993 resultados para Panic disorder


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RAMOS RT, MATTOS DA, REBOUCAS ITS, RANVAUD RD. Space and motion perception and discomfort in air travel. Aviat Space Environ Med 2012; 83:1162-6. Introduction: The perception of comfort during air trips is determined by several factors. External factors like cabin design and environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air pressure, noise, and vibration) interact with individual characteristics (anxiety traits, fear of flying, and personality) from arrival at the airport to landing at the destination. In this study, we investigated the influence of space and motion discomfort (SMD), fear of heights, and anxiety on comfort perception during all phases of air travel. Methods: We evaluated 51 frequent air travelers through a modified version of the Flight Anxiety Situations Questionnaire (FAS), in which new items were added and where the subjects were asked to report their level of discomfort or anxiety (not fear) for each phase of air travel (Chronbach's alpha = 0.974). Correlations were investigated among these scales: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAB, Cohen's Acrophobia Questionnaire, and the Situational Characteristics Questionnaire (SitQ, designed to estimate SMD levels). Results: Scores of SitQ correlated with discomfort in situations involving space and movement perception (Pearson's rho = 0.311), while discomfort was associated with cognitive mechanisms related to scores in the anxiety scales (Pearson's rho = 0.375). Anxiety traits were important determinants of comfort perception before and after flight, while the influence of SMD was more significant during the time spent in the aircraft cabin. Discussion: SMD seems to be an important modulator of comfort perception in air travel. Its influence on physical well being and probably on cognitive performance, with possible effects on flight safety, deserves further investigation.


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Objectives: To review and describe studies of the non-psychotomimetic constituent of Cannabis sativa, cannabidiol (CBD), as an anxiolytic drug and discuss its possible mechanisms of action. Method: The articles selected for the review were identified through searches in English,articles, and book chapters were handsearched for additional references. Experimental animal and human studies were included, with no time restraints. Results: Studies using animal models of anxiety and involving healthy volunteers clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD. like", and "cannabidiol and anxiety". The reference lists of the publications included, review Portuguese, and Spanish in the electronic databases ISI Web of Knowledge, SciELO, PubMed, and PsycINFO, combining the search terms "cannabidiol and anxiolytic", "cannabidiol and anxiolytic-articles, and book chapters were handsearched for additional references. Experimental animal and human studies were included, with no time restraints. Results: Studies using animal models of anxiety and involving healthy volunteers clearly suggest an anxiolytic-like effect of CBD. Moreover, CBD was shown to reduce anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder. Conclusion: like", and "cannabidiol and anxiety". The reference lists of the publications included, review Future clinical trials involving patients with different anxiety disorders are warranted, especially of panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorders. The adequate therapeutic window of CBD and the precise mechanisms involved in its anxiolytic action remain to be determined.


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Serotonin (5-HT), opioids and the dorsal periaqueductal grey (DPAG) have been implicated in the pathophysiology of panic disorder. In order to study 5-HT-opioid interaction, the opioid antagonist naloxone was injected either systemically (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or intra-DPAG (0.2 mu g/0.5 mu L) to assess its interference with the effect of chronic fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, i.p., daily for 21 days) or of intra-DPAG 5-HT (8 mu g/0.5 mu L). Drug effects were measured in the one-escape task of the rat elevated T-maze, an animal model of panic. Pretreatment with systemic naloxone antagonized the lengthening of escape latency caused by chronic fluoxetine, considered a panicolytic-like effect that parallels the drug's therapeutic response in the clinics. Pretreatment with naloxone injected intra-DPAG antagonized both the panicolytic effect of chronic fluoxetine as well as that of 5-HT injected intra-DPAG. Neither the performance of the inhibitory avoidance task in the elevated T-maze, a model of generalized anxiety nor locomotion measured in a circular arena was affected by the above drug treatments. These results indicate that the panicolytic effect of fluoxetine is mediated by endogenous opioids that are activated by 5-HT in the DPAG. They also allow reconciliation between the serotonergic and opioidergic hypotheses of panic disorder pathophysiology.


