635 resultados para PIC 18F8722
Hovenia dulcis Thunberg, natural da Ásia Oriental, é cultivada no Brasil onde é conhecida como uva-do-japão. A espécie possui várias indicações na medicina popular e alguns estudos apontam o seu potencial antineoplásico, tripanocida e hepatoprotetor. Metabólitos secundários são substâncias não essenciais para a sobrevivência celular, mas que fornecem vantagens adaptativas aos vegetais, sendo atribuído, para algumas delas, atividades biológicas importantes. Substâncias de interesse medicinal têm sido obtidas por técnicas da cultura de tecidos vegetais, como a calogênese e a cultura de células em suspensão, que permitem a síntese de matéria-prima de forma contínua e homogênea, independentemente de fatores ambientais e sazonais. O presente estudo objetivou o estabelecimento de culturas in vitro de H. dulcis, visando à produção de metabólitos de interesse, com vistas à avaliação do seu potencial antineoplásico sobre células K562. Foram testados protocolos para o estabelecimento de diferentes sistemas, como culturas de calos, de células em suspensão (CCS) e compact callus clusters (CCC) e ainda a avaliação do uso de elicitores na otimização de metabólitos produzidos in vitro. Foi verificado que a adição dos fitorreguladores KIN e TDZ, substituindo o BAP, não foi capaz de induzir a formação de calos friáveis, bem como a manutenção das culturas em ausência de luz. O uso do nitrato de prata promoveu a friabilidade de calos em todas as concentrações testadas, considerando-se 2,0 mg.L-1 a melhor concentração. Foram alcançadas taxas de 100% de formação de CCS tanto na presença, quanto em ausência de AgNO3. O maior acúmulo de biomassa foi verificado na concentração mais baixa de PIC (0,625 mg.L-1). A análise dos espectros de RMN indicou a presença de (+)-dihidromiricetina, (+)-galocatequina, hovenitina II, hovenosideo G, hodulosideo III, hodulosideo IV, hodulosideo I e hovenidulciosideo B1 nas culturas de calos friáveis. No estabelecimento de culturas CCC, observou-se a formação de calos compactos verdes em todas as concentrações de ANA testadas. O aumento da velocidade de rotação para 135 rpm aumentou a dispersão das células com consequente formação dos agregados celulares desejados. A seleção de linhagens celulares demonstrou ser um método eficiente na uniformização do tamanho desses agregados e tal uniformidade se manteve estável por mais de cinco subcultivos em 100% das culturas. Uma fração rica em saponinas foi obtida a partir dos agregados celulares, correspondendo a 1,46% da massa seca. A análise por RMN sugeriu a presença das saponinas Hovenosideo G e dos hovenidulciosideos A2 e B2. O uso de elicitores em cultura de calos mostrou-se adequado à produção de metabólitos secundários, sem alterações morfológicas nos mesmos. A elicitação alterou o perfil cromatográfico analisado por HPLC. Na elicitação com 5,0 mg.L-1 de extrato de levedura foi verificado um aumento de quase três vezes (12,280 3,396 equivalentes de quercetina/mg de extrato) na síntese de flavonoides. Finalmente, os estudos de ação antitumoral in vitro demonstraram citotoxicidade dos extratos de calos não elicitados de H. dulcis sobre linhagem de leucemia mieloide crônica (IC50 de 74,05 μg.mL-1.) e inibição do crescimento de tais células (K562), sugerindo o potencial antineoplásico para um produto biotecnológio (calo) desta espécie.
