714 resultados para Oxoketenimine Rearrangement


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The cycle of fossil fuels as an energy source for mankind is approaching its end. Finite resources, coupled with greenhouse gas, have led to an increased effort in the search for alternative renewable energy sources. Brazil has a leading position, due to a 46% participation of renewable sources in its primary energy supply, compared to the global average of 12%. The expansion of the renewable sources in Brazil depends on medium and long term planning, and a large volume of investments. The present financial crisis will have major effects in the energy market. Despite a negative initial impact, it is expected that the rearrangement of the financial system will ultimately lead to an expansion in the use of renewable energy sources. Brazil is a tropical country, with the largest biodiversity in our planet and excellent conditions to expand the use of all forms of renewable sources.


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A metal-free protocol was developed to synthesize indanes by ring contraction of 1, 2-dihydronaphthalenes promoted by PhI(OH)OTs (HTIB or Koser's reagent). This oxidative rearrangement can be performed in several solvents (MeOH, CH3CN, 2 , 2, 2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), 1 , 1, 1, 3, 3, 3-hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP), and a 1:4 mixture of TFE:CH2Cl2) under mild conditions. The ring contraction diastereoselectively gives functionalized trans-1, 3-disubstituted indanes, which are difficult to obtain in synthetic organic chemistry


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OBJETIVO: Analisar práticas de atenção domiciliar de serviços ambulatoriais e hospitalares e sua constituição como rede substitutiva de cuidado em saúde. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo qualitativo que analisou, com base na metodologia de caso traçador, quatro serviços ambulatoriais de atenção domiciliar da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e um serviço de um hospital filantrópico do município de Belo Horizonte, MG, entre 2005 e 2007. Foram realizadas entrevistas com gestores e equipes dos serviços de atenção domiciliar, análise de documentos e acompanhamento de casos com entrevistas a pacientes e cuidadores. A análise foi orientada pelas categorias analíticas integração da atenção domiciliar na rede de saúde e modelo tecnoassistencial. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: A implantação da atenção domiciliar foi precedida por decisão político-institucional tanto com orientação racionalizadora, buscando a diminuição de custos, quanto com vistas à reordenação tecnoassistencial das redes de cuidados. Essas duas orientações encontram-se em disputa e constituem dificuldades para conciliação dos interesses dos diversos atores envolvidos na rede e na criação de espaços compartilhados de gestão. Pôde-se identificar a inovação tecnológica e a autonomia das famílias na implementação dos projetos de cuidado. As equipes mostraram-se coesas, construindo no cotidiano do trabalho novas formas de integrar os diferentes olhares para transformação das práticas em saúde. Foram observados desafios na proposta de integrar os diferentes serviços de caráter substitutivo do cuidado ao limitar a capacidade da atenção domiciliar de mudar o modelo tecnoassistencial. CONCLUSÕES: A atenção domiciliar possui potencial para constituição de uma rede substitutiva ao produzir novos modos de cuidar que atravessam os projetos dos usuários, dos familiares, da rede social e dos trabalhadores da atenção domiciliar. A atenção domiciliar como modalidade substitutiva de atenção à saúde requer sustentabilidade política, conceitual e operacional, bem como reconhecimento dos novos arranjos e articulação das propostas em curso.


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Para se conhecer a prática profissional de farmacêuticos que atuam em farmácias e drogarias, seus conhecimentos e percepções acerca da Atenção Farmacêutica (AF), realizou-se estudo descritivo com 91 farmacêuticos do município de Jundiaí-SP. A maioria era jovem (62,6% entre 20 e 29 anos), do sexo feminino (63,7%), graduada em instituições privadas (90,1%) e não proprietária do estabelecimento (87,9%). Desenvolviam atividades administrativas, técnicas e de atenção ao usuário, principalmente dispensação de medicamentos e orientação; 67,0% acompanhavam o tratamento farmacoterapêutico dos usuários, mas sem registrar informações. Para 62,7%, AF relacionava-se apenas à orientação e atendimento dispensados, mas tais atividades não eram realizadas de forma sistemática e organizada, como preconizado. Muitos (91,2%) consideravam necessário realizar trabalho mais intenso com os usuários, porém apontaram dificuldades como falta de tempo e de apoio dos proprietários e desinteresse dos usuários. Várias dessas dificuldades têm sido verificadas também em outros países, sugerindo que a prática da AF: (a) requer uma mudança estrutural e rearranjo de funções, uma vez que, atualmente, a estrutura e as atividades são adequadas à atividade comercial; (b) reflete uma crise de identidade profissional e, em consequência, falta de reconhecimento social e pouca inserção na equipe multiprofissional de saúde. O conhecimento sobre AF mostrou-se limitado, mas a situação pode vir a alterar-se à medida que as mudanças curriculares em curso surtam efeito na formação dos novos farmacêuticos.


