162 resultados para Orfs


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Pseudogenes (Ψs), including processed and non-processed Ψs, are ubiquitous genetic elements derived from originally functional genes in all studied genomes within the three kingdoms of life. However, systematic surveys of non-processed Ψs utilizing genomic information from multiple samples within a species are still rare. Here a systematic comparative analysis was conducted of Ψs within 80 fully re-sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, and 7546 genes, representing ~28% of the genomic annotated open reading frames (ORFs), were found with disruptive mutations in at least one accession. The distribution of these Ψs on chromosomes showed a significantly negative correlation between Ψs/ORFs and their local gene densities, suggesting a higher proportion of Ψs in gene desert regions, e.g. near centromeres. On the other hand, compared with the non-Ψ loci, even the intact coding sequences (CDSs) in the Ψ loci were found to have shorter CDS length, fewer exon number and lower GC content. In addition, a significant functional bias against the null hypothesis was detected in the Ψs mainly involved in responses to environmental stimuli and biotic stress as reported, suggesting that they are likely important for adaptive evolution to rapidly changing environments by pseudogenization to accumulate successive mutations.


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In this study, we present a novel genotyping scheme to classify German wild-type varicella-zoster virus (VZV) strains and to differentiate them from the Oka vaccine strain (genotype B). This approach is based on analysis of four loci in open reading frames (ORFs) 51 to 58, encompassing a total length of 1,990 bp. The new genotyping scheme produced identical clusters in phylogenetic analyses compared to full-genome sequences from well-characterized VZV strains. Based on genotype A, D, B, and C reference strains, a dichotomous identification key (DIK) was developed and applied for VZV strains obtained from vesicle fluid and liquor samples originating from 42 patients suffering from varicella or zoster between 2003 and 2006. Sequencing of regions in ORFs 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, and 58 identified 18 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including two novel ones, SNP 89727 and SNP 92792 in ORF51 and ORF52, respectively. The DIK as well as phylogenetic analysis by Bayesian inference showed that 14 VZV strains belonged to genotype A, and 28 VZV strains were classified as genotype D. Neither Japanese (vaccine)-like B strains nor recombinant-like C strains were found within the samples from Germany. The novel genotyping scheme and the DIK were demonstrated to be practical and simple and allow the highly efficient replication of phylogenetic patterns in VZV initially derived from full-genome DNA sequence analyses. Therefore, this approach may allow us to draw a more comprehensive picture of wild-type VZV strains circulating in Germany and Central Europe by high-throughput procedures in the future.


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IS1296, a new insertion sequence belonging to the IS3 family of insertion elements has been identified in Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (Mmm) biotype small colony (SC), the agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP). IS1296 is 1485-bp long and has 30-bp inverted repeats. It contains two open reading frames, ORFA and ORFB, which show significant similarities to the ORFs which encode the transposase function of IS elements of the IS3 family, in particular IS150 of Escherichia coli. IS1296 is present in 19 copies in Mmm SC-type strain PG1 and in 18 copies in a recently isolated field strain L2. It seems to transpose at low frequency in Mmm SC. IS1296 is also present in 5 copies in Mmm biotype large colony (LC)-type strain Y-goat, and in two copies in Mycoplasma sp. 'bovine group 7' reference strain PG50. It is, however, not present in other species of the 'mycoides cluster' or other closely related Mycoplasma sp. of ruminants.


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A methicillin-resistant mecB-positive Macrococcus caseolyticus (strain KM45013) was isolated from the nares of a dog with rhinitis. It contained a novel 39-kb transposon-defective complete mecB-carrying staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec element (SCCmecKM45013). SCCmecKM45013 contained 49 coding sequences (CDSs), was integrated at the 3' end of the chromosomal orfX gene, and was delimited at both ends by imperfect direct repeats functioning as integration site sequences (ISSs). SCCmecKM45013 presented two discontinuous regions of homology (SCCmec coverage of 35%) to the chromosomal and transposon Tn6045-associated SCCmec-like element of M. caseolyticus JCSC7096: (i) the mec gene complex (98.8% identity) and (ii) the ccr-carrying segment (91.8% identity). The mec gene complex, located at the right junction of the cassette, also carried the β-lactamase gene blaZm (mecRm-mecIm-mecB-blaZm). SCCmecKM45013 contained two cassette chromosome recombinase genes, ccrAm2 and ccrBm2, which shared 94.3% and 96.6% DNA identity with those of the SCCmec-like element of JCSC7096 but shared less than 52% DNA identity with the staphylococcal ccrAB and ccrC genes. Three distinct extrachromosomal circularized elements (the entire SCCmecKM45013, ΨSCCmecKM45013 lacking the ccr genes, and SCCKM45013 lacking mecB) flanked by one ISS copy, as well as the chromosomal regions remaining after excision, were detected. An unconventional circularized structure carrying the mecB gene complex was associated with two extensive direct repeat regions, which enclosed two open reading frames (ORFs) (ORF46 and ORF51) flanking the chromosomal mecB-carrying gene complex. This study revealed M. caseolyticus as a potential disease-associated bacterium in dogs and also unveiled an SCCmec element carrying mecB not associated with Tn6045 in the genus Macrococcus.


