan en la medida que disminuye la profundidad; no obstante, en buques de alta relación manga-calado, B/T=7,51 (Yoshimura, y otros, 1.988) y B/T=6,38 (Yasukawa, y otros, 1.995) ha sido reportado el efecto contrario (Efecto tipo NS Non Standart). Este último efecto sin embargo, ha sido observado mediante experimentación con modelos a escala pero no ha sido validado en pruebas de buques a escala real. El efecto tipo NS en buques dotados con hélice y timones, se atribuye al mayor incremento de la fuerza del timón comparativamente con las fuerzas del casco en la medida que disminuye la profundidad; en el caso de estudio, el fenómeno está asociado a la mejor eficiencia de la bomba de agua “Pump-Jet”, debido a la resistencia añadida en el casco por efecto de la disminución de la profundidad. Los resultados de las pruebas con buque a escala real validan el excelente desempeño de esta clase de buques, cumpliendo en exceso los criterios de maniobrabilidad existentes y muestran que el diámetro de giro y otras características de maniobrabilidad mejoran con la disminución de la profundidad en buques con alta relación manga-calado. ABSTRACT The increasingly demanding requirements in terms of missions, operational and environmental constraints as well as new technologies, constantly impose challenges to naval architects to generate alternatives and asses their performance in the early stages of design. That is the case of Riverine Support Patrol Vessel (RSPV), designed and built by COTECMAR for the Colombian Navy. RSPV are riverine ships with a Beam-Draft ratio exceeding most of existing ships (B/T=9,5), mainly due to the restrictions in draft as a result of shallow water environment. The ships are equipped with azimuthal propulsion system of the “Pump-Jet” type. The peculiarities of the ship and the operational environment, characterized by tropical rivers of variable depth depending on the rain and dry seasons, as well as the lack channels and the effect of water current, make manoeuvrability and controllability fundamental to fulfill its mission; on the other hand, there are not validated mathematical models available to predict the manoeuvrability of such ships with the associated water depth effects in the early stages of design. This dissertation addresses the development of a mathematical model for shallow waters’ manoeuvrability simulation of ships with high Beam-Draft ratio and azimuthal propulsion systems type “Pump-Jet”, whose stream generates the thrust required by the ship to advance and also the steering force depending on the orientation angle, eliminating the need of rudders. The mathematical model has been validated with the results of RSPV’s full scale manoeuvring tests, through a comparison of paths, time series of state variables and other parameters taken from turning tests, such as turning diameter, tactical diameter, advance and transfer. The test plan was developed applying techniques of Design of Experiments “DOE”, in order to rationalize the number of runs in different conditions of water depth, ship speed and jet stream orientation (rudder angle). A data acquisition and processing system was developed, following the guidelines of ITTC, as part of this research effort, in order to minimize errors by environmental effects and inaccuracy in measurement instruments, The negative effects of depth on manoeuvrability parameters for conventional ships (Effect Type S: the path described by the ship during turning test increase with decrease of water depth), has been documented in the open literature; however for wide-beam ships, B/T=7,51 (Yoshimura, y otros, 1.988) and B/T=6,38 (Yasukawa, y otros, 1.995) has been reported the opposite effect (Type NS). The latter effect has been observed thru model testing but until now had not been validated with full-scale results. In ships with propellers and rudders, type NS effect is due to the fact that increment of rudder force becomes larger than hull force with decrease of water depth; in the study case, the phenomenon is associated with better efficiency of the Pump-Jet once the vessel speed becomes lower, due to hull added resistance by the effect of the decrease of water depth. The results of full scale tests validates the excellent performance of this class of ships, fulfilling the manoeuvrability criteria in excess and showing that turning diameter and other parameters in high beam-draft ratio vessels do improve with the decrease of depth.


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This paper describes the language identification (LID) system developed by the Patrol team for the first phase of the DARPA RATS (Robust Automatic Transcription of Speech) program, which seeks to advance state of the art detection capabilities on audio from highly degraded communication channels. We show that techniques originally developed for LID on telephone speech (e.g., for the NIST language recognition evaluations) remain effective on the noisy RATS data, provided that careful consideration is applied when designing the training and development sets. In addition, we show significant improvements from the use of Wiener filtering, neural network based and language dependent i-vector modeling, and fusion.