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BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorders are often associated with several non-psychiatric medical conditions. Among the clinical conditions found in association with anxiety stands out the joint hypermobility (JH). OBJECTIVES: To carry out a systematic review of the clinical association between anxiety disorders and JH. METHOD: A survey was conducted in MEDLINE, PsychINFO, LILACS e SciELO databases up to December 2011. We searched for articles using the keywords 'anxiety', 'joint' and 'hypermobility' and Boolean operators. The review included articles describing empirical studies on the association between JH and anxiety. The reference lists of selected articles were systematically hand-searched for other publications relevant to the review. RESULTS: Seventeen articles were included in the analysis and classified to better extract data. We found heterogeneity between the studies relate to the methodology used. Most of the studies found an association between anxiety features and JH. Panic disorder/agoraphobia was the anxiety disorder associated with JH in several studies. Etiological explanation of the relationship between anxiety and JH is still controversial. CONCLUSION: Future research in large samples from the community and clinical setting and longitudinal studies of the association between anxiety and HA and the underlying biological mechanisms involved in this association are welcome.


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Internet-based cognitive behavioral self-help treatment (ICBT) for anxiety disorders has shown promising results in several trials, but there is yet a lack of studies of ICBT in „real world” primary care settings. In this randomized controlled trial we recruited participants through general practitioners. The aim of the study was to examine whether treatment-as-usual (TAU) in primary care settings plus ICBT is superior to TAU alone in reducing anxiety symptoms and other outcome measures among individuals meeting diagnostic criteria of a least one of three anxiety disorders (social anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder). 150 adults fulfilling diagnostic criteria for a least one of the anxiety disorders according to a diagnostic interview are randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: TAU plus ICBT versus TAU. Randomization is stratified by primary disorder, medication (yes/no) and concurrent psychotherapy. ICBT consists of a transdiagnostic and tailored Internet-based self-help program for several anxiety disorders which also includes cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I). Primary outcomes are symptoms of disorder-specific anxiety measures and diagnostic status after the intervention (9 weeks). Secondary outcomes include primary outcomes at 3-month follow-up and secondary measures such as general symptomatology, depression, quality of life, adherence to ICBT and satisfaction with ICBT. The study is currently being completed. Primary results along with results for specific subgroups (e.g. primary diagnosis, concurrent medication and/or psychotherapy) will be presented and discussed.


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The purpose of this study was to examine factors that may be associated with benzodiazepine (BZ) self-administration and risks of dependence in anxious patients. Preliminary work included examination of psychosocial characteristics and subjective drug response as potential predictors of medication use. Fifty-five M, F patients with generalized anxiety or panic disorder participated in a 3-week outpatient Choice Procedure in which they self-medicated “as needed” with alprazolam (Alz) and placebo. Findings showed that a large amount of variance in alprazolam preference, frequency, and quantity of use could be predicted by measures of anxiety, drug liking, and certain personality characteristics. The primary study extended this work by examining whether individual differences in Alz sensitivity also predict patterns of use. Twenty anxious patients participated in the study, which required 11 weekly clinic visits. Ten of these also participated in a baseline assessment of HPA-axis function that involved 24-hour monitoring of cortisol and ACTH levels and a CRH Stimulation Test. This assessment was conducted on the basis of prior evidence that steroid metabolites exert neuromodulatory effects on the GABA A receptor and that HPA-axis function may be related to BZ sensitivity and long-term disability in anxious patients. Patients were classified as either HIGH or LOW users based on their p.r.n. patterns of Alz use during the first 3 weeks of the study. They then participated in a 4-week dose response trial in which they received prescribed doses of medication (placebo, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0mg Alz), each taken TID for 1 week. The dose response trial was followed by a second 3-week Choice Procedure. Findings were not indicative of biological differences in Alz sensitivity between the HIGH and LOW users. However, the HIGH users had higher baseline anxiety and greater anxiolytic response to Alz than the LOW users. Anxiolytic benefits of p.r.n. and prescribed dosing were shown to be comparable, and patients' conservative patterns of p.r.n. medication use were not affected by the period of prescribed dosing. Although there was not strong evidence to suggest relationships between HPA-axis function and Alz use or sensitivity, interesting findings emerged about the relationship between HPA-axis function and anxiety. ^