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A complete reference genome of the Apis mellifera Filamentous virus (AmFV) was determined using Illumina Hiseq sequencing. The AmFV genome is a double stranded DNA molecule of approximately 498,500 nucleotides with a GC content of 50.8%. It encompasses 247 non-overlapping open reading frames (ORFs), equally distributed on both strands, which cover 65% of the genome. While most of the ORFs lacked threshold sequence alignments to reference protein databases, twenty-eight were found to display significant homologies with proteins present in other large double stranded DNA viruses. Remarkably, 13 ORFs had strong similarity with typical baculovirus domains such as PIFs (per os infectivity factor genes: pif-1, pif-2, pif-3 and p74) and BRO (Baculovirus Repeated Open Reading Frame). The putative AmFV DNA polymerase is of type B, but is only distantly related to those of the baculoviruses. The ORFs encoding proteins involved in nucleotide metabolism had the highest percent identity to viral proteins in GenBank. Other notable features include the presence of several collagen-like, chitin-binding, kinesin and pacifastin domains. Due to the large size of the AmFV genome and the inconsistent affiliation with other large double stranded DNA virus families infecting invertebrates, AmFV may belong to a new virus family.


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Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 is a Gram negative facultative photoheterotrophic bacterium that has been shown to have an N-acyl homoserine lactone-based quorum sensing system called cer for c&barbelow;ommunity e&barbelow;scape r&barbelow;esponse. The cer ORFs are cerR, the transcriptional regulator, cerI, the autoinducer synthase and cerA , whose function is unknown. The autoinducer molecule, 7,8- cis-N-(tetradecenoyl) homoserine lactone, has been characterized. The objective of this study was to identify an environmental stimulus that influences the regulation of cerRAI and, to characterize transcription of the cer operon. ^ A cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion was made and β-Galactosidase assays were performed in R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 strains, wild type, AP3 (CerI−) and AP4 (CerR−). The cerR::lacZ β-Galactosidase assays were used as an initial survey of the mode of regulation of the Cer system. A cerA::lacZ translational fusion was created and was used to show that cerA can be translated. The presence of 7,8-cis-N-(tetradecenoyl) homoserine lactone was detected from R. sphaeroides strains wild type and AP4 (CerR−) using a lasR::lacZ translational fusion autoinducer bioassay. The cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion in R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 wild type was tested under different environmental stimuli, such as various carbon sources, oxygen tensions, light intensities and culture media to determine if they influence transcription of the cer ORFs. Although lacZ assay data implicated high light intensity at 100 W/m2 to stimulate cer transcription, quantitative Northern RNA data of the cerR transcript showed that low light intensity at 3 W/m2 is at least one environmental stimulus that induces cer transcription. This finding was supported by DNA microarray analysis. Northern analysis of the cerRAI transcript provided evidence that the cer ORFs are co-transcribed, and that the cer operon contains two additional genes. Bioinformatics was used to identify genes that may be regulated by the Cer system by identifying putative lux box homologue sequences in the presumed promoter region of these genes. Genes that were identified were fliQ, celB and calsymin, all implicated in interacting with plants. Primer extension was used to help localize cis-elements in the promoter region. The cerR::lacZ transcriptional fusion was monitored in a subset of different global DNA binding transcriptional regulator mutant strains of R. sphaeroides 2.4.1. Those regulators involved in maintaining an anaerobic photosynthetic lifestyle appeared to have an effect. Collectively, the data imply that R. sphaeroides 2.4.1 activates the Cer system when grown anaerobic photosynthetically at low light intensity, 3 W/m2, and it may be involved in an interaction with plants. ^


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Plants contain several genes encoding thioredoxins (Trxs), small proteins involved in redox regulation of many enzymes in different cell compartments. Among them, mitochondrial Trxo has been described to have a response in plants grown under salinity but there is scarce information about its functional role in abiotic stress or its gene regulation. In this work, the transcriptional regulation of the mitochondrial AtTrxo1 gene has been studied for the first time, by identifying functionally relevant cis- elements in its promoter: two conserved motives were found as positive and one as negative regulators. Using them as baits for the screening of an arrayed yeast library containing Arabidopsis Transcription Factors (TF) ORFs, two TFs were selected that are now being validated at the molecular level. We have also studied the response of T-DNA insertion mutant plants for AtTrxo1 to salt stress. The K.O. AtTrxo1 mutants presented several phenotypic changes including the time required to reach 50% germination under salinity, without affecting the final germination percentage.


