994 resultados para Organoclay (OC)


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Aurizon, Australia's largest rail freight operator, is introducing the Static Frequency Converter (SFC) technology into its electric railway network as part of the Bauhinia Electrification Project. The introduction of SFCs has significant implications on the protection systems of the 50kV traction network. The traditional distance protection calculation method does not work in this configuration because of the effect that the SFC in combination with the remote grid has on the apparent impedance, and was substantially reviewed. The standard overcurrent (OC) protection scheme is not suitable due to the minimum fault level being below the maximum load level and was revised to incorporate directionality and under-voltage inhibit. Delta protection was reviewed to improve sensitivity. A new protection function was introduced to prevent back-feeding faults in the transmission network through the grid connection. Protection inter-tripping was included to ensure selectivity between the SFC protection and the system downstream.


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Few data exist on direct greenhouse gas emissions from pen manure at beef feedlots. However, emission inventories attempt to account for these emissions. This study used a large chamber to isolate N2O and CH4 emissions from pen manure at two Australian commercial beef feedlots (stocking densities, 13-27 m(2) head) and related these emissions to a range of potential emission control factors, including masses and concentrations of volatile solids, NO3-, total N, NH4+, and organic C (OC), and additional factors such as total manure mass, cattle numbers, manure pack depth and density, temperature, and moisture content. Mean measured pen N2O emissions were 0.428 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.252-0.691) and 0.00405 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% CI, 0.00114-0.0110) for the northern and southern feedlots, respectively. Mean measured CH4 emission was 0.236 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% CI, 0.163-0.332) for the northern feedlot and 3.93 kg ha(-1) d(-1) (95% CI, 2.58-5.81) for the southern feedlot. Nitrous oxide emission increased with density, pH, temperature, and manure mass, whereas negative relationships were evident with moisture and OC. Strong relationships were not evident between N2O emission and masses or concentrations of NO3- or total N in the manure. This is significant because many standard inventory calculation protocols predict N2O emissions using the mass of N excreted by the animal.


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An inducible membrane-bound l-4-hydroxymandelate oxidase (decarboxylating) from Pseudomonas convexa has been solubilized and partially purified. It catalyzes the conversion of l-4-hydroxymandelic acid to 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in a single step with the stoichiometric consumption of O2 and liberation of CO2. The enzyme is optimally active at pH 6.6 and at 55 oC. It requires FAD and Mn2+ for its activity. The membrane-bound enzyme is more stable than the solubilized and purified enzyme. After solubilization it gradually loses its activity when kept at 5 oC which can be fully reactivated by freezing and thawing. The Km values for DL-4-hydroxymandelate and FAD are 0.44 mM and 0.038 mM respectively. The enzyme is highly specific for DL-4-hydroxymandelic acid. DL-3,4-Dihydroxymandelic acid competitively inhibited the enzyme reaction. From the Dixon plot the Ki for DL-3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid was calculated to be 1.8 × 10−4 M. The enzyme is completely inactivated by thiol compounds and not affected by thiol inhibitors. The enzyme is also inhibited by denaturing agents, heavy metal ions and by chelating agents.


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Poly(styrene peroxide) has been prepared and characterized. Nuclear magnetlc resonance (NMR) spectra Of the polymer show the shift Of aliphatic protons. Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) results show anexothermic peak around 110 OC which is characteristic of peroxide decomposition.


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We report the synthesis and characterisation of new examples of meso-hydroxynickel(II) porphyrins with 5,15-diphenyl and 10-phenyl-5,15-diphenyl/diaryl substitu- tion. The OH group was introduced by using carbonate or hydroxide as nucleophile by using palladium/phosphine cat- alysis. The NiPor OHs exist in solution in equilibrium with the corresponding oxy radicals NiPor OC. The 15-phenyl group stabilises the radicals, so that the 1H NMR spectra of {NiPor OH} are extremely broad due to chemical exchange with the paramagnetic species. The radical concentration for the diphenylporphyrin analogue is only 1%, and its NMR line-broadening was able to be studied by variable-tempera- ture NMR spectroscopy. The EPR signals of NiPor OC are con- sistent with somewhat delocalised porphyrinyloxy radicals, and the spin distributions calculated by using density func- tional theory match the EPR and NMR spectroscopic obser- vations. Nickel(II) meso-hydroxy-10,20-diphenylporphyrin was oxidatively coupled to a dioxo-terminated porphodimethene dyad, the strongly red-shifted electronic spectrum of which was successfully modelled by using time-dependent DFT calculations.