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Desordens da ansiedade, especialmente a agorafobia e a desordem do pânico foram associadas a anormalidades das funções vestibulares. Evidências de que o controle do equilíbrio pode exigir habilidades atencionais também foram relatadas. Utilizando o medo de altura como modelo clínico onde sintomas ansiosos coexistem com anormalidades com a percepção espacial e controle do equilíbrio, este estudo investigou o desempenho em testes de atenção visual em voluntários normais com altos e baixos escores obtidos do Questionário de Acrofobia. O teste de rastreio visual foi realizado em 30 indivíduos (15 em cada grupo) enquanto ouviam dois tipos diferentes de estímulos auditivos. Na condição volume um som de 900 Hz era apresentado em ambos ouvidos durante 2 segundos seguidos de mais 2 segundos de silêncio. Na condição balanço , o mesmo som era apresentado durante 2 segundos ao ouvido direito seguido por 2 segundos ao ouvido esquerdo. Estímulos auditivos de movimento provocaram maior desconforto em ambos os grupos, mas nos indivíduos com maiores escores de acrofobia estes estímulos foram associados a um pior desempenho no teste visual. Embora muito limitado pela amostra experimental, este estudo sugere que o medo de altura pode estar associado à dependência visual para manutenção do equilíbrio e que poderia piorar o desempenho nos testes visuais devido à competição dos recursos neuro-cognitivos. Implicações experimentais e clínicas destes achados preliminares exigem outras pesquisas.


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Desordens da ansiedade, especialmente a agorafobia e a desordem do pânico foram associadas a anormalidades das funções vestibulares. Evidências de que o controle do equilíbrio pode exigir habilidades atencionais também foram relatadas. Utilizando o medo de altura como modelo clínico onde sintomas ansiosos coexistem com anormalidades com a percepção espacial e controle do equilíbrio, este estudo investigou o desempenho em testes de atenção visual em voluntários normais com altos e baixos escores obtidos do Questionário de Acrofobia. O teste de rastreio visual foi realizado em 30 indivíduos (15 em cada grupo) enquanto ouviam dois tipos diferentes de estímulos auditivos. Na condição volume um som de 900 Hz era apresentado em ambos ouvidos durante 2 segundos seguidos de mais 2 segundos de silêncio. Na condição balanço , o mesmo som era apresentado durante 2 segundos ao ouvido direito seguido por 2 segundos ao ouvido esquerdo. Estímulos auditivos de movimento provocaram maior desconforto em ambos os grupos, mas nos indivíduos com maiores escores de acrofobia estes estímulos foram associados a um pior desempenho no teste visual. Embora muito limitado pela amostra experimental, este estudo sugere que o medo de altura pode estar associado à dependência visual para manutenção do equilíbrio e que poderia piorar o desempenho nos testes visuais devido à competição dos recursos neuro-cognitivos. Implicações experimentais e clínicas destes achados preliminares exigem outras pesquisas.


