719 resultados para PMa-SRM
Liquid-chromatography (LC) high-resolution (HR) mass spectrometry (MS) analysis can record HR full scans, a technique of detection that shows comparable selectivity and sensitivity to ion transitions (SRM) performed with triple-quadrupole (TQ)-MS but that allows de facto determination of "all" ions including drug metabolites. This could be of potential utility in in vivo drug metabolism and pharmacovigilance studies in order to have a more comprehensive insight in drug biotransformation profile differences in patients. This simultaneous quantitative and qualitative (Quan/Qual) approach has been tested with 20 patients chronically treated with tamoxifen (TAM). The absolute quantification of TAM and three metabolites in plasma was realized using HR- and TQ-MS and compared. The same LC-HR-MS analysis allowed the identification and relative quantification of 37 additional TAM metabolites. A number of new metabolites were detected in patients' plasma including metabolites identified as didemethyl-trihydroxy-TAM-glucoside and didemethyl-tetrahydroxy-TAM-glucoside conjugates corresponding to TAM with six and seven biotransformation steps, respectively. Multivariate analysis allowed relevant patterns of metabolites and ratios to be associated with TAM administration and CYP2D6 genotype. Two hydroxylated metabolites, α-OH-TAM and 4'-OH-TAM, were newly identified as putative CYP2D6 substrates. The relative quantification was precise (<20 %), and the semiquantitative estimation suggests that metabolite levels are non-negligible. Metabolites could play an important role in drug toxicity, but their impact on drug-related side effects has been partially neglected due to the tremendous effort needed with previous MS technologies. Using present HR-MS, this situation should evolve with the straightforward determination of drug metabolites, enlarging the possibilities in studying inter- and intra-patients drug metabolism variability and related effects.
In recent years there has been an explosive growth in the development of adaptive and data driven methods. One of the efficient and data-driven approaches is based on statistical learning theory (Vapnik 1998). The theory is based on Structural Risk Minimisation (SRM) principle and has a solid statistical background. When applying SRM we are trying not only to reduce training error ? to fit the available data with a model, but also to reduce the complexity of the model and to reduce generalisation error. Many nonlinear learning procedures recently developed in neural networks and statistics can be understood and interpreted in terms of the structural risk minimisation inductive principle. A recent methodology based on SRM is called Support Vector Machines (SVM). At present SLT is still under intensive development and SVM find new areas of application (www.kernel-machines.org). SVM develop robust and non linear data models with excellent generalisation abilities that is very important both for monitoring and forecasting. SVM are extremely good when input space is high dimensional and training data set i not big enough to develop corresponding nonlinear model. Moreover, SVM use only support vectors to derive decision boundaries. It opens a way to sampling optimization, estimation of noise in data, quantification of data redundancy etc. Presentation of SVM for spatially distributed data is given in (Kanevski and Maignan 2004).
The experimental study described in this paper examined the impact of providing special instructions and supporting material to translators. Specifically, it addressed whether Spanish, Chinese, and French translators provided with explanatory text and guidelines were able to produce translations that were more faithful to the intended meaning of English source survey items, as well as that were more culturally appropriate and natural sounding compared to those of translators who received no such guidance. Study findings indicate that while the provision of special instructions and documentation to translators had a considerable impact on their translations, the direction of the impact (positive or negative) diff ered across the target languages, according to scale ratings of professional survey researchers who were native speakers of those languages.
A decomposição de amostras que contêm elevados teores de Si, utilizando mistura com os ácidos nítrico e fluorídrico, pode provocar a precipitação de fluoretos de Al(III), Ca(II), Fe(III) e Mg(II) durante a digestão, impedindo a recuperação total desses elementos. Visando minimizar esse problema, foram testados quatro procedimentos aplicados a diferentes amostras de solos. O procedimento mais eficiente envolveu a decomposição assistida por radiação microondas, seguida pela separação do material sólido residual com elevado teor de Si do sobrenadante ácido. A fração residual foi solubilizada usando HF concentrado e, após complexação com ácido bórico, essa solução foi misturada à fase líquida do digerido. Os teores de metais nos digeridos foram determinados por espectrometria de emissão óptica em plasma induzido (ICP OES) e a exatidão foi demonstrada aplicando o procedimento proposto em amostras provenientes do programa colaborativo International Soil-Analytical Exchange (ISE, Wegening Agricultural University, Holanda) e em amostra certificada de solo proveniente do National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST, SRM 2709), que apresentou respectivamente, os seguintes percentuais de recuperação: 100,0 ± 2,6; 99,5 ± 1,9; 108,5 ± 2,7; 94,6 ± 8,9; 92,2 ± 9,7; 95,7 ± 1,8; 96,7 ± 2,7; 95,2 ± 0,6; 103,6 ± 2,6 e 96,1 ± 1,6 para, Al, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, V e Zn.