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A colonization mutant of the efficient root-colonizing biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS365 is described that is impaired in competitive root-tip colonization of gnotobiotically grown potato, radish, wheat, and tomato, indicating a broad host range mutation. The colonization of the mutant is also impaired when studied in potting soil, suggesting that the defective gene also plays a role under more natural conditions. A DNA fragment that is able to complement the mutation for colonization revealed a multicistronic transcription unit composed of at least six ORFs with similarity to lppL, lysA, dapF, orf235/233, xerC/sss, and the largely incomplete orf238. The transposon insertion in PCL1233 appeared to be present in the orf235/233 homologue, designated orf240. Introduction of a mutation in the xerC/sss homologue revealed that the xerC/sss gene homologue rather than orf240 is crucial for colonization. xerC in Escherichia coli and sss in Pseudomonas aeruginosa encode proteins that belong to the λ integrase family of site-specific recombinases, which play a role in phase variation caused by DNA rearrangements. The function of the xerC/sss homologue in colonization is discussed in terms of genetic rearrangements involved in the generation of different phenotypes, thereby allowing a bacterial population to occupy various habitats. Mutant PCL1233 is assumed to be locked in a phenotype that is not well suited to compete for colonization in the rhizosphere. Thus we show the importance of phase variation in microbe–plant interactions.


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The recent ability to sequence whole genomes allows ready access to all genetic material. The approaches outlined here allow automated analysis of sequence for the synthesis of optimal primers in an automated multiplex oligonucleotide synthesizer (AMOS). The efficiency is such that all ORFs for an organism can be amplified by PCR. The resulting amplicons can be used directly in the construction of DNA arrays or can be cloned for a large variety of functional analyses. These tools allow a replacement of single-gene analysis with a highly efficient whole-genome analysis.


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Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that is transmitted by cough-propelled droplets that carry the etiologic bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although currently available drugs kill most isolates of M. tuberculosis, strains resistant to each of these have emerged, and multiply resistant strains are increasingly widespread. The growing problem of drug resistance combined with a global incidence of seven million new cases per year underscore the urgent need for new antituberculosis therapies. The recent publication of the complete sequence of the M. tuberculosis genome has made possible, for the first time, a comprehensive genomic approach to the biology of this organism and to the drug discovery process. We used a DNA microarray containing 97% of the ORFs predicted from this sequence to monitor changes in M. tuberculosis gene expression in response to the antituberculous drug isoniazid. Here we show that isoniazid induced several genes that encode proteins physiologically relevant to the drug’s mode of action, including an operonic cluster of five genes encoding type II fatty acid synthase enzymes and fbpC, which encodes trehalose dimycolyl transferase. Other genes, not apparently within directly affected biosynthetic pathways, also were induced. These genes, efpA, fadE23, fadE24, and ahpC, likely mediate processes that are linked to the toxic consequences of the drug. Insights gained from this approach may define new drug targets and suggest new methods for identifying compounds that inhibit those targets.


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Cosmids from the 1A3–1A10 region of the complete miniset were individually subcloned by using the vector M13 mp18. Sequences of each cosmid were assembled from about 400 DNA fragments generated from the ends of these phage subclones and merged into one 189-kb contig. About 160 ORFs identified by the CodonUse program were subjected to similarity searches. The biological functions of 80 ORFs could be assigned reliably by using the WIT and Magpie genome investigation tools. Eighty percent of these recognizable ORFs were organized in functional clusters, which simplified assignment decisions and increased the strength of the predictions. A set of 26 genes for cobalamin biosynthesis, genes for polyhydroxyalkanoic acid metabolism, DNA replication and recombination, and DNA gyrase were among those identified. Most of the ORFs lacking significant similarity with reference databases also were grouped. There are two large clusters of these ORFs, one located between 45 and 67 kb of the map, and the other between 150 and 183 kb. Nine of the loosely identified ORFs (of 15) of the first of these clusters match ORFs from phages or transposons. The other cluster also has four ORFs of possible phage origin.