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L'EMDR est une thérapie qui a été développée pour traiter les souvenirs traumatiques, puis proposée pour traiter une variété de troubles psychologiques. Ce texte est le premier à recenser en français les études qui ont évalué l'efficacité de cette forme de thérapie. L'efficacité de l'EMDR est d'abord démontrée à l'aide d'études de cas qui comportent des limites importantes. Les études de cas basées sur un protocole expérimental donnent des résultats plus mitigés. Les études contrôlées qui examinent l'efficacité de l'EMDR sont ensuite décrites en fonction du type de contrôle exercé et du type de trouble traité. L'EMDR est aussi efficace que la thérapie cognitivocomportementale pour traiter le trouble de stress posttraumatique, mais pas pour le traitement de la phobie spécifique ni du trouble panique. De plus, les études montrent de façon répétée que l'absence des mouvements oculaires ne modifie pas l'efficacité de l'EMDR. Une analyse des différences et des similitudes entre l'EMDR et l'approche cognitivo-comportementale est présentée. Les caractéristiques pseudo-scientifiques qui ont marquées le développement et la diffusion de l'EMDR sont aussi abordées.


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L'EMDR est une thérapie qui a été développée pour traiter les souvenirs traumatiques, puis proposée pour traiter une variété de troubles psychologiques. Ce texte est le premier à recenser en français les études qui ont évalué l'efficacité de cette forme de thérapie. L'efficacité de l'EMDR est d'abord démontrée à l'aide d'études de cas qui comportent des limites importantes. Les études de cas basées sur un protocole expérimental donnent des résultats plus mitigés. Les études contrôlées qui examinent l'efficacité de l'EMDR sont ensuite décrites en fonction du type de contrôle exercé et du type de trouble traité. L'EMDR est aussi efficace que la thérapie cognitivocomportementale pour traiter le trouble de stress posttraumatique, mais pas pour le traitement de la phobie spécifique ni du trouble panique. De plus, les études montrent de façon répétée que l'absence des mouvements oculaires ne modifie pas l'efficacité de l'EMDR. Une analyse des différences et des similitudes entre l'EMDR et l'approche cognitivo-comportementale est présentée. Les caractéristiques pseudo-scientifiques qui ont marquées le développement et la diffusion de l'EMDR sont aussi abordées.


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Background. The present paper describes a component of a large Population cost-effectiveness study that aimed to identify the averted burden and economic efficiency of current and optimal treatment for the major mental disorders. This paper reports on the findings for the anxiety disorders (panic disorder/agoraphobia, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder). Method. Outcome was calculated as averted 'years lived with disability' (YLD), a population summary measure of disability burden. Costs were the direct health care costs in 1997-8 Australian dollars. The cost per YLD averted (efficiency) was calculated for those already in contact with the health system for a mental health problem (current care) and for a hypothetical optimal care package of evidence-based treatment for this same group. Data sources included the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being and published treatment effects and unit costs. Results. Current coverage was around 40% for most disorders with the exception of social phobia at 21%. Receipt of interventions consistent with evidence-based care ranged from 32% of those in contact with services for social phobia to 64% for post-traumatic stress disorder. The cost of this care was estimated at $400 million, resulting in a cost per YLD averted ranging from $7761 for generalized anxiety disorder to $34 389 for panic/agoraphobia. Under optimal care, costs remained similar but health gains were increased substantially, reducing the cost per YLD to < $20 000 for all disorders. Conclusions. Evidence-based care for anxiety disorders would produce greater population health gain at a similar cost to that of current care, resulting in a substantial increase in the cost-effectiveness of treatment.


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Research into the etiology of social phobia has lagged far behind that of descriptive and maintaining factors. The current paper reviews data from a variety of sources that have some bearing on questions of the origins of social fears. Areas examined include genetic factors, temperament, childrearing, negative life events, and adverse social experiences. Epidemiological data are examined in detail and factors associated with social phobia such as cognitive distortions and social skills are also covered. The paper concludes with an initial model that draws together some of the current findings and aims to provide a platform for future research directions. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Attentional biases for threat were investigated using a computerised version of the emotional Stroop task. The study examined the influence of state and trait anxiety by employing a student sample assigned to high trait anxious (HTA; n = 32) or low trait anxious (LTA; n = 32) groups on the basis of questionnaire scores, and state anxiety was manipulated within participants through the threat of electric shock. Threatening words that were either unrelated (e.g., cancer, danger) or related to the threat of shock (e.g., electrocute, shock) were presented to participants both within and outside of awareness. In the latter condition a backward masking procedure was used to prevent awareness and exposure thresholds between the target and mask were individually set for each participant. For unmasked trials the HTA group showed significant interference in colour naming for all threat words relative to control words when performing under the threat of shock, but not in the shock safe condition. For the masked trials, despite chance performance in being able to identify the lexical status of the items, HTA participants showed facilitated colour naming for all threat words relative to control items when performing under threat of shock, but this effect was not evident in the shock safe condition. Neither valence of the items nor the threat of shock influenced colour naming latencies in either exposure mode for the LTA group.


