725 resultados para Nursing - Psychological aspects


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The purposes of this study were: a) to examine the role of personality and selfregulation in the gambling behaviour participation of late adolescents and emerging adults. In particular, the present study examined i f certain personality traits were more prevalent in high-risk gamblers than in young people considered low or at-risk gamblers; and, b) to examine i f the ability to self-regulate helped distinguish differences among the three groups of gamblers (low-risk, at-risk, and high-risk gamblers). A sample of late adolescents and emerging adults (N = 100) attending Brock University, completed a survey that assessed current gambling behaviour (both frequency and consequence experience), personality, self-esteem, and self-regulation. It was found that high-risk gamblers had lower scores on the personality dimensions Emotionality, Conscientiousness (especially on its Prudence facet), and Honesty-Humility (especially on its Fairness, Greed Avoidance, and Modesty facets) than at-risk or low-risk gamblers and higher scores on impulsive sensation seeking and impulsivity than at-risk or low-risk gamblers. Similarly, high-risk gamblers reported lower levels of self-regulation than both at-risk and low-risk gamblers. The findings from this study support past research which suggests that young people who gamble at problematic levels differ on many personality traits and often have more difficulty self-regulating than young people who do not participate at problematic levels. Findings may aid in the development of intervention and prevention programs that utilize specific self-regulation techniques with a young gambling population.


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Orosensory perception strongly influences liking and consumption of foods and beverages. This thesis examines the influence of biological sources of individual variation on the perception of prototypical orosensory stimuli, food liking, self-reported alcohol liking and consumption, and indices of health. Two orosensory indices were examined: propylthiouracil (PROP) responsiveness, a genetically-mediated index of individual variation associated with enhanced responsiveness to orosensory stimuli often expressed as PROP taster status (PTS); and thermal taster status (TTS), a recently reported index of orosensory responsiveness. Taster status in PTS and/or TTS confers greater responsiveness to most orosensory stimuli. Gender, age, ethnicity, and fungiform papillae (FP) density were not associated with orosensory responsiveness to tastants, an astringent, and a flavour. Unlike PROP responsiveness, FP density was not associated with TTS. Both PROP responsiveness and TTS were associated with increased responsiveness to orosensory stimuli, including temperature and astringency. For PROP, this association did not hold when stimuli were presented at cold or warm temperatures, which are ecologically valid since most foods and beverages are not consumed at ambient temperature. Thermal tasters (TTs), who perceive 'phantom' taste sensations with lingual thermal stimulation, were more responsive to stimuli at both temperatures than thermal non-tasters (TnTs). While PTS, TIS, and gender affected self-reported liking and consumption of some alcoholic beverages, gender associated with the greatest number of beverage types and consumption parameters, with males generally liking and consuming alcoholic beverages more than females. Age and gender were the best predictors of alcoholic beverageAiking and consumption. As expected, .. liking of bitter and fatty foods and cream was inversely related to PROP responsiveness. TTS did not associate with body mass index or waist circumference, and contrary to previous studies, neither did PROP responsiveness. Taken together, TnTs' greater liking of cooked fruits and vegetables and high alcohol, and astringent alcoholic beverages than TTs suggests differences between TTS groups may be driven by perceived temperature and texture. Neither an interaction between PTS and TTS nor a TTS effect on PROP responsiveness was observed, suggesting these two indices of individual variation exert their influences on orosensory perception independently.


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This study has found that youth who or whose parents had left their home country for fear-based reasons were less involved within their school and wider community than youth who left or whose parents left for reasons concerning their social mobility. Many existing studies focus on the challenges newcomer youth experience within the education system (see Anisef, Brown, Phythian, & Sweet, 2010), however through the use of qualitative methodologies this study expanded on the current literature by further examining why it is some youth are successful in overcoming such challenges, while others are not. This study supported what has been demonstrated in the literature regarding challenges faced by newcomer youth and resources to address such challenges. Despite challenges experienced within the education system, youth planned to complete secondary school and attend a postsecondary institution. However, not all youth anticipated remaining in Canada upon completion of their education, with youth or youth whose parents left their home country for fear-based reasons frequently discussing the possibility of returning to their or their parents' home country. Thus, perhaps these youth were less involved within their school, as their goal was not necessarily to establish or maintain connections within their community as they may have viewed residing in Canada as temporary. This finding has important implications, as there are benefits to involvement in extracurricular activities, which may assist youth in overcoming challenges encountered within the education system. Therefore, it would seem that youth who had or whose parents had left their home country for reasons concerning their social mobility may have be at an advantage within the education system with respect to their involvement in school. Perhaps then this differential involvement may at least partially explain why it is some newcomer youth are able to overcome challenges they experience in the education system, while others are not. Both policy and theoretical implications are discussed.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 P55 N37 2005


