711 resultados para PROMINENCE


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We present multifrequency Very Large Array (VLA) observations of two giant quasars, 0437-244 and 1025-229, from the Molonglo Complete Sample. These sources have well-defined FR II radio structure, possible one-sided jets, no significant depolarization between 1365 and 4935 MHz and low rotation measure (\ RM \ < 20 rad m(-2)). The giant sources are defined to be those with overall projected size greater than or equal to 1 Mpc. We have compiled a sample of about 50 known giant radio sources from the literature, and have compared some of their properties with a complete sample of 3CR radio sources of smaller sizes to investigate the evolution of giant sources, and test their consistency with the unified scheme for radio galaxies and quasars. We find an inverse correlation between the degree of core prominence and total radio luminosity, and show that the giant radio sources have similar core strengths to smaller sources of similar total luminosity. Hence their large sizes are unlikely to be caused by stronger nuclear activity. The degree of collinearity of the giant sources is also similar to that of the sample of smaller sources. The luminosity-size diagram shows that the giant sources are less luminous than our sample of smaller sized 3CR sources, consistent with evolutionary scenarios in which the giants have evolved from the smaller sources, losing energy as they expand to these large dimensions. For the smaller sources, radiative losses resulting from synchrotron radiation are more significant while for the giant sources the equipartition magnetic fields are smaller and inverse Compton lass owing to microwave background radiation is the dominant process. The radio properties of the giant radio galaxies and quasars are consistent with the unified scheme.


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Long running multi-physics coupled parallel applications have gained prominence in recent years. The high computational requirements and long durations of simulations of these applications necessitate the use of multiple systems of a Grid for execution. In this paper, we have built an adaptive middleware framework for execution of long running multi-physics coupled applications across multiple batch systems of a Grid. Our framework, apart from coordinating the executions of the component jobs of an application on different batch systems, also automatically resubmits the jobs multiple times to the batch queues to continue and sustain long running executions. As the set of active batch systems available for execution changes, our framework performs migration and rescheduling of components using a robust rescheduling decision algorithm. We have used our framework for improving the application throughput of a foremost long running multi-component application for climate modeling, the Community Climate System Model (CCSM). Our real multi-site experiments with CCSM indicate that Grid executions can lead to improved application throughput for climate models.


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pplication of pulsed plasma for gas cleaning is gaining prominence in recent years mainly from the energy consideration point of view. Normally, gas treatment is carried out, at or above room temperature, by a conventional dry type corona reactor. However, this treatment is still inadequate in the removal of certain stable gases present in the exhaust/flue gas mixture. The authors report some interesting results of the treatment of such stable gases with pulsed plasma at very low ambient temperature. Also reported in the paper is an improvement in DeNO/DeNOx efficiency using unconventional wet-type reactors, designed and fabricated by the authors, operating at different ambient temperatures. Apart from laboratory tests on simulated gas mixtures, field tests were also carried out on the exhaust gas of a 8 kW diesel engine. Further, an attempt was made to test the feasibility of a helical wire as a corona electrode in place of the conventional straight wire electrode. A comparative analysis of the various tests is presented together with a note on the energy consideration


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Application of non-thermal plasma for gas cleaning is gaining prominence in the recent years. Normally, the gas treatment was carried out at or above room temperature, by the dry type plasma reactor. However, this treatment is still inadequate in the removal of certain stable gases present in the flue gas mixture. We propose the non-thermal plasma process at very low temperature, and report here some interesting results of treatment of NO or N2O with pulsed plasma below — 100°C ambient temperature. Direct methanol synthesis from CH4 and CO2 at very low temperature is also reported. A comparative analysis of the various tests are presented together with a note on the energy consideration


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Application of pulsed plasma for gas cleaning is gaining prominence in recent years mainly from the energy consideration point of view. Normally, gas treatment is carried out, at or above room temperature, by a conventional dry type corona reactor. However, this treatment is still inadequate in the removal of certain stable gases present in the exhaust/flue gas mixture. The authors report some interesting results of the treatment of such stable gases with pulsed plasma at very low ambient temperature. Also reported in the paper is an improvement in DeNO/DeNOx efficiency using unconventional wet-type reactors, designed and fabricated by the authors, operating at different ambient temperatures. Apart from laboratory tests on simulated gas mixtures, field tests were also carried out on the exhaust gas of a 8 kW diesel engine. Further, an attempt was made to test the feasibility of a helical wire as a corona electrode in place of the conventional straight wire electrode. A comparative analysis of the various tests is presented together with a note on the energy consideration


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Application of non-thermal plasma for gas cleaning is gaining prominence in the recent years. Normally, the gas treatment was carried out at or above room temperature, by the dry type plasma reactor. However, this treatment is still inadequate in the removal of certain stable gases present in the flue gas mixture. We propose the non-thermal plasma process at very low temperature, and report here some interesting results of treatment of NO or N2O with pulsed plasma below — 100°C ambient temperature. Direct methanol synthesis from CH4 and CO2 at very low temperature is also reported. A comparative analysis of the various tests are presented together with a note on the energy consideration


