989 resultados para Oracle bones


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An adequate calcium intake is an essential part of the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Two to threeserves of calcium-rich foods each day provides sufficient calcium for most non-pregnant adults. If this target is not achievable, calcium supplementation is generally effective, cheap and safe for most people. Calciumcarbonate(without vitamin and mineral additives) is the preferred supplement in most cases. Problems with calcium absorption arise due to factors including high·fibre vegetarian diets, achlorhydria, long·term glucocorticoid therapy and vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in some ethnic groups and the elderly who are housebound or in residential care. These at risk groups generally require vitamin D supplementation to achieve adequate intestinal absorption of calcium.


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A method for bone strain estimation is examined in this article. The flexibility of a single bone in an otherwise rigid human skeleton model has been studied previously by various authors. However, in the previous studies, the effect of the flexibility of multiple bones on the musculoskeletal model behavior was ignored. This study describes a simulation method that can be used to estimate the bone strains at both tibias and femurs of a 65-year old Caucasian male subject. The verification of the method is performed by the comparison of the results with other studies available in literature. The results of the study show good correlation with the results of previous empirical studies. A damping effect of the flexible bones on the model is also studied in this paper.


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Background : Osteoporosis affects over 220 million people worldwide, and currently there is no 'cure' for the disease. Thus, there is a need to develop evidence-based, safe and acceptable prevention strategies at the population level that target multiple risk factors for fragility fractures to reduce the health and economic burden of the condition.

Methods :
The 'Osteo-cise: Strong Bones for Life' study will investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of a multi-component targeted exercise, osteoporosis education/awareness and behavioural change program for improving bone health and muscle function, and reducing falls risk in community-dwelling older adults at an increased risk of fracture. Men and women aged 60 years or above will participate in an 18-month randomised controlled trial comprising a 12-month structured and supervised community-based program and a 6-month 'research to practise' translational phase. Participants will be randomly assigned to either the 'Osteo-cise' intervention or a self-management control group. The intervention will comprise a multi-modal exercise program incorporating high velocity progressive resistance training, moderate impact weight-bearing exercise and high challenging balance exercises performed three times weekly at local community-based fitness centres. A behavioural change program will be used to enhance exercise adoption and adherence to the program. Community-based osteoporosis education seminars will be conducted to improve participant knowledge and understanding of the risk factors and preventative measures for osteoporosis, falls and fractures. The primary outcomes measures, to be collected at baseline, 6, 12, and 18 months, will include DXA-derived hip and spine bone mineral density measurements and functional muscle power (timed stair-climb test). Secondary outcomes measures include: MRI-assessed distal femur and proximal tibia trabecular bone micro-architecture, lower limb and back maximal muscle strength, balance and function (four square step test, functional reach test, timed up-and-go test and 30-second sit-to-stand), falls incidence and health-related quality of life. Cost-effectiveness will also be assessed.

Discussion :
The findings from the Osteo-cise: Strong Bones for Life study will provide new information on the efficacy of a targeted multi-modal community-based exercise program incorporating high velocity resistance training, together with an osteoporosis education and behavioural change program for improving multiple risk factors for falls and fracture in older adults at risk of fragility fracture. Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry reference ACTRN12609000100291


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Apesar das vantagens das funcionalidades de banco de dados temporais, já amplamente demonstradas na literatura, ainda não existe, comercialmente, um SGBD totalmente temporal. Algumas propostas já foram feitas, embora um pouco discretas, dando ênfase em apenas parte das funcionalidades temporais, já sinalizando que em breve será possível existir um SGBD puramente temporal. Uma dessas propostas se constitui na implementação de uma camada de software que simula um banco de dados temporal, chamada Pacote de Tempo de Validade – PTV. Ela foi desenvolvida para demonstrar algumas funções temporais de banco de dados de tempo de validade. Embora o PTV tenha funções para garantir a integridade de dados temporais na inserção de tuplas, além de outros controles, não apresenta funções de consultas temporais. Essas funções foram desenvolvidas neste trabalho com base no TSQL2, aumentando, portanto, as funcionalidades temporais do PTV. Elas foram desenvolvidas para o SGBD Oracle 9i e consistem da principal proposta desse trabalho, permitindo inclusive validar as funções de consultas temporais de outras propostas da literatura. A segunda proposta desse trabalho é prover aos desenvolvedores e pesquisadores dessa área, uma interface visual apropriada para o uso do PTV, permitindo, assim, a exploração máxima dos recursos temporais desse pacote.


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Embora há muito tempo já se tenha conhecimento da importância da recuperação de informações temporais, não existe um SGBD temporal que tenha sido desenvolvido unicamente para aplicações comerciais, que supra todas as necessidades e abranja todos os aspectos temporais necessários a estas aplicações. O SGBD da Oracle, a partir da versão 8i, possibilita a inserção de características temporais similares às de tempo de transação no BD, através de um pacote de tempo denominado Time Series Cartridge. Entretanto, em muitos casos, a utilização deste cartucho de tempo não é suficiente para que se possa implementar por completo tudo o que foi especificado na modelagem do sistema. A modelagem completa da realidade só é alcançada se forem utilizadas em conjunto as características de tempo de transação e de tempo de validade no banco de dados. Neste trabalho são sugeridos e implementados mecanismos para a inserção e o gerenciamento do tempo de validade no SGBD Oracle. O tempo de validade é administrado através da execução de funções, procedimentos, gatilhos e objetos, organizados em forma de um pacote, de maneira que este possa ser utilizado em conjunto com o Time Series Cartridge.


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Neutron activation analysis has been used to study uranium incorporation in poultry bones as function of chow doped with : (a) uranium (20 ppm); (b) U-doped food (20 ppm) plus phytase (120 ppm) and (c) U-doped food (20 ppm) plus phytase (180 ppm). To investigate this situation experiments involving several groups of Cobb broilers was performed. Two animals per group were sacrificed weekly up to their adultness and uranium concentration in the tibia was measured. It was observed that the concentration of uranium (mug U/g bone) is decreasing all along the animal life spanning period of 14-42 days. This behavior suggests that the skeleton mass is growing faster than the corresponding accumulation of uranium. The administration of phytase seems not to alter this scenario.


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Groups of Wistar rats were fed with ration doped with uranyl nitrate at concentration A ranging from 0.5 to 100 ppm, starting after the weaning period and lasting until the postpuberty period when the animals were sacrificed. Uranium in the ashes of bones was determined by neutron activation analysis. It was found that the uranium concentration in the bones. as a function of A, exhibits a change in its slope at similar to20 ppm-a probable consequence of the malfunctioning of kidneys. The uranium transfer coefficient was obtained and an analytical expression was fitted into the data. thus allowing extrapolation down to low doses. Internal and localized doses were calculated. Absorbed doses exceeded the critical dose. even for the lowest uranium dosage.


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All methods to detect experimental loss of bone present technique limitations. The sensitivities of image and histological analyses to detect the effects of teriparatide in rats with bone loss after ovariectomy were evaluated. All methods were qualitatively valid.The standardization of methods to assess bone loss after ovariectomy is crucial to establish the degree of experimental osteoporosis. In general, methods per image or histological techniques are used. To validate these two ways to determine the degree of bone loss in ovariectomized rats, we evaluated the sensitivities of bone densitometry, conventional radiography, and histological analysis of the area occupied by collagen, detecting the effects of teriparatide treatment in the femur of ovariectomized rats with bone loss.Wistar rats were divided into three groups: a control group, in which the animals were only subjected to laparotomy; an ovariectomized group, in which bilateral removal of the ovaries was performed; and an ovariectomized + teriparatide group, in which bilateral removal of the ovaries was performed, and the animals were treated with 3 mu g/100 g/day of teriparatide. Three months following the ovariectomy, bone densitometry, radiographic densitometry, and histological analysis of the area occupied by collagen fibers were carried out in the femur diaphysis.The bone densitometry revealed 11.2% reduction in femur density; in the conventional radiography, the loss of bone mass was 14.5%, and with the histological analysis, a 40.9% reduction in the area occupied by collagen was detected in the femur diaphysis.In conclusion, histological analysis could not be quantitatively compared with the methods of bone densitometry and conventional radiography; however, all of these methods were qualitatively valid for assessing the loss of bone stemming from ovariectomy and the therapeutic effect of teriparatide in the prevention of osteoporosis.


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Sixty female Wistar rats were submitted to a daily intake of ration doped with uranium from weaning to adulthood. Uranium in bone was quantified by the SSNTD (solid state nuclear track detection) technique, and bone mineral density (BMD) analysis performed. Uranium concentration as a function of age exhibited a sharp rise during the first week of the experiment and a drastic drop of 70% in the following weeks. Data interpretation indicates that uranium mimics calcium. Results from BMD suggest that radiation emitted by the incorporated Uranium could induce death of bone cells. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The present paper discusses mtDNA and taphonomy of human remains from Moa, Beirada, and Zé Espinho sambaquis of Saquarema, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. New human bone dating by 14C-AMS for Moa archeological site (3810+50 BP - GX-31826-AMS) is included. Preservation of microscopic lamellae and DNA is not related to the macroscopic integrity of the bones. Results here suggest that the preservation of amplifiable DNA fragments may have relation to the preservation of the lamellar arrangement as indicated by optical microscopic examination (polarized light). In 13 human bone fragments from Moa, Beirada, and Zé Espinho it was possible to sequence mtDNA from the 3 individuals of Moa, and from 1 of 4 individuals of Beirada, whose bones also show extensive areas with preserved lamellar structures. The 6 human bone fragments of Zé Espinho and 3 of the 4 fragments of Beirada showed extensive destruction of cortical microstructure represented by cavities, intrusive minerals, and agglomerated microscopic bodies of fungi and bacteria; it was not possible to extract mtDNA from these samples. The results support the hypothesis that the preservation of the microscopic osteon organization is a good predictor for DNA preservation. It was also confirmed the C haplogroup antiquity in Brazil.