This paper reports the results from a second characterisation of the 91500 zircon, including data from electron probe microanalysis, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and laser fluorination analyses. The focus of this initiative was to establish the suitability of this large single zircon crystal for calibrating in situ analyses of the rare earth elements and oxygen isotopes, as well as to provide working values for key geochemical systems. In addition to extensive testing of the chemical and structural homogeneity of this sample, the occurrence of banding in 91500 in both backscattered electron and cathodoluminescence images is described in detail. Blind intercomparison data reported by both LA-ICP-MS and SIMS laboratories indicate that only small systematic differences exist between the data sets provided by these two techniques. Furthermore, the use of NIST SRM 610 glass as the calibrant for SIMS analyses was found to introduce little or no systematic error into the results for zircon. Based on both laser fluorination and SIMS data, zircon 91500 seems to be very well suited for calibrating in situ oxygen isotopic analyses.
Pratique Médicale Ambulatoire (PMA) est une enquête basée sur le modèle américain du National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey qui a été conduite dans les cantons de Vaud et Fribourg en 1987. Elle avait pour but de décrire l'activité des médecins installés et celle des services ambulatoires des hôpitaux. La fiche de relevé de cette enquête comprenait notamment les caractéristiques du patient (âge, sexe), le motif de la consultation et le ou les diagnostics posés par le médecin. Dans le cadre de ce travail, tous les motifs de consultation se rapportant à une douleur ont été sélectionnés et analysés. [Auteur, p. 2]
We find that the use of V(100) buffer layers on MgO(001) substrates for the epitaxy of FePd binary alloys yields to the formation at intermediate and high deposition temperatures of a FePd¿FeV mixed phase due to strong V diffusion accompanied by a loss of layer continuity and strong increase of its mosaic spread. Contrary to what is usually found in this kind of systems, these mixed phase structures exhibit perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) which is not correlated with the presence of chemical order, almost totally absent in all the fabricated structures, even at deposition temperatures where it is usually obtained with other buffer layers. Thus the observed PMA can be ascribed to the V interdiffusion and the formation of a FeV alloy, being the global sample saturation magnetization also reduced.
Fertilizantes e corretivos, ao serem aplicados nos solos, fornecem micronutrientes como impurezas residuais da sua fabricação, os quais podem ser importantes fontes para as culturas. Em decorrência disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os teores dos micronutrientes Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn e Ni em fertilizantes e corretivos comercializados no Nordeste brasileiro, visando avaliar o potencial desses insumos no fornecimento indireto de micronutrientes às culturas agrícolas. Os insumos analisados neste estudo (24 amostras de fertilizantes e 26 de corretivos) foram coletados nos Estados da Bahia e Pernambuco pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) e digeridos pelo método 3051A (USEPA, 1998). As determinações dos micronutrientes foram feitas por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Amostras de fertilizante SRM 695 (National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST) e spikes foram adicionadas para controle de qualidade das análises. Os fertilizantes fosfatados, em geral, apresentaram maiores teores de micronutrientes do que os demais produtos testados. Os fertilizantes e corretivos avaliados representam uma fonte de micronutrientes ao solo que não pode ser desprezada. No entanto, a real disponibilidade desses elementos aportados ao solo necessita ser avaliada em estudos com plantas, pois fatores como solubilidade dos insumos, absorção pelas culturas, reações com o solo e perdas por precipitação e lixiviação devem ser considerados.