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A novel virus, designated swine hepatitis E virus (swine HEV), was identified in pigs. Swine HEV crossreacts with antibody to the human HEV capsid antigen. Swine HEV is a ubiquitous agent and the majority of swine ≥3 months of age in herds from the midwestern United States were seropositive. Young pigs naturally infected by swine HEV were clinically normal but had microscopic evidence of hepatitis, and developed viremia prior to seroconversion. The entire ORFs 2 and 3 were amplified by reverse transcription–PCR from sera of naturally infected pigs. The putative capsid gene (ORF2) of swine HEV shared about 79–80% sequence identity at the nucleotide level and 90–92% identity at the amino acid level with human HEV strains. The small ORF3 of swine HEV had 83–85% nucleotide sequence identity and 77–82% amino acid identity with human HEV strains. Phylogenetic analyses showed that swine HEV is closely related to, but distinct from, human HEV strains. The discovery of swine HEV not only has implications for HEV vaccine development, diagnosis, and biology, but also raises a potential public health concern for zoonosis or xenozoonosis following xenotransplantation with pig organs.


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LINEs are transposable elements, widely distributed among eukaryotes, that move via reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate. Mammalian LINEs have two ORFs (ORF1 and ORF2). The proteins encoded by these ORFs play important roles in the retrotransposition process. Although the predicted amino acid sequence of ORF1 is not closely related to any known proteins, it is highly basic; thus, it has long been hypothesized that ORF1 protein functions to bind LINE-1 (L1) RNA during retrotransposition. Cofractionation of ORF1 protein and L1 RNA in extracts from both mouse and human embryonal carcinoma cells indicated that ORF1 protein binds L1 RNA, forming a ribonucleoprotein particle. Based on UV crosslinking and electrophoretic mobility-shift assays using purified components, we demonstrate here that the ORF1 protein encoded by mouse L1 binds nucleic acids with a strong preference for RNA and other single-stranded nucleic acids. Furthermore, multiple copies of ORF1 protein appear to bind single-stranded nucleic acid in a manner suggesting positive cooperativity; such binding characteristics are likely to be facilitated by the protein–protein interactions detected among molecules of ORF1 polypeptide by coimmunoprecipitation. These observations are consistent with the formation of ribonucleoprotein particles containing L1 RNA and ORF1 protein and provide additional evidence for the role of ORF1 protein during retrotransposition of L1.


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Asparaginyl-tRNA (Asn-tRNA) and glutaminyl-tRNA (Gln-tRNA) are essential components of protein synthesis. They can be formed by direct acylation by asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (AsnRS) or glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS). The alternative route involves transamidation of incorrectly charged tRNA. Examination of the preliminary genomic sequence of the radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans suggests the presence of both direct and indirect routes of Asn-tRNA and Gln-tRNA formation. Biochemical experiments demonstrate the presence of AsnRS and GlnRS, as well as glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS), a discriminating and a nondiscriminating aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS). Moreover, both Gln-tRNA and Asn-tRNA transamidation activities are present. Surprisingly, they are catalyzed by a single enzyme encoded by three ORFs orthologous to Bacillus subtilis gatCAB. However, the transamidation route to Gln-tRNA formation is idled by the inability of the discriminating D. radiodurans GluRS to produce the required mischarged Glu-tRNAGln substrate. The presence of apparently redundant complete routes to Asn-tRNA formation, combined with the absence from the D. radiodurans genome of genes encoding tRNA-independent asparagine synthetase and the lack of this enzyme in D. radiodurans extracts, suggests that the gatCAB genes may be responsible for biosynthesis of asparagine in this asparagine prototroph.


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Two RNases H of mammalian tissues have been described: RNase HI, the activity of which was found to rise during DNA replication, and RNase HII, which may be involved in transcription. RNase HI is the major mammalian enzyme representing around 85% of the total RNase H activity in the cell. By using highly purified calf thymus RNase HI we identified the sequences of several tryptic peptides. This information enabled us to determine the sequence of the cDNA coding for the large subunit of human RNase HI. The corresponding ORF of 897 nt defines a polypeptide of relative molecular mass of 33,367, which is in agreement with the molecular mass obtained earlier by SDS/PAGE. Expression of the cloned ORF in Escherichia coli leads to a polypeptide, which is specifically recognized by an antiserum raised against calf thymus RNase HI. Interestingly, the deduced amino acid sequence of this subunit of human RNase HI displays significant homology to RNase HII from E. coli, an enzyme of unknown function and previously judged as a minor activity. This finding suggests an evolutionary link between the mammalian RNases HI and the prokaryotic RNases HII. The idea of a mammalian RNase HI large subunit being a strongly conserved protein is substantiated by the existence of homologous ORFs in the genomes of other eukaryotes and of all eubacteria and archaebacteria that have been completely sequenced.