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Resin impregnated paper (RIP) is a relatively new insulation system recommended for the use in transformer bushings. In the recent past, RIP has acquired prominence as insulation in bushings, over conventional oil impregnated paper (OIP), in view of its overwhelming advantages the more important among them being low dielectric loss and possibility for positioning the bushing at any desired angle over the transformer. In addition, the fact that such systems do not pose problems of fire hazard is counted as a very important consideration. The disadvantage of RIP compared to OIP, however, is its much higher cost and involved manufacturing process. The temperature rise in RIP bushings under normal operating conditions is seen to be a difficult parameter to control in view of the limited options for effective cooling. It is therefore essential to take serious note of this aspect, to arrest rapid deterioration of bushing. The degradation of dry-type insulation such as RIP is often due to thermal stress. The long time performance thereof, depends strongly, on the maximum operating temperature. With this in view, the Authors have developed a theoretical model and computational method to study the temperature distribution in the body of insulation. The Authors consider that the basis for the model as being the temperature and electric stress aided AC conductivity. The ensuing heat balance (continuity) equations in 2-D cylindrical geometry are treated as a Dirichelet-Neumann boundary value problem.


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Over the last few decades, Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) have emerged as a material system offering tremendous potential for future applications. The primary advantages offered by these materials are their improved mechanical properties, particularly in the areas of wear, strength and stiffness. Of the MMCs, Aluminum matrix composites have grown in prominence due to their low density, low melting point and low cost. However, machining these materials remains a challenging task mainly due to the high abrasiveness of the reinforcing phases. Conventional machining processes such as turning, milling or drilling are adopted for machining MMCs. In this article, the existing and ongoing developments in machining MMCs vis-a-vis tool life, tool wear, machinability and understanding chip formation mechanism have been highlighted. Most of the studies discussed in this review will focus on Aluminum matrix composites. Certain areas of machining studies which have hitherto not been investigated have also been detailed.


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Structural Support Vector Machines (SSVMs) have recently gained wide prominence in classifying structured and complex objects like parse-trees, image segments and Part-of-Speech (POS) tags. Typical learning algorithms used in training SSVMs result in model parameters which are vectors residing in a large-dimensional feature space. Such a high-dimensional model parameter vector contains many non-zero components which often lead to slow prediction and storage issues. Hence there is a need for sparse parameter vectors which contain a very small number of non-zero components. L1-regularizer and elastic net regularizer have been traditionally used to get sparse model parameters. Though L1-regularized structural SVMs have been studied in the past, the use of elastic net regularizer for structural SVMs has not been explored yet. In this work, we formulate the elastic net SSVM and propose a sequential alternating proximal algorithm to solve the dual formulation. We compare the proposed method with existing methods for L1-regularized Structural SVMs. Experiments on large-scale benchmark datasets show that the proposed dual elastic net SSVM trained using the sequential alternating proximal algorithm scales well and results in highly sparse model parameters while achieving a comparable generalization performance. Hence the proposed sequential alternating proximal algorithm is a competitive method to achieve sparse model parameters and a comparable generalization performance when elastic net regularized Structural SVMs are used on very large datasets.


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Small-scale mechanical testing of materials has gained prominence in the last decade or so due to the continuous miniaturization of components and devices in everyday application. This review describes the various micro-fabrication processes associated with the preparation of miniaturized specimens, geometries of test specimens and the small scale testing techniques used to determine the mechanical behaviour of materials at the length scales of a few hundred micro-meters and below. This is followed by illustrative examples in a selected class of materials. The choice of the case studies is based on the relevance of the materials used in today's world: evaluation of mechanical properties of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), applied for enhanced high temperature protection of advanced gas turbine engine components, is essential since its failure by fracture leads to the collapse of the engine system. Si-based substrates, though brittle, are indispensible for MEMS/NEMS applications. Biological specimens, whose response to mechanical loads is important to ascertain their role in diseases and to mimic their structure for attaining high fracture toughness and impact resistance. An insight into the mechanisms behind the observed size effects in metallic systems can be exploited to achieve excellent strength at the nano-scale. A future outlook of where all this is heading is also presented.


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Sacred groves are patches of forests preserved for their spiritual and religious significance. The practice gained relevance with the spread of agriculture that caused large-scale deforestation affecting biodiversity and watersheds. Sacred groves may lose their prominence nowadays, but are still relevant in Indian rural landscapes inhabited by traditional communities. The recent rise of interest in this tradition encouraged scientific study that despite its pan-Indian distribution, focused on India's northeast, Western Ghats and east coast either for their global/regional importance or unique ecosystems. Most studies focused on flora, mainly angiosperms, and the faunal studies concentrated on vertebrates while lower life forms were grossly neglected. Studies on ecosystem functioning are few although observations are available. Most studies attributed watershed protection values to sacred groves but hardly highlighted hydrological process or water yield in comparison with other land use types. The grove studies require diversification from a stereotyped path and must move towards creating credible scientific foundations for conservation. Documentation should continue in unexplored areas but more work is needed on basic ecological functions and ecosystem dynamics to strengthen planning for scientifically sound sacred grove management.