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The crystal structure analysis of the cyclic biscystine peptide [Boc-Cys1-Ala2-Cys3-NHCH3]2 with two disulfide bridges confirms the antiparallel ?-sheet conformation for the molecule as proposed for the conformation in solution. The molecule has exact twofold rotation symmetry. The 22-membered ring contains two transannular NH ? OC hydrogen bonds and two additional NH ? OC bonds are formed at both ends of the molecule between the terminal (CH3)3COCO and NHCH3 groups. The antiparallel peptide strands are distorted from a regularly pleated sheet, caused mainly by the L-Ala residue in which ?=� 155° and ?= 162°. In the disulfide bridge C? (1)-C? (1)-S(1)-(3')-C?(3')-C?(3'), S�S = 2.030 Å, angles C? SS = 107° and 105°, and the torsional angles are �49, �104, +99, �81, �61°, respectively. The biscystine peptide crystallizes in space group C2 with a = 14.555(2) Ã…, b = 10.854(2) Ã…, c = 16.512(2)Ã…, and ?= 101.34(1) with one-half formula unit of C30H52N8O10S4· 2(CH3)2SO per asymmetric unit. Least-squares refinement of 1375 reflections observed with |F| > 3?(F) yielded an R factor of 7.2%.


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Osteokondroosi (OC) on hevosten ortopedisistä kehityshäiriöistä yleisin kirurgiaa vaativa sairaustila. Se on sairautena monelta osin vielä hyvin epäselvä. Perinnöllisyyden osuus sen ilmentymisessä on noin 25 %. Suomenhevosilla OC:n esiintyvyyttä ei ole tutkittu, mutta sen osuuden epäillään kasvavan jatkuvasti. Suomessa pääsääntöisesti vain juoksijasuuntaan kantakirjatun suomenhevosorin jälkeläinen voi saada ravikilpailuoikeuden. Kantakirjauksen yhteydessä tehdyn röntgentutkimuksen avulla OC:ta sairastavat yksilöt voidaan hylätä ja siten sulkea pois jalostuksesta. Tästä käytännöstä voidaan poiketa, mikäli orilla on poikkeuksellisen hyviä kilpailutuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko OC:ta sairastavien orien hyväksyminen kantakirjaan riski suomenhevosravureiden tulevien sukupolvien kilpailumenestykselle. Tutkimusta oli kohorttitutkimus, jossa kilpailumenestyksen mittareina käytettiin starttistatusta, starttien määrää, sijoituksia, voittosummia, ennätysaikoja, hylkäyksiä, keskeytyksiä sekä kilpailupöytäkirjoihin kirjattuja laukka- ja epäpuhdas ravi – merkintöjä. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin suomenhevosravurien, joiden isällä on OC, kilpailumenestystä niiden suomenhevosravurien kilpailumenestykseen, joiden isäoriit oli kantakirjauksen yhteydessä todettu jaloistaan terveiksi (OC-vapaiksi). OC:lle altistuneista jälkeläisistä koostuvan ryhmän isäoreiksi valittiin kaikki juoksijasuuntaiset, OC:ta sairastavat suomenhevosoriit. OC:ta sairastavien orien jälkeläisiä oli tutkimuksessa mukana 435 ja OC-vapaiden orien jälkeläisiä 863. Aineistolle tehtiin tilastollinen analyysi Pearsonin χ²-testiä ja varianssianalyysia käyttäen. Voima-analyysi tehtiin jälkikäteen, jolloin todettiin, että tutkimuksen voima todeta havaittuja eroja oli parhaimmillaankin vain 50 % tasolla. Tuloksista ainoa tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero löytyi verrattaessa ravikilpailuissa startanneiden jälkeläisten osuuksia edellä mainituissa ryhmissä. OC:ta sairastavien isäorien jälkeläisistä yhteen tai useampaan ravikilpailulähtöön oli osallistunut 40,2 % hevosista, kun vastaava luku OC-vapaiden isäorien jälkeläisryhmässä oli 34,6 % (p=0,049). Vaikka muut tulokset olivatkin tilastollisesti merkityksettömiä, saattavat ne antaa viitteitä siitä, että OC:ta sairastavien orien jälkeläisten ura on lyhyempi, mutta mahdollisesti menestyksekkäämpi kuin OC-vapaiden orien jälkeläisillä. Tutkimuksen tulokset ja erityisesti niiden vertaaminen aiempiin tutkimuksiin tukevat käsitystä siitä, että OC periytyy mahdollisesti yhdessä hyvään juoksukykyyn liittyvien ominaisuuksien kanssa. Lisäksi tutkimus kyseenalaistaa, onko suomenhevosravurien kantakirjauksesta poissulkeminen tarkoituksenmukaista OC:n perusteella. Kyseessä on etiologialtaan ja diagnoosin kannalta hyvin haastava sairaus, jolla ei aina ole kliinistä merkitystä.