Bcl10 plays an essential role in the adaptive immune response, because Bcl10-deficient lymphocytes show impaired Ag receptor-induced NF-kappaB activation and cytokine production. Bcl10 is a phosphoprotein, but the physiological relevance of this posttranslational modification remains poorly defined. In this study, we report that Bcl10 is rapidly phosphorylated upon activation of human T cells by PMA/ionomycin- or anti-CD3 treatment, and identify Ser(138) as a key residue necessary for Bcl10 phosphorylation. We also show that a phosphorylation-deficient Ser(138)/Ala mutant specifically inhibits TCR-induced actin polymerization yet does not affect NF-kappaB activation. Moreover, silencing of Bcl10, but not of caspase recruitment domain-containing MAGUK protein-1 (Carma1) induces a clear defect in TCR-induced F-actin formation, cell spreading, and conjugate formation. Remarkably, Bcl10 silencing also impairs FcgammaR-induced actin polymerization and phagocytosis in human monocytes. These results point to a key role of Bcl10 in F-actin-dependent immune responses of T cells and monocytes/macrophages.
TLR4 (Toll-like receptor 4) is essential for sensing the endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria. Mutations or deletion of the TLR4 gene in humans or mice have been associated with altered predisposition to or outcome of Gram-negative sepsis. In the present work, we studied the expression and regulation of the Tlr4 gene of mouse. In vivo, TLR4 levels were higher in macrophages compared with B, T or natural killer cells. High basal TLR4 promoter activity was observed in RAW 264.7, J774 and P388D1 macrophages transfected with a TLR4 promoter reporter vector. Analysis of truncated and mutated promoter constructs identified several positive [two Ets (E twenty-six) and one AP-1 (activator protein-1) sites] and negative (a GATA-like site and an octamer site) regulatory elements within 350 bp upstream of the transcriptional start site. The myeloid and B-cell-specific transcription factor PU.1 bound to the proximal Ets site. In contrast, none among PU.1, Ets-1, Ets-2 and Elk-1, but possibly one member of the ESE (epithelium-specific Ets) subfamily of Ets transcription factors, bound to the distal Ets site, which was indispensable for Tlr4 gene transcription. Endotoxin did not affect macrophage TLR4 promoter activity, but it decreased TLR4 steady-state mRNA levels by increasing the turnover of TLR4 transcripts. TLR4 expression was modestly altered by other pro- and anti-inflammatory stimuli, except for PMA plus ionomycin which strongly increased promoter activity and TLR4 mRNA levels. The mouse and human TLR4 genes were highly conserved. Yet, notable differences exist with respect to the elements implicated in gene regulation, which may account for species differences in terms of tissue expression and modulation by microbial and inflammatory stimuli.
A Knudsen flow reactor has been used to quantify surface functional groups on aerosols collected in the field. This technique is based on a heterogeneous titration reaction between a probe gas and a specific functional group on the particle surface. In the first part of this work, the reactivity of different probe gases on laboratory-generated aerosols (limonene SOA, Pb(NO3)2, Cd(NO3)2) and diesel reference soot (SRM 2975) has been studied. Five probe gases have been selected for the quantitative determination of important functional groups: N(CH3)3 (for the titration of acidic sites), NH2OH (for carbonyl functions), CF3COOH and HCl (for basic sites of different strength), and O3 (for oxidizable groups). The second part describes a field campaign that has been undertaken in several bus depots in Switzerland, where ambient fine and ultrafine particles were collected on suitable filters and quantitatively investigated using the Knudsen flow reactor. Results point to important differences in the surface reactivity of ambient particles, depending on the sampling site and season. The particle surface appears to be multi-functional, with the simultaneous presence of antagonistic functional groups which do not undergo internal chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization. Results also indicate that the surface of ambient particles was characterized by a high density of carbonyl functions (reactivity towards NH2OH probe in the range 0.26-6 formal molecular monolayers) and a low density of acidic sites (reactivity towards N(CH3)3 probe in the range 0.01-0.20 formal molecular monolayer). Kinetic parameters point to fast redox reactions (uptake coefficient ?0>10-3 for O3 probe) and slow acid-base reactions (?0<10-4 for N(CH3)3 probe) on the particle surface. [Authors]
The pursuit of high response rates to minimise the threat of nonresponse bias continues to dominate decisions about resource allocation in survey research. Yet a growing body of research has begun to question this practice. In this study, we use previously unavailable data from a new sampling frame based on population registers to assess the value of different methods designed to increase response rates on the European Social Survey in Switzerland. Using sampling data provides information about both respondents and nonrespondents, making it possible to examine how changes in response rates resulting from the use of different fieldwork methods relate to changes in the composition and representativeness of the responding sample. We compute an R-indicator to assess representativity with respect to the sampling register variables, and find little improvement in the sample composition as response rates increase. We then examine the impact of response rate increases on the risk of nonresponse bias based on Maximal Absolute Bias (MAB), and coefficients of variation between subgroup response rates, alongside the associated costs of different types of fieldwork effort. The results show that increases in response rate help to reduce MAB, while only small but important improvements to sample representativity are gained by varying the type of effort. These findings lend further support to research that has called into question the value of extensive investment in procedures aimed at reaching response rate targets and the need for more tailored fieldwork strategies aimed both at reducing survey costs and minimising the risk of bias.
