938 resultados para Other special topics


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Issued Apr. 1922-1945 in 2 parts with separate numbering; Teil II contains treaties and other special materials.


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Bibliography: v. 1, p. xiii-xvi.


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The contemporary directions of art galleries worldwide are changing as social patterns and demands, and visitor expectations of their experiences at art galleries change. New programs and strategies are being developed in galleries to make these institutions more appealing to people who would not normally visit them. One such strategy is the staging of special events, which in galleries take a variety of forms. As special events are increasingly being employed by galleries to inspire new audiences, it is important that these institutions develop an awareness of how their visitors understand and respond to such events. Festivals are one type of special event that visitors identify as having a distinct role and nature. This paper explores visitors’ perceptions of festivals in art galleries and identifies several characteristics that distinguish festivals from other special events. These characteristics include the focus of the event, the audience attending, the degree of interactivity offered, the timing, and the place at which the event is staged. Understanding visitors’ perceptions and expectations of festivals will enable galleries to develop and further enhance their programs and special events to meet visitors’ needs.


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The aim of this research work was primarily to examine the relevance of patient parameters, ward structures, procedures and practices, in respect of the potential hazards of wound cross-infection and nasal colonisation with multiple resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, which it is thought might provide a useful indication of a patient's general susceptibility to wound infection. Information from a large cross-sectional survey involving 12,000 patients from some 41 hospitals and 375 wards was collected over a five-year period from 1967-72, and its validity checked before any subsequent analysis was carried out. Many environmental factors and procedures which had previously been thought (but never conclusively proved) to have an influence on wound infection or nasal colonisation rates, were assessed, and subsequently dismissed as not being significant, provided that the standard of the current range of practices and procedures is maintained and not allowed to deteriorate. Retrospective analysis revealed that the probability of wound infection was influenced by the patient's age, duration of pre-operative hospitalisation, sex, type of wound, presence and type of drain, number of patients in ward, and other special risk factors, whilst nasal colonisation was found to be influenced by the patient's age, total duration of hospitalisation, sex, antibiotics, proportion of occupied beds in the ward, average distance between bed centres and special risk factors. A multi-variate regression analysis technique was used to develop statistical models, consisting of variable patient and environmental factors which were found to have a significant influence on the risks pertaining to wound infection and nasal colonisation. A relationship between wound infection and nasal colonisation was then established and this led to the development of a more advanced model for predicting wound infections, taking advantage of the additional knowledge of the patient's state of nasal colonisation prior to operation.


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While mobile devices offer many innovative possibilities to help increase the standard of living for individuals with disabilities and other special needs, the process of developing assistive technology, such that it will be effective across a group of individuals with a particular disability, can be extremely challenging. This chapter discusses key issues and trends related to designing and evaluating mobile assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Following an overview of general design process issues, we argue (based on current research trends) that individuals with disabilities and domain experts be involved throughout the development process. While this, in itself, presents its own set of challenges, many strategies have successfully been used to overcome the difficulties and maximize the contributions of users and experts alike. Guidelines based on these strategies are discussed and are illustrated with real examples from one of our active research projects.


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The thesis presents a theoretical and practical study of the dynamic behaviour of electromagnetic relays. After discussing the problem of solving the dynamicc equations analytically and presenting a historical survey of the earlier works in the relay and its dynamics, the simulation of a relay on the analogue computer is discussed. It is shown that the simulation may be used to obtain specific solutions to the dynamic equations. The computer analysis provides the dynamic characteristics for design purposes and may be used in the study of bouncing, rebound oscillations and stability of the armature motion. An approximate analytical solution to the two dynamic equations is given based on the assumption that the dynamic variation of the pull with the position of the armature is linear. The assumption is supported by the Computer-aided analysis and experimental results. The solution is intended to provide a basis for a rational design. A rigorous method of analysing the dynamic performance by using Ahlberg's theory is also presented. This method may be justified to be the extension of Ahlberg's theory by taking the mass and frictional damping forces into account. While calculating the armature motion mathematically, Ahlberg considers the equilibrium of two kinds of forces, namely pull and load, and disregards the mass and friction forces, whereas the present method deals with the equilibrium of all four kinds of forces. It is shown how this can be utilised to calculate the dynamic characteristics for a specific design. The utility of this method also extends to the study of stability, contact bounce and armature rebound. The magnetic circuit and other related topics which are essential to the study of relay dynamics are discussed and some necessary experimental results are given.