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In order to evaluate the influence of ambient aerosol particles on cloud formation, climate and human health, detailed information about the concentration and composition of ambient aerosol particles is needed. The dura-tion of aerosol formation, growth and removal processes in the atmosphere range from minutes to hours, which highlights the need for high-time-resolution data in order to understand the underlying processes. This thesis focuses on characterization of ambient levels, size distributions and sources of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) in ambient aerosols. The results show that in the location of this study typically 50-60 % of organic carbon in fine particles is water-soluble. The amount of WSOC was observed to increase as aerosols age, likely due to further oxidation of organic compounds. In the boreal region the main sources of WSOC were biomass burning during the winter and secondary aerosol formation during the summer. WSOC was mainly attributed to a fine particle mode between 0.1 - 1 μm, although different size distributions were measured for different sources. The WSOC concentrations and size distributions had a clear seasonal variation. Another main focus of this thesis was to test and further develop the high-time-resolution methods for chemical characterization of ambient aerosol particles. The concentrations of the main chemical components (ions, OC, EC) of ambient aerosol particles were measured online during a year-long intensive measurement campaign conducted on the SMEAR III station in Southern Finland. The results were compared to the results of traditional filter collections in order to study sampling artifacts and limitations related to each method. To achieve better a time resolution for the WSOC and ion measurements, a particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS) was coupled with a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC) and two ion chromatographs (IC). The PILS-TOC-IC provided important data about diurnal variations and short-time plumes, which cannot be resolved from the filter samples. In summary, the measurements made for this thesis provide new information on the concentrations, size distribu-tions and sources of WSOC in ambient aerosol particles in the boreal region. The analytical and collection me-thods needed for the online characterization of aerosol chemical composition were further developed in order to provide more reliable high-time-resolution measurements.