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Background: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is frequently associated with a RET gene rearrangement that generates a RET/PTC oncogene. RET/PTC is a fusion of the tyrosine kinase domain of RET to the 50 portion of a different gene. This fusion results in a constitutively active MAPK pathway, which plays a key role in PTC development. The RET/PTC3 fusion is primarily associated with radiation-related PTC. Epidemiological studies show a lower incidence of PTC in radiation-exposed regions that are associated with an iodine-rich diet. Since the influence of excess iodine on the development of thyroid cancer is still unclear, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of high iodine concentrations on RET/PTC3-activated thyroid cells. Methods: PTC3-5 cells, a rat thyroid cell lineage harboring doxycycline-inducible RET/PTC3, were treated with 10(-3) M NaI. Cell growth was analyzed by cell counting and the MTT assay. The expression and phosphorylation state of MAPK pathway-related (Braf, Erk, pErk, and pRet) and thyroid-specific (natrium-iodide symporter [Nis] and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor [Tshr]) proteins were analyzed by Western blotting. Thyroid-specific gene expression was further analyzed by quantitative reverse transcription (RT)-polymerase chain reaction. Results: A significant inhibition of proliferation was observed, along with no significant variation in cell death rate, in the iodine-treated cells. Further, iodine treatment attenuated the loss of Nis and Tshr gene and protein expression induced by RET/PTC3 oncogene induction. Finally, iodine treatment reduced Ret and Erk phosphorylation, without altering Braf and Erk expression. Conclusion: Our results indicate an antioncogenic role for excess iodine during thyroid oncogenic activation. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the effect of iodine on thyroid follicular cells, particularly how it may play a protective role during RET/PTC3 oncogene activation.


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We model interface formation by metal deposition on the conjugated polymer poly-para-phenylene vinylene, studying direct aluminum and layered aluminum-calcium structures Al/PPV and Al/Ca/PPV. To do that we use classical molecular dynamics simulations, checked by ab initio density-functional theory calculations, for selected relevant configurations. We find that Al not only migrates easily into the film, with a strong charge transfer to the neighboring chains, but also promotes rearrangement of the polymer in the interfacial region to the hexagonal structure. On the other hand, our results indicate that a thin Ca layer is sufficient to protect the film and maintain a well-defined metal/polymer interface, and that also a thin Al capping layer may protect the whole from environmental degradation.


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The aim of this work was to study the effects of heat-moisture treatment (27% moisture, 100 degrees C, 16 h) and of enzymatic digestion (alpha-amylase and glucoamylase) on the properties of sweet potato (SP), Peruvian carrot (PC) and ginger (G) starches. The structural modification with heat-moisture treatment (HMT) affected crystallinity, enzyme susceptibility and viscosity profile. The changes in PC starch were the most pronounced, with a strong decrease of relative crystallinity (from 0.31 to 0.21) and a shift of X-ray pattern from B- to A-type. HMTof SP and G starch did not change the Xray pattern (A-type). The relative crystallinity of these starches changed only slightly, from 0.32 to 0.29 (SP) and from 0.33 to 0.32 (G). The extent of these structural changes (PC > SP > G) altered the susceptibility of the starches to enzymatic attack, but not in same order (PC > G > SP). HMT increased the starches digestion, probably due to rearrangement of disrupted crystallites, increasing accessible areas to attack of enzymes. The viscosity profiles and values changed significantly with HMT, resulting in higher pasting temperatures, decrease of viscosity values and no breakdown, i.e., stability at high temperatures and shear rates. Changes in pasting properties appeared to be more significant for PC and SP starch, whereas the changes for G starch were small. Setback was minimized following HMT in SP and G starches.