本文在形态学、解剖学、孢粉学研究的基础上,结合细胞学和植物地理学资料,对中国及邻近地区分布的星蕨亚科植物进行了全面的分类学修订,就水龙骨科分亚科的问题进行了初步讨论,重新确定了星蕨亚科的范围和该亚科一些属的限和系统位置。在星蕨亚科中,孢子囊群的类型,根状茎的横切面的类型,叶背面孢子囊群中鳞片状隔丝的有无以及孢子的微形态特征等,在属和种的的等级上有重要的分类学意义。褐叶线蕨和胄叶线蕨的孢子囊群中的隔丝的发现,为星蕨亚科范围的重新确定提供了依据。通过对线蕨属的复杂的羽裂类型的形态形状的统计分析,将它们处理为1种5变种。综合各方面研究,初步认为星蕨亚科应包括星蕨属Microsorum Link、瘤蕨属Phymatosorus Pic. Serm.、鳞果星蕨属Lepidomicrosorum Ching et Shing、毛鳞蕨属Tricholepidium Ching、盾蕨属Neolepisorus Ching、扇蕨Neocheiropteris Christ、线蕨属Colysis C. Presl和薄唇蕨属Leptochilus Kaulf.,以及只在菲律宾分布的还不甚清楚的单种属Podosorus Holttum等9属。文中详细列举了中国及邻近地区星蕨亚科植物有8属35种,其中1种为新种,1种3变种和1变型为新组合。
微粒体应激70 蛋白三磷酸腺苷酶( S TCH) 基因属于应激70 蛋白基因伴侣家族, 在机体免疫反应 和疾病抵抗力等方面起重要作用。根据人和小鼠S TCH 基因的保守序列设计引物, PCR 扩增到猪S TCH 基因第 5 外显子445 bp 片段。序列测定显示, 猪S TCH 基因与人和小鼠S TCH 基因分别具有87113 %和80145 %的同源 性。通过测定和比较中国梅山猪、欧洲约克夏猪及PIC 商品猪的S TCH 基因序列, 发现在猪S TCH 基因编码区 第5 外显子1 050 位点上存在一个单碱基突变位点。利用双向特定等位基因PCR 扩增法(Bi2PASA) 建立了检测 猪S TCH 基因变异的遗传标记, 并用该标记分析了S TCH 基因在中国家猪(梅山猪、荣昌猪和金华猪) 、欧洲家 猪(约克夏猪、大白猪) 、商品猪(PIC 合成系) 以及欧洲野猪的基因频率和多态性。本研究建立的Bi2PASA 遗 传标记和基因变异信息, 将为进一步分析猪S TCH 基因变异与经济性状的相关分析提供基础资料。
Six polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized using an enriched library technique in the large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson, 1864), a commercially important marine fish in China. They showed PIC (polymorphism information content) ranging from 0.064 to 0.885 (average of 0.580) and allele numbers ranging from two to 13 (average of 7.5), which were useful for the studies on population genetics and selective breeding of the large yellow croaker.
The genetic structure of populations of the fish cestode, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi collected from Bailianhe Reservoir (BLH), Changshou (CSH) and Liangzi (LZH) Lakes was investigated by using 8 microsatellite loci. A total of 108 adult worms were genotyped at each of the 8 loci. For the 3 populations, the mean number of alleles per locus ranged from 2.38 to 5.5, and the mean expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.432 to 0.559. The average polymorphic information content (PIC) was from 0.384 to 0.492. The significant F-is values indicated non-random mating within LZH and BLH populations. On the other hand, when samples were further classified into subpopulations at the level of host fish species, no or little heterozygote deficiency was detected at most loci, showing that cross-fertilization, predominantly, but not exclusively, must have occurred within the subpopulations. Microsatellite markers also revealed an unexpected high level of genetic differentiation, as measured by R-st and N-m values or by deltau(2) genetic distance among subpopulations from different hosts. Factors influencing the population genetic structure and the parasite host specificity are discussed.
In this paper we report, to the best of our knowledge, the first experimental realization of distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor lasers based on reconstruction-equivalent-chirp (REC) technology. Lasers with different lasing wavelengths are achieved simultaneously on one chip, which shows a potential for the REC technology in combination with the photonic integrated circuits (PIC) technology to be a possible method for monolithic integration, in that its fabrication is as powerful as electron beam technology and the cost and time-consuming are almost the same as standard holographic technology. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
We have developed a novel InP-based, ridge-waveguide photonic integrated circuit (PIC), which consists of a 1.1-um wavelength Y-branch optical waveguide with low loss and improved far field pattern and a 1.3-um wavelength strained InGaAsP-InP multiple quantum-well superluminescent diode, with bundle integrated guide (BIG) as the scheme for monolithic integration. The simulations of BIG and Y-branches show low losses and improved far-field patterns, based on the beam propagation method (BPM). The amplified spontaneous emission of the device is up to 10 mW at 120 mA with no threshold and saturation. Spectral characteristics of about 30 nm width and less than I dB modulation are achieved using the built-in anti-lasing ability of Y-branch. The beam divergence angles in horizontal and vertical directions are optimized to as small as 12 degrees x8 degrees, resulting in good fiber coupling. The compactness, simplicity in fabrication, good superluminescent performance, low transmission loss and estimated low coupling loss prove the BIG and Y-branch method to be a feasible way for integration and make the photonic integrated circuit of Y-branch and superluminescent diode an promising candidate for transmitter and transceiver used in fiber optic gyroscope.