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N,N',N `'-Tris(2-anisyl)guanidine, (ArNH)(2)C=NAr (Ar = 2-(MeO)C6H4), was cyclopallaclated with Pd(OC(O)R)(2) (R = Me, CF3) in toluene at 70 degrees C to afford palladacycles Pd{kappa(2)(C,N)-C6H3-(OMe)-3(NHC(NHAr)(=NAr))-2}(mu-OC(O)R)](2)(R = Me (1a) and CF3 (1b)) in 87% and 95% yield, respectively. Palladacycle 1a was subjected to a metathetical reaction with LiBr in aqueous ethanol at 78 degrees C to afford palladacycle Pd{kappa(2)(C,N)-C6H3(OMe)-3(NHC(NHAr)(=NAr))-2}(mu-Br)](2) (2) in 90% yield. Palladacycle 2 was subjected to a bridge-splitting reaction with Lewis bases in CH2Cl2 to afford the monomeric palladacycles Pd{kappa(2)(C,N)-C6H3(OMe)-3(NHC(NHAr)(=NAr))-2}Br(L)] (L = 2,6-Me2C5H3N (3a), 2,4-Me2C5H3N (3b), 3,5-Me2C5H3N (3c), XyNC (Xy = 2,6-Me2C6H3; 4a), (BuNC)-Bu-t (4b), and PPh3 (5)) in 87-95% yield. Palladacycle 2 upon reaction with 2 equiv of XyNC in CH2Cl2 afforded an unanticipated palladacycle, Pd{kappa(2)(C,N)-C(=NXy)(C6H3(OMe)-4)-2(N=C-(NH Ar)(2))-3} Br(CNXy)] (6) in 93% yield, and the driving force for the formation of 6 was ascribed to a ring contraction followed by amine-imine tautomerization. Palladacycles 1 a,b revealed a dimeric transoid in-in conformation with ``open book'' framework in the solid state. In solution, 1 a exhibited a fluxional behavior ascribed to the six-membered ``(C,N)Pd'' ring inversion and partly dissociates to the pincer type and kappa(2)-O,O'-OAc monomeric palladacycles by an anchimerically assisted acetate cleavage process as studied by variable-temperature H-1 NMR data. Palladacycles 3a,b revealed a unique trans configuration around the palladium with lutidine being placed trans to the Pd-C bond, whereas cis stereochemistry was observed between the Pd-C bond and the Lewis base in 4a (as determined by X-ray diffraction data) and 5 (as determined by P-31 and C-13 NMR data). The aforementioned stereochemical difference was explained by invoking relative hardness/softness of the donor atoms around the palladium center. In solution, palladacycles 3a-c exist as a mixture of two interconverting boat conformers via a planar intermediate without any bond breaking due to the six-membered ``(C,N)Pd'' ring inversion, whereas palladacycles 4a,b and 5 exist as a single isomer, as deduced from detailed H-1 NMR studies.


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Mononuclear Group 6 metal tetracarbonyl complexes containing a cyclodiphosphazane ligand, [PhNP(OC(6)H(4)Me-p)](2) (L), have been used as synthons to prepare homo- and hetero-bimetallic complexes in which the cyclodiphosphazane bridges the two metal centres in its cis or trans isomeric forms. The dimolybdenum complex [Mo-2(eta(5)-C5H5)(2)(CO)(4)(mu-L)] has also been synthesized. The trends in P-31 NMR chemical shifts and the structural features as revealed by X-ray crystallography are discussed.


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Unsymmetrical diphosphazanes Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PYY' [YY' = O2C12H8 (L(1)), O2C20H12 (L(2)); Y = Ph and Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (L(3)), OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (L(4)), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (L(5)), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (L(6))] react with cis-[PdCl2(COD)] (COD = cycloocta-1,5-diene) giving the chelate complexes of the type cis-[PdCl2{eta(2)-Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PYY'}] [YY' = O2C12H8 (1), O2C20H12 (2), Y = Ph and Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (3), OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (4), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (5), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (6)]. The P-N bond in 3 and 5 undergoes a facile cleavage in methanol solution to give cis-[PdCl2{eta(1)Ph(2)P(OMe)}{eta(1)-PhP(NHPri)(Y')}] [Y' = OC6H4Br-4 (7), OC(6)H(3)Me(2)-3,5 (8)]. Reactions of Pd-2(dba)(3) . CHCl3 (dba = dibenzylideneacetone) with the diphosphazanes Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPhY' [Y' = OC(6)H(4)Me-4 (L(4)), N(2)C(3)HMe(2)-3,5 (L(6)), N2C3H3 (L(7))] in the presence of MeI yields cis-[PdI2{eta(2)-Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPhMe}] (9); the P-O or P-N(pyrazolyl) bond of the starting ligands is cleaved and a p-C(Me) bond is formed. An analogous oxidative addition reaction in the presence of Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPh(2) (L(8)) yields cis-[PdI(Me)(eta(2)-L(8))] (10) and cis-[PdI2(eta 2-L(8))] (11). The structures of 8 and 9 have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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The reactions of the mononuclear cyclodiphosphazane complexes, cis-[Mo(CO)(4){cis-[PhNP(OR)](2)}(2)] with [Mo(CO)(4)(nbd)] (nbd = norbornadiene). [Mo(CO)(4)(NHC5H10)(2)] or [MCl(2)(cod)] (cod = cycloocta-1,5-diene) afforded the homobimetallic complexes; [Mo-2(CO)(8){mu-cis-[PhNP(OR)](2)}(2)] (R = C(5)H(4)Me-p 5 or CH2CF3 6) or the heterobimetallic complexes. [Mo-2(CO)(8){mu-cis-[PhNP(OE)](2)}(2)MCl(2)] (R = C(6)H(4)Me-p; M = Pd 7 or Pt 8). In all the above complexes, the two metal moieties are bridged by two cyclodiphosphazane ligands. The reactions of the mononuclear complexes, cis-[M(CO)(4)(A){cis-[PhNP(OC(6)H(4)Me-p)](2)}] with (M'Cl-2(cod)] afforded the trinuclear complexes, cis-[M'Cl-2[M(CO)(4)(A){cis-[PhNP(OC(6)H(4)Me-p)](2)}](2)] (M' = Pd, M = Mo, A = P(OMe)(3) 10; M' = Pt, M = Mo. A = P(OMe)(3) 11; M' = Pd. M = W. A = NHC5H10 12; M' = Pt, M = W. A = NHC5H10 13). The structure of the complex 5 has been determined by single-crystal X-ray crystallography.