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Desordens da ansiedade, especialmente a agorafobia e a desordem do pânico foram associadas a anormalidades das funções vestibulares. Evidências de que o controle do equilíbrio pode exigir habilidades atencionais também foram relatadas. Utilizando o medo de altura como modelo clínico onde sintomas ansiosos coexistem com anormalidades com a percepção espacial e controle do equilíbrio, este estudo investigou o desempenho em testes de atenção visual em voluntários normais com altos e baixos escores obtidos do Questionário de Acrofobia. O teste de rastreio visual foi realizado em 30 indivíduos (15 em cada grupo) enquanto ouviam dois tipos diferentes de estímulos auditivos. Na condição volume um som de 900 Hz era apresentado em ambos ouvidos durante 2 segundos seguidos de mais 2 segundos de silêncio. Na condição balanço , o mesmo som era apresentado durante 2 segundos ao ouvido direito seguido por 2 segundos ao ouvido esquerdo. Estímulos auditivos de movimento provocaram maior desconforto em ambos os grupos, mas nos indivíduos com maiores escores de acrofobia estes estímulos foram associados a um pior desempenho no teste visual. Embora muito limitado pela amostra experimental, este estudo sugere que o medo de altura pode estar associado à dependência visual para manutenção do equilíbrio e que poderia piorar o desempenho nos testes visuais devido à competição dos recursos neuro-cognitivos. Implicações experimentais e clínicas destes achados preliminares exigem outras pesquisas.


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Personality is one of the most controversial and intriguing theme in Psychology. In a general way, it could be understood as a set of rigid patters of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors from an individual. The aim of this investigation was describe how Brazilian researches in Psychology that use cognitive, behavioral, and cognitive-behavioral therapy referential have been approaching the subject Personality in their work. We also intended to determine the frequency of publications on Personality Disorders to compare this data with the bibliographical production on Anxiety and Mood Disorders. Moreover, we tried to describe how the Personality construct - and even Personality Disorders construct - has been addressed in the work on the Anxiety and Mood Disorders chosen for this review. The PePSIC Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia - e SciELO.ORG - Scientific Electronic Library Online - databases were used for research. We investigated 53 journals, including two specific Cognitive Therapies and Behavioral-Cognitive Therapy (TCC) periodicals. Within each journal, we undertook a systematic survey on publications on the themes: Personality, Personality Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, Dysthymia and Bipolar Disorder. A preliminary research has resulted in 218 articles. A second filter has obtained 81 articles in which we the focused on this review. There were found thirty-eight articles on Anxiety Disorders, twenty-five on Mood Disorders and eighteen on Personality Disorders. It was found that 90% of the papers on Anxiety Disorders make no reference to the term Personality or make it in a discrete way. This number rises to 96% to Personality Disorder group. Analyzing the specific journals on TCC we verified that 97% of the articles on Anxiety and Humor disorders do not cite the term Personality or cite but not explore it. This results point to the low rate of studies addressing the Personality and personality disturbs. Then, we can suggest that the difficulty on treating this Axis II disturbs has been worsened by lack of knowledge produced on the subject, either for lack of interest among researchers or because of the methodological obstacles found on this field.