We report a 45-year old woman with a pilomyxoid astrocytoma (PMA) of the cervical spinal cord with a rapid clinical course and fatal outcome. Moreover, two family members of the patient were reported to have brainstem tumours with similar histopathological features. This may be the first report of familial PMAs.
Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliação da inclusão do resíduo industrial de fecularia da mandioca (RIFM) em dietas para suínos em crescimento e terminação. No experimento 1, foram avaliados quatro níveis de RIFM (0; 6,67; 13,33 e 20,00%) na dieta de suínos em crescimento. A inclusão do RIFM na dieta provocou efeito cúbico sobre o ganho de peso médio diário (GPMD, P<0,01, R² =0,80, y=804-54,06x+6,03x²-0,19x³), peso médio ao final do crescimento (PMFC, P<0,01, R² =0,79, y=60,47-2,87x+0,33x²-0,01x³) e efeito linear sobre o consumo diário de ração (CRD, P<0,04, R² = 0,74, y=2090-136x). O peso médio ao abate (PMA) foi afetado de forma quadrática (P<0,05, R² = 0,69, y=98,88-1,28x+0,05x²). No experimento 2, o RIFM foi avaliado em quatro níveis (0, 10, 20 e 30%) de inclusão na dieta de suínos em terminação. Nenhum desses níveis de RIFM afetou (P>0,10) o desempenho dos suínos. Concluiu-se que a inclusão do RIFM na dieta de suínos em crescimento, à partir de 6,67%, provoca redução do desempenho. Na fase de terminação, o desempenho não é afetado pela inclusão do RIFM até o nível de 30% da dieta.
Expression of isolated beta integrin cytoplasmic domains in cultured endothelial cells was reported to induce cell detachment and death. To test whether cell death was the cause or the consequence of cell detachment, we expressed isolated integrin beta1 cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains (CH1) in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), and monitored detachment, viability, caspase activation and signaling. CH1 expression induced dose-dependent cell detachment. At 24 h over 90% of CH1-expressing HUVEC were detached but largely viable (>85%). No evidence of pro-caspase-8,-3, and PARP cleavage or suppression of phosphorylation of ERK, PKB and Ikappa-B was observed. The caspase inhibitor z-VAD did not prevent cell detachment. At 48 h, however, CH1-expressing cells were over 50% dead. As a comparison trypsin-mediated detachment resulted in a time-dependent cell death, paralleled by caspase-3 activation and suppression of ERK, PKB and Ikappa-B phosphoyrylation at 24 h or later after detachment. HUVEC stimulation with agents that strengthen integrin-mediated adhesion (i.e. PMA, the Src inhibitor PP2 and COMP-Ang1) did not prevent CH1-induced detachment. Expression of CH1 in rat carotid artery endothelial cells in vivo caused endothelial cell detachment and increased nuclear DNA fragmentation among detached cells. A construct lacking the integrin cytoplasmic domain (CH2) had no effect on adhesion and cell viability in vitro and in vivo. These results demonstrate that isolated beta1 cytoplasmic domain expression induces caspase-independent detachment of viable endothelial cells and that death is secondary to detachment (i.e. anoikis). They also reveal an essential role for integrins in the adhesion and survival of quiescent endothelial cells in vivo.