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Co-ordination complexes of the diphosphazane dioxides Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(2) L(1). Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)Ph(OC(6)H(4)Me-4) L(2) and Ph(2)P(O)N(Pr-i)P(O)(O2C12H8) L(3) with UO22+ or Th4+ ions have been synthesised and characterised by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The structures of [UO2(NO3)(2)L(1)] and [Th(NO3)(2)L(3)(1)][Th(NO3)(6)] are established by X-ray crystallography. In the former, the uranyl ion is bonded to two bidentate nitrate groups and the two phosphoryl groups of the ligand L(1); the co-ordination polyhedron around the metal is a hexagonal bipyramid. The cationic moiety in the thorium complex contains three bidentate diphosphazane dioxide ligands and two bidentate nitrate groups around the ten-co-ordinated metal.


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DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II from Candida utilis has been purified to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme resolved into three subforms, viz. IIO, IIA and IIB. On SDS-PAGE the enzyme showed ten polypeptides with molecular weights in the range of 205 kDa to 14 kDa. By two dimensional electrophoresis (IEF followed by SDS-PAGE) the presence of basic and acidic polypeptides has been demonstrated. The enzyme showed Km values of 5, 5.6 and 8 mu M for GTP, CTP and ATP, respectively, and the activity was inhibited by low levels of oc-amanitin and antibodies raised against bovine RNA polymerase II. By Western blot analysis the enzyme was found to cross-react with antibodies to bovine RNA polymerase II. RNA polymerase II from G. utilis is a phosphoprotein, the subunits RPB1 and RPB10 were found to be phosphorylated. Analysis of carboxy-terminal domain indicated that it was functionally redundant at least in case of nonspecific transcription, implicating its role in other nuclear processes, such as promoter specific initiation or transcription activation or RNA processing.


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We report Doppler-only radar observations of Icarus at Goldstone at a transmitter frequency of 8510 MHz (3.5 cm wavelength) during 8-10 June 1996, the first radar detection of the object since 1968. Optimally filtered and folded spectra achieve a maximum opposite-circular (OC) polarization signal-to-noise ratio of about 10 and help to constrain Icarus' physical properties. We obtain an OC radar cross section of 0.05 km(2) (with a 35% uncertainty), which is less than values estimated by Goldstein (1969) and by Pettengill et al. (1969), and a circular polarization (SC/OC) ratio of 0.5+/-0.2. We analyze the echo power spectrum with a model incorporating the echo bandwidth B and a spectral shape parameter it, yielding a coupled constraint between B and n. We adopt 25 Hz as the lower bound on B, which gives a lower bound on the maximum pole-on breadth of about 0.6 km and upper bounds on the radar and optical albedos that are consistent with Icarus' tentative QS classification. The observed circular polarization ratio indicates a very rough near-surface at spatial scales of the order of the radar wavelength. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.