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One of the greatest challenges in contemporary condensed matter physics is to ascertain whether the formation of glasses from liquids is fundamentally thermodynamic or dynamic in origin. Although the thermodynamic paradigm has dominated theoretical research for decades, the purely kinetic perspective of the dynamical facilitation (DF) theory has attained prominence in recent times. In particular, recent experiments and simulations have highlighted the importance of facilitation using simple model systems composed of spherical particles. However, an overwhelming majority of liquids possess anisotropy in particle shape and interactions, and it is therefore imperative to examine facilitation in complex glass formers. Here, we apply the DF theory to systems with orientational degrees of freedom as well as anisotropic attractive interactions. By analyzing data from experiments on colloidal ellipsoids, we show that facilitation plays a pivotal role in translational as well as orientational relaxation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the introduction of attractive interactions leads to spatial decoupling of translational and rotational facilitation, which subsequently results in the decoupling of dynamical heterogeneities. Most strikingly, the DF theory can predict the existence of reentrant glass transitions based on the statistics of localized dynamical events, called excitations, whose duration is substantially smaller than the structural relaxation time. Our findings pave the way for systematically testing the DF approach in complex glass formers and also establish the significance of facilitation in governing structural relaxation in supercooled liquids.


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Quantitative evaluation of the mechanical behavior of molecular materials by a nanoindentation technique has gained prominence recently. However, all the reported data have been on room-temperature properties despite many interesting phenomena observed in them with variations in temperature. In this paper, we report the results of nanoindentation experiments conducted as a function of temperature, T, between 283 and 343 K, on the major faces of three organic crystals: saccharin, sulfathiazole (form 2), and L-alanine, which are distinct in terms of the number and strength of intermolecular interactions in them. Results show that elastic modulus, E, and hardness, H, decrease markedly with increasing T. While E decreases linearly with T, the variations in H with T are not so, and were observed to drop by similar to 50% over the range of T investigated. The slope of the linear fits to E vs T for the organic crystals was found to be around 1, which is considerably higher than the values of 0.3-0.5 reported in the literature for metallic, ionic, and covalently bonded crystalline materials. Possible implications of the observed remarkable changes in H for pharmaceutical manufacturing are highlighted.


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Fracture toughness measurements at the small scale have gained prominence over the years due to the continuing miniaturization of structural systems. Measurements carried out on bulk materials cannot be extrapolated to smaller length scales either due to the complexity of the microstructure or due to the size and geometric effect. Many new geometries have been proposed for fracture property measurements at small-length scales depending on the material behaviour and the type of device used in service. In situ testing provides the necessary environment to observe fracture at these length scales so as to determine the actual failure mechanism in these systems. In this paper, several improvements are incorporated to a previously proposed geometry of bending a doubly clamped beam for fracture toughness measurements. Both monotonic and cyclic loading conditions have been imposed on the beam to study R-curve and fatigue effects. In addition to the advantages that in situ SEM-based testing offers in such tests, FEM has been used as a simulation tool to replace cumbersome and expensive experiments to optimize the geometry. A description of all the improvements made to this specific geometry of clamped beam bending to make a variety of fracture property measurements is given in this paper.


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Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 alloy was directionally solidified by using a modified Bridgman technique at a wide range of growth rates of 5 to 100 cm/h. The directionally grown samples exhibited plane front solidification morphology up to a growth rate of 90 cm/h. Typical island banding feature was observed closer to the chilled end, which eventually gave rise to irregular peritectic coupled growth (PCG). The PCG gained prominence with an increase in the growth rate. The texture study revealed formation of strong aOE (c) 311 > texture in a lower growth rate regime, aOE (c) 110 > and ``rotated aOE (c) 110 > aEuroe in an intermediate growth regime, and aOE (c) 112 > in a higher growth rate regime. In-depth analysis of the atomic configuration of a solid-liquid interface revealed that the growth texture is influenced by the kinetics of atomic attachment to the solid-liquid interface, which is intimately related to a planar packing fraction and an atomic stacking sequence of the interfacial plane. The mechanism proposed in this article is novel and will be useful in addressing the orientation selection mechanism of topologically closed packed intermetallic systems. The samples grown at a higher growth rate exhibit larger magnetostriction (lambda) and d lambda/dH owing to the absence of pro-peritectic (Tb,Dy)Fe-3 and formation of aOE (c) 112 > texture, which lies closer to the easy magnetization direction (EMD).