Wavelength tunable electro-absorption modulated distributed Bragg reflector lasers (TEMLs) are promising light source in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical fiber communication system due to high modulation speed, small chirp, low drive voltage, compactness and fast wavelength tuning ability. Thus, increased the transmission capacity, the functionality and the flexibility are provided. Materials with bandgap difference as large as 250nm have been integrated on the same wafer by a combined technique of selective area growth (SAG) and quantum well intermixing (QWI), which supplies a flexible and controllable platform for the need of photonic integrated circuits (PIC). A TEML has been fabricated by this technique for the first time. The component has superior characteristics as following: threshold current of 37mA, output power of 3.5mW at 100mA injection and 0V modulator bias voltage, extinction ratio of more than 20 dB with modulator reverse voltage from 0V to 2V when coupled into a single mode fiber, and wavelength tuning range of 4.4nm covering 6 100-GHz WDM channels. A clearly open eye diagram is observed when the integrated EAM is driven with a 10-Gb/s electrical NRZ signal. A good transmission characteristic is exhibited with power penalties less than 2.2 dB at a bit error ratio (BER) of 10(-10) after 44.4 km standard fiber transmission.
三重基序蛋白TRIM5α(Tripartite motif protein 5 alpha)是哺乳动物细胞中一种重要的限制因子,广泛分布于各种哺乳动物细胞中。人类TRIM5α mRNA 广泛表达于人类各个组织中,并且I 型干扰素IFN-α/β/γ 均能与TRIM5α 基因启动子的ISRE 元件结合,上调TRIM5α mRNA 的表达。恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)TRIM5α 是恒河猴体内重要的限制因子。目前对恒河猴尤其是中国恒河猴TRIM5α 的组织分布以及在受到外界刺激时TRIM5α mRNA 表达量的变化研究还未见报道。本论文通过从中国恒河猴各组织中提取总RNA,以β-actin 基因作为内参照,通过逆转录PCR 检测各组织中TRIM5α mRNA 的表达。我们选择用HIV-GFP-VSVG 感染、用佛波脂(Phorbol myfismte acetate, PMA)+离子霉素(Ionomycin, Ion),CD28 抗体+CD49d 抗体分别共刺激恒河猴PBMC,研究不同刺激对中国恒河猴TRIM5α mRNA 表达量的影响。研究发现:TRIM5α mRNA 广泛表达于恒河猴各组织中,在免疫系统和泌尿生殖系统各组织,如腹淋巴结、睾丸和附睾中表达量最高,而在神经系统各组织如大脑、脊髓中表达量比较少,在其他各组织中未见明显的表达差异。此外HIV-GFP-VSVG 感染、PMA+ Ion 与CD28 抗体+CD49d 抗体分别共刺激PBMC 均能促进PBMC TRIM5α mRNA 表达量的上调。 TRIM5α 作为恒河猴体内的最主要的限制HIV-1 感染的限制因子,除了可能通过促进HIV-1 的脱壳和阻止整合前复合物PIC(pre-integration complex)入核,恒河猴TRIM5α 还能限制HIV-1 病毒颗粒的产生。在这个过程中B30.2 结构域是非必需的,而B-box2 和Coiled-Coil 结构域起着决定性的作用。因为鹰猴(Aotes trivirgatus)TRIMCyp(omTRIMCyp) 蛋白和北平顶猴(Macaca leouina) TRIMCyp(npmTRIMCyp)蛋白的B-box2 和Coiled-Coil 结构域与恒河猴TRIM5α 的B-box2 和Coiled-Coil 具有很高的同源性,我们希望了解鹰猴TRIMCyp 蛋白和北平顶猴TRIMCyp 蛋白对HIV-1 病毒颗粒的产生是否有限制作用。本论文主要通过将质粒pNL4.3 分别与质粒pLPCX 、pLPCX-npmTRIMCyp-HA 、 pLPCX-omTRIMCyp-HA和pLPCX-rhTRIM5α-HA共转染293T细胞,通过western blot 检测细胞内Gag 蛋白和TRIM5 蛋白的表达情况,研究omTRIMCyp 蛋白和 npmTRIMCyp 蛋白对HIV-1 病毒颗粒产生的限制作用。结果表明:北平顶猴 TRIMCyp 蛋白、鹰猴TRIMCyp 蛋白都能不同程度的促进HIV-1 病毒Gag 蛋白的降解。
The development of optical network demands integrated arid multiple functionality modules to lowing cost and acquire highly reliability. Among the various contender materials to be photonic integrated circuits platform, silicon exhibits dominant characteristics and is the most promising platform materials. The paper compares the characteristics of some candidate materials with silicon and reviews recent progress in silicon based photonic integration technology. Tile challenges to silicon for optical integration for optical networking application arc also indicated.