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While mobile devices offer many innovative possibilities to help increase the standard of living for individuals with disabilities and other special needs, the process of developing assistive technology, such that it will be effective across a group of individuals with a particular disability, can be extremely challenging. This chapter discusses key issues and trends related to designing and evaluating mobile assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Following an overview of general design process issues, we argue (based on current research trends) that individuals with disabilities and domain experts be involved throughout the development process. While this, in itself, presents its own set of challenges, many strategies have successfully been used to overcome the difficulties and maximize the contributions of users and experts alike. Guidelines based on these strategies are discussed and are illustrated with real examples from one of our active research projects.


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The central aim of this interdisciplinary book is to make visible the intentionality behind the 'forgetting' of European women's contributions during the period between the two world wars in the context of politics, culture and society. It also seeks to record and analyse women's agency in the construction and reconstruction of Europe and its nation states after the First World War, and thus to articulate ways in which the writing of women's history necessarily entails the rewriting of everyone's history. By showing that the erasure of women's texts from literary and cultural history was not accidental but was ideologically motivated, the essays explicitly and implicitly contribute to debates surrounding canon formation. Other important topics are women's political activism during the period, antifascism, the contributions made by female journalists, the politics of literary production, genre, women's relationship with and contributions to the avant-garde, women's professional lives, and women's involvement in voluntary associations. In bringing together the work of scholars whose fields of expertise are diverse but whose interests converge on the inter-war period, the volume invites readers to make connections and comparisons across the whole spectrum of women's political, social, and cultural activities throughout Europe.


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Peer reviewed


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A large number of optically active drugs and natural products contain α-functionalised ketones or simple derivatives thereof. Furthermore, chiral α-alkylated ketones are useful synthons and have found widespread use in total synthesis. The asymmetric alkylation of ketones represents one of the most powerful and longstanding procedures in organic chemistry. Surprisingly, however, only one effective methodology is available, and this involves the use of chiral auxiliaries. This is discussed in Chapter 1, which also provides a background of other key topics discussed throughout the thesis. Expanding on the existing methodology of chiral auxiliaries, Chapter 2 details the synthesis of a novel chiral auxiliary containing a pyrrolidine ring and its use in the asymmetric preparation of α-alkylated ketones with good enantioselectivity. The synthesis of racemic α-alkylated ketones as reference standards for GC chromatography is also reported in this chapter. Chapter 3 details a new approach to chiral α-alkylated ketones using an intermolecular chirality transfer methodology. This approach employs the use of simple non-chiral dimethylhydrazones and their asymmetric alkylation using the chiral diamine ligands, (+)- and (-)-sparteine. The methodology described represents the first example of an asymmetric alkylation of non-chiral azaenolates. Enantiomeric ratios up to 83 : 17 are observed. Chapter 4 introduces the first aldol-Tishchenko reaction of an imine derivative for the preparation of 1,3-aminoalcohol precursors. 1,3-Aminoalcohols can be synthesised via indirect routes involving various permutations of stepwise construction with asymmetric induction. Our approach offers an alternative highly diastereomeric route to the synthesis of this important moiety utilising N-tert-butanesulfinyl imines in an aldol-Tishchenko-type reaction. Chapter 5 details the experimental procedures for all of the above work. Chapter 6 discusses the results of a separate research project undertaken during this PhD. 2-alkyl-quinolin-4-ones and their N-substituted derivatives have several important biological functions such as the role of Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) in quorum sensing. Herein, we report the synthesis of its biological precursor, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) and possible isosteres of PQS; the C-3 Cl, Br and I analogues. N-Methylation of the iodide was also feasible and the usefulness of this compound showcased in Pd-catalysed cross-coupling reactions, thus allowing access to a diverse set of biologically important molecules.