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RECK is an anti-tumoral gene whose activity has been associated with its inhibitory effects regulating MMP-2, MMP-9, and MT1-MMP. RECK level decreases as gliobastoma progresses, varying from less invasive grade II gliomas to very invasive human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Since RECK expression and glioma invasiveness show an inverse correlation, the aim of the present study is to investigate whether RECK expression would inhibit glioma invasive behavior. We conducted this study to explore forced RECK expression in the highly invasive T98G human GBM cell line. Expression levels as well as protein levels of RECK, MMP-2, MMP-9, and MT1-MMP were assessed by qPCR and immunoblotting in T98G/RECK+ cells. The invasion and migration capacity of RECK+ cells was inhibited in transwell and wound assays. Dramatic cytoskeleton modifications were observed in the T98G/RECK+ cells, when compared to control cells, such as the abundance of stress fibers (contractile actin-myosin II bundles) and alteration of lamellipodia. T98G/RECK+ cells also displayed phosphorylatecl focal adhesion kinase (P-FAK) in mature focal adhesions associated with stress fibers; whereas P-FAK in control cells was mostly associated with immature focal complexes. Interestingly, the RECK protein was predominantly localized at the leading edge of migrating cells, associated with membrane ruffles. Unexpectedly, introduced expression of RECK effectively inhibited the invasive process through rearrangement of actin filaments, promoting a decrease in migratory ability. This work has associated RECK tumor-suppressing activity with the inhibition of motility and invasion in this GBM model, which are two glioma characteristics responsible for the inefficiency of current available treatments. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 52-61, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss. Inc.


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Interesterification of palm stearin (PS) with liquid vegetable oils could yield a good solid fat stock that may impart desirable physical properties, because PS is a useful source of vegetable hard fat, providing beta` stable solid fats Dietary ingestion of olive oil (OO) has been reported to have physiological benefits such as lowering serum cholesterol levels Fat blends, formulated by binary blends of palm stearin and olive oil in different ratios, were subjected to chemical interesterification with sodium methoxide The original and interesterified blends were examined for fatty acid and triacylglycerol composition, melting point, solid fat content (SFC) and consistency. Interestenfication caused rearrangement of triacylglycerol species, reduction of trisaturated and triunsaturated triacylglycerols content and increase in diunsaturated-monosaturated triacylglycerols of all blends, resulting in lowering of melting point and solid fat content The incorporation of OO to PS reduced consistency, producing more plastic blends The mixture and chemical interesterification allowed obtaining fats with various degrees of plasticity, increasing the possibilities for the commercial use of palm stearin and olive oil (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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This work evaluated chemical interesterification of canola oil (CaO) and fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil (FHCSO) blends, with 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%(w/w) FHCSO content. Interesterification produced reduction of trisaturated and increase in monounsaturated and diunsaturated triacylglycerols contents, which caused important changes in temperatures and enthalpies associated with the crystallization and melting thermograms. It was verified reduction in medium crystal diameter in all blends, in addition crystal morphology modification. Crystallization kinetics revealed that crystal formation induction period and maximum solid fat content were altered according to FHCSO content in original blends and as a result of random rearrangement. Changes in Avrami constant (k) and exponent (n) indicated, respectively, that interesterification decreased crystallization rates and altered crystalline morphology. However, X-ray diffraction analyses showed randomization did not change the original crystalline polymorphism. The original and interesterified blends had significant predominance of beta` polymorph, which is interesting for several food applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Blends of canola oil (CO) and fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil (FHCSO), with 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% FHCSO (w/w) were interesterified under the following conditions: 0.4% sodium methoxide, 500 rpm stirring, 100C, 20 min. The original and interesterified blends were examined for triacylglycerol composition, melting point, solid fat content (SFC) and consistency. Interesterification caused considerable rearrangement of triacylglycerol species, reduction of trisaturated triacylglycerol content and increase in disaturated-monounsaturated and monosaturated-diunsaturated triacylglycerols in all blends, resulting in lowering of respective melting points. The interesterified blends showed reduced SFC at all temperatures and more linear melting profiles if compared with the original blends. Consistency, expressed as yield value, significantly decreased after the reaction. Iso-solid curves indicated eutectic interactions for the original blends, which were eliminated after randomization. The 80:20, 75:25, 70:30 and 65:35 (w/w) CO: FHCSO interesterified blends showed characteristics which are appropriate for their application as soft margarines, spreads, fat for bakery/all-purpose shortenings, and icing shortenings, respectively. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Recently, a number of studies have suggested a direct relationship between trans isomers and increased risk of vascular disease. In response, many health organizations have recommended reducing consumption of foods containing trans fatty acids. In this connection, chemical interesterification has proven the main alternative for obtaining plastic fats that have low trans isomer content or are even trans isomer free. This work proposes to evaluate the chemical interesterification of binary blends of canola oil and fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil and the specific potential application of these interesterified blends in food products.