植物功能生态学研究不仅提供了植物生理生态学与生态系统生态学的连接,还为植物种群生活史对策研究提供了材料。Westoby 等 (2002) 提出了利用植物功能性状变量的主导维度来确定和量化植物生活史的生态适应策略。在他们所提出四个主导维度中,叶大小-小枝大小是研究相对较少的一维;其内部各组分的关系、对环境的响应,以及与其它重要维度的关系,目前的理解非常有限。 本研究以贡嘎山不同海拔不同功能群物种为研究对象,采用种间比较和系统发生独立性比较等研究方法,系统研究了植物的功能特征及其相关性在不同生境及不同功能群间的差异,旨在分析不同功能群物种的叶大小-小枝大小的成本和收益。其研究结果将有助于我们理解植物生活史对策的进化,进而理解物种共存和维持物种多样性的机制。主要研究结果如下: 1. 叶大小-小枝大小关系 小枝茎横截面积与单叶面积和总叶面积均呈异速生长关系,即总叶面积和单叶面积的增加比茎横截面积的增加速度快。但是,总叶面积和叶片干重的增加却基本上与小枝茎干重的增加等速。系统发生独立性比较研究的结果与此相一致。表明,在某一给定的茎投入时,至少大叶大枝物种不比小叶小枝物种在支撑叶面积和叶片干重方面具有优势。同时,在某一给定的小枝茎投入时,常绿阔叶物种比落叶阔叶物种支撑更少的叶面积。在茎干重与总叶面积的关系中,落叶复叶物种比落叶单叶物种具有更高的y轴截距,表明复叶物种比单叶物种在展叶面积方面更有效。复叶物种与单叶物种相比,通常具有较大的叶大小和小枝大小。 2. 叶大小-叶数量关系 叶大小与数量间在不同的叶片习性、不同的叶片形态以及不同的生境类型的物种间均存在稳定的负的等速生长关系,且这种关系在系统发生独立性比较时依然成立。然而,在某一给定的出叶强度 (单位小枝的叶数量) 时,常绿阔叶物种比落叶物种具有更小的叶面积。而在给定体积基础上的出叶强度时,落叶复叶物种的叶面积显著大于落叶单叶物种,且复叶物种比单叶物种具有更大的叶大小和更小的出叶强度。但是,叶大小与数量间的关系在不同的海拔间并没有显著的差异。 3. 小枝大小-总叶面积关系 在不同的生活型或不同的生境下,小枝上总叶面积与茎干重和小枝干重均呈正的异速生长关系,且斜率显著小于1.0,表明小枝上总叶面积的增加都不能赶上小枝及茎大小的增加。这种“收益递减”表明随着小枝干重的增加,光截取的收益递减。此外,叶面积比 (总叶面积与小枝干重的比值) 与单叶干重呈显著负相关关系,系统发生独立性比较的结果与此相一致。根据以上结果,可以推测,大叶的物种在质量较好的生境中出现,而群落内部小枝茎的寿命较长的物种可以拥有较大的叶片。 4. 叶片色素浓度-LMA关系 随着海拔的升高,阔叶木本植物和草本植物的叶片色素浓度减少,叶绿素a/b和类胡萝卜素/叶绿素比值以及比叶重 (LMA) 增加。然而,在草本植物中的色素浓度、色素比值和LMA的变化比阔叶木本植物的更明显。同时,LMA与叶片色素浓度呈负相关关系,但是在落叶物种中的LMA对色素浓度的影响比常绿阔叶物种更强烈。总之,草本植物的叶片特征对海拔梯度的变化似乎比木本植物更敏感,LMA对叶片色素的保护作用在落叶物种中比在常绿阔叶物种显得更重要。这些结果表明不同生活型物种可能采取不同的保护机制来降低叶绿体器官的损伤和增加他们的碳获取能力。 Studies on plant functional ecology not only bridge plant eco-physiology and ecosystem functioning, but also enrich plant population biology. As pointed out by Westoby et al (2002), plant life history strategies can be identified and quantified by four leading dimensions of variations in plant functional traits, i.e., seed size/output, leaf mass per area and leaf life span, plant height, and leaf size-twig size. Compared to the other dimensions, the cost/benefit of the leaf size-twig size spectrum has scarcely been analyzed in relation to environmental gradients and life form types, and the adaptive significance of this spectrum is not fully understood. In the present study, the relationships between functional traits of plant twigs are determined for the species with different life forms along an altitudinal gradient of Gongga Mountain with both cross-species analysis and evolutionary divergence analysis. The primary objective of this study is to examine the cost/benefit of leaf size-twig size in plants. The study results are supposed to provide insights into the understanding of the mechanism of species coexistences. The results are shown in the following. 1. The relationship between leaf size and twig size Twig cross-sectional area allometrically scaled with both individual leaf area and total leaf area supported by the twigs. However, the increase in total lamina mass/area was generally proportional to the increase in stem mass. These correlations between trait variations were significant in both interspecies analysis and phylogenetically independent comparison (PIC) analysis, which indicated that thick-twigged/large-leaved species, at least, do not have an advantage in supporting leaf/lamina area and lamina mass for the same twig stem investment than thin-twigged/ small-leaved species. Meanwhile, the evergreen broad-leaved species supported a smaller leaf area for the same twig stem investment in terms of both cross-sectional area and stem mass than the deciduous species. The deciduous compound-leaved species have a higher y-intercept in the scaling relationship of twig stem mass versus total leaf area than the deciduous simple-leaved species, indicating that compound-leaved species were more efficient in displaying leaf area. The compound-leaved species were larger in both leaf size and twig size than their counterpart in the present study. 2. The relationship between leaf size and leaf number Significantly negative and isometric scaling relationships between leaf size and leafing intensity (leaf number per twig mass or volume) were found to be consistently conserved across species independent of leaf habit, leaf form and habitat type. The negative correlations between leaf size and leafing intensity were also observed across correlated evolutionary divergences. However, leaf area was smaller in the evergreen broad-leaved species at a given leafing intensity than in the deciduous species. The deciduous compound-leaved deciduous species were higher in leaf area than deciduous simple-laved species at a given volume-based leafing intensity. Moreover, the compound-leaved deciduous species were larger in leaf size but smaller in leafing intensity than their simple counterparts. No significant difference was found in the scaling relationships between altitudes. 3. The relationship between twig size and total leaf area Leaf area was found to scale positively and allometrically with both stem and twig mass (stem mass plus leaf mass) with slopes significantly smaller than 1.0, independent of life form and habitat type, indicating that the increase in total leaf area fails to keep pace with increasing twig size and stem size. This ‘diminishing returns’ suggests that the benefit of light intercept decreased with increasing twig mass. Moreover, the leaf area ratio (the ratio of total leaf area to stem or twig mass) correlated negatively with individual leaf mass. The results of PIC were consistent with the correlations. According to the results, it is speculated that large-leaved species may be favored when habitat is good and when stem longevity are long within community. 4. The relationship between leaf pigment concentrations and leaf mass per area With increasing altitude, the concentrations of pigments decreased, but the ratios of chlorophyll a/b and carotenoid/chlorophyll, and LMA increased, in both the broad-leaved woody species and herbaceous species groups. However, the changes in the pigment concentrations, ratios and LMA were more profound in the herbaceous species than in the woody species. In addition, pigment concentrations were negatively correlated with LMA in each life form type and in the pooled dataset. However, the LMA effect on leaf pigment concentrations was more profound in the deciduous species than in the evergreen braode-leaved species. In general, herbaceous species seemed more sensitive to the increasing altitude compared to woody species, and LMA seemed to be a more important mechanism for protecting leaf pigments in deciduous species than in evergreen broad-leaved species. These results suggested that the species with different life forms may employ different protective mechanisms to decrease the chloroplast apparatus damage and increase their carbon gain.