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A utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na educação é incontornável na sociedade da comunicação e do conhecimento. E, é neste pressuposto que propomos abordar a sua utilização no domínio da Educação Especial. Tendo em conta a necessidade de proceder a uma prática educativa centrada no aluno e nas suas especificidades, pareceu-nos pertinente abordar a questão da construção e exploração de Recursos Educativos Digitais (RED) com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE). Com este estudo procurámos compreender como a construção de RED contribui para o envolvimento na aprendizagem destes alunos. A partir desta finalidade, estabelecemos três objetivos gerais. (1) Desenvolver RED adaptados ao desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos, (2) envolver outros intervenientes educativos como os pais e outros professores de educação especial do agrupamento de escolas e (3) compreender como os RED contribuem para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e a autonomia dos alunos. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, desenhámos um projeto de investigação que se baseia num estudo de casos múltiplos e realizado numa escola no distrito de Vila Real. Com estes alunos, foram construídos diversos RED, que procuraram ter em conta as suas características e as aprendizagens previstas nos seus Currículos Específicos Individuais. Nesta construção, foi utilizado o JClic, e neste processo os casos participaram de uma forma ativa. A resolução das atividades foi feita em situação de observação sistemática, com recurso a grelhas, em que se tiveram em conta aspetos como a autonomia, a motivação, a realização, a empatia, o tempo despendido e o número de tentativas. Os dados da observação menos sistemática deram origem a notas de campo que foram registadas no diário do investigador. Para triangular os dados provenientes das técnicas referidas, foi realizada ainda uma entrevista à docente de Educação Especial dos alunos estudados. As principais conclusões da nossa investigação revelam que o envolvimento dos casos na construção dos recursos foi extraordinariamente importante em termos motivacionais e na empatia. A observação sistemática permitiu-nos também demonstrar que a autonomia, a realização, o tempo despendido e o número de tentativas foram indicadores que revelaram melhorias ao longo das sessões de trabalho. Constatamos ainda, através da entrevista, que alguns dos ganhos decorrentes das tarefas propostas foram transferidos para outras situações, quer na escola quer em casa.


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Las organizaciones y sus entornos son sistemas complejos. Tales sistemas son difíciles de comprender y predecir. Pese a ello, la predicción es una tarea fundamental para la gestión empresarial y para la toma de decisiones que implica siempre un riesgo. Los métodos clásicos de predicción (entre los cuales están: la regresión lineal, la Autoregresive Moving Average y el exponential smoothing) establecen supuestos como la linealidad, la estabilidad para ser matemática y computacionalmente tratables. Por diferentes medios, sin embargo, se han demostrado las limitaciones de tales métodos. Pues bien, en las últimas décadas nuevos métodos de predicción han surgido con el fin de abarcar la complejidad de los sistemas organizacionales y sus entornos, antes que evitarla. Entre ellos, los más promisorios son los métodos de predicción bio-inspirados (ej. redes neuronales, algoritmos genéticos /evolutivos y sistemas inmunes artificiales). Este artículo pretende establecer un estado situacional de las aplicaciones actuales y potenciales de los métodos bio-inspirados de predicción en la administración.


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Com os objetivos de avaliar a distribuição, persistência e degradação dos herbicidas no solo, na água e seu escape para outros corpos de água e avaliar os mecanismos de absorção/dessorção no solo, foi instalado um experimento de campo no Município de Pelotas no Rio Grande do Sul, utilizando-se os herbicidas propanil e clomazone na cultura de arroz alagado. O processo adotado para amostrar os produtos no solo foi aperfeiçoado, com a introdução de tubos de PVC perfurados que permitiam a ocorrência dos processos de troca no solo. Foram feitas as isotermas de adsorção para o propanil e clomazone, ajustadas por quatro modelos distintos. Fez-se também analise química dos grãos para os elementos N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Mn, Zn, determinando-se o teor de proteína bruta.Os resultados obtidos para o clomazone mostram que não houve contaminação ambiental pelo produto uma vez que nao foi detectada sua presença nas amostras de solo e agua do experimento. A ocorrência do propanil somente foi detectada nas amostras de solo coletadas com os tubos perfurados aos 30 e 120 dias após a emergência das plantas. Dos modelos de curvas de adsorção testados e comparados pelo método dos resíduos padronizados, o modelo de Freundlich foi o que melhor descreveu o comportamento dos dois produtos.


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Este trabalho apresenta o procedimento adotado para a geração de um mapa descrevendo o potencial de infiltração e escoamento superficial da água a partir de informações de solo e declividade do terreno, utilizando um Sistema de Informação Geográfica - SIG. Este mapa e um passo intermediário de um método que vem sendo desenvolvido para a definição de áreas de risco de contaminação por agroquímicos, levando em consideração as propriedades dos produtos, características físicas locais e climáticas.


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Ambient temperature is one of the basic parameters characterising human comfort: are we too hot, too cold, or just right? The impact of temperature goes beyond comfort: inadequate temperature and temperature variations have consequences on human health, as the increasing numbers of studies have demonstrated. The topic is of particular significance at the times when climate change shifts the traditional – as we know them- temperature zones, and brings much wider temperature variations. For these reasons the impact of temperature on health has been one of the most popular topics among the articles submitted and published in Science of the Total Environment over the last few years. This Virtual Special Issue compiles 18 articles published in our journal on this topic since 2012. It is worth briefly summarizing the rich scientific insights brought by these articles, as well as broader considerations, particularly those extending to management, discussed by the authors of the articles.