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Blends of soybean oil (SO) and fully hydrogenated soybean oil (FHSBO), with 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% (w/w) FHSBO content were interesterified under the following conditions: 20 min reaction time, 0.4% sodium methoxide catalyst, and 500 rpm stirring speed, at 100 A degrees C. The original and interesterified blends were examined for triacylglycerol composition, thermal behavior, microstructure, crystallization kinetics, and polymorphism. Interesterification produced substantial rearrangement of the triacylglycerol species in all the blends, reduction of trisaturated triacylglycerol content and increase in monounsaturated-disaturated and diunsaturated-monosaturated triacylglycerols. Evaluation of thermal behavior parameters showed linear relations with FHSBO content in the original blends. Blend melting and crystallization thermograms were significantly modified by the randomization. Interesterification caused significant reductions in maximum crystal diameter in all blends, in addition to modifying crystal morphology. Characterization of crystallization kinetics revealed that crystal formation induction period (tau (SFC)) and maximum solid fat content (SFC(max)) were altered according to FHSBO content in the original blends and as a result of the random rearrangement. Changes in Avrami constant (k) and exponent (n) indicated, respectively, that-as compared with the original blends-interesterification decreased crystallization velocities and modified crystallization processes, altering crystalline morphology and nucleation mechanism. X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that interesterification altered crystalline polymorphism. The interesterified blends showed a predominance of the beta` polymorph, which is of more interest for food applications.


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Blends of soybean oil (50) and fully hydrogenated soybean oil (FHSBO), with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% FHSBO (w/w) content were interesterified under the following conditions: 0.4% sodium methoxide, 500 rpm stirring, 100 degrees C, 20 min. The original and interesterified blends were examined for triacylglycerol composition, melting point, solid fat content (SFC) and consistency. Interesterification caused considerable rearrangement of triacylglycerol species, reduction of trisaturated triacylglycerol content and increase in monounsaturated and diunsaturated triacylglycerols, resulting in lowering of respective melting points. The interesterified blends displayed reduced SFC at all temperatures and more linear melting profiles as compared with the original blends. Yield values showed increased plasticity in the blends after the reaction. Isosolid diagrams before and after the reaction showed no eutectic interactions. The 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40 interesterified SO:FHSBO blends displayed characteristics suited to application, respectively, as liquid shortening, table margarine, baking/confectionery fat and all-purpose shortenings/biscuit-filing base. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Simple techniques are presented for rearrangement of an infinite series in a systematic way such that the convergence of the resulting expression is accelerated. These procedures also allow calculation of required boundary derivatives. Several examples of conduction and diffusion-reaction problems illustrate the methods.


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In this work we have defined the nature of the p-cresol and p-thiocresol adducts generated from acylium ions during HF cleavage, following contemporary Boc/benzyl solid-phase peptide synthesis. Contrary to the results in previous reports, we found that both p-cresol and p-thiocresol predominantly form. aryl esters under typical cleavage conditions. Initially we investigated a number of small peptides containing either a single glutamate residue or a C-terminal long-chain amino acid which allowed us to unambiguously characterize the scavenged side products. Whereas, the p-cresol esters are stable at 0 degrees C they rearrange irreversibly at higher temperatures (5-20 degrees C) to form aryl ketones. By contrast, p-thiocresol esters do not undergo a Fries rearrangement but readily undergo further additions of p-thiocresol to form ketenebisthioacetals and trithio ortho esters, even at low temperatures. Importantly, we found by LC/MS and FT-ICR MS analysis that peptides containing p-cresol esters at glutamyl side chains are susceptible to amidation and fragmentation reactions at these sites during standard mild base workup procedures. The significance of these side reactions was further demonstrated in the synthesis of neutrophil immobilization factor, a 26-residue peptide, containing four glutamic acid residues. The side reactions were largely avoided by mild hydrogen peroxide-catalyzed hydrolysis which converted the p-cresol adducts to the free carboxylic acids in near quantitative yield. The choice of p-cresol as a reversible acylium ion scavenger when coupled with the simple workup conditions described is broadly applicable to Boc/benzyl peptide synthesis and will significantly enhance the quality of peptides produced.