881 resultados para Optimal Stopping
We address a real world scheduling problem concerning the repair process of aircrafts’ engines by TAP - Maintenance & Engineering (TAP-ME). TAP-ME is the maintenance, repair and overhaul organization of TAP Portugal, Portugal’s leading airline, which employs about 4000 persons to provide maintenance and engineering services in aircraft, engines and components. TAP-ME is aiming to optimize its maintenance services, focusing on the reduction of the engines repair turnaround time.
O planeamento de redes de distribuição tem como objetivo assegurar a existência de capacidade nas redes para a fornecimento de energia elétrica com bons níveis de qualidade de serviço tendo em conta os fatores económicos associados. No âmbito do trabalho apresentado na presente dissertação, foi elaborado um modelo de planeamento que determina a configuração de rede resultante da minimização de custos associados a: 1) perdas por efeito de joule; 2) investimento em novos componentes; 3) energia não entregue. A incerteza associada ao valor do consumo de cada carga é modelada através de lógica difusa. O problema de otimização definido é resolvido pelo método de decomposição de benders que contempla dois trânsitos de potências ótimos (modelo DC e modelo AC) no problema mestre e escravo respectivamente para validação de restrições. Foram também definidos critérios de paragem do método de decomposição de benders. O modelo proposto classifica-se como programação não linear inteira mista e foi implementado na ferramenta de otimização General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). O modelo desenvolvido tem em conta todos componentes das redes para a otimização do planeamento, conforme podemos analisar nos casos de estudo implementados. Cada caso de estudo é definido pela variação da importância que cada uma das variáveis do problema toma, tendo em vista cobrir de alguma todos os cenários de operação expetáveis. Através destes casos de estudo verifica-se as várias configurações que a rede pode tomar, tendo em conta as importâncias atribuídas a cada uma das variáveis, bem como os respetivos custos associados a cada solução. Este trabalho oferece um considerável contributo no âmbito do planeamento de redes de distribuição, pois comporta diferentes variáveis para a execução do mesmo. É também um modelo bastante robusto não perdendo o ‘norte’ no encontro de solução para redes de grande dimensão, com maior número de componentes.
The shifted Legendre orthogonal polynomials are used for the numerical solution of a new formulation for the multi-dimensional fractional optimal control problem (M-DFOCP) with a quadratic performance index. The fractional derivatives are described in the Caputo sense. The Lagrange multiplier method for the constrained extremum and the operational matrix of fractional integrals are used together with the help of the properties of the shifted Legendre orthonormal polynomials. The method reduces the M-DFOCP to a simpler problem that consists of solving a system of algebraic equations. For confirming the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed scheme, some test problems are implemented with their approximate solutions.
INTRODUCTION: Insulin resistance is the pathophysiological key to explain metabolic syndrome. Although clearly useful, the Homeostasis Model Assessment index (an insulin resistance measurement) hasn't been systematically applied in clinical practice. One of the main reasons is the discrepancy in cut-off values reported in different populations. We sought to evaluate in a Portuguese population the ideal cut-off for Homeostasis Model Assessment index and assess its relationship with metabolic syndrome. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We selected a cohort of individuals admitted electively in a Cardiology ward with a BMI < 25 Kg/m2 and no abnormalities in glucose metabolism (fasting plasma glucose < 100 mg/dL and no diabetes). The 90th percentile of the Homeostasis Model Assessment index distribution was used to obtain the ideal cut-off for insulin resistance. We also selected a validation cohort of 300 individuals (no exclusion criteria applied). RESULTS: From 7 000 individuals, and after the exclusion criteria, there were left 1 784 individuals. The 90th percentile for Homeostasis Model Assessment index was 2.33. In the validation cohort, applying that cut-off, we have 49.3% of individuals with insulin resistance. However, only 69.9% of the metabolic syndrome patients had insulin resistance according to that cut-off. By ROC curve analysis, the ideal cut-off for metabolic syndrome is 2.41. Homeostasis Model Assessment index correlated with BMI (r = 0.371, p < 0.001) and is an independent predictor of the presence of metabolic syndrome (OR 19.4, 95% CI 6.6 - 57.2, p < 0.001). DISCUSSION: Our study showed that in a Portuguese population of patients admitted electively in a Cardiology ward, 2.33 is the Homeostasis Model Assessment index cut-off for insulin resistance and 2.41 for metabolic syndrome. CONCLUSION: Homeostasis Model Assessment index is directly correlated with BMI and is an independent predictor of metabolic syndrome.
We characterize the optimal job design in a multitasking environment when the firms rely on implicit incentive contracts (i.e., bonus payments). Two natural forms of job design are compared: (i) individual accountability, where each agent is assigned to a particular job and assumes full responsibility for its outcome; and (ii) team accountability, where a group of agents share responsibility for a job and are jointly accountable for its outcome. The key trade-off is that team accountability mitigates the multitasking problem but may weaken the implicit contracts. The optimal job design follows a cut-off rule: firms with high reputation concerns opt for team accountability, whereas firms with low reputation concerns opt for individual accountability. Team accountability is more likely the more acute the multitasking problem is. However, the cut-off rule need not hold if the firm combines implicit incentives with explicit pay-per-performance contracts.
O diagnóstico da malária é realizado rotineiramente pelo exame da gota espessa, entretanto, esta técnica requer o treinamento de microscopistas e pode consumir muito tempo. Foi realizado um estudo de concordância de dois testes rápidos (Optimal-IT® e ICT P.f./P.v.®) com a gota espessa, na atenção básica de saúde, em Manaus.
Author's Pre-print
An infinite-horizon discrete time model with multiple size-class structures using a transition matrix is built to assess optimal harvesting schedules in the context of Non-Industrial Private Forest (NIPF) owners. Three model specifications accounting for forest income, financial return on an asset and amenity valuations are considered. Numerical simulations suggest uneven-aged forest management where a rational forest owner adapts her or his forest policy by influencing the regeneration of trees or adjusting consumption dynamics depending on subjective time preference and market return rate dynamics on the financial asset. Moreover she or he does not value significantly non-market benefits captured by amenity valuations relatively to forest income.
Simulated moving bed (SMB) chromatography is attracting more and more attention since it is a powerful technique for complex separation tasks. Nowadays, more than 60% of preparative SMB units are installed in the pharmaceutical and in the food in- dustry [SDI, Preparative and Process Liquid Chromatography: The Future of Process Separations, International Strategic Directions, Los Angeles, USA, 2002. http://www. strategicdirections.com]. Chromatography is the method of choice in these ¯elds, be- cause often pharmaceuticals and ¯ne-chemicals have physico-chemical properties which di®er little from those of the by-products, and they may be thermally instable. In these cases, standard separation techniques as distillation and extraction are not applicable. The noteworthiness of preparative chromatography, particulary SMB process, as a sep- aration and puri¯cation process in the above mentioned industries has been increasing, due to its °exibility, energy e±ciency and higher product purity performance. Consequently, a new SMB paradigm is requested by the large number of potential small- scale applications of the SMB technology, which exploits the °exibility and versatility of the technology. In this new SMB paradigm, a number of possibilities for improving SMB performance through variation of parameters during a switching interval, are pushing the trend toward the use of units with smaller number of columns because less stationary phase is used and the setup is more economical. This is especially important for the phar- maceutical industry, where SMBs are seen as multipurpose units that can be applied to di®erent separations in all stages of the drug-development cycle. In order to reduce the experimental e®ort and accordingly the coast associated with the development of separation processes, simulation models are intensively used. One impor- tant aspect in this context refers to the determination of the adsorption isotherms in SMB chromatography, where separations are usually carried out under strongly nonlinear conditions in order to achieve higher productivities. The accurate determination of the competitive adsorption equilibrium of the enantiomeric species is thus of fundamental importance to allow computer-assisted optimization or process scale-up. Two major SMB operating problems are apparent at production scale: the assessment of product quality and the maintenance of long-term stable and controlled operation. Constraints regarding product purity, dictated by pharmaceutical and food regulatory organizations, have drastically increased the demand for product quality control. The strict imposed regulations are increasing the need for developing optically pure drugs.(...)
Os resultados apresentados no capítulo 2 foram incluídos no artigo Dantas JM, Campelo LM, Duke NEC, Salgueiro CA, Pokkuluri PR (2015) "The structure of PccH from Geobacter sulfurreducens – a novel low reduction potential monoheme cytochrome essential for accepting electrons from an electrode", FEBS Journal, 282, 2215-2231.
Research Masters
Cell-based approaches in tissue engineering (TE) have been barely explored for the treatment of tendon and ligament (T/L) tissues, requiring the establishment of a widely available cell source with tenogenic potential. As T/L cells are scarce, stem cells may provide a good alternative. Understanding how resident cells behave in vitro, might be useful for recapitulating the tenogenic potential of stem cells for tendon TE applications. Therefore, we propose to isolate and characterize human T/L-derived cells (hTDCs and hLDCs) and compare their regenerative potential with stem cells from adipose tissue (hASCs) and amniotic fluid (hAFSCs)(1). T/L cells were isolated using different procedures and stem cells isolated as described elsewhere(1). Moreover, T/L cells were stimu- lated into the three mesenchymal lineages, using standard differentia- tion media. Cells were characterized for the typical stem cell markers as well as T/L related markers, namely tenascin-C, collagen I and III, decorin and scleraxis, using different complementary techniques such as real time RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. No differences were observed between T/L in gene expression and protein deposition. T/L cells were mostly positive for stem ness markers (CD73/CD90/CD105), and have the potential to differentiate towards osteogenesis, chondrogenesis and adipogenesis, demonstrated by the positive staining for AlizarinRed, SafraninO, ToluidineBlue and OilRed. hASCs and hAFSCs exhibit positive expression of all tenogenic mark- ers, although at lower levels than hTDCs and hLDCs. Nevertheless, stem cells availability is key factor in TE strategies, despite that it’s still required optimization to direct their tenogenic phenotype.
Shifting from chemical to biotechnological processes is one of the cornerstones of 21st century industry. The production of a great range of chemicals via biotechnological means is a key challenge on the way toward a bio-based economy. However, this shift is occurring at a pace slower than initially expected. The development of efficient cell factories that allow for competitive production yields is of paramount importance for this leap to happen. Constraint-based models of metabolism, together with in silico strain design algorithms, promise to reveal insights into the best genetic design strategies, a step further toward achieving that goal. In this work, a thorough analysis of the main in silico constraint-based strain design strategies and algorithms is presented, their application in real-world case studies is analyzed, and a path for the future is discussed.
Buildings are one of the major consumers of energy in Europe. This makes them an important target when aiming to reduce the energy consumptions and carbon emissions. The majority of the European building stock has already some decades and so it needs renovation in order to keep its functionality. Taking advantage of these interventions, the energy performance of the buildings may also be improved. In Portugal the renovation techniques, both regarding energy efficiency measures as well as measures for the use of renewable energy sources, are normally planned at the building scale. It is important to explore the possibility of having large scale interventions, has it has been done in other countries, namely at neighbourhood scale with district energy system in order to optimize the results in terms of costs and environmental impact.
Due to communication and technology developments, residential consumers are enabled to participate in Demand Response Programs (DRPs), control their consumption and decrease their cost by using Household Energy Management (HEM) systems. On the other hand, capability of energy storage systems to improve the energy efficiency causes that employing Phase Change Materials (PCM) as thermal storage systems to be widely addressed in the building applications. In this paper, an operational model of HEM system considering the incorporation of more than one type of PCM in plastering mortars (hybrid PCM) is proposed not only to minimize the customerâ s cost in different DRPs but also to guaranty the habitantsâ  satisfaction. Moreover, the proposed model ensures the technical and economic limits of batteries and electrical appliances. Different case studies indicate that implementation of hybrid PCM in the buildings can meaningfully affect the operational pattern of HEM systems in different DRPs. The results reveal that the customerâ s electricity cost can be reduced up to 48% by utilizing the proposed model.