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This thesis is based on 13 qualitative interviews conducted with 12 individuals whom I refer to as (gender)queers in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and St. Catharines, Ontario. Drawing on queer theory and the literature of sexuality and space, I explore how (gender)queers experience women's public washrooms as gendered and heterosexualized spaces. I examine the degree to which a simultaneous heterosexing and female gendering of women's public washrooms is linked to the marginalization and sometimes violent exclusion of (gender)queers within these particular spaces. I also discuss the ways in which (gender)queers may use a variety of strategies aimed at navigating heterosexualized and gendered public washrooms. Finally, I explore alternatives to conventional washrooms spaces, including the gender-neutral washrooms, multi-stall non-gendered public washrooms, and public washrooms in queer spaces.


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Many studies have focused on the concept of humanization of birth in normal pregnancy cases or at low obstetric risk, but no studies, at our knowledge, have so far specifically focused on the humanization of birth in both high-risk, and low risk pregnancies, in a highly specialized hospital setting. The present study thus aims to: 1) define the specific components of the humanized birth care model which bring satisfaction to women who seek obstetrical care in highly specialized hospitals; and 2) explore the organizational and cultural dimensions which act as barriers or facilitators for the implementation of humanized birth care practices in a highly specialized, university affiliated hospital in Quebec. A single case study design was chosen for this thesis. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, field notes, participant observations, selfadministered questionnaire, relevant documents, and archives. The samples comprised: 11 professionals from different disciplines, 6 administrators from different hierarchical levels within the hospital, and 157 women who had given birth at the hospital during the study. The performed analysis covered both quantitative descriptive and qualitative deductive and inductive content analyses. The thesis comprises three articles. In the first article, we proposed a conceptual framework, based on Allaire and Firsirotu’s (1984) organizational culture theory. It attempts to examine childbirth patterns as an organizational cultural phenomenon. In our second article, we answered the following specific question: according to the managers and multidisciplinary professionals practicing in a highly specialized hospital as well as the women seeking perinatal care in this hospital setting, what is the definition of humanized care? Analysis of the data collected uncovered the following themes which explained the perceptions of what humanized birth was: personalized care, recognition of women’s rights, humanly care for women, family-centered care,women’s advocacy and companionship, compromise of security, comfort and humanity, and non-stereotyped pregnancies. Both high and low risk women felt more satisfied with the care they received if they were provided with informed choices, were given the right to participate in the decision-making process and were surrounded by competent care providers. These care providers who humanly cared for them were also able to provide relevant medical intervention. The professionals and administrators’ perceptions of humanized birth, on the other hand, mostly focused on personalized and family-centered care. In the third article of the thesis, we covered the dimensions of the internal and external components of an institution which can act as factors that facilitate or barriers that prevent, a specialized and university affiliated hospital in Quebec from adopting a humanized child birthing care. The findings revealed that both the external dimensions of a highly specialized hospital -including its history, society, and contingency-; and its internal dimensions -including culture, structure, and the individuals present in the hospital-, can all affect the humanization of birth care in such an institution, whether separately, simultaneously or in interaction. We thus hereby conclude that the humanization of birth care in a highly specialized hospital setting, should aim to meet all the physiological, as well as psychological aspects of birth care, including respect of the fears, beliefs, values, and needs of women and their families. Integration of competent and caring professionals and the use of obstetric technology to enhance the level of certainty and assurance in both high-risk and low risk women are both positive factors for the implementation of humanized care in a highly specialized hospital. Finally, the humanization of birth care approach in a highly specialized and university affiliated hospital setting demands a new healthcare policy. Such policy must offer a guarantee for women to have the place of birth, and the health care professional of their choice as well as those, which will enable women to make informed choices from the beginning of their pregnancy.


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La présente recherche porte sur « l’attribution de la responsabilité » auprès d’une population de 166 adolescents auteurs d’agression sexuelle âgés de 12 à 19 ans. Le but premier de cette investigation est de déterminer quels aspects psychologiques (âge, stress post-traumatique, distorsion cognitive, estime de soi, aliénation, immaturité) influencent trois types d’attributions de la responsabilité, soit la culpabilité, l’attribution externe et l’attribution interne, et ainsi sur quels niveaux focaliser le traitement. Les résultats des régressions multiples ont mis en avant deux modèles. Pour le modèle prédisant la culpabilité, une seule composante est retenue, le stress post-traumatique. Ce modèle explique 26% (ajusté) de la variance de la culpabilité (R2=0,29, F(6,120)=8,35, p<0,01). Le modèle prédisant l’attribution externe est composé de l’âge et des distorsions cognitives et permet d’expliquer 25% (ajusté) de la variance (R2=0,28, F(6,122)=8,03, p<0,01). L’attribution interne ne présente aucune corrélation avec les variables étudiées. Le deuxième objectif est d’estimer l’efficacité de la prise en charge du jeune pour modifier l’attribution de responsabilité, selon les différentes modalités qui sont le « milieu de prise en charge », la « durée du traitement » et « l’approche thérapeutique » afin de choisir le programme le plus adéquat. En utilisant l’analyse de la variance (ANOVA), il a été possible de déterminer qu’aucune de ces modalités n’influence l’attribution de la responsabilité. Cette étude présente des limites, notamment la puissance statistique. Comme piste pour de futures recherches, le lien entre l’attribution de la responsabilité et la récidive pourrait être examiné.


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Die Wissenschaft weist im Zuge der Entwicklung von der Industrie- zu einer Wissensgesellschaft einschneidende Veränderungen in der Wissensordnung auf, welche sich bis hin zu einem zunehmenden Verlust der wissenschaftlichen Selbststeuerungsmechanismen bemerkbar machen und einen veränderten Umgang mit dem generierten Wissensschatz erfordern. Nicht nur Änderungen in der Wissensordnung und -produktion stellen die Psychoanalyse vor neue Herausforderungen: In den letzten Jahrzehnten geriet sie als Wissenschaft und Behandlungsverfahren zunehmend in die Kritik und reagierte mit einer konstruktiven Diskussion um ein dem Forschungsgegenstand – die Untersuchung unbewusster Prozesse und Fantasien – adäquates psychoanalytisches Forschungsverständnis. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Forderungen gesellschaftlicher Geldgeber, politischer Vertreter und Interessensgruppen wie auch der wissenschaftlichen Community stellt die Psychoanalyse vor besondere Herausforderungen. Um wissenschaftsexternen wie -internen Gütekriterien zu genügen, ist häufig ein hoher personeller, materieller, finanzieller, methodischer wie organisatorischer Aufwand unabdingbar, wie das Beispiel des psychoanalytischen Forschungsinstitutes Sigmund-Freud-Institut zeigt. Der steigende Aufwand schlägt sich in einer zunehmenden Komplexität des Forschungsprozesses nieder, die unter anderem in den vielschichtigen Fragestellungen und Zielsetzungen, dem vermehrt interdisziplinären, vernetzten Charakter, dem Umgang mit dem umfangreichen, hochspezialisierten Wissen, der Methodenvielfalt, etc. begründet liegt. Um jener Komplexität des Forschungsprozesses gerecht zu werden, ist es zunehmend erforderlich, Wege des Wissensmanagement zu beschreiten. Tools wie z. B. Mapping-Verfahren stellen unterstützende Werkzeuge des Wissensmanagements dar, um den Herausforderungen des Forschungsprozesses zu begegnen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zunächst die veränderten Forschungsbedingungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Komplexität des Forschungsprozesses - insbesondere auch des psychoanalytischen Forschungsprozesses - reflektiert. Die mit der wachsenden Komplexität einhergehenden Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen werden am Beispiel eines interdisziplinär ausgerichteten EU-Forschungsprojektes näher illustriert. Um dieser wachsenden Komplexität psychoanalytischer Forschung erfolgreich zu begegnen, wurden in verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten am Sigmund-Freud-Institut Wissensmanagement-Maßnahmen ergriffen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher in einem zweiten Teil zunächst auf theoretische Aspekte des Wissensmanagements eingegangen, die die Grundlage der eingesetzten Wissensmanagement-Instrumente bildeten. Dabei spielen insbesondere psychologische Aspekte des Wissensmanagements eine zentrale Rolle. Zudem werden die konkreten Wissensmanagement-Tools vorgestellt, die in den verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten zum Einsatz kamen, um der wachsenden Komplexität psychoanalytischer Forschung zu begegnen. Abschließend werden die Hauptthesen der vorliegenden Arbeit noch einmal reflektiert und die geschilderten Techniken des Wissensmanagements im Hinblick auf ihre Vor- und Nachteile kritisch diskutiert.


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Se analiza el patrón de consumo de cannabis en una muestra de 580 jóvenes universitarios (88.4% mujeres, edad media 21.4 años). Si bien se observa que proporcionalmente más hombres que mujeres consumen habitualmente cannabis, la magnitud de consumo de los que se reconocen usuarios es similar en ambos sexos. Se detecta que la dependencia percibida al cannabis se incrementa en función de la magnitud de consumo. Existe una relación positiva entre consumo de tabaco y de cannabis: el 90% de los jóvenes que no ha probado nunca el tabaco tampoco ha probado nunca el cannabis, mientras que menos del 15% de los fumadores habituales de tabaco se hallan en esa situación. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de abordajes conjuntos para la prevención del consumo de drogas, principalmente en lo que se refiere al tabaco y el cannabis


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¿Qué recursos dispone un profesor, alumno, padre o escuela para optimizar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje? El objetivo del articulo es presentar un modelo teórico que permita responder esta pregunta. Tradicionalmente los 'recursos educativos' -artefactos implicados en las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje- se han reducido a ciertos instrumentos como un manual o libro de texto, una libreta o una pizarra.Sin embargo, la psicología cultural advierte que nuestra geografia fisica (personas, objetos y simbolos de nuestro derredor) tiene también un valor psicológico y educativo. En base al modelo ecológico de Bronfenbrenner propone­ mos la existencia de cuatro tipos de recursos: los 'micro-recursos', los 'meso-recursos', los 'exo-recursos' y los 'macro-recursos'. Después de definir estos conceptos los ilustramos con ejemplos derivados de distintas experiencias y programas de investigación e intervención como el "funds of knowledge" ('fondos de conocimiento') de Arizona


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Se plantea que la crítica suele ignorar las colecciones de cuentos que Humberto Salvador publicara entre las décadas de 1930 y 1980. Salvador recrea, a lo largo de toda su producción, la sociedad y la cultura que lo rodean, buscando descifrar su esencia moral, para ello, otorga a la intuición un valor positivo, por sobre la razón. Entre los temas iniciales del autor guayaquileño (década de 1920), sobresale su reflexión sobre el arte, como producción inmersa en la cultura, la historia y la sociedad, una obra sería conjunción del trabajo literario y el azar de la vida cotidiana: por ello es un objeto por encontrarse. Después de este período «estético», Salvador buscó representar la sociedad, con personajes desclasados principalmente, que no se adhieren a ningún código ortodoxo. Hizo énfasis en aspectos psicológicos o en estados mentales (enfermedades como la esquizofrenia, la histeria, etc.). A decir del crítico Wilfrido H. Corral, los relatos del guayaquileño progresan del tema del artista hacia el de la cotidianidad, y de éste al del artista menos libre, son joyas, insiste, de la comedia existencial, de la angustia y de la moderación doméstica.


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Syfte: Att belysa den unga kvinnans upplevelse av beslutsprocessen vid valet av abort, som underlag för helhetsförståelse vid omvårdnaden av denna. Metod: Litteraturstudie som redovisar resultat från artiklar med kvalitativ- och kvantitativ ansats samt två systematiska litteraturstudier. Datainsamling skedde genom databaserna ElinDalarna, Academic Search Elite (EBSCO) och SveMed+. Sökord som använts är - abortion, psychological aspects, decision-making, experience och omvårdnad. Huvudresultat: I beslutsprocessen präglades kvinnorna av ambivalens. Känslor vid oönskad graviditet skiljde sig inte mycket mellan olika kvinnor. Även kvinnor som var säkra i sitt beslut upplevde ambivalens. Abort som en lösning på oönskad graviditet hade sitt pris hur beslutsam kvinnan var. Ett abortbeslut var för många kvinnor en smärtsam nödvändighet och många kvinnor upplevde ångest vid abortbeslutet. Känslor och erfarenhet som kvinnor upplevde i beslutsprocessen och vid abort påverkde kvinnornas känsloliv resten av deras liv. Kvinnors konsultationsmönster, angående sin oönskade graviditet, är annorluna än vid andra stora händelser i livet. Kvinnor sökte ofta stöd i sitt beslutsfattande. Det var viktigt att sjuksköterskan, i mötet med den abortsökande kvinna, förhåller sig neutral i tal samt använda öppna frågor. Slutsats: Under förespegling att kvinnan har ett fritt val gör hon sitt val av abort. Detta val innehåller allehanda komplexa känslor och paradoxer. Det är viktigt med medvetenhet om detta, bland sjuksköterskor, för att ge adekvat och neutral omvårdnad.


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Tolerância ao risco é fundamental quando se tomam decisões financeiras. No entanto, a avaliação da tolerância ao risco tem se baseado ao longo dos anos em diferentes metodologias, tais como julgamentos heurísticos e a teoria da utilidade esperada que tem como base a hipótese dos mercados eficientes. Foi dentro desta ótica que este trabalho se desenvolveu. O objetivo é analisar três diferentes questionários de avaliação ao risco que são na prática amplamente utilizados por consultores financeiros. Foi assumido para isso que os investidores são considerados racionais, conhecem e ordenam de forma lógica suas preferências, buscam maximizar a "utilidade" de suas escolhas, e conseguem atribuir com precisão probabilidades aos eventos futuros, quando submetidos a escolhas que envolvam incertezas. No entanto, em uma análise preliminar dos questionários, estes poderiam estar utilizando conceitos de behavioral finance para avaliarem a tolerância ao risco, ao invés de utilizarem somente a metodologia tradicional da teoria da utilidade esperada. Dessa forma tornou-se necessário o estudo dos conceitos de behavioral finance. O primeiro capítulo então trata dos aspectos psicológicos do investidor, procurando entender como este se comporta e como este forma suas preferências. Apesar do estudo assumir racionalidade nas decisões, se a teoria de behavioral estiver correta e os investidores apresentarem desvios a racionalidade, como a teoria prospectiva afirma, o questionário poderia ser o veículo ideal para identificar tais desvios, sendo possível então educar e orientar o indivíduo em suas escolhas financeiras, afim de maximizá-las. O capitulo dois coloca a análise dos questionários inserida no contexto da teoria moderna de finanças, falando das escolhas de portfólio para investidores de longo prazo. O capítulo mostra de forma bem resumida e simplificada como o investidor maximiza a sua utilidade da riqueza. A idéia desse capítulo é entender como alguns julgamentos heurísticos assumidos na prática por consultores financeiros afetam as escolhas de portfólio e em quais condições esses julgamentos heurísticos são verdadeiros. Isso se torna importante pois os questionários mesclam medidas de risco com horizonte de investimentos do investidor. Estes questionários são utilizados para traçar uma política de investimentos completa para o investidor. Para cada perfil de risco encontrado a instituição traça um modelo de alocação de portfólio. O capítulo três trata da avaliação dos questionários em si tendo como base a teoria da utilidade esperada, os conceitos de behaviral finance e as lições tiradas das escolhas de portfólio para investidores de longo prazo.


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Introdução: A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença inflamatória crônica da pele que apresenta um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, em conseqüência de episódios recorrentes durante a vida. Considerando estudos recentes que descrevem a associação entre aspectos psicológicos e a dermatite atópica, acredita-se que a investigação da existência de um possível perfil comportamental destas crianças possa auxiliar o desenvolvimento de intervenções psicoterápicas específicas, assim como aumentar o conhecimento sobre a doença. Método: Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma avaliação do perfil sóciocomportamental de crianças portadoras de DA e comparando-as com crianças sem a doença. Neste estudo, do tipo caso-controle, foram incluídos dois grupos com idades entre 4 e 18 anos: o grupo estudo, com pacientes portadores de dermatite atópica que consultam no ambulatório do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) e o grupo controle, composto por crianças e adolescentes sem doença dermatológica, matriculados em escola da rede pública de Porto Alegre. O tamanho estimado da amostra foi de 25 indivíduos em cada grupo. A coleta dos dados realizou-se através do CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist), validado no Brasil com o nome de Inventário de Comportamento da Infância e Adolescência. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas duas dimensões globais (internalização e externalização), sendo que as crianças portadoras de dermatite atópica mostraram mais sintomas relacionados com ansiedade, depressão, alterações de pensamento e comportamento agressivo quando comparadas com crianças sem a doença. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam a necessidade de abordagens interdisciplinares no tratamento da criança com DA, valorizando não só as lesões dermatológicas, como também os aspectos emocionais dos indivíduos.


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Este é um trabalho teórico que analisa a questão do estudo dos determinantes da Escolha Ocupacional e do Ingresso na Ocupação. Inicialmente realiza uma crítica de algumas formulações teóricas vigentes, apontando o contefido ideológico a elas subjacente, em especial no caso de formulações de natureza psicológica. A seguir propoe alguns pontos de referência para o estabelecimento de uma posição teórica alternativa, que parte da considera. çao do indivíduo numa perspectiva de totalidade, do indi víduo trabalhador na concretude das relações capitalistas de produção e de trabalho. Nessa abordagem recomenda-se aos que se dedicam ao estudo dos aspectos psíquicos que não deixem que a ê~ . fase no psicológico encubra a importância do econômico. Igualmente os que tratam do econômico nao devem descurar o papel dos